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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1902)
THE SET $1. Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales , and soften the thickened cuticle ; CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching , irrita tion , and inflammation , and soothe and heal ; and CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS , to cool and cleanse the blood , and expel humour germs. A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing , disfiguring skin , scalp , and blood humours , ecze mas , rashes , itchings , and irrita tions , with loss of hair , when the best physicians , and all other remedies fail. MILLIONS USE CUTIGURA Assisted by CDTICUKA OINTMENT , for preserving , purifying , and beautify ing the skin , for cleansing the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and the Stopping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and soothing red , rough , cnil sore hands , for baby rashes , itchings , and chaflngs , and for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Millions of Women use CUTICURA 6OAP in the form of baths for annoying irritations , inflammations , and ex coriations , for too free or offensive perspiration , in the form of washes for olcerative weaknesses , and for many sanative , antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers. No other medicated tfoap Is to be compared with CUTICURA for preserving , purifying , and Beautifying the skin , scalp , hair , and hands. No other foreign or domestic Cctfetsoap , however expensive , is to be compared with It for all th purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONB FraCE , the BEST skin and complexion soap , and the BKST toilet and baby ocp in the world. COMPLETE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR. Consisting of Ctrrictnu. 3or (2Sc ) , to cleans * the skin of crust * aad ( pticura scales , aud soften the thickened cuticle ; CtmcURA OiXTJfMT ( Me. ) , to instantly allay itching , Inflammation , and irritation , and sooth * and heal ; and COTICUEX HEBOLTHVT PILLS (25c. ( ) , toooi a d cleans * THE SET Si. the blood. A 8r\ai.E SIT is of ten sufficient to core th - tuort tnrturlof , , Itching , burning , and eay ! ikln , ealp , no.i blood bunioura , < raib , ttcbitigi , "d Irritation * , wltb ! o t of hair , when all el fails , s'ohi throughout th i world. Britiih Depot : 27-28 , Charterhouse 8q. , London. French Depot : o Ktie do la I'aix , Parii. POTTBB DBO AKP Cnu. Coup. , tfol Prop * . , Botioa. U. 3. A. A U about the Skin , " CtrriCOBA RMOtrKHT PrLLS ( Chocolate Coated ) are a . * \r , ItuteleM , odourlsts. economical nbultuu > for the celebrated liquid CCTICUBX RESOI.VP.NT. wrl ! * for all other blood purifion ad batBonr cure * . Each pill it equiralent to onn tr a ] oiiiul of liquid KKVOLVKNT. Put up la erew-cnp pocket Tlal . containing the arn * nnmbr of dow HI H Sic. bottlo of liquid U - OZ.TBNT. price 25c. CUTICCBA PiLL arc alu-ratlvo. Antiseptic , tonic , and directive , and beyond urtion the purest , rtreeteit , tnont euccMxfiil and economical blood and akin purifiers , bamoor cam , nod tonic-digestives yet compounded. Why He "Wept. The extensive authority of pan'nts nder the Chinese laws is well known. A Chinaman of forty years , whose aged mother flogged him everyday , shed tears in the company of one of bis friends. * Why do you weep ? " he was asked. "Alas ! things are not as they used to be , " answered the devoted son. 'The poor woman's arms grow feebler every day ! Sporting Times. Sold by C3 Donclns Storenad tlwbcstshon dtsietc cT 7 b re. I'AIJTIOJCI Tho genuuie hare Vf. I. . ' * uame and price stamped on btttout. ffotiet increase otaltt in taiU lulou : J809 = t 7 48.108 P tr . 1800 = 1,259,754 Pairs * 1901 = 1,566,720 Pairs , More Than Doubted in Four Years. IV. l Uouxli" ) "takes xnd sells more men' * ? n fein * tiors t ban any other two insnTn In th ? world W. ! . DOUK'.M JF-1.00 nnd'SS. 0 shoes placed * 2tle t > y * Me wtth $ .t > an > l sLoci of other Kafc * * , are fuitiit to IT Jtmt r. good. They will odwear two ; ctrj of onluary fcJ.oo an J3.EO shoes. Mude of ttie bett leather * , including Patent C--i > na Kid , Corona Celt , end National Kangaroo. r rt C1r Kr ltt * nd Alwirf W.I.DeogU. fti.00 "Ollt K < Jr tt " m .t W cculM Shoe * by mall 85o. xtr . C t MW R e. W. ft. Doagliu. llroektoa. M prsos : CURE FOR . UUR S WHtRE ALL ELSE FAILS. , I Bast Congh Syrnp. TastcaOood. U eJ in ttmo. Bold by drngglste. CONSUMPTION . i.U-NO. 7t6 17 YORK , NEB. Integrity Baffles Duplicity Nothing more completely bafflrs one who is full of trick and duplicity than straightforward and simple in tegrity in another. Suy Crocker Will Return. It has been declared over and ovei that Ricbrad' , Croker hjis expatriat ed himself for good , but officials of the iSTew York Democratic Club sa > s that the boss will ex-Tammnay re turn in September and will take a hand in the fall campaign as usual. "C" With a Tail. The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light bine enameled metal box ! Each tablet stamped C C. C. Never sold in bulk. Ali drug ists , ice. Ely's ten Balm fillCURE fillT Druggists , CO Cta. A pplr Balm iato * eh nostril. KL.1T BR08.56 W = n StJf.T. . E e , Durability. Simplicity wltfc G&Jfmt Accidents arc rare , pleasure u increased by their superior elasticity , and you can mend thtm ttrftfc your hand * no tools required. Our automobile tires are just as safe , satis factory and reliable. a * J T1RB COMPANY. la taaap lto , la * . One of the briefest naval dispatches ever penned was Captain Walton's message to his chief , Admiral Byng , after the defeat of the Spanish fleet off Cape Pessaro in 1718 , and it ran thus : "Sir I have taken and burnt as per margin , going for Syracuse , and am , sir , your obedient servant J. Wal ton. " Jacob A. Rlis tells of an Irish team ster who went to the priest in a fright ; he had seen a ghost on the church wall as he passed it in the night. "And what was it like ? " asked the priest. "It was like nothing so much as a big ass , " said Patrick , wild-eyed. "Go home , Pat ! and be easy , " replied the priest , soothingly ; "you've only seen your own shadow. " Thomas Bailey Aldrich once received a pathetic letter in a feminine hand announcing the death of a little daugh ter , and asking if he would not send in his own handwriting a verse or two from "Babie Bell" to assuage the grief of the household. Aldrich sent the whole poem , and not long after saw it displayed in the shop of an au tograph dealer , with a good , round price attached thereto. Little Prince Edward of Wales , son of England's heir-apparent , said , the other day , to a lady who was visiting the royal children in their nursery : "Do you think that great-grandmam ma is quite happy in heaven ? " "Yes , dear , " replied the lady : "don't you think so ? " "Well , I am not quite sure , " answered he ; "you see , she will ha.e to walk behind the angels there , and here she always walked in front. " On one occasion a great public din ner was given to Isaac Hull by the town of Boston , and he was asked to sit for his picture to Gilbert Stuart , the celebrated artist , who was a great braggart. When Hull visited his stu dio , Stuart took great delight in en tertaining him with anecdotes of his English success , stories of the Mar quis of This , and the Baroness of That , which showed how elegant was the society to which he had been ac customed. Unfortunately , In the midst of this grandeur , Mrs. Stuart , who did not know that there was a sitter , came in with her apron on and her head tied up with some handkerchief , from the kitchen , and cried out : "Did you mean to have that leg of mutton boiled or roasted ? " To which Stuart replied , with great presence of mind : "Ask your mistress. " Captain Richard Phillips Leary , U. S. N. , who passed away not long ago , issued a number of proclamations shortly after he was made first gover nor of Guam , which contributed ma terially to the gayety of nations. Per haps his most famous order was on the subject of matrimony , upon which subject the natives of Guam did not seem to have very definite ideas. Cap tain Leary enlightened them in a gen eral order , which was as sensible-as It was direct. The proclamation threat ened fine and imprisonment for the re fractory ones , requiring every one to be married by either church or state , and promising marriage licenses free for six weeks. The order was gener ally obeyed , and Captain Leary report ed that "the divorce court and the hy meneal altar are popular resorts. The court orders and the merry wedding bells are constantly and harmoniously ringing out their decrees. " Cntchlnc Red-Hot Rivets It would seem not to be a pleasing occupation , even if the rivet is caught in an old nail-keg , yet the feat is con stantly performed by workmen on the rapid transit subway in New York. An old riveter described the operation to a reporter of the Sun. Ordinarily , he said , they catch rivets just as they are doing here , in a rivet- keg or something of that sort. But there arc men who catch rivets with a pair of tongs ; just reach out for them and nip a red-hot rivet out of the air with the nipper part of the tongs , the same as a bird would nip a flying feather or what not out of the air with his beak. You might see rivets caught in this manner by riveters at work on the structure of the elevated railroad- thrown up to them from a forge on the ground below. This , to be sure , would not be commonly a very high throw or a long catch , but it takes skill , never theless , to catch a rivet with a pair of tongs even at that distance. You might see rivets nipper-caught at greater dis tances than that sometimes by riveters at work on buildings. Back Talk. Mr. Spate It's not polite to yawn in the presence of company the way you did. did.Mrs. Mrs. Spate I know that , but I put my band up to my mouth and Mr. Spat7/ That's not sufficient. You should use something that would com pletely conceal your mouth. Philadel phia Press. Very Similar. "Have you ever passed through the 'Cave ot the Winds ? ' " asked'the drum mer of the long-haired'passenger , us tlie train approached Niagara Falls. "Nor exactly. " replied the 1. h. p. sadly. "But 1 married a Pittsburg widow nearly a year ago. " Chicago News. Courtship is apt to make a young couple BO light-beaded that they can dispense with gas. Justice is blind and so is fame , judging by some of the selections gb * makes. Presidents on Postage Stamp.1 * . If President McKinley's portrait i put on one of the postage stamps o the country , as dispatches fron Washington have said is likely to b done in case the post office depart ment brings out a new issue , his por trait will be the ninth of a prcsideni to be used in that way , says th New York Sun. Ever since Uncli Saui's post oHiec began makinj. stamps iu 1847 or thereabouts , thi fice ; of Washington has appeared 01 one of the stamps in every reugla- issue , and with a single exceptioi on a stamp of low value and genera ! use. Benjamin Franklin's face has * * - ways adorned postage stamps of lov value , and has tb'is become familial to people who send or receive letter- ever since 1847. Presidents otho than Washington whose faces hnu appeared on the stamps are .letter son , Jackson , Lincoln , GariieUi. Grant , Madison and Taylor. Of thi stamps of higher values the 8-ceni stamp now bears Sherman's picture the 10-cent Webster's , the I5-ccnl Clay's , the 30-cent Jefferson's , the dollar stamp Perry's , the two-dollai Madison's and the five-dollar Mar shall's. Earth n a Conductor. Kuglish experiments conducted with what is known as the "Annorl' ' system , are now attracting wide at tention , and are believed to have carried telegraphy without artificial conductc-rs far beyond the invention of Marconi. By this plan the elec tric vibrations are sent through the irround , no poles or receiving points to gather the current from the air being needed to make the system operative. : * Knithful llorse. When the duke of Wellington was fighting ij Spain there were two horses which had always drawn tht- same gun , side hy side , in many bat tles. At last one was killed , and the other , on having his food brought as usual , refused to eat , hut turned his head round to look for his old friend , and neighed many times as if to call him. All care was in vain. There were other horses near him , but he would not notice them , and he soon afterward died , not hav ing tasted food since his former com panion was killed. A Postmaster's Discovery. Lancaster , N. Y. , April 21. Mr. John Reruers , postmaster of this village , was Lftken with Diabetes four years ago. For two years he doctored with local physicians as well as several specialists from Buffalo , but got no better. In deed he was gradually growing worse. He stopped taking the doctors' metli- ine and commenced a treatment of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He used in all ibout ten boxes and is as strong and veil to-day as ever he was. He attributes his recovery to nothing mt Dodd's Kidney Pills and says : "If I could only talk fiveminutes to very one who has Diabetes I am sure [ could convince them that they nee'.in't suffer a moment longer when Dodd's Kidney Pills are on sale In every drug store. "I will cheerfully answer any letters from sick men or women , as I think every Diabetes sufferer should be told of Dodd's Kidney Pills , the remedy that saved my life. " The more you flatter some people , the more they rise in their own es timation. Yon Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FRI3E. Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy , N. Y.f for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder to shake Into your shoes. It cures tired , sweating , damp , swollen , aching feet. It makes new or ti&ht shoes ( easy. A certain cure for Corns ami Bunions. All drugglsts and shoe stores Bell It. 25e literally threw herself at him. Belle Oh , well , she knew he was a good catch. Dyeing is as simple a * washing when yon use PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. The largest coral reef in the world is the Australian Barrier reef , wnicb is 1.100 miles in length. Scnool For Jockeys. Kentucky turfmen are discussing the advisability of establishing a national school for jockeys , modeled on the same lines as the one operat ed * > y the Russian government. The project , to be successful , would have to include as the czar's school does , a "Siberia" for the boys who turn out "crooked , " and to that end it might be a good thing. The Easter lily is in bloom , but the egg plant is backward EectricBalm. A eorer tei external remedy that * 1U cure Exzerra , Tetter , Salt Rheuia and all skin dib < > aie . 50c and 1-CO bottles. Electric Uem dy Oo. , O. Start factory at home ; no erpenss. bior profits. Par ticulars lOc silTer. J. A West , JTo. 134 E. St. 3. E. Washington , i ) . c. JL Xew DiscoTery for beautifying the ? kin. Perfect ly harrolws. Trial treatment sent upon receipt of ifcc lj plain case. Aildreas : Kmc. Theobald. So. 6738 IA Sutl.-St. Chicago , 111. 1 ow to make paint for le per pound. fcnnnla ; : . opon receipt of 2Sc. Lister Ktatfcer , JJo 3 JIafketst. KtLoLl , Mo. Agent * he piofresalve. Manufacture your own yooda . FJve valuable moneytnaMnf ; secrete cent upon receipt of Me. Cook &Co. Ko. 1311 X. Sarah at. Bt Louis , Mo. Baldot-s a crtax. Cantharrla cures baldacea , dan draff and prer nfc jrray hair , or money refunded. Price 11.09 , trial treatment lOe. Addre : Caatharln Mfff. Co. , P. O. Box 3X3 , Bprblifleld. O. "We pay yon M.W weekly writing lettan for us ere- nlaga. Stamped envelop * tor particular * . Woloott Supply Co. , .Newton , K. 1 , Agents b * prcrretelrei manufacture yoor own goods. Five valuable moaey-saklng' secret * sent Trp- oo receipt of UoAddress i F. K. Cash. Xo. 89 Daiam at. , Norwich , Conn. Silver Fl .U-d Sugar 8h U , or handsets * We pfcj. al < o packet , sure to be of lni rttto ladlaa Eroding Ke In fllvfr to Madame B. Clay Kosher , if * . , 111. ONGRESSWIAN WILBER SAYS' ' [ To the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co. , of Columbus , 0. ] 4Pe = ru = na is All You Claim for It. " DJ.WILBETZ Congressman D. F. Wilber , of Oneonta , N. Y. . writes : The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , O. : Gentlemen--"Persuxded by a friendhave tried your remedy ami I hare 'Imost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles. I am fully convinced hat Peruna is all you claim for it , and I cheerfully recommend your mcdlcln * o all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble. " DA V1D F. WILBER. 'ertmii a Preventive anil Cure for Colds Mr. G. P. Given , Sussex , N. B. , Vice- resident of "The Past-time Boating Inb , " writes : "Whenever the cold weather sets in i lave for years past been very sure to atch a severe cold which v , as hard to hrow off , and which would teave after- ffects on my constitution iie moat of he winter. "Last winter I was advised to try Peruna , and within five days the cold ' \vas broken up and in five days more 1 , 1 was a well man. I recommended it to. veral of my friends and all speak the | highest praise for it. There is nothing | r like Peruna for catarrhal afflictions. It is well nigh infallible as a cure , and J gladly endorse it. " C. F. Given. 1 Gave New Iiife and Strength. ' Mr. Edward Laws , Grown Point , Ind. . i i writes the following : "I must tell you what a grand hull * i Peruna has been .to me. For over tAvo years I suffered with catarrh of the I lungs and throat , and although I doe- ! tored for it , nothing brought me relief ' until I tried Peruna. One bottle helped me greatly , and three more effected a complete curtt , while at the same time it gave such new life and strength to my whole body that I feel like a new man and ten years younger. "I hope that my testimonial rany in- A bigamist is a man with more wives than brains. Have used Piso's Cure for Consump tion nearly two years , and find nothing to compare with it. Mrs. Morjjau , Berke ley , Cal. , Sept. 2. 1901. It's the early bird that gets frost bitten. Godlike. Love is the one thing that makes man Godlike. It is the secret sym pathy the silver tie that binds life to life and heart to heart. Love is given to us that we may fulfill the law. In the social and spiritual world it is a code of morals. Rev. R. B. Hull , Baptist , Boston , Massa- chusetts. Atlas was probably the first fellow to be called a man of the world. J UST THINK OF iT Every fanner his ow landlord , no Incuia- bruuesnU ban'aecount increasing year by year , Lund Tjilue increasing , atocic Increasing , sjilm- did climate , eic-lleot schools aud churches , | low taxation , hl h prices ' lor ca J and grain , ow railway rates , and erery posgib e comfort. This is the condition of th farmer in Western Canada , Province of Manitoba | aud districts of Assiutbola , Saskatchewan and Alberta. Thousands of Americans are now * ett ! ii there. Seduced rate * on all railways for home- seekeri and settlers. New districts are fceins opened ap thi-year. The new40pace Atlas of ' WegternCanada s nt fre to all applicants. Apply to . P. Pedley , Supt. of Immigration. Ottawa. Can. , ot 1 to W. Y. Bennett , 801 New York Life Bide. , Oma ha , Xcb. , Agent for the Gor * rameut of Canada. An Opportunity is Offered To a gentleman of Integrity In your section to represent a lar e Banking and Brokerage flrm doing business in NEW YORK CITY. To the right party we will pay B. liberal salary or com- mifision. Address T. 8. MEYER & CO. , W BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY Good Things to Eat From Libbj's famous hjjrfenie kitchens , wton purity preTail * . Ail rasuts os d in LIBBY'S Natural Flavor Food Products are U. 1. GoT Tnwi ntTB p * i d. Thcwholsaoma- MM sjid todass of Tsrrartiel * is pnMrvsd in ite Btvpaxsjttaa lor j ar c aT aiaac . in th * faaadjr pai K aas. AnpBlroBTo rpsj > tiTBhlrM ! J ut bar * always at hand the essentials bast nwals. The littla book. "How to - Taln m oBat , " Ulta all aboot them n4 In * . Ubb/'s ttlx t ths > Waridp msiltii WM TnT It S 1SI pMUjl. t McNUJ. * UMY , OKAOO. ft others who are similarly to rry Peruna. " Edward Laws. A Prominent Smuer Sivt : < i from of Voice. Mr. Julian Weisslitx , 17 J Iv'iieca street , Buffalo. N. Y. . is - ritiondin ; : secre tary uC Tin ; SausctTiiijjt. of New York ; la the leading second . - * of the Sanjjer- lust. ih * > largest G"nn.ui siii ln society uf Xt w York , ami : i' \ > the o.tiiMt. In 1SOJ ) Thi' ' i ; : - ! Ht i-tilebrated it fiftieth amiivr.- ! / v ilh a large celebra tion in Now Yrc ! City. The follo-in : < his tt.-tir/-a y : "About : vvoi'.rra . aijo I caught A severe coldvhilt1 I raveling and which .ettlfil into eutarrh of the bronchial .uhe > , and ao .i\ected my voice that I Jn distress. I \ \ as advised to try I'eruna. and although I had nevRr used a patent mod'cirt * 1fore 1 , I sent for a hottle. "SVonls but illy describe my surprise t tin' that , within a few days I was greatly j , and within three veeks I wa . , - recovered. I am never without it now , aud take an occasional dose whc * I feel run down. Julian Welsslitz. " If you do not derive prompt aud satis factory results from the use of Peruna , write at once to Dr. Hartman , givinjp ft full .statement of your case , and he vrilt be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice jrratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President ot The llnrtman Sanitarium. Columbus. O- The grass widow sometimes Hods herself In clover. GOOD IIOUSKKICKlMUtS Uue the best. That's why they buf Red Craal Hull Blue. At leading groc'-ra , 5 cents. Trolly cars and motor 'bases ara driving tbc familiar London omni bus off the streets. EARLIEST RUSSIAN Will vou be .short of hay ? If so plant * " plenty "of this piodiually prolific millet. 5 to 8 Tons of Itich Hay I'er ACT * . I riu , 60 lb . 91.UU ; 10V Ib * . * 8.UV Les FrelcM. Jolin A. Salzer Seed Co. , La ( , rose. Wi . < 9 Noln a Po'Hport to popularity. Noise is nob usually a passport to popularity. But the ArchbishopoJ Cmterbury by flls stentorian voica won thf * affections nwnv rears nijo of a Devonshire farmer , who was over heard to say admiringly , near tr bciiom of a church where the then Bfshop of Exeter was preaching1 : ' I du love the beshup , 'cos it hollers proper. " Good foraojiiody ! HAVANA FILLER ' ' 'FLORODORA'BANDS ere of same value as tags from 'STAR : 'HORSE SHOE : "SPEARHEAD : 'STANDARD NAVZ 'OLD PEACH & HONEY" and CT * Tobacco. - *