Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 17, 1902, Image 1
A\ VALENTINE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY. NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. APRIL 17 , 1902. NUMBER 13 \ , * * * * * * * * * * * Every Dollar You Spend * w & for clothing this Spring outside of this store is honestly from 20 to 40 per cent wasted and our values will prove it. If you respect your time a'ad money you will at once acquaint yourself with our superior val ues for the Spring and Summer of 1902 : : : v The. Red Front C * I * REMOVAL SALE ! About May 1st we will move Into the Republican Building. To reduce stock before moving we make a Special Discount on all Cash. Sales. Lots of goods cut deep Some square in two D. 8TINARD.TAILOK . Sporting Goods . * * .3 An assorted line of Fishing Poles , Hooks , Reels , Balls , Bats , Gloves , Bicycle Sundries and Marbles. Q , W , Morey , the Old Reliable Jeweler , on OVERSHOES , UNDERWEAR and many other WINTER GOODS W. A. PETTYCREW , General Merchandise Get one of our Steel Ranges ! Saves time in cooking Saves coal. It's what you need A Household Necessity. Kitchen Furniture to make housework a pleasure. Your troubles disappear when you buy your Hardware of us. AND ERSON & FISO H ER , CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line oi ; Steaks , R Dry Salt Me.ats , Smoked Breakfast Highest cash price paid for 'The place to get the best Windmill , alsc pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher House. S.MOON , - Valentine , Nebr Bates Seasonable Give a Tdal A. Schatztlmuer , Propr. TALK OF THE TOWN H. B. Clapp , of Simeon , was in town Tuesday. Cole Ainsle , of Simeon , was in town the latter part of last week. . Michael Joseph called at this office last Saturdayvhile in town on busi ness. ness.Don't Don't forjjet that next Tuesday , the * 22nd , is the date of Joseph Schaefer's sale. The new extension of the Elkhorn is furnishing a good field for town site Doomers. Hackherry Thompson was in from his ranch on the Kiobrara river the first of the week. Mrs. E. McDonald , who has a gen eral merchandise store at Crookston , was in town Monday. Misses Sadie and Ethel Dewey vis ited friends in Wood Lane , Saturday. The former is still there. S , L. Ellis , a store keeper at Simeon , was transacting business in this city the latter part of last week. Milo Pickering , of Lynch , stepped in front of a team of runaway mules to stop them and was killed. W. D. Morgareidge , of Simeon , was shaking hands with old friends in town , Tuesday and Wednesday. Theo. Tillson , of Penbrook , was transacting business and visiting friends in town the first of the week , At the rate incubators are being shipped in here the chickens will , in time , crowd the cattle off the range , Come to the M. E. church next Sun * day eyening and hear the large chorus choir led by Prof. Crandall in several special pieces. The assessor has started on his an nual tour and , like the gentle rain from heaven , he falls alifce on the just and the unjust. Chas. Lane , of Brownlee , deposited a dollar iii the DEMOCRAT treasury and will read this household necessity during the coming vear. Messrs. Quigley & Chapman have installed the finest soda fountain in western Nebraska and will have it in operation about the first of May. Several of the regular army were in town Friday looking for three of the soldiers who had become weary of army life and jumped their jobs. There Is a rumor in the air that a new passenger train is to be added to this end of the road. The people hereabouts would not object to such an arrangement. Chas. J. Gylenflect , the tailor at the post , died on the oth inst. from heart disease. He was born in Stockholm , Sweden , and was 58 years old at the time of his death. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss. The sheep men of Wyoming and Utah are rapidy taking steps to freeze the cattle men out of western Wynm- ing. In doing ao they are purchasing the land , thus doing away with the free range. So far this month the Union Pacific has sold lands to the sheep men as follows : Hiqh & Gir- rard , 5,000 acres ; Hatch Bros. , 7,000 acres ; W. G. Forney , 6,250 acres ; Fred Kindtt , 9,500 acres. Another deal is about closed by which a firm of sheep men are buying 23,000 acres in Carbon county. Speaking of advertising , it is' well to remember that the merchant who advertises is the enterprising fellow. He is a pusher. Advertising in the newspaper is not the only way he pushes. It is just as natural for him to keep the best goods and make the lowest prices as it is for him to adver tise , and he does. The enterprising merchant would "rather make many sales on a smairproflt'each $ hafl a 'fc _ sales on a large profit each , and he is the man who advertises. Hooper . , . Sen- . i ( i i -i - - < r i ? .1 T-he remains of a stranded troupe struck town last Thursday and billed the town for a show at Cornell's hall , and a fair crowd turned out to greet them. The Irish comedian , the bar rel jumper and the slack wire per former were above the average. The "phenomenal lady baritone51 was about the size of a baby elephant and when she gets more practice will be a strong rival of the Cherry sisters , and the other woman , who wore a grey dress cut low at the top and high at the bottom , has evidently missed her calling when she took to the stage. For a small C9mpany , however , they At this time of the year all sorts of medicines are offered as a cure for "that tired feeling" but nothing un der the sun but time will give relief. The large ranch and all the cattle belonging to Dr. .1. L. Wortman , P. V. and O. A. Peterson , in Rock county , has been sold to J. B. Young , of Iowa , or 830,000 The appetite of the editor of the Butte Gazette is evidently on the im prove. He advertises that he wants a load of hay on subscription and wants it bad. J. E. Hendrlcks , of Cody , stopped off in town Tuesday evening. He was en route for Ainsworth , on business. Mr. Hendrtcks was formerly proprie tor of the Dew Drop , at Cody. Mark Cyphers has received his new incubator and now he is telling how he wound the thing up and started it going and the next morning had nine chicks in it. That incubator is a dandy and it would give us pleasure to herald its virtues at regular ad vertising rates. N. S , Rowley , of Kennedy , is con vinced that advertising pays , as far as the DEMOCRAT is concerned. A short time ago he advertised for some of his horses which had strayed off and now he writes us that he has found them. There's no use talking , adver tising in the DEMOCRAT pays. Fred Reno , of Rushville , sent a let ter through the mails in which lit threatened to wipe a neighbor off the face of the earth. He has been sen tenced to a year in the penitentiary , where he will have ample time to re gret his stj'le of notifying intended victijna of their approaching doom. Joe , Marshall was quite seriously hurt out at the stone quarry last week by a can of powder exploding in his hands. The flesh on his hands was burned to the bone and his face was also quite severely burned , the eyelids being-almost completely burned off. He is reported as getting along fairly well and will probably not lose his eyesight. The business men of Rusbville hold regular meetings and at their last one the resolved that the proposed land leasing bill was against the best interests of every citizen in Sheridan county , and they charged that it was being railroaded through congress without giving people and chance to be heard. A committee was appoint ed to circulate a remonstrance. Lin coln Independent , The Knights of Pythias of Valen tine gave a social and smoker to their friends , Tuesday evening , and the af fair was a complete success. Card ? , cigars and a social talk were the pro gram until about 11 o'clock , when re freshments were served. About thir ty were there and they don't care how soon there is another social just like it. Like all other live lodges , they are royal entertainers. The DEMOCRAT stated last week that when the fraternal hall was com pleted there would be an appropriate opening by the Masons and Workmen. Some of our readers have under stood it to mean that there would be a joint entertainment of the two lodges and wish us to state that there is no arrangement for anything of that kind. We made the statement on the supposition that any lodge vrould be proud enough of such an el- legant new home that they would have an opening that would astonish the natives. Educational BY LETA SIETTER , / "God keep us thrp' tlje'.winnjjjn day. ' T ose leye.rst retches , 'yhite ith , d vit , ' ' "Vyhe'u Vearfly'the Imnds'upral Tlieir'drcapburdeq sltoeVhe/must. " 7MargretSangster. he class of ' 02 npw display t < hejs class colors made UD ; n > nea Irwin Query has tnraVd ; in , his. books , not intending to finish the iemester. 3 Mr. Crandall was with thlLigli school for opening exercises , Mclday 'morn ing. ing.Miss Miss Pettijohnwas dettmed. from school duties by illness , toring the first of the week. \ Examination was eonductej through out the school , Friday. It wfc the last high school exam , that the se iiors will ever experience and they felti lat they had crossed the Red Sea and v sre near- out of 49i 2 * 49 We make our business pay us 49 by makiag it pay you. 49 49 49 49 49 49 Al ] our Winter Goods 49 I * I * 49 49 49 49 49 UST GOI I I * * 49 49 You know what that means. 49 49 & 49 49 fcfr I PRICES - THE - LOWEST * & & i > 49 49 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER & 49 49 General Merchants. 49 o-or a ? or or 9 ? Phillipinos all Quiet So am I. I wish Cherry County to be quiet also , and , as I am not going there , all will come to my gallery and see how quiet I am to take your Photos , Guaranteed to please the most fastidious. Call and see A. G. SHAW , : VALENTINE , NEBR. WE CARRY A CQMPkLTE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CHOOKSTOX 11 ASK A THEDONOHER , , , . J C WEliV Proprietor. .Is the Bost Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-DollarsVDay FIBST-OLASS MODERN HOTEIL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Kooms YALEHTIEE - NEBRASKA 8 U.G.MCBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL 1 VALENTINE NEBRASKA i ! HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska GEr AT s PRINTING m YOUR OFFICE * : ' Vc Cto Stiity You to Quilfht ftfc &