Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 10, 1902, Image 3

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    cc I suffered terribly and was ex
tremely weak for 12 years. The
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water. At last I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla , and was soon
feeling all right again. "
Mrs. J. W. Fiala , Hadlyme , Ct.
No matter how long you
have been ill , nor how
poorly you may be today ,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en
riching the blood.
Don't doubt it , put your
whole trust in it , throw
away everything else.
51.00 a bottle. All drugcists.
Ask your doctor ivliat lie thinks of Ayer's
Bareaparllla. Fie knownall about this grand
old family medicine. Follow his advice and
J. C. AVER Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Antft Il ve Peculiar WayH.
T Certain kinds of black ants have
little yellow ants which do most ol
their work for them. Once ii
awhile these little yellow fellows wiT
strike and the "blacks"
go on a try
to foroe them hack to work by cut
ting off their food supply. If thai
iocs not succeed they will attacl
tho strikers in force or make a rail
and get another gan # of "yellows"
Into the colony. Hut the newcomer *
as a rule Join the strikers. Tin
strike ends by the "yellows" escap
ing and foundniga colony for them-
How's Thin ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars r - . .v'l for nnj
ase of Catarrh that cannot IHMM.H-J by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. .T. CHKNKY & CO. . I'oleilo. ( > .
We the tmderslcned have known r. .1. hi ty t
Igr the last ir years , and Iwlieve him iK-rtftl-
honorable In all bti.slness tran > : ictiuus and flr ui
lallyable to carry out imy obligation * minle l > >
telr & TRUAX. Wholesale DrugKlsts , Toledo. O.
AT.DIKO. KlXNAJf & MAKVI2C. Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo. ( ) .
Hall's Catarrh Cure is token Internally , actlnc
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
Iba system. Testimonials sent free. Trice 76C ,
er Ixittle. Sold bv all Drupulst- : .
Hall's Family Pills are thf > best.
Muni la II * s 154 Lawyers.
There are 154 lawyers in cue city ol
Manila , as shown by the register in
the supreme court. Of these fifty-
nine are other than Spanish and Fil
ipino , being mostly Americans
Many of both classes hold salaried
positions under thegoverment in tht
legal work of the departments.
FOCKET BOOKS Buy dlret-t from the Mfr. anil Fart
fciUf. Mailed on receipt of 15 , 5 or 35 c nts according
ta quality desired. State whether for Ladle's ot
e < UcinenV un . National Leather Goods Co. , W
Row , New York.
Six Million Boxes a Year.
In. 1895 , none ; in 1900 , 6,000,000
boxes ; that's Cascarets Candy Ca
thartic's jump into popularity. The
people have cast theirerdict. . Best
medicine for the bowels in the world. |
All druggists , ioc.
Is prepared for sufferers frura
na l caturib who use m
atomlierln spraying the dis
eased membranrt All tbi
healing and ( oothiif proper
ties of Crem Bairn are retain
ed ia the new preparation. II
doft.snotdrynp tho secretions ; .
pricc.lnolndirg sjirvine tufa '
76c. Atdrupplsts or K'y ' Bro . , i
66 Warren St. , If. Y. , wail it ,
Sold by 63 DouRlat Stores in
Amsrican cities , and the Se t ilioe dealers everywhere.
Cinllon 1 The j enuint luiv ?
\V. L Uousias * rwme and price m i
stamped on th - bottom. J
Bee Inerceue of < tltt < table bitott
ISfiS : :749.TOS Pairs.
13001 = 1,259,754 Pairs.
1901 = 1,560,720 Pah's.
Pusfncss More Than Doubled in Four Years.
V ? J. . l > oujlAS itmkeu Mid M1 * mow m n1.00
found to be jnst as cool. They v til outwear txvo
pairs of ordinary S3.00 and S-U'J snw * . .
Marie of the brst leather * , including Patent
Corona Kid , Cororn Colt and National Kangaroo.
J'a t Color KT ! M aa4 Alwnr * DUck Hool * r d.
W.L.I > oupSa ft "CHI Eif Line" rasoot x ji : llc l.
Shoes by ninil. 2R cts. extra. Catalog s
free. IV. L. HQUfiLAS. Erorkton. Mans , jg
Kvery farmer hii owa
landlord , no in cum *
France * , 1:1 * hank account
increAsin year by year ,
luid : vaiuf increasing ,
I < < too < c Increasing , tptan *
i did climate , eio-lleat
> school * and churches ,
low taxation , high prlcai
for cattle and grain , otr railway rxtes , and ererj
pofcsib e comfort. This is the condition of tb
farmer in Western Cnnttda. Province of Manitoba
and districts of Assiuilioia , Saskatchewan and
Alberta. Thousands of Americans are uow settled
there. Reduced rati on sll railways for home *
eekers and setters. New dUtricti are hems
pened up thi year. Thu new 40-page Atlas ot
WestcrnCanada sent trw to all applicants. Apply to
f. Pedley , Supt-of Immigration , OtUiwa. Gin. , ot
10 W. V. Bennett. 801 New York Life BideOma -
ka. Neb. , Agent for the Govt-rniceut of Cftuatia.
IIw Followers Purchase House Where
"Science and Health" Wa Written.
The house at Lynn , Mass. , where
Mrs. Mary Raker G. Eddy wrote her
famous book , "Science and Ilealth. "
the law a n d the
gospel of the great
C h r i stiau Science
Church of which
she is the origin
ator and head , has
just been pur
chased by her faith
ful followers in that
city and will be
preserved as a me
morial to their re-
HUS. EDDY. vered teacher. It is
to be remodeled Into a church. There
was talk of tearing down and building
a modern church edifice , but the ma
jority of the society favor making such
changes as will provide a place of wor
ship and at the same time keep intact
as a memorial the room where the
creed was horn.
The house is 12 Broad street , central
ly located and an ideal location for
church purposes. It is the mecca of
thousands of pilgrims who come from
far and near. At present It is occupied
by two families , and they have both
been obliged in self-defense to forbid
Inspection of the Interior of the prem
ises , except in rare cases where people
have traveled exceptionally long dis
tances with this In view.
The upper tenement is occupied by a
Mrs. Cole , and 'the tide of travel turns
more naturally in her direction than to
the lower part of the house , from the
fart iliiil In * room "Mother" Eddy oc
cupied and where she performed her
task is in the upper iO'J < ini ; > nt. Some
days there Is almost a steady stream of
callers ; and the number increased so
rapidly that it took up the time of one
servant answering the bell and inter
fered Avlth household affairs so much
that the door had to be closed to all
The room which Is the subject of
such solicitation is plain , small and is
lighted by a small gable window and
a skylight in the roof , which is to be
seeu in the picture. One door opens
into the hallway and the other leads
to a email closet. The view Is practi
cally confined to a glimpse of the next
housetop , which may be obtained
through the skylight by dint of cran-
intr one's neck , and the beauties of a
lain * which may be seen from the rear
window. There was certainly nothing
to distract Mrs. Eddy's attention from
the work in hand.
Whatever else is chnugfd in remodel
ing the house , it is likvly thai this room
will be preserved as a memenio of the
woman and her work , which has gath
ered such an array of followers in the
ihort lime it has been under way.
How It Bothers Some of the Fair Sex
to Muke Simple Computations.
"Ivish , " said the woman , plaintive-
ly. "that the shop girls wouldn't count
backward. It gets me so rattled. Like
this , for Instance. Suppose you buy 40
cents' worth of something and give
them $ o. Here they come along pretty
soon with your package and thechauge.
'Forty cents , ' they begin. That's the 40
cents you have just spent and conse
quently haven't got. I always con
found it with the ? 5 and think I ought
to have it , and when I find I haven't
got it I get mad. 'Forty cents , ' they
say , 'sixty , one dollartwo dollars ,
three , four , and that makes your five. '
"I never can get the straight of it , "
she sighed , "until I go all over it from
the beginning right , and count one dol
lar , two , three , four-sixty , and then
leave out the 40 rents I have spent and
haven't got"
"It's the same with me. " complained
another woman. "I wonder why they
teach us m : > < hematics in the schools.
What tfcx l does it do us ? I couldn't
an.iiou . ! multiply thirty-three and a
third by rhiriy-ihree and a third than
11 could fly to the moon. "
"Wuj. that's easy. " said the first
woman. , "Thirty-three and a third
multiplied by thirty-three and a third
jis sixty-six and two-thirds , of course. "
The first woman smiled admiringly.
"You were always so much cleverer
about your arithmetic than I was. " she
declared. "I remember that at school.
I was always perfectly idiotic when it
came to doing a sum. When they ask
me now at home to multiply any sort of
fraction bany other sort of fraction
I say : "If you don't believe I am an
educated woman look al my diploma.
There it is the mantelpiece : but
for the love of heaven don't ask me to
do any sort of sum. ' "
The blonde girl put in :
'We : ire the same way. " she said ,
"Cad and I. The other day after pay
ing our hoard we had a lot of change
left. Then , thinking it over , we found
that I owed her 25 cents and sheowed
me IS. We didn't know how to pay
each other. We laid the money down
on the bed and commenced to count it
mt There was a difference , we knew ,
between what she owned me and what
[ ojfred her. but for the life of us we
couldn't tell what it was. "
"The difference between eighteen and
twenty-five is eight , isn't it ? " inquired
the first woman. "Or la It seven ? "
turning to the others. . * .
"I'm not sure. " Hiey replied , "wheth
er it is seven or eight. " and one of the : *
began to count It over and over on h <
fingers , with a puzzled look on her face
"Well , " resumed the blonde girl , saj
the New York Times , "we worried ove
it and worried over it until at last \ \
just counted out the money , each of us
I counted out 25 cents and handed i
to her , and she counted out IS cents an
handed it to me , and that was the
way we could think of to settle it. "
Efforts to Have Garrisons Stationed al
the Hibtoric S-pot.
The citizens of Santa Fe are making
another effort to have Fort Marcy iv-
garrisoned. From a military viewpoint
there is no necessity for troops at that
post , but there are good historic rea
sous for retaining it as a military sta
tion. Fort Marcy is the oldest of thv
posts of the far Southwestern frontier
The original buildings , long since goiu-
to decay , were on a bluff overlooking
New Mexico's ancient capital. The ;
wore laid 8ut by Ilrigadier Genera.
Kearney in 1840 , shortly after his occu
patiou of the city , and their construe
tion was begun by Col. Doniphan'
First Missouri Volunteers and contiu
ued by Col. Price's Second Missouri
Regiment when Doniphan's regimein
marched for Chihuahua.
The post for nearly half a ceuturj
was the headquarters of the Depart
ment of New Mexico. At it have been
stationed many of the most eminent
men In the military annals of the na
tion. With the decay of the old adobe
buildings , from whose sides cannon
frowned down on Santa Fc. new build
ings were constructed at the base of
the bluff. The post was named after
William L. Marcy , who was War Sec
retary during Folk's administration.
Wilh the new policy of concentrating
troops in larger bodies near some great
? ity. Fort Marcy was abandoned , as
were a dozen other posts in New Mex
ico , the allegiance of the Mexican pop
ulation being assured and the Indian
problem having been practically solved.
But with the departure of the troops
Santa Fe felt that her historic pres
tige was declining. The city had never
been without a garrison Spanish , Mex
ican or American for 300 years. Fre
quent petitions have been made for the
restoration of the post. There is not
now. we believe , says the Denver
News , a single garrison post in New
Mexico , and there were formerly near
ly a dozen. In the redistribution of
troops among the various army posts
there Js no good reason why the ardent
wish of Santa Fe should not be granted
and at least a squadron of cavalry senf
to Fort Marcy.
Hnirdrcssing In China.
In China the barber's calling is sup
ported by government. Although his
squat razor only covers an inch or two
at a time and makes the operation un
necessarily tedious , the barber has the
advantage of knowing that be repre
sents lawful authority , somewhat as a
public vaccinator does here. lie ought
never to suffer from being out of work.
Then his perquisite , the combings ,
makes up for natural deficiencies. lie
can sell at clear profit tails of his own
collecting and making. Perhaps the
fact that Chinese hair offers little va
riety in color simplifies this kind of
commerce. The more sable the hair is.
the better ; children's heads are shaven
in order that the tail may afterwards
be as black and thick as possible. A
Chinaman plaits white silk into his
hair when he goes into mourning.
Tales of a tail might be multiplied. The
Chinaman's is more expressive than
any that has not the power to wag with
satisfaction or droop with dismay. Foi
convenience in work it is fastened up
in a coil , but for a man to speak to
his superior without letting it down is
an insult No Christian would enter
church in this deshabille ; a stranger
might possibly do so. and. in such a
case , before beginning the service , the
officiating minister would fix him with
a glance , and politely for the natives
expect politeness under all circum
stances address him :
"Sir , will you kindly let down your
' "
tail' :
Now York's Fonndl ng Hospitals.
The foundling hospitals in New York
have done a great work. The Infant
Asylum , fouuded in 18G5 , has been very
successful. Here mother and child are
kept together and thrive amid whole
some influences. When it was estab
lished the death rate among infants in
the institutions on Randall's and Black-
well's Islands was IX ! per cent. This
rate has been reduced by the Infant So
ciety to nine per cent. , and the. influ
ence of the good work done here has re
sulted in givnt improvements in public
institutions. This was the initial move
ment iu private rharitable societies and
led to the organization of the Catholic
Foundling Asylum and many other in
stitutions that do a vast amount of
good work to-day. Ninety per cent
of the women cared for in the asylum
lead respectable lives. The system of
keeping mother and child together for
months and the good influences brought
to bear have been copied in othnr Amer
ican cities and in Europe. One thousand
patients are cared for in rhe New York
institutions alone.
Fire Losses of America.
Within the last twenty-five years the
fire loss in the United States has ex
ceeded § 2.800.000.000. To this total the
year 1001 has contributed losses aggre
gating over $170.000.000.
Shattering a Dream.
Fond Father Is it true , as Tom tells
me , that he leads his class ?
College President H'm ! Well , yes , he
does Into all kinds of mischief. Soin-
ervllle Journal.
A young man may be as bright as a
dollar , but some girls would rntber
have the dollar.
And the Deposits of the Clicckholdcr
Failed to Make Jt Good.
Here Is a story of two well-known
youns Baltimoreans , wliora we will call
Mr. Tom Black and .Mr. Dick So-aiul-
So. Each prides himself on being abso
lutely up to date and up to snuff In all
particulars. Tom called around to siv
Dick one morning a short time ago. and
had scarcely passed through the door
before Dick exclaimed :
"By George ! The very man. Say.
Tom , I want to go to Boston thih after
noon , and 1 need $75. I wish you'd let
uie have it. I really wouldn't ask you.
but you see my position/ '
"Yes , " ' replied Tom , " a sort of'touch-
and-go or no-touch-uo-go position. Yoi
are better off at home , Dick. It's very
cold in Boston. "
"Fomewhat frosty here , too. It
seems , " said Dick. "But it's all a joke ,
old man. Come in and sit down. "
"Haven't time. " said Tom. "I Ju t
stepped around to see if you wouldn't
let me have that $100 you already owe
me if it's perfectly convenient. "
Dick seemed to make a hurried men
tal calculation , and then told his friend
that he would give him a check for
that amount , but didn't think he had
quite that much in bank.
"But you can go down and see , " he
So Tom took the cheek , invited Dick
to go to the theater with him that even
ing , and hurried down to the bank. The
paj'ing teller took the check , strolled
back , looked at Dick's account , and re
turned to the window , shaking his
"How much does it take to make it
good ? " asked Tom.
"Not allowed to tell , " replied the
Tom went to the receiving teller and
deposited SIO to Dick's credit , but that
didn't make the check good. Another
$10 and still others were put up , with
the same result , until Tom began to
perspire and the bank people to laugh.
Finally Tom deposited his tenth $10 ,
with the remark that It was a tough
game to be up against , and he again
presented the check , only to be met
with another shake of the teller's head
and the Information : "Very sorry. Mr.
Blank , but that account was somewhat
overdrawn. "
Tom gave it up and dashed out of the
bank. He had no sooner gone than
Dick sauntered in , and , asking how
much he had to his * credit , was told
"Just cash me this check for $90 , " he
said , "and if you see Tom Blank to-day
tell him I'm awfully sorry I cannot
be able to see him this evening , as I
have decided to take that little Boston
trip we were talking about thiu morn.
Ing. " Baltimore Sun.
Instance of "Tour Pace IB Familiar *
and Its Results.
An aggravated form of that mental
disorder which possibly js best diag
nosed in the hard-worked expression ,
"Your face is perfectly familiar , but for
the moment your name has quite es
caped me. " Is thus given by a recent
victim of it : "I was on my way to the
theater , and in the corridor of a hotel
I met a man whose face was perfectly
familiar , but whose name I could not
recall for the life of me. The man rec
ognized me instantly , and shook hands
with a display of genuine pleasure.
When I apologized for my haste by ex
plaining that I was going to the theater
he asked me If I had any objection to
his joining me. 1 had none , and he came
along. That evening was a continuous-
performance nightmare. Long before
the first act ended I had lost hopelessly
the thread of the plot in a brain-racking
effort to recall my friend's name. He
seemed to know me"so well'that I had
not the courage to ask him who he was
or where I had met him. After the
theater he asked me to have a bite to
eat with him. I accepted. If ever a
man had earned an honest meal , I had.
In the chophouse I met a real friend.
An introduction and exposure of my ig
norance were Inevitable. I made a clean
breast of It 'For the life of me , ' I said ,
'your name has slipped my tongue. '
Rarely have I seen an expression of
such profound relief , of such peace and
contentment , come over a man's face
as spread over the countenance of my
nameless friend. He grasped my hand
and shook it. 'By Jovehe shouted.
'Do you know 1 haven't had one sec
ond's peace since I saw you , trying to
place you ? Who are you , and what's
your name ? ' " New York Evening
A Deserted Street in Paris.
A queer discovery has been made In
Paris in the shape of a street uninhab
ited and ignored by all. In the course
of the work in progress for widening
the Rue Vaneau , this roadway which
it would be incorrect to describe as a
thoroughfare , considering that the ends
were blocked up was discovered. It
had neither paving stones nor pave
ment , was two meters wide , and an old
Inscription showed that It was former
ly called Rue d'Olivet. It would be
useless to seek the name in a directory ,
for it is certain that until a few days
ago no one knew of the existence of
-.he Hue d'Olivet Paris Messenger.
Clipping * * lorRoyal Reading.
As his children attained the afe of
10 King Edward had everything con
cerning them which appeared In the
newspapers pasted Into albums , and
these were handed over to them when
they reached years of discretion. The
Prince of Wales , however , began at the
beginning , and each of his children has
a volume of newspaper cuttings dating
from the day of birth. /
The man never lived irho could be
convinced that certain thingsvrere nee-
jsearj for hie wife beeauw her
preacher said a * .
A Noted Knight lemplaf'1 J' jffT
Owes His Health to Perurid
I Colonel T. P. Moody , a prominent
| Kniirht TVnplur. is well known in every
pity in the United State * wet of Buffalo.
X. Y. . as : i .Jeweler's Auctioneer. In the
city of Chicago as a prominent lodge
man. being a member of the K. T. * < ami
also of the Masons. The cut shows
Colonel Moody in the costume of the Ori
ental Consistory Masons. 3l d deirree.
In a recent letter from HOUO Michigan
avenue , Chicago , 111. , Mr. Moody says the
following :
"For over twenty-five years I
suffered from catarrh , and for
over ten years I suffered from
catarrh of the stomach terribly.
" 1 have taken all kinds of medi
cines and have bsen treated by
all kinds of doctors , as thousands
of my acquaintances are aware
in different parts of the United
States , where I have traveled , but
my relief was only temporary ,
until a little over a year ago 1
started to take Peruna , and at the
present time I am better than i
have been for twenty years.
"The soreness has left my stom
ach entirely and I am free from
Indigestion and dyspepsia and will
say to all who are troubled with
catarrh or stomach trouble of any
kind , don't put it off and suffer ,
but begin to take Peruna rigl r
sway , and keep it up until you
are cured , as you surely will be If
you persevere.
"My wife , as many in the southwest
can say. was troubled with a bad cough
and bronchial trouble , and dot-tors all
over the country gave her up to die , as
they could do nothing more for her. She
began taking Poruiia with the result that
she is better now than she has been in
years , and her cough has almost left her
entirely. The soreness has left her lungs
and she is as well as she ever was in her
life , with thanks , as she says , to Peruna.
Yours very truly ,
T. P. Moody.
Catarrh in its various forms is rapul'y
becoming a general curse. An umlonur-
ed remedy has been discovered by Dr.
Hartnum. This remedy has been th n-1
oughly tested during the past forty years ,
Prominent men have come to know > ( ;
its virtues , and are making public ui'r -
ances on the subject. To save the.cunn-
try we must save the people. To ssiv -
the people we must protect them from
disease. The disease that Is at once
the most prevalent and stubborn of cure-
is catarrh. I
If one were to make a list of the differ
ent names that have been applied to ca
tarrh in different locations and organs
the result would be astonishing. We
have often published a partial list of
these names , and the surprise caused by
the first publication of it to all people ,
both professional and non-professional.
When oature Irowns it is enough
to darken the brow of the mountain.
You can't trust a bedbug , but after
all , a good many of them livejon
You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write ro-tlay to Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy ,
N. Y. , for A FRI3E sample of Allen's Foot-
Euse , a powder to shake Into your shoes.
It cures tired , sweating , dump , swollen ,
achlug f et. It makes new or tight shoes
euay. A certain cure for Corns and Bunions.
All druggists and shoe stores sell It. 25
The authorities at Minden , Ger
many , have made a bacteriolgical ex
am 5nafon of school inks. They have
A wild duck can fly ata speed of
ninety miles an hour.
's Cure for Consumption cured m
of a tenacious ami persistent cough.
Win. H. Harrison. 1227 W. 121st street , )
New York , March 113. 1901.
The children of parents who are
both red-haired become gray al an
early age.
Dyeing Is as simple na washing : when
The higesti point to which man can
ascend without his health being seri
ously affected is 16,500.
RED CKO.vS il.4t.L. 1JLUE
Should fas in every home. Ask your grocer
for It. Large Uoz package only 5 cents.
Some of the rivers of Siberia flow
over ice many years old , and as solid
as rock. A tributary of the Lena ,
has underneath the soil which forms
the bed of the river , a bed of pure ice
over nine feet thick.
Use Red Cross Ball Blue. It makes clotiies
clean and sweet as when new. All grocer ? .
Japanese soldiers are nearly all
gymnasts , and every barrack has a
gymnasium. So well trained are they
that in half a minute they can scjale
a wall fourteen feet hteh. by simply j
leaping on each other's shoulders , one' '
man sustaining two or three others. |
Mr * . Wlnslow'g SOOTHNO SYRUP for chiWten
teething : , softens the { rams , reduces incarnation
allay H pain , curen wind colif. 25c boitte.
Colonel T. P. MooUj , of Chicago.
Cnlurrh Twenty-five Fears
Was Cured by Pertina.
was amusing. And yet we hiive
enumerated sill of the diseases which r
classed as catarrh. It must be confessed
however , to see even thin partial liai
drawn up in battle array is rather a -
palling. If the reader desires to see tm
list , together with a short exposition
each one. send for our free catarrh book.
Address The Peruna Medicine Co. , Co
lumbus. Ohio.
A pitcher of beer is not the kind
that should he seen in a baseball
The growth of Dawson Citj is in
dicated by the fact that the Firsts
Methodist church of that city
called to the pastorate the
James Livingstone of Windsor , Oat ,
at a salary of $3,000 u year and a par
Will you be short of hay ? If so plant *
plenty "of this prodigally prolific mi.let.
5 to 8 Tori * or ttich May Per Acr * .
I'rifu , 50 lb . tl.OO ; 1O Ih * . 8. & IxM * FrdffM.
Johu A. Salzer Seed Co. . La Lroase , Wia. C
An Opportunity is Offered
To a u'entluzabu of integrity- your jectioa i *
represent u lanje Bunking uinl Brokerage firai
doin business Jn SEW YOicK :1TY. To th *
right party v.e vrl'I pay u lihernl salary or
mission. Address
T. . MEYER & CO. ,
ihonlit biu
Every Boy j i-ori ttt
SfAl S < ! ( ' Al
II. '
GUI t Piciar.
of over 0 pl.-i
er ; new cnlr-s fur
l:0-otherviiur.blere ! Jlnc matter. IDc f rom
i-r. free Sp MinK * " catnc ! tit * of bav hjll .
A. G 3RU m.NO & BROS. . * rr y irlt. Chicago. I > turtf.
GREEN costs
25 cents !
per TON I
Greatest , Cheapest Food
on Earth for Sheep , 8wa
Cattle , etc.
nh JIOO to yen to r3
j * / abool rmp .
Billion Collar Grass
offaln4 Uvi r ,
ftlu Broaol. Pcaoat. Sptlti ( * ? > fc-o.
cara. < & ) ba. MCI per acre. ) , itc. . TIC.
For thlo Notice antttOe.
laiil Mg eauMt tad 10 i' r-u
KortlUti , fallw rh
for 1 fte , T * at.l 1 5O kinds vtTft mt
. . .
Best Congh Syrup. Taato Good.
In time. Sold by druaKlsta-
.M L1. NO. 714 15 YORK. NEB
Kalsommes are temporary ,
rot , rub off and scale.
r . ; \ y and other disease germs are %
* * * * - ' nurtured and diseases dissem-
inated by wall paper.
should be used in renovating
Tha Dorter "One lay r of rl bad Hwh ' * . . *
p n <
p ; J J' r II It
T I kara u * bar * Batj far T nb and disiiirectmCT all walls.
cMiet tkrir * . "
ALABASTINE COMPANY , Grand Rapids , Mich.