Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 03, 1902, Image 7

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    'Nurses" &xperie2\ce.
Medical men say that a good nurse
in a difficult case is better than med
icine , but when we can get a good
nurse and good medicine , the patient
stands a much * better chance of re
covery. The few words of advice
given below by nurse Eliza King , are
well worthy the attention of all
readers :
"I have constantly used St. Jacobs Oil in
Ihe various situations J have occupied as
Burse , and have invariably found it excellent
in all cases requiring outward application ,
cuch'as sprains , bruises , rheumatic affection * ,
neuralgia , etc. In cases of pleurisy it is an
excellent remedy well rubbed in. I can
strongly recommend it after several years'
seand experience. It should be in every
kousehold. "
Sister CAROI "NSt. . Andrew's Hospital ,
unites : "I have found St. Jacobs Oil a most
efficacious remedy in gout ; also in sprains and
bruises. .Indeed , we cannot say too much
In its praise , and our doctor is ordering it
constantly. "
tor Hyphfii.
London Tit-Bits tells the story of
ft toucher who has just given a lesson
n the hyphen. Thinking that his
class understood the use of it , he
wrote the word "bird's-nest" on the
"Now , boys , why do we have a
hyphen between birds and nest ? "
the teacher.
Several hands went up and the
teacher pointed to a small boy who
seemed very anxious to answer. "For
the birds to roost on , " was the reply.
School lor l.\on Tamer * .
A school for lion tamers is the lat
est educational novelty proposed in
Paris. It is to he a .state-aided inst
itution , with premises in the .Jarclin
des Plantes.
Brijjht's Disease Curort.
Sullivan , 111. , March : < ! . Mis. KiMy
F. Senuoy was very 111 for mouths .in- . !
notwithstanding the best possible mo'l- '
ical attendance she got no better. The
doctors said she had Bright's Disease ,
and gave her little or uo hope of ever
being well again.
She suffered greftt pain in her back ,
which nothing seemed able to relieve ,
till at hist encouraged by the reputa
tion Dodd's Kidney Pills have attained
in the community as a cure for Kiduey
Diseases , she began to use them.
The result was a surprise both to
Mrs. Seauey anl the physicians , for
Boon after the treatment was com
menced her kidneys threw off large
quantities of dark diseased matter and
she improved rapidly. She used in nil
ten boxes , and has completely recov
ered good health without pain or symp
toms of the Bright's Disease.
JL'roiiuiicintioii .F.ids.
Where polite usage gets its author
ity nobody knows. Now it is saying
that "valet , " the final syllable of
which we have learned to ; ive olT-
hand with a high-bred "a" shall be
Anglicized just as "parquet" was a
few years ago. and shall appear in
polite society in its plain English
stubbiness. It is liiceiv that we shall
all stumble and stutter and make
mistakes at lirst but eventually fall
in line of "ets. " There are those
who claim that a polite "suburb1'
should have a long "u" , that "tap
estry" should be "a" lonp , and that
t-ho sun never "shone" politely with
'a long "o. " The same authorities
are busy with the new automobile
importation "chafTeur" ( cho-f'-ur )
. which has been called everything
that is polite. It might be called
something more , tor it is not a truth
ful term. It means , when interpre
ted , "fireman , " "stoker , " and is in
nocently a good joke on our million
aires who speed their own "autos. "
Great Round World.
h I
Pollinsky is a powerful intoxicant , i
used chielly by the Polish coal miners
in Pennsylvania. It is made of stale
beer , cheap whisky , and various
spices. It is drank as an ' 'enlivener'1
at christenings , weddings and wakes.
and in one hour after the entire com-
pnn.v is roaring drunk , in two hours
is an uproarious rumpus , and
knives come into play. I
Eor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Sooghf
Bears the
Signature of
ipocialt.territory given Oh caso BrushOo.Chici.o
ST MMUX ( . * l FOK' ? NE.Mni Jic&lnrllidaj
A for te-t refine. OS31 A V , ICO tt Xxl Su. Sew VotS
itii ; > Uus. Onions ier Acre.
Salzer's Xetr M'Hbo'l : oni. n c.iliwre inRkra
1 ; possible to grow 1,2001 mote bus. perm v .
Tli-rc Is no vefjotyble
Umt pnys better. The
Silz"rs : annually dis-
tribute nearly ono
cielHh of a million
Ibs. of onion scod.
seu"S ! same at COc ,
For IBc. and this
John A. Salzer Seed
Co. , LaCrosse , Wis. ,
will mail you their mammoth catalog , together
with 150 kinds of flower und vegetable seeds.
Karkct gardeners' list , 2c postage. O. N. u.
Best Congh Syrup. Tastes Good. U S
in time. Bold br druccists.
. NO. 713-14 YORK , NE8.
Kidtnir Attachment for Pl/iwa.
Tln > illustrated device is a ridinc at
tachment for a plow , which n corre
spondent of the ! o\vn Homestead says
he devised a number of years njo.
Fijr. 1 shows the attachment attached
to a walkinjr plow and shows how it
is attached. 2 shows the attach
ment detached from the plow * and if
it is to he used for n harrow or other
implement where there is no furrow a
larger wheel is substituted for the
small wheel , which would make it run
in a leaning position. This wheel is at
tached by a set screw and can be re-
ATTACllilE.NT i oU i'1.0\\S.
moved easily , and the shaft is long
enough so the large wheel may be put
on the extreme end and thus make it
less liable to tip over.
The Asparaixns I > ed.
We believe in mowing the asparagus
bed in the fall and burning it over to
destroy the beetles , eggs and rust that
iiv.v be ( here. Others who have grown
ir : ] ) moiv of it than we have prefer
Jo i . : : ve I he old stalks remain until
spric. : : TS hoping to hold tiio snow on
the lied. liut in either caste would
cut out mid carry away all the seed-
bearing plants bet'oii ; the . - cd begun
to fall. The little s M dlIurri in the old
bed are no better than as many weeds.
If seedlings are wanted to set a new
bed , cut the stalks when the seed is
nearly ripe , and hang them up to ripen
and sow the seed in n new bed from
which it may be transplanted at a year
old. We like good yearling plants bet
ter than . New
two-year-olds. England
The Corn Breeder.
Corn-breeding bus become a special-
feed industry7. The field for this branch
of farming is very great , as is shown
by the fact that the corn growers of
Illinois alone use over 1,000,000 bush
els of seed every year. Of course it is
not necessary that this seed be secured
from the breeder fresh every 3ear , but
seed will not as a rule remain puiv
more than four or five years. It then
becomes necessary to : ! gnin secure
well-bred seed. As yet the demand has
been but little developed. Fanners are
just beginning to realize the import
ance and beneiit of improved seed , but
even uow corn breeders : ire not able to
supply the demand. That this demand
will iiKTonse far beyond the capacity of
corn breeders to supply tin-re is no
doubt. A. 1) . Shamel , in Orauge Judd
Safety Milk Pail.
Many a pail of milk has been lost by
n kick from the cow just as the task
of milking her was about finished and
many a stray bit
of dirt falls into
the open pail if the
farmer is not ex
tremely careful in
his labors. John
Heustis King , of
Garrity , Ala. , be
lieves that the pail
he has just de-
SAFETY PAIL. signed will save
the milk in case of an upset pail and
also prevent the gathering of impuri
In the picture tho details of construc
tion of this improved pail are shown.
The top of the pail has a screw-thread
ed flange , tovhich a receiving bowl is
secured by a similar liauge. In the
cemer > f this bo\vl is a strain el1 , and
below ! ho strainer is an open frame in
which "is placed a loose cone corre
sponding in shape toJthe under side of
thestrainer. . As sobn as the pail is
tipi'i over the How of the milk toward
tiv strainer seals theyone : and effectu
ally closes the outict until the pail is
righted asain.
Butler Kept Fresh in Transportation.
Butter is now packet ! in a manner
that permits of its carnage from Aus
tralia to Europe without losing its
freshness. A box is fdrmed of six
sheets of ordinary vyindovV glass , am !
the edsrcs are sealed with/sum / paper.
This box is then enclosed in piaster
paris one-quarter inch thick , this
being a train covered with special paper.
The plaster is a bad conductor of heat ,
so the temperature iuside/the / box re
mains the same. Boxes uvfe now mad
to hokl 200 pounds of butcer and the
: o t of packing is Id a ponud.
Seltiitic Strawberry Plants.
Any one who believes in fall setting
of strawberry plants hasopportunity /
this year. The weather since fruiting
has been such that the rummers have
made a good growth , and . there has
beoiij moisture enough for' ' uewly set
plants. We think we seldom saw plants
set in the spring , and weill , cared for
luring the summer , produce us mauy
.r as handsome berries its we have
en on those set the same { year in Au-
Excepting some of th < ? new varie
ties , one can get as many plants as he
wants , well known and standard kinds ,
for a triliinj.1 sum \ * not for nothing ,
at this season or na year in almost any
neighborhood.t f 'an Cultivator.
{ A void iiiacnch Yellows.
! It may not be generally known that
peach yellows is found in every State
in the Union , with six exceptions. Of
course , it is worse in some States than
In others , but it exists in all States
where the peach is grown , except in
California. .Mississippi. Texas , and
parts of Alabama. Florida and Georgia ,
' and there is no cure for it. In orchards ,
located in Georgia and in New Jersey ,
there is apparently no difference in the
j severity of the disease when at jts
j worst , and the trouble apparently at
tacks trees budded on stocks grown
from pits obtained from different sec
tions of the country. It is safe to bay
that with the possible exception of Cal
ifornia pits , it is as safe to select the
pits for budding stocks from the finest
fruit on the most healthy trees in one's
own orchard as from any other source
Teaching Lainbs to Feed.
When a lamb is two weeks old it h
ready for feeding something in addi
tion to the ewe's milk. It is true that
by feeding the ewe her milk will be
increase i , but the tirst thing to do is tc
feed the ewes , for the sake of tin
lambs , which may be f/d indirectlj
in this way from the first day of theii
lives. The lambs are easily taught to
feed by themselves if they are provid
ed with suitable feeding pens intc
which they may go through narrow
openings too small for the ewes. Thiv
is the simplest matter possible. Tc
catch a lamb and take it into the pen
and put a little of the feed provided
into its mouth is all thai is needed ; the
lambs will do thTresr ( : for where oni
goes all will want to go instauter.-
Farmers' Voice.
Early Puritau Potato.
As a rule the early potato crop is the
profitable one , although the past sea
son good money was made from late
potatoes , and especially if the best ta
ble varieties' were grown. The Early
Puritan , one of the new varieties , has
been tested in different potato sections
sufficiently to prove its merit. The
skin is nearly white , most early sorts
of value having a pink skin. In flavoi
the variety is first-class and the tuber
cooks well , being dry and mealy , anoth
er point hard to find among early sorts
It is a good keeper also.
Millions of KfjETS.
New York City , according to the sta
tistical expert of the New York Her
ald , consumes 2,1'SP. eggs every minute
of the flay , which means 100.UOU.OOC
dozen a year. The city may feel hide
pendent of the hen so far as the hatch
ing process is concerned , but is entirely
dependent for i' ° < ipply of eggs or
the mootly ere : : "ho regulates hei
output accordin , the weather hap
pens to suit her v These hens ge' '
food ad lodging for their part of tin
work , and their owners receive § 20,000-
000 a year for the 342 eggs that they
supply annually to each inhabitant ol
the city.
Bavarian Hops.
Although hops have been grown in
this country for a great many years ,
they have always been inferior as com
pared with the best European hops ,
and , as they bring a lower price in the
market and are not so desirable as the
Bavarian hops , cuttings of the best of
the latter were imported last year.
These cuttings have been placed in the
hop-growing districts of the Un.ted
States and , according to the report of
the Secretary fo Agriculture , promise
to be far superior to the ordinary va
rieties grown , in addition to maturing
earlier and extending the picking sea
Vv'iritcr Treatment of San "Jose Scale.
Winter spraying to destroy the Sail
.lose scale is most effective. Summer
spraying is usually necessary in addi
tion , but the insecticide cannot be made
as strong as in the winter season when
there are no bvds to injure. There are
several remedies for the scale , but
crude petroleum is the best for use in
winter , and it may be usi-d only slightly
dilurcd. The work must be thoroughly
done , every branch being touched with
the petrrkum. and several applications
made if necessary. If done thoroughly
in winter it is probable that only one or
two light sprayings would be necessary
in the summer.
Keep Sheep in Good Condition.
A sheep should never be allowed to
fall off in condition. Its constitution
is weakened permanently. The15p
of wool is seriously injured. No ani
mal is so diflicult to restore to good
condition as the sheep , and there is
none where a loss of flesh tells so
quickly upon its outward covering.
J. F. Hancock.
Choosinjr a I > airy Cow.
Never choose a dairy cow because
she is fat. sleek and a beauty. In a
dairy cow "beauty is as beauty does. "
The fat and sleek dairy cow doesn't
do the handsome thing. The scraggy ,
bony cow does. Therefore she is the
real dairy beauty.
The grape has more sugar in it than
any other fruit , nearly. 15 parts In 100
being sugar. The peach has least , only
per cent
From t o Treasurer of tlio
Young People's Christian Tem
perance Association , Elizabctli
Cainc , Fond da. Lac , Tv'is.
] \Ir \ 3. PIXKIIAM : I want to
tell you and all the youii ladles of tho
country , hovr grateful I am to you for
all the benefit ; I l.avc received from
usiqJLydia C. Pinlrham's Vege
table Compound. 1 suffered for
eight , months from suppressed men
struation , and it efTectcd my entiro
system until I became weak r.nd debil
itated , and at times felt that I had a
hundred aches in as many places. I
"only used the Compound for a few
weeks , but it wrought a change in mo
which I iclt from the very beginning.
I have been very regular since , have no
pains , and find that my entire body is
as if it was renewed. I jlaclly recom
mend Lydia E. Pinkbain's Vege
table Compound to everybody. "
Miss ELIZABETH CAira , 69 W. Division ,
St. , Fond du Lac , Wis. $5000 forfeit If
above testimonial is not genune.
At such a time the greatest aid to
nature is Jjydia E. Pinkbam's
Vegetable Compound. It prepares
the youngsystem for the coming
change , and is the surest reliance for
woman's ills of eve'-y nature.
Mrs. Pinldmm invites all
young women who are ill to
write her for free advice.
dress Lynn , Mass.
Trains. !
The other day. just n s n trnln was leave TCutas. in Hngary , for
Palfalva. an official appeared and put ;
seals on the wheels of the engine.
The passengers had to eefc oft"and
walk. The corapanv was 296 crowns
In arrears in payment of taxes. Next
day the taxes were paid and the
train proceeded. ,
Kvwry fanner his OWB
landlord , no in cum -
: . ' yva.r by y ar ,
lind value inrreu-iiiR ,
stoo > increasing , splen
did climate , ovc llnnt
subools and churches ,
_ _ Si & & 2 low taxation , hiL'b pric a
[ or i-ituu unil.rain , ow railway rates , and every
possib e comfort 'This is the condition of th
farmer in Westt-ni Canada , Province of M-uiitob.\
and distri-ts of Assiniboii , Saskatchewan and
A'berta. ' Thousands of Anu-rieans are now settled
there. Reduced rates on a 1 railways for hoine-
Bo-kers a > id seit.ers. New districts are being
opened up thi year. The newKtpn e Atlas of
esternCanadasent free toul ! apnlicants. Apply to
F. 1'ed ev , Snpt-of Iinnii mtioii.'Ottawa. Can. , or
to W. V. Ben i. tt. 801 Xw York Life ] ild < : . , Oma
ha , Neb. , Ajent for the Government of Canada.
Wi.l you be short of hay ? If so plant a
plenty of this io li : uly proiilic mi l t.
5 to ft Tons of llich Hajr Per Acre.
I'rK-c , r.O MM. * ! . ! > < > ; 1OO lb . * S.OO I-c-m FrclciiU
Joim A. Sailer beud Co.La cros e , Wis. C
nus L > . Adams has promised
430.000 for the purpoes of erecting a
home in'Denver for needy consump-
thes , and has promised $20,000 addi-
ti 'mil ' provided a second i2U,000 is se
AH goods are alike to PUTNAM
FADELESS DYES , as they color all
flbers at oue boiling. Sold by druggists.
The leading industries of California
are in close rivalry as to annual pro
duct. Sugar and slaughtering each
produce about S15OOJ,000 , while lum
ber , ( lour aud fruits each show about
$13 , 000 , LOO.
Piso's Cnre for Consumption always
gives inimc'linte relief in all throat trou
bles. F. E. Bierman , Leipsic , Ohio , Aug.
31.1001. _
The new flying machine of M.
Henri Villard of Paris is a magnifi
cent gyroscope the revolving toy
popular some years ago. The wheel
is twenty-two feet in diameter and
the power is from a gasoline inor < r.
Clear white clotlua uro a sign that the hou-
keeper uses Kei Cross Ball Blue. Large 2 02
packages couts. .
Chinatown , San Francisco , has four
dailies printed in its own language.
The types are 11,000 in number. Set
ting 4,000 characters is a day's work
which takes twelve hours of walking |
about in the type room.
S1OO Howard ,
The readers of this paj > er will bo tileased to
team that there h. at lea > t oue dreaded dUea a I
that science has been able to cure iu all its |
staKfe , . and that IK Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure j
Is the only positive euro known to tne medical .
fraternity. Catarrh bclnjr a constitutional dis
ease. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken internally , actin-r directly i
on tue blood and mucous Mirtaces of the system , |
thereby destroying the foundation of the dis
ease , and giving the patient &treiith ! by building I
up the constitution and a sibting nature in doing
Its work. Hie proprietors have so much faith in
Its curative jwwors that they offer One Hundred.
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send
for list of testimonials.
Address , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
ISSold by Druggists , 7.c.
HaU'ri Family Tills are the best
"Who is the responsible man in
this lirrn ? asked the brusque visi
tor. "I don't know who the re
sponsible party is , " answered the
sad , cynical otlice boy. "But 1 am
ihe one who is always to blame. " ;
If s > , ute Red Cross Ball Biue It will . . .ai e
them white as snow. 2 02. package 5 cents.
The wild bees in Southwestern Te-
as find natural hives in the dark re
cesses formed by shelving rock , and
they are used year after year by the
insects. Uee hunters make good in
comes by searching for these hives ,
which in many instances are filled
with honey.
CUrs. Win-low's SOOTHING SYKCP for chllilivn
teething , fol'tuu * tlif KUIUS , reduces iullainution
pain , cures wind colic. 23c bottle.
In a public park at Calcutta are
several birds of the adjutant species , j
They are the storks of the East InI I
clias. and average about six feet in j
height. These Mrds parade in a
stately way , and at a distance look ,
so much like soldiers that strangers
oftea mistake them for grenadiers.
There are U.159 esablishments in
the United States , with 4U.G47 acres ,
where flowers and ornamental plants
are cultivated.
rjlTO I'vrn : iu > > ritlyCuicd. Nontsornerv.-Uiiu. < -i
I ! 1 12' . - , ctof Jr..IJnt's G'-c ; .Nerve .He-
sfcrc- - J "f jjit. .iH * ri.ttboJi .ai.iut ii-e.
DH. U. U. XUXi. LtiJ . .Kin.t.h5UK ; > pbi. I'.T _
[ " I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house. I was
tired out all the time. Then I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilia , and it only
tool : two botiles to make me fee'l
perfectly well.X' Mrs. N. S. Swin-
ney , Princeton , A\o.
Tired when you go to
bed , tired when you get
up , tired all the time.
Why ? Your blood is im
pure , that's the reason.
You are living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion. Take Ayer's
Sarsaparilia and be
Ask your doctor what lie tldnk * of Ayer's
S.irsap.irllla. He known nil nbouttlili j and
old family medicine. Follow hU advice and
we will tttssutUfled.
J. C. AYKtt Co. . Lowell. : MBM.
A man who once boxed J. Pierponfc
Morgan's ears for "cutting up" in a
chruch gallery is still alive. He
ought to have little trouble in mak
ing hinis-lf dear to the hearts of the
American people.
Iridium , which is the hardest of
all metals , is used in the tips ot gold
pens to lessen.year. . Its cost 5s $80
to SDO a pound.
1 ? A V'ZV' + I * * 5JJy *
/-TV THE F-ISH as a
itr\ -i s > has & history.
' i3&This I"- t-I1. in an
interesting i > ooTdet
which is yours for
the asking.
Maker * of *
Ely's Cream Balm
Gives Relief at once.
It c'cnn es. soothes and Uic uiseaeu mem
brane. It cured Catarrh
and drives away a Cold
in the Ilead quickly. It
IB nbsorbH. licnU and Protects the Mctnlirane.
] { e to ea the Senses of "J aste mid HmelL I'uJ ux
CUc. ; Trial Mzeli-c. ; atDrcir lMtsnrb/tn L
ELY EROTEEKS. CO Warren Street. N
SSe. 50c.
Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In
Beware of the dealer who tries to '
"something just as goc/d ,
I 1
One may sail the seas anil visit every land anil everywhere will find ,
that men of affairs , who are well informetl , hfive neither the time
nor the inclin tiun , whether on pleasure bent or busi"ess , to use those
medicines which cause excessive purgation and then l-.i\e tlie internal
organs in a constipated condition. Syrup of Pigs is not built on those
lines. It acts naturally , acts effectively , cleanses , sweetens nnd strengthens
the internal organs anil leaves them in a healthy condition.
If in need of a laxative remedy the mo t excellent is CTTI ; ) of Figs , but
when anything laore than a laxative is required the safe anil scientific plan
is to consult a competent physician and not to resort to those medicines
which clahu to cure all manner of diseases.
The California Fig Syrup Co. was the first to manufacture a laxative remedy
which would give satisfaction to all : a laxative which physicians could
sanction and one friend recommend to another ; so that today its sales probably
exceed all other laxatives combined. In some places considerable quantities of
old-time cathartics and modern imitations are still sold , but with the general
diffusion of knowledge , as to the best medicinal agents , Syrup of Figs has come
into general use with the well-informed , because it is a remedy of known value
aud ever beneficial action.
The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not only to the excellent combination of
'the laxative and carminative principles of plants , known to act most beccfieially
on the system , with agreeable and refreshing aromatic liquids , but also to the
orginal method of manufacture. In order to get the genuine and its beneficial
efiects one should always note the full name of the Company California Fig
Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every package.
1 i
? A .r.3.--C-5
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2 . * Y ZZ . T V VFV *