THE VALENTINE DEMOGRA ! f : I. M RICE EDITOF Per Yvtir in Advnne ' PUBMBIIED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at ttoe Post-office at Valentine , Chen county. < Nebraska , as Second-class matter. Charles II. Faulhaber Brownlee / i Breeder of Rett'st'd Hereford o Hyain , No. 74.K. at bend of herd. Young bulls from to 18 months old for sale. TJiKTIOKT Located on Cherry St. 2nd do < south of Smyser's livery , furniahi excellent board and lodging. Mea same old price 25 cents. A heari welcome to all. MRSM.HARRIS MILL PKICES FOR FEED. Bran , bulk. . . ) per cwt $20 00 t ( Shorts bulk . . 1 Ifi per cwt | 22 00 ti Screenings I0 < : $7.00 Chop Feed 1.25 424.00 Corn l.i 5 $20.00 Chop corn i .10 $21.00 Oats 1.50 $29.00 The Democrat -FOK- Job Worl HENKY AUGUSTON Blacksmith. llrownlce , 3f Does general blucksuiithingatha times prices for cash. PAT HE1T Valentine , K Good , Hard Rock for Bale in ai quantity. M. WELCH D eliyery Wagon No. . Leave orders at Qi ; To any part of the City. ley i. Chapm-in's Drug Store W. A. KTMBELL Barber pirst class and up-to-date. Ne and attractive , every cnstoi er has a clean towel. Vale tine State Bank Building. i 'LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlal GKNXKALWOKK I'KOMIIUY ATTENDED TO. JOHN POKATH Rtege , Neb Tubular wells and Eclipse win mills. Wells guaranteed fi years. Z M. MORKISSK Attorney at Law Valentine , Kot A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeo Office at Qniglev & Chapmai Drug Store" Nights Tl Donoher. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A * ABSTRACT * Valentine , Keli Practices in District Court and U. S. La Office. Jteal Ketate and Sanch 1'jope bought and sold. Bonded Abstract ! J. C. DWYER Physician and surgeo Valentines Neb All kinds of surgical operatio : successfully performed. Kmray Jk'otlce. five nines south at my place Taken up Sparks , Nebr. , on he Niobnini Uiver. Man-h red ami whiti > ster , coining tun y \ 11)03 ) one old , lias no horn ? . , mishj part in tail j-ut left hi circle CO on , branded quarter square the - as it k very di I this ot sure that w Jra-d ; . left hip. but ii aa near as I can tell , on .Mi J. F. Swain Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL ( Jneqiialed by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. HARNESS AU excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the leather ; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. OIL | s sold in all Localities Manufactured l > y Standard Oil Company. O.J. Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Creek aud Loup D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo Simeon. Nebras Cattle branded left side as on cut ; also 1C on left s witli on left hij some cattle ; also on right side. Ho brand , rake and on lett shoulder hip _ _ _ , „ , Home ranch o Niobrara River , eas ) ewey Lake. Range on fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebras J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. latllc branded on eftsideasbhowu a cut. Range-South I Sparks on Nio- irara river , J. A. YARYAN Pullman , N Cattle branded on right side Horses branded on right shoukle Reasonable rew - for any informal leading to the covery of ca strayed from range. XOMK CVM > Julius Heckmar HrowuJee N soutl D. M Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded is on cut.lef t side tome on left hip. Horses same on eft shoulder. Kange Square Like. recentlv purchased one the Newcomb Hv-abuttle rag car ] oomtI am now prepared to do kinds of rap carpet weaving on al lotice MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr Ranch for Sale or Lease ! 10 quarter sections , good range , 1 ivnter and timber. Will run 300 hi ) f stock. For information address , 1 10.154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. Ri < Valentine , Nebr. 42-t Smoke Spearhead 5c Cigar at Qu : L.EY & CHAPMAN'S , fi All kinds of heavy hardware a vagon wood stock at E. Breuklande 20-t Bemember Vincent's Sale on the it the Old Walcott Barn , Valent Nebraska. 9 2 Highest market price paid : thickens , Game and Fish at the D > her. C RESTAURAI MEALS AT ALL HOURS 25 O ENTS FRESH OYSTERS SERVED ANY STYLE OPcfM DAYANDNiGH MRS. R. A. MARhALL & FRED HI Xotiee nt Election. NoMei- hf-rotn uivn that < m Tncv.n Ai Stlii-2 , th Jv W.ll l > * hi id at , . HiUMI il v t 'bice ' , ill tin * T P v" \'neiirm > ' in ii i. trt-t-f < % - ! > ' : > r tin tinof two loi Hi' ' it f one year , for siidiliu. . ' > i Vrtl 1 * . l " . SIMONS. k. M. M nnisjcY. r' IP. B.3I. . V.B. TIME TABUS MBV M Hft CF uD M OT * VK8 No. 27 Frt. Daily 2:331' : . No. 23 " except Sunday 0:40 A No. 3 Pa-senger Daily 12:49A. : - " - Daily C:50A. ex."pt Sunday 5.001' . I't < ' * Da . ' 4:47 A. - : * TI is hole . .i-l/i- ' Tixmn < - Vf n ! to-iijiit-lr' . . Snturd Li.c horary rriuay higul was a s .ess. .ess.The The dance at Ilamar's was well ,8nded. , Jim i I utchiusoii killed another coy as ! week. A. K. lluskie had his ankle dialoc ; d , Friday. We agree with the writer from Ara ibout the women. Mrs. Hittle boards at home now i rides to school on horseback. \VMle hauling hay at Horden , 1 Friday , Joseph Seman was run over i loaded wagon and died at 1 o'cl ihe next morning. He leaves a f am The bridge 2 miles above Penbr is badly in need of repair and slio be fixed at once. We understood t it Lad been fixed but it was mei propped up and not fixed at all. PORCUPIN ! Arabia Items. Miss Mamie Keeley spent Satur and Sunday with Miss Mary Jordai Miss Esther Benson departed Ainsworth last Saturday , where will visit with friends for a few days Wild ducks are now quite numer on the many lakes and I take this portunity of informing the hunters 1 now is the time to try their luck. The social given in Clear Lake UE church Thursday night was well tended in spite cf the threaten weather. Even body seemed to ei themselves and a neat little sum raised for the support of the churcl The Arabia orchestra returned f i Valentine Tuesday , looking rather w out. On being questioned about tl trip they said that the dancers seei to appreciate their music and were luctant to leave the hall at 3:30 : a. * We are well pleased and hope the d * ers were as well pleased with our in as we are with Valentine. Messrs. Philip and James Flea are preparing for a journey to Cans < lnu b i * tifp'i in t ! i at country bei ait i i * tiii'Mienus it to .my person hi tiiu' u fircuuifctam-eis. Philip sj tinj greHU-r pun ot h > 3 oath in Ont and Uto re > to try the northern clin ugain We are boiry to know these two worthy young men ar leave for a foreign country , yet , s iliny -leaving , the } take with tl our best wishes. Uiiilcy Briefs lie who enjoys his past life lives lives. John Seagcr anticipates gojng to ( ada in May. Fred Walker went to Valentine week on a business trip. G. W. Seager is in Cody , treal his house to a coat of paint. Chase Sellers is going to help R * Goodfellow break some horses. James Hunt bought a fine ! pai horses from Ed Weede last week. The country is full of young cal We thmk they are smaller in size t usual. James and Hugh Moan visited W. II. Sellers and G. W. Seagers the 2Dth. We had two fine rains and the i cations are favorable for a good gro of grass. John Nolan says he wouldn't n baching if he sould go to town as o as Mike Moan does. Some of the Bailey ladies say if DEMOCRAT didn't have some home n in it , they would stop the paper , they haye no stopper. Fred Walker put in a protest at 3 rim an on the 24th inst. , against J Matalka. Mhe trial was put off u the 31st , when there will be a heari We hear some of the Nebraska scl marms say Bailey has some funny ph in it. We are funny folks and we lieve funny folks like to read Bai Briefs. Adam , who , according to bibl storwas the fit st man to enter vale of tears , has only two uamesal one of them being a colonel in the at and the other an ordinary labore the engineering department. Mot Eve has two also , one of them a cl 'u flv > j'it nor rU'partment and the ( " . . -hn uiedifjil department at I W < , i. vJUl M.m NTouh. who had se to'rot in out of the wet i ith bim a goodly Collection animals at the time of the rainy sp las just a half a dozen on the rolls. Ricn widows are the only desira second-hand goods on the market. GUESS WHO I A31 UlcCann Items Dice Elliott is going to school tli days for the first time this winter. D. Hendershct has been plant some trees in the yard around liouse. Mrs. A. E. Galloway and Mrs. Hendershot were visitors at Valeiil this week. J. L. Galloway lost a large g mare in the last storm by drifting c a ledge. We Lear that others stock in the same storm , P. O. Galloway , R. J. Wilson , O , hchwidersky and 1) . Hendershot v prospecting and unearthed part t mastodon's bones in the hillside c to the Niobrara river. RELTABLI Kennedy. The rain iast Saturday and Mon started the grass. Mrs. J. A. Gee wus trading a * K nedy la-st Friday. Mell Hale went to the Snake r after wooJ , the last week. Mrs. Burge laid in a large supply goods while here , last Wednesday. Mr. Walhngford , from Snake ri was a Kennedy visitor one day week. Frank Kiue. of Lone Tree , swat yarns with us while doing some tra ( here last Friday. Ed Richards' smiling countem was seen in Kennedy last Thursi come again , Ed. The dance at Mr. Marion's last daj was a success , though the cr was not large. Johnnie Beeklev has quit the i route and Mr. Marion is carrying mail at present. Mesdames Faddis and Steadmai Kennedy , were on the sick list last v but are improving now. Jess Marion and Cora Ayres > taking in the sights of Kennedy Sunday in spite of the rain. BROKEN An : INiobrara Falls. L. W , Parker was calling in vicinity one day last week. Sylvia Heth is home again after eral weeks' stay in the flats. M. McFarland was looKiug for brj in our locality , Wednesday. Richard Grooms went down to Sp Sunday , to visit his mother. Win. Sewell went down to Sp last week to look after some cattle. Lon Mosher brought down a loa corn last week for the Jersig ranch Jay Cunningham and Raymond more went up on the Snake and < caught in the blizzard. Mrs. Roberts came down from Hills and is stopping with her s Sam and Ernest Heth. Hayes Robbins has again take : the thread of life in this locality his many friends welcome him 1 n gain. Louis Mosher invited a numbe his friends to a social dance March but the weather afforded some hind ces. Will report success next weel Our dream of spring was ru awakened last JL < riday by a severe \ and snow storm and a fall of se degrees in the tempeiatare , all in a hours. John Ormesher ha had a serious cideut while filling an old well , w resulted in the loss of two good hoi The horses evidently became exc and ran too close to the well and fel School meeting came off Tuesday not quietly , as a great deal of electr ; accompanied the storm. Ilo\\ever , bonds were voted by a majority < The old adage that "Right wins in end" has proved true for once. The dance given by Louis Moi was postponed until Monday even when a number of his friends assernb Lou pioved to be an excellent host a good provider , as nothing was undone to make the event a plea one. Jay Wilson came down from En wood , S. i ) . , Thuisday , on busin lie will take his little step-daug with him on his return and Grau Heth will follow him as soon as weather becomes agreeable and live with his daughter Rosa and husband , Mr. Wilson. SNOW DROJ Here May 8 Dr. Seymour Drs. Seymour & Williams , eye ear specialists , will be here Thursc May 8th. Anything the matter v your eyes ? Dr. Seymour will tell what is best to do. Call on him Tin day , May 8th , at the Donoher hote For Sale. Good four-room house with two 1 < Inquire at this office. 10-1 New Brand Book. Ex-Senator Mutz , of Springview , copyrighted and is publishing a Bn t3ook for the stock counties of KG Nebraska. He wishes to record jrands of every stockman who h o jead of cattle or twenty head of hoi or more. Return postal cards h 3een printed and will be sent to o stockman to collect brands and ot data. There is no record obra outside of Lincoln and the question estrays and thefts have puzzled most thorough men up to this til Mr. Mutz has been a piactical stc man for many years and no ma ; better qualified than he to do this we We believe that this book is a comp solution to the question and it bespe for him the most hear/Ty endorsoui by every stockman. Mr. Mutz says has no intention of opposing in ; manner any association but that wishes to co-operate with them to fullest extent possible. He wishes record every brand whether it is corded in Lincoln or not and he pecirlly debires to reach every new tier in the counties in which he o ] ates. Every man should have brand recorded and should be the o er of a book. Every man who rece a card should promptly fill out the s : and return it at once , giving the in mation desired ; but if he has no br he should hand it to someone who or return the card stating the l Remember , theie is no cash for hav your brand published. 25000.00 Given Away. Use tha letters contained in the t < The Plymouth Tress Associvt Form as many words as you can , do not use any letter in the same \ \ more times than it appears in The ' mouth Press Association. $230 00 in cash paid to the pe : sending fiftv words formed as ab < as that many small English words be spelled from these 27 letters. E\ person sending 25 words will be MV ; ed a handsome Dessert Set of qua < pie Silver Plate on pure white bntai base , hand engraved , 2-i karat { lining. Make but your list today , inclosini tv/o cent stamps , or money order , six months' subscription to "The IL Forum" and 15 packages of Gardei Flower Seeds , Postage Prepaid. Ai your own selections of seeds , or we send you 15 choice varieties. The s < Sre the best that money can buy , I in qualityand | quantity ; yourstorep for same 75 cents. If two or more persons succeed forming 50 words , the § 250.00 wil divided pro-rata. Perfect impartk is guaranteed in making the awa We offer these prizes in a legitn manner to attract attention to monthly ; our purpose is to introt it into every home , and make every p winner a permanent advertisement "The Home Forum. " Successful ( testants must extend his or her i sciption for one year. Remember will receive our offer of 15 package seeds with your trial subscription , have an equal opportunity to par pate in the cash contest for the $2o and if you send 25 words you will mediately be awarded the Silver ] sert Set. Select your seeds , and ward your list today to " "THE PLYMOUTH PRESS Ass1 : 73-73 Plymouth Place. Chi Leu Bivens "will pay highest < price for furs. WANTED. Two girls at the Dom Hotel. 8 Smoke Spearhead oc Cigar QuiciLEY & CHAPMANS. Smoke Spearhead 5c Cigar at Qi LEY & CHAPMAN'S. Notice of Settlement. In Estan ? of James P. Thayer , deceased. In County Court , Cherry CCunty , Nebrasl To the Creditors , Heirs , Legatees and othei terested in the estate of James P. Thajei ceased. Take notice. That Andrew P. Madson llled in the County Court a report of his < U as administrator of said estate , ant ? it isord that the same stand for hearing thu 5th da April , A D. 1002. before the court , at the of 10 o'clock a in. , at. which time any perso teresled may appear and except to and co : the same. And notice to this proceeding i d < -red piven to the said heirs by publicatioi Witness my hand and tiie seal of the f'o Court at Valentine this 12th t\i \ . March , 1902. { W. R. TOWNK i 8-It County Jud : J. B. Lord _ Simeon N Stock bra : same as cut bat right shoulder on right hip Range on Niobrara P S BOUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlt'fe , On left side or part of animal , mark riaht car off ; horses l > rar same on leftiilp . has stock braiide < ouside or shoul or JK or "IV orO oro or JFZ. , the'following , the first one being on side anc Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb CherrjCo Branded on left side and thigh. Earmark , square crop right ear Horses have same brand on oft thigh. Range on Gor don aud Snake ] Creeks. A Heicartl of $25O will be paid to nrso n for information leading to the arrest i final conviction of any person or persona sb Ing cattlfl frith abnvA br&nd 4 D. B. STONER & b' Ne\vton , Nebr. Bran l registered No. 411. Cattle branded same : s cut on left side or left hip. Horses same on lelt shoulder. Range South of Gordon Creek.- - William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Oreek , S. Dakota. Louis F. Richard' Merrlman'JNeb Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. Korses on left shoulder. RaneeNorth " Eli. SWEKNKY BROS Postofllce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S. dee block , Range Stever and Stephenaon Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any person tor In formation leading to the arrest d J' stealing cuttle itu of any person or persons above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side and thigh ; horses the bami on left side. Range-Between Niobrara and the Snake. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on leftside. Horsei same on left shoulder. . A Also on I / \ left aide J A 8ATJLTS Cattle on let1 hip.Horses Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown be'ow. Postofflce address Gregory , Net On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansas Valley and Snake JULIUS PETERSON Toatofflce address Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles oorth of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses i branded ] on left shoulder. , Range 6 miles south of Irwin. D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 1554. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range-2 miles east of Ft. Nio- orara. PIKK BEOS' Postofflce address Crsokston Nebr Branded on either side ot animal Range-On Mlnne- haduza 5 miles east of Crookston DAWSON & BAJ.L PosU > ffice address ChesterfleM. e Cattle branded on leftside as on cut- also yieit neck andz left hip : some V IRt neck.A left shoulder and21efthiDhorses ; VZ left hip. Range Snake Rlver.81,32.33. Sawyer Bros. Fostofflce address Oasis , Nebraska Bobert Quiesenbery jj c charge 01 these cattle ; horses D on left shoulder ; some stockbrancJefi 5. - JL