Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 27, 1902, Image 7

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Gntc for Pasture Fence.
It Is always desirable to have some
, ort of a gate iu the pasture field fence ,
'but it Is not always easy to build one
jtbat is at once stock-proof and easy to
operate when necessary. The arrange
ment as shown in the Illustration is not
la reality a gate , but a passageway , so
placed that the stock cannot get
through , but throughwhich a person
jnay readily pass. No explanation of
, the plan is needed , for it Is plainly
shown by the illustration. This fence
may be arranged so as to provide a
double gate by hinging the open portion
la the foreground so that when |
the post will come In snugly against
the fence post , and be held in place by
wire loop dropped over both posts ;
the gate in the background should
also be placed on hinges , so that when
closed It will lap over against the fence
about two feet , and be held in place by
a staple and hook.
Dehorning Coirs and Calves.
There has always been more or less
argument over the question of dehorn
ing , and while it may be admitted that
Ithe process is painful , and , in the case
fit an adult animal , causes a shock to
the nervous system , it is not at all like
ly that the young calf suffers more
than momentary pain , and the process
certainly does not injure the animal in
any way. The process of preventing
the growth of the horns on the young
jcalf is to take the animal when it is j
{ three or fouf weeks old , and after lo
cating the embryo horn with the finger , .
nib the spot for a minute or two , or
until it gets quite red , with a stick of
caustic potash , which may be bought
at any drug store. Tinpotash should
,1)6 moistened slightly , but not enough
'so that it will run , for it will take off
.the hair wherever it tout-lies it. Wrap
the end held iu the hand with a cloth ,
jto prevent burning the hand. The
Vork is quickly doue. and If thoroughly
done , the horns will not grow. It is
generally considered that the age
namedabout a month is noarer the
right time than earlier , and the work
should never be attempted with potash
after the calf Is six or eight weeks old
or after the button has assumed much
A Promising Plum.
Many plum growers are disappointed
that no varieties of hybrid plums su-e
< m the market this year that originated
the grounds ot
Luther Burbank ,
of C a 1 if o r n i a ,
that prince of hy
bridizers. There
is , however , a va
riety that is t.v-
tremely promis
ing , a seedling
as yet unnamed
t-r0m Golden , one
of the best of the hybrid plums. It is
said that Mr. Burbank is cxperlmenl-
'lug ' with crosses which will prodiu-e
varieties suited for the far North. Two ,
at least , of the hybrids from this
.source , the Golden and theiWickson.
'have ' proved valuable iu any section
where the plum can be grown success
fully , and if this list c.-in be extemJ"d.
plum growing will agaiu become mie
ef the profitable branches of fruit ful-
Why a Hor > c Kntt * Often.
The horse can conveniently eat for
twenty hours out of the twenty-four.
A horse which Is in good health hsis a 1'
good appetite at all times and is able tl
lo stand plenty of work aud is rarely tlC1
on the sick list. To be a good feeder , C1
especially on a journey , is a great rec II I
ommendation iu the ouiuiou of every h
pood judge of hoi i'ilesh. The reason o
of a horse being such a constant eater
Is that its stomach is really small iu
proportion to the sr-v of its body , aud
therefore it requires feeding often , not tlf
less than four times a day , two of n
which should be early in the morning
nud at night , while bay should in the
stall be always withiu its reach. Lon Icv
don Tit-Bits. vSi
Sanitary Cow StublcH. tl
As soon as the stables are cleaned d
sprinkle a quart of dust behind each i o
cow. then add the absorbent , and if o
the owner will prevent the wet places b.
about the stable and attend to keeplug tl :
the bedding dry there Is no reason why e
the stable should not be so sanitary n
that .the finest and best milk In the tl
worldan be made in it , the best prod
ucts secured aud the stable smells and
tastes wholly eliminated.
Farmers nt Collctre.
A number of agricultural colleges re
port that many of the students taking
the short winter course are men who
are operating farms , many of them
men who own the farms they work.
This indicates that farmers are begin
ning to realize that they must keep up
with the modern methods. It is frank
ly admitted that some of the more ad
vanced methods In some lines cannot
be adapted to all cases , but there is not
a farmer in the country but who would
give considerable If he had some knowl
edge of agricultural chemistry. Fur
ther , it is hardly probable that any in
telligent man could attend one of the
colleges for this short course and not
learn enough ou general lines to pay
him well for the expense. One of the
best fruit growers in New York State ,
a man who has made a comfortable
sum for his work during the last dozeu
3'ears. Is taking the short course at
Cornell College. He agreed that he
knew considerable about fruit growing ,
but said that he was not so strong on
agricultural chemistry as he should be
and wanted more knowledge In this di
rection that he might know better now
to use commercial fertilizers. He fig
ured that he would be reimbursed for
his expense in a single purchase of fer
tilizer , for the knowledge gained would
enable him to buy more intelligently.
Winter Butter Making : *
r-c.-ini for churning must at all times
be ' ] above the freezing point or
tin n > is flinVulty gelling the butter.
I'VriDiJ !
rhuvmugs. where the milk
is kepi .11 p.uis. the method < > r'a New
York State pme butter maker is a good
one to follow. Hate a few "Xtra pans
and In each put a half pint of boiling
water : then strain the milk Into this
pan , on with the other pans.
These pans of milk should have the
cream removed In ten or twelve hours
and when a churning is ready set the
quantity over a boiler of hot water and
stir it occasionally. Keep it over the
hot water until it tests 75 or 80 degrees
by the thermometer. One of the other
troubles In winter butter making comes
from trying to churn the product of
cows that are near calving , and this is
particularly hard to overcome , indeed ,
unless a decided change can be made
in the feed given the animal It will be
useless to expect anything but trouble
in churning. An increase In the bran
portion of the ration and the addition
of some green food will likely improve
the consistency of the milk.
Two Farm Conveniences.
A handy way to carry sw-li i < ? to take
an old walking cultivator , take the
beams oiT nd fasten a couple of hooks
on the longue near
I ho rear end , and
Jake a small barrel 1
and bore a couple
of holes hi its rim
in which to hook
on the hooks. Fas-
SWILI. cAimiEn. ten the barrel , and
one can either push or pull to where it
is wanted.
A very handy fodder cutter and com
topper can be made by using a light ,
stout bench or cutting box. Take two
old plow lays and
have them sharp
ened and made to
act on the same
principle as a pair
of shears. One can ,
, . . . , . . FODDEK CUTfKII.
be fastened to the
lever and one to the bench or box. The
illustration shows only one plow lay ,
and it is possible to do fairly good work
with one lay.
Cow Peas for tltc Orchard.
While the usual plan of intelligent or-
fhardists is the best under normal con-
ilitions that ol' the. shallow cultivation
between tha trees during the summer
there are times and certain conditions
where the cowpeas would be of tho
giv.-itesi " : tiue. I'ake. for example , soil
hadly run down ; here cowpeas , sown ,
lite > u May or early in June , would bo
mor4 valuable to the soil than summer
i-uii.-.ation. for they would add much-
deeded nitrogen to ir and conserve the
moisture in the soil quite as Avell as the
sifmmer cultivation. Then , if the tops
were cut in the fall , early , the stubble
uiul roots turned under and the ground
sown to a cover crop , the result would I
bo ' seen the following season. It is truo i
that it might be necessary to cut the
cowpeas green , in order to get iu tho i
cover crop early enough , but even then
he growth during the hot weather will
have done the soil an immense amount
> f good.
Spreading M"amtre in Winter.
The Agricultural Department reports
rhat 51s experiments with fodder beets
followed by wheat in plowing undur '
manure as soon as .spread , or spreading
over the surfac" of the ground and
letting it lie two mouthsduring the
winter , the former method , proved a
iiiver of plant food. We never doubted
that it would be so on certain soils , and
Jo uot feel sure that it would prove so
311 : all. But vre think the lesser labor
f : drawing out in winter , and the gain
Ly having so much work done before
he spring planting begins , more than
jquals < the loss where the winter ma-
nire is not washed away by spring
haws or rains.
" I had a most stubborn cough
for many years. It deprived me
of sleep and I grew very thin. I
then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ,
and was quickly cured. "
R. N. Mann , Fall Mills , Tenn.
Sixty years of cures
and such testimony as the
above have taught us what
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I
will do. j
We know it's the great-I
est cough remedy ever I
made. And you will say
so , too , after you try it.
There's cure in every drop.
Three iimZSc. , SOc. , SI. AlNnsnkti.
Consult your doctor. If he says take it ,
then do ha iay . If he tells you not
to take It , then don't take it-He Icnowi.
One of the favorite patterns in din
ner plates is a wieath of deep red
roses , with a border of lacy gold and
a central medallion of white roses on
a golden ground. Another design
has a border of alternate gold medal
lions and pale blue medallion' . In
the center of the plate are soft pink
roses. The center of the plate is
pale blue encircled with gold and
outside is a wreath of pink roses.
White and gold , are also in vogue and
ilwavs in excellent taste.
A Very Strouq ; Sjetter.
La Fairge , Wls. Wm. T. Payne of
this place has written a rather startling
letter to the papers. He says :
"I was in great pain across my back
for four weeks , and was taking medi
cine from a doctor all the time , but it
did not do me any good.
"I bought a box of Dodd's Kidney
Pills , aud had not taken more than four
or live doses before I noticed that they
were doing me good.
"They helped me right along , and I
kept on using them till I had used four
boxes , when the pain left me altogeth
er. One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills
has done me more good than five dol
lars' worth of doctor's medicine.
' This remedy has certainly worked
wonders in my case , and I feel it my
duty to give it the credit due. "
MIn Rotraahona , New Zealand , there
is an immense geyser , which covers
an area an acre in extent , and con-
saintly throws columns of water to
vast heights , some of them ascending
3JU feet , with clouds of steam which
go much higher.
Yon Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy ,
N. Y. , for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot-
Base , a powder to shake into your shoes.
It cures tired , sweating , damp , swollen ,
iichlug feet. It makes mnv or tight shoes
easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bunions ,
ill druggists and shoe stores sell It. 25c
ChsilTiier.Brought to Time.
The French chamber of deputies
has Her reed upon a bill impor i
maximum penalty of two months in
prison and a fine of 500 francs for any
bicyclist or chauffeur of an automo-
biie who attempts to escape after
causing an accident.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far : il.c ; : < l of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
Vuggists , ioc.
* A submarine telephone cable con-
iccts Brussels with London.
Are Your Clothrs Faded ?
Use lied Cms" Ball Blue and make i hem white
! * iim. Large 2 oz. package , 5 cents.
The only gem which cannot be imj'
ifoiled is the opal. Its delicate tints
be simulated.
If you v. ish beautiful , clear , white clothes
ise Ked Cross Ball Blue. Large 2 oz jackage.
5 cents.
A phonograph chat shouts so loudly
hat every word can be heard at a
listance of ten miles has been tested
11 JirightoiKr 1
Srr.qqtu pac SniqsuAi * ; nSirnns ; o ;
John E. Snyder and wife , of Park-
rsburg. W. V. , have been married
weoty-one years , and have eighteen
jildren , and among them are four
of Twins.
Mr * . Wlnilow'f. SOOTHING SYRUP for children
" tisinjr. toftns hnms , reduce * inllamation
H.MS pain , cures wind colic. 25e bottle.
_ I ;
ove meanders away back and disap- a
Two bottles of Pise's Cure for Con
1'iipHoii cured me of a terrible coujrh.
i'Vc. ; fl'Tin-mn. 209 Box avenue , Buffalo
X. Y. , Sept.24. . 1901.
Amon j the vessels that touch a-
doug Kong the English flag leads
'ollowed by Germany , Japan , France
Jhina , America , in the order given.
Alabastlne. the only durable wall coat-
Ing , takes the place of scaling kalsomines ,
wall paper and paint for walls. It can b
used on plaster , brick , wood or canva * .
Jf jci i ! niny Her Career.
When a girl begins her social ca
reer. after completing her educatioi
she finds the world far different frou
what she expected. The school roor.
is one thing , the world anotner. S'j
may have been popular with ho ,
teachers because she was a diligen
scholar , and carried off the honor
of the school. But she linds tha
book knowledge does not make hei
popular or successful socially. Sorm
of the most intellectual people w <
have known have been among tin
most disagreeable. A woman whosi
nature is aggressive , who parades hei
knowledge before those of inferioi
education , is an object to be dreaded.
Mere learning Li a woman is nevei
attractive. It is. on the contrary ,
offensive , unless coupled with femi
nine graces. School learning should
sink into the character and deport
ment , and only exhibits itseif .as the
perfume of a flower is exhibited in
pa pn subtle , nameless , and unobtrusive
manner. A woman's intellectual ac
quirements should not make her talk
like an orator in daily life they
should simply make her conversation
gracious and agreeable. Mathemat
ics should render her mind clear and
her judgment true ; her geographi
cal studies should teach her that the
world is too small for falseness to
find a hiding place ; and history
should impress her that life is too
short for unworthy ambitions. The
time between the schoolroom and the
altar should not be a mere harvest
time of plesaure , but a sowing time
for all the seeds of kindness and self-
sacrifice for others , and of unselfish
ness and benevolence which alone can
make her a happy wife and mother.
The Eussian emperor and all mem
bers of the imperial family , being
officers of the army , are always
dressed in uniform , with their trous
ers inside their top-boots.
Spying on Clerks.
The professional shopper is em
ployed in London in a different capa
city than her American sister her
work in connection with one large
firm savoring of detective service
with clerks as the individuals to be
watched and reported. The firm in
question owns over thirty large shops
and employs nearly 1,000 clerks. It
is the business of the professional
shopper to find out whether every
customer is politely served by visit
ing the different shops putting the
clerks to every inconvenience and
frequently leaving without making a
purchase after looking at nearly
everything in the shop. If the
clerk's temper does not prove equal
to the strain and she answers in the
fashion of the American shop i-irl
under simiar circumstances she is re
ported to headquarters and dismis
sal is apt to he the result.
Military Schools Get a Notice.
Adjutant General Phisterer of the
New York National Guard has dis
covered an old law forbidding the
imitation of chevrons and soldier
straps used by the militia , and has
notified the various militaiy schools
of the state that they must abandon
the practice.
Old Joe , the Night AVntchtnun.
( From the Pall Mall Gazette , London. )
How often ou returning home late t-u
a dreary winter's nijrlit has our sympathy
gone out to the poor old night watchui.m
as he sat huddled up over his cage fire ,
overlooking the excavations which our
City Council in their wisdom , or other
wise , allow the different water companies
to make so frequently in onr congested
streets. In all weathers , and under all
climatic conditions , the poor old night
watchman is obliged to keep watch over
tlie companies' property , and to see that
the red lights are kept burning. What a
life ' , to be sure ; what privations and hard
ships ; no wonder they have aches and
pains , which nothing but St. Jacobs Oil
can alleviate.
"Old .Toe' ' is in the employ of the Lam
beth Water Works. He has been a night
watchman for many years , in the course
of which he has undergone many experi
ences. What with wet and cold , he con
tracted rheumatism and sciatica , which
fairly doubled him tip , and it began to
look a serious matter for old Joe ; it look
ed extremely doubtful if he would much
longer be able to perform his duties , on
which his good wife and himself depend
ed for a livelihood ; but as it happened a
eI passer-by , who had for some nights no
ticed Old Joe's painful condition , present
ed him with a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil ,
and told him to use it. Old Joe followed
the advice given ; he crawled home the
next morning and bade bis wife rub his
aching hack with the St. Jacobs Oil "a
gentleman pave him , " and undoubtedly
his wife did rub. tor when Old Joe went
on duty at night he met his friend and
benefactor , to whom ho remarked : !
" 'em Oils you gave me , Guv'nor , did j
gi.e me a doing , they was like pins and ;
needles for a time , bnt look at me now. " '
and Old Joe began to run and jump like
young colt. All pain , stiffness and
soreness had gone , he had been tellinjc
everybody he met what St. Jacobs Oil
had done for him. Old Joe says now he
has but one ambition in life , and that is
to always to be able to keep a bottle of
St. Jacobs Oil by him. for he says there
is nothing like it in the world.
St. Jacobs Oil serves the rich an ; ! the
poor , high and low , the same way. It
has conquered pain for fifty years , and it j
will do the same to the end of time. Sim-
nle facts like the above tell an honest tale
with which nothing on earth can com
AlatiasUne can be used over paint or
paper ; paint or paper can be used over
Alabastlne. Buy only in five pound pack-
properly labeled ; take DO
raise pe-ni-na ,
As a Reliable Specific for the Ills Incident to the
Vicissitudes of Their Occupation.
Hon. John E.Ptacek ,
Asst.Supt Police
John E. Ptacek , Assistant Superintendent of Police of Chicago , III. , writes ) :
" / used Peruna for a very severe case of nasal catarrh , and am
glad to inform you that It has accomplished a complete cure , t
have no hesitancy in recommending It to others. "
Officer A. C. S.wanson writes from 007
Harrison street , Council Blnffs , Iowa , as
follows :
"As my duties
compelled me to be
out in all kinds of
weather I contract'
ed severe cold from
time to time , which
settled in my kid'
neys , causing
severe pams and
trouble In the pelvic
"lam now like a
new man , am in
splendid health and give all praise to
Peruna. " A. C. SWANSON.
Michael O'llalleran. Lieutenant Ser
geant of the Summerdale Station Police
Department , writes from 1993 W. lion-
roe street , Chicago , 111. :
"Several of the officers of our sta
tion have good reason to praise
Peruna. Severs ! times when they
spent hours in the rain and came in
person in Russia is allowed to
marry more than live times : and no
person over eighty years of agl is
permited to marry.
Brooklyn , N. T. , March 2Gth. The Gurllold
Headache Powders arcSuccessful. . Why ?
Tliej" act quickly and smely ; they never
harm or in auy way derange the a > stein ;
they are not cathartic ; they AKE genuinely
good. You will be glad to try them : send .
to Garfield Tea Co. , Brooklyn , N. Y. . for
sample Powders ; carry them alv.-aya with
you an envelope fits the pocket.
Crocodiles , like ostriches , swallow
small stones and pebbles for the pur
pose of grinding their food , to make
it more easily digestible.
There is more catarrh TO nils section of tU
country than all other diseases put together , and
until the labt few years was supposed to be in
curable. J'or a great many years doctor pro
nounced It a local disease , and pre < : ribed lo J
remedies , and by constantly failing to cure with ,
local treatment , pronounced it incurable , bcience '
has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dis
ease , and therefore requires constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manuiactured by F.
J. Cheney Co. . Toledo. Ohio , is the only con
stitutional cure on the market. It L > taken In
ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teavj/oonful.
It actb directly on the bloou and mucous .sur
faces of the system. They oiler one hundred
dollars for any case it faiL to cure. Send foi
circulars and testimonials. Audiess.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0 ,
Ctf-Sold by Druggists , 75c.
Hall's Family Hlls are the be-t-
Miss Versa Hollenbect , at the age
of sixteen , is an enthusisatic evange
list of the Holiness Christian Church
and is the pastor of a congregation
at Sullivan , Ind. Her extraordinary
eloquence and zeal have been the
means of converting many persons.
AyroXISllIXG * 1 FURTIVE. Mail 12c 4 birthdaj
for te t reading. OSilAK , 1C9 W. 23d St. . Xevr York
Many ailments , particularly throat and
lungtrouble * , are attributable to unsan
itarywall coveringsAlabaatlne has in
dorsement f pbyticlAna na sanitarians.
drenched , a severe cold has followed
which it seemed impossible to throw
off until one of them tried.Peruna . ,
and found the finest
remedy for a cold
that a man would
"Since then we
have used it for
colds , catarrh , in
fluenza and other
complaintsfolio wing
In the wake of In
clement weatlier
and we ail feel weK
pleased with Peruna. "
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartinau , giving a
full statement of your rase , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable adrie *
Address Dr. Hartman. President of th
Harttnnn .Sanitarium. Columbus , Ohio.
Wiil you be ni. ; t > f hay' ' If so plant a
pluiilA "ol thw } > < miitlly prolific mi.l t.
5 to Tons of Kich Hay Per Acre.
I'rk-e , GO U . * l.l 0 ; 100 } ! > . iS.UO ! - < - * i'rc-ltrUt.
JOMU A. JJ.iiii * - < < 1 < J < > . La rosse.Vis. . U
The carrying otp lire urns in Russia
Is only permitted after an ollicial in
vestigation of the character of the
person : who requests the privilege.
His name and the number cf the
weapon are recorded. Should he af
terward desire to dispose of the
weapon he must notify the authori
ties and cause the transfer to he en
tered on the public records.
_ ,
) howinc Full Line o7 ( rrnentj and Hcx3. f
A A ? < ? " 'S ? -A icj- -
Best Congh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time. Sold
N.N.U. NO. 712 13 YORK j ilti
Alabastlne packages have full direc
tions. Anyone can bruah it on. Ask paint
dealer for tint card. "Alabaatlne Era. "
free. Alabaatine Co. , Grand Rapids , Micfc.