Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 27, 1902, Image 4

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OfjficiaNetvtfpaper of Cherry
County , y
Thursday , March 27 , 1902.
Frank Lamberson and 0. I3uik y
were in our city yesterday.
J. W. Kellar , of Complon , was on
our streets the tiist of the week.
J. L , AIcElderry came in Monday
and paid his subscription to the DE3IO-
Miss Kate Donoher has returned from
her homestead in the west end of the
There was a carload of recruits land
ed Jiere for Ft. JSriobrara last Monday
-The. annual meeting of the patrons
of Sparks skimming station will be held
April 1.
Carrie Nation arrived at the 'station
last night and was met by undertaker ,
liev. D. .7 ( iik , of Chadron , will
preach in ihr . E Church next Sun
day morning.
W. A. Snowdun , of Merriman , sends
us a dollar for subscription the coming
year to the DKMOUUAT ,
A. i . Wood , a merchant on the res
ervation , is iu our city to purchase
goods of 1 ravel ing men.
Mrs. Barnett and sou. of Merriman ,
' a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shattuck
is here visiting this week.
Frank Fischer and son. Eoscoe , re
turned Saturday night from their visit
back east among old iriends anil rela
Mrs. Crawford , of West Point , an
old friend of earlier days was among
the guests at the golden wedding of
Mr. and Mrs. Morey.
Col.E. . . J. Davenport made a business '
trip to Omaha last week , aud while
there was visited by his son Cl } de who
is attending the state university at Lin
Chas. Sparks , cashier of the Valen
tine State Uank , went down to Omaha
with his wife who started to California
last week expecting to be gone during t
the summer.
Prank E. Beeman , of Kearney , was
in our city Tuesday looking after his
chances for the nomination ior Cong
ress in this district on tho republican
After the close of the commissioners
meeting last Friday , Com. Burr and r t
JLaufer returned to their homes , Mr. 11 (
Burr going as far as Cody on 2o. 8 11si
where he left for his home. sia
Services at St. John's Episcopal \
Church , Easter as follows : Holy Com Itt
muniou 7:30 : a. in Sunday School 10
a. in. Holy Communion and Sermon uSI
11 a. in. Evening I rayer and Sermon SIt
7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. t
ta ta
it was reported this morning that no a
one was at the station to meet Carrie fi
\atiou except E. J. Davenport , Johnny fit
Stetter and Mrs. Perry William Cor- b
iclius Church.'I
denies having been at the depot and btl tlt
fl says it must have been the other under tlsi
taker. si
Teeters Bros , came in from Newton tl :
last Monday to transact business before tlfi
the land otlice. They made this office fi
: i visit and squared their account. w
These three brothers are engaged in ww ,
the ranch business near JNejvton and at
are doing well. They appear to be atcl
bright and energetic young men and clM :
ought to succeed. clN
Charles C. Cook , from Valentine , tb ;
came in from the east , Wednesday , and
from tin5 ; time forth will assist in get
ting out t lie Press Journal. Mr. Cook
comes highly recommended , and with
his help we feel that we can give our
readers better reading. Our every e.- '
fort will be to build up the paper in
every way. and hope we will have the
co-operation of our patrons. Harrison
Press Journal.
RevLechleitner informs us that he
has purchased from Springfield , O. ,
plants amounting to 812 to be shipped
as soon aa they can safely be planted.
There are four dofcen rose bushes of
various colors and ever blooming , two
years old and two dozen each of car
nation pinks , violets , pansies , cannas
and tuberose. These and many oth
ers will adorn the grounds of the
Catholic Church.
! 1 Golden Wedding.
MondiU evening Abijali Morey and
wife , two most estimable residents of
our tovn , celebrated their golden wed
ding at their comf ( rtable home on Hall
street. The rooms were jippropriatelj *
decorated with golden buntiug , draped
from tbe corner to the center , where
foldif 'iri'lf s Inn- " : ! r i n i : i \vffl-
-i n.
about the windows. Natural
the prettiest of geraniums were hre }
and there , making ihe home a Miitahl"
place to ceuimeuioratf iiiliftirih -m
nivcrwiry of then- t-ddn-.g. M unierou.-
relatives and fnenJs bt i-iii ! < ? rrw
early iu the afternoon and a cotiMant
.stream of people coming and going
until eveninsr , who" the was
filled to overflowing with well wishing
friends who had gathered to join m the
festivities aud merry-making When
we saw the great number presentwe
dispaired of printing a list of rhenam
or even gue-ssing at tho number. Mrs.
J5J. Ii Uardin read an oii iual
* * & & & & 9JtVJA3J JteJt
We Are
And are all ready to handle the increased amount of business
that ie sure to"come with our increased facilities for taking
care of it properly. If you have not as yet called at the j *
new store you do iiot realize what theee facilities and
this service mean to you. Sooner or later you j *
will become dissatisfied with anything less than
the best in drug store goods and service , especially when
you pay for the best , and when that time comes you will come jj
here. Don't you think it would be to your advantage to come now ? g
Come In and Hee the store anywny whether
you want to buy or not. We'll leave the rent
to your Kooil Judgment ; : ; ; : ;
Quigley & Chapman ,
Druggists ,
Valentine , t ; t Nebraka ,
composed by the bride of 50 years ago.
Several songs were sung by Mesdames
Sol. Morey and liivens and also by the
choir of the Presbyterian church. O.
W. Morey furnished considerable
amusement with an Edison phonograph
and 'during the evening reproduced ex
pressions and names spoken into the
instrument by a large number of those
present. Manyaluable and useful
presents were bestowed upon the bride
and groom of 50 years , showing only
in part the high rfgard and esteem in
which this venerable couple is held by
the r friends. Long may they live to
enjoy each other's companionship
with that sweet contentment in their
minds of sous and daughters and grand
children that are praiseworthy and caus
ing no regrets iu"their declining years.
A Fire
Last Saturday nipht while J. E.
Thackrey and his nephew were asleep
in their house down on Marsh Lake a
lire was slowly creeping upon them.
The house consisted of two claim
shanties joined together making a
house about 12x26 setting north and
south. The south part being used for
SIsi cooking and eating room and they
slept in the north room. . The wind was
olowing from the south and carried
the flames and smoke in upon the oc
cupants who were so soundly sleeping
that they did not awaken until they
were nearly suffocated with smoke.
Half da"zed they were finally aroused
and blindly staggering through the
smoke and fire each cariiedoutan
armiul of bed clothes believing their
own wearing apparel to be thrown
across the bed and that they had car
ried it out , also. In another instant
the : whole building was wrapped in
lames as the wind blew fierce and
strong as it always does when thei e 4e
h're. Everything was burned except
what was carried out as they scramb
led out of bed. Two new saddles , all
their : clothing , guns , ammunition ,
loaded cartridges and shells , a can of
smokeless powder and a five gallon
tank ; of kerosene helped to make
things lively as the boys danced
around outside dodging bullets as the
ammunition became heated and
fought out the fire that seemed de
termined ( to get away from them and
burn , up the prairie range , the while
barefooted , bnreheaded and just as
they tumbled out of bed. Finally af
ter whipping out the fire , with a calf
skin , that was burning the grass
iround the house , they returned to
he bed clothing which was scorched
ind burnt from running through the
Ire. : Their wearing apparel and shoes
vere burned in the house and there
vas nothing to do but wrap them-
lelves in comfort like a redskin and
jc < to the nearest camp to borrow
lothrs until they could go to town.
Mr. Thackrey came to town Sunday.
o cause for the fire is known unless
he house was struck by lightning.
Comml8 ioners' Proceeding : * .
VALENTINE , March 18.1002.
Board of County Commissionera met pursuant
to adjournment. Preseut , Chairman , Alex
BurrV , E. Haley and L. Laufer.
On motion , the following appointments were
made :
J. F. Young , assessor Barley precinct.
George E. Sims , Justice of the peace Boiling
Springs precinct.
Jacob Mogleconstable Boiling Springs precinct.
The following bonds were approved :
W. A. Wilson , assessor Georgia precinct.
J. F. Young , assessor Barley nrecinct.
George E. Sims , justice of the peace Boiling
Springs precinct.
Jacob Mogleconstable flolllng Springs precinct ,
Commissioners appointed tt'ednesday , March
10,1902 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , for hearing remon
strance against petition of Arthur B. Hies to
sell liquor at Crookston Viliagi. Neb.
Adjourned to arch 19,1902.
March 1 ! ) , 1902.
Board met as per adjournment , all members
On motion board proceeded to select GO names
from which to draw jury for May ter n of dis
trict court.
At 1 o'clock p. m , the cause of Arthur B. Ries
came on for hearing. On motion petition of
said Arthur B. Ries to sell liquor at Crookston
Village , Cherry ( Jo. . Nebr. , was granted.
Bond of Arthur B Ries for liquor licence was
Statement of county superintendent for ex
amination of teachers during the half year be
ginning Oct. l , 1901 and ending March 19.1902 ,
WAS approved.
Adjourned to March 20,1902.
March 20,1902.
Board met as per adjournment , al } members
Commissioners ordered the clerk to put the
following lands on the tax list :
S'/i swJi and s'/S se& 29-23:30 , 160 acres , for
j ear 1SJ01. Lots 4 and 5,18-33 2" for yeers 1S91-2-
3--1 5.
Commissioners ordered the clerk to strike the
following land from tax list for years 1898-9D.
1900 and 1901 : Sw-4 ? 14-27-27.
On motion commissioners ordered taxes re-
Jundi'd upon surrender of tax certificate for
years 1897-8-9 and 1900 on the sl/s seK sec , 30 and
ue& ne& Se2.31 T29 B36. the same having been
erroneously assessed.
Commissioners ordered personal tax of John
Porter , Gillaspie precinct , for year 1900 refund
ed , the same having been erroneously assessed.
Also personal tax of Richard Waggle , Mother
Lake precinct , for year 1809.
Bill of E. McDonald for use of stove was re
Wai rant No , 22 for S4'Jo on road fund was or-
dt-red cjinculled , series 1901.
Designation of George C. Bakewell , justice of
the peace , Wood Lake precinct , was accepted.
Ihe commissioners made the following ap
pointments : Michael Mone , road overseer Uist ,
No. 16 , Boiling Springs precibct , Edgar L.
Davis , justice of the peace , Wood Lake pre
cinct. E. G.
Perkins , constable , Table pre
Official bond of E , G. Perkins was approved *
Road petition of Henry C. Bowring et al. to
change road No. 45 * was appioved.
On'motion the county attorney was ordered
to bring suit against Edward . Blakey for the
support and maintenance of the minor child of
said Edward W. Blakev and Ilattie Bennett ,
Commissioner Laufer dissenting.
Clerk was ordered to cancel warrants Nos. 2G2
and 072 , series of 1001
The following claims were allowed on the gen
eral fund :
lierman liiege , use of house for elecilon S 2 00
C. S. Reece , fees in case of Franklin Cat
tle Co. vs. J. E. Thackery , Co. Treas. , . . 15 53
Fremont Tribune , supplies 18 25
James I' . Flemnnng , quarantine office in
caseD.Jordan MOO
Martin Haley , salary janitor Jan. , Feb.
and March 90 00
C. W. Harden , moving old supplies to
new court house 10 00
. . M. Morrisey , salary acd expense , 1st
quarter 1902 18000
I. M. Rice , statiorery 10388
Nebr. Institute for Feeble
count of Maggie M. Ogle ' . ' 21 58
C. S. Reece , o. Clerk , making assessors'
books 1902 12500
S. F. Gilman , light for Feb and lamps. . . 21 00
L. N. Layport , jailor fees and boarding
prisoners 85 50
W. R. Towne. express on blanks 1 2o
Omaha Printing Co , , supplies 22 25
Frank Kludofsky , keeping pauper 43 00
J. W , Yeast , fuel , etc. , for court house 253 14
0. S. Reece , Co. Clerk , salary 1st quarter 100 00
L. N. Layport , jailor fees and boarding
prisoners 6000
" fees McLaughlin case 18 50
" " " " . . . . 900
" " I-adeaux case 3 55
. " " Schwaberow case. . . . 2650
" . . . . 24 50
" various items 370
" fees McLaughlin case 2450
11 Sm Bothwell case 2100
11 attending court and board 1S4 00
" fees McLauRlilin case 1045'
" " McGregor case 120 CO
" Stetter vs. Yearnshaw
ct al. balance 7 00
Adjourned to March 21 ,
' March 21 , 1902.
Board met as per adjournment , all members
The following claims were allowed on the gen
eral fund :
I. M. Rice , printing $ 7 75
G. Carlson , making cases for vaults , etc. 95 70
Geo. E. Horn oy. supplies for poor. coal , .
etc G8 00
Quigley & Chapman , supplies 1820
S. F. Gilman. light for Jan 1990
Etta Brown , salary from Jan. 1 to Mar. 19 ,
1902 203 00
Etta Brown , expense office c 45
Fremont Tribune , supplies 3060
Crabb &Co , , mdse for poor 6 00
I. M.Rice , proceedings 21 33
C. II. Cornell , trustee , mdse for poor C 00
Jackson & Brayton. carpet , 39 20
Fremont Tribune , supplies 630
P. F. Simons , drayage 375
Shei man & Dessert , livery 350
Cnibb & Co. , supplies for poor 5 75
Dave Dennis , quarantine ofllcer 87 75
Dr. Judd A. Strong , service email pox
cases 40 50
A. Morcy , fees Stetter et al 9 45
Arthur Bowriug , fees James Ray case 1 90
Dr. Jndd Strong , medical service 14 50
Dave Dennis , constable fees small pox
cases 5r no
Ely Valentine , livery hire small pox eases 8 75
, . .
l I II fe. I. II O f-
> fID
L. Laufer , services as commissioner and
* * '
mileage - , . . . . 26 00
Alex llurr services as commissioner and
mileage 32 50
W. E. Haley , services as commissioner. . . 12 00
The following claims were allowed on bridge
fund ,
Canton Bridge Co. , repairing bridges $ 99 23
" " new bridges 254100
The S.ind Hills Commercial Co. , lumber. 19 20
The following cla'ms were allowed on the
road fund :
J. J , Owens , road overseer § 23 00
G. W. Chappell. hauling lumber 25 00
L. Laufer. lumber for culvert 1045
Alex Burr , receiving and locating bridges 49 00
C. L. Laita , grading approaches 15 00
LeTtoy Leach , surveying new road 25 50
D. Alden , uork on new road 3 oo
FredGreen , " " " " 75
Dave Uden " " " "
, 150
A. Bowring. " " " " 150
W.Munshower , " " " 75
On motion the following amounts were deduct
ed from the above allowed claims and applied
upon delinquent personal taxes ;
Crabb & Co $17 75
Sherman & Dessert 3 50
DavidDeunis 625
A.Morey l 50
1) . Alder 3 00
J.J.Owens 335
On motion claim of Hooker county for expense
Qnerin case was laid over until next meeting.
Whereupon the board adjourned sine die.
Attest : ALEX BURK ,
C. S. REECE , Clerk. Chairman
Values are the sort that you will appreciate. These goods
be sold no matter what the loss is.
I will SELL a New Clean STOCK of Dress Goods , Silks and
velvets ; Men's and Ladies up-to-date Furnishing Goods. Muslins
'rints 'Ginghams. French Flannels , Table Linens. Napkins. Tow-
lings. Ribbons. Laces Embroideries , Veiling rcl all kinds of Yarns
Also Ladies' .Misses' . ( Tiildren's end &eiu 'omen's ' Shoes of t- :
test Manufacture. Special dale of Dss > Goodjaid Ladies' Mach-
Taken np ol Estrays.
Taken up at my place one and one-
half miles west of Valentine , Feb. Oth
1902 , one light roan cov ; about 6 yrs.
old. no horns , branded box with bar
through center on left hip. Also , one
red and whito spotted cow about
6 us i h"no horns , branded half
square S on left hip.
8-tf D. il JEFFEKS
2000 bushels of 1000 "Improved
Pride of the North" seed corn for sale.
3-lOt M. P. BROSIUS , Valentine , Neb
Estrayed from my place about Sept
2f , one gray horse , weight about 1000
pounds ; head and neck flee bitten
s-.ecks. wire cut on left hind leg be-
. ( w the knee ; branded JD H on left
b mlder , vent may be blotched J u
Also one buckskin pony mare about
6-X ) pounds , mane about 6 inches long-
branded TO on left flank. Reason
able reward for information leading
to their recovery. T-J-NFLS ?
3S-tf Woodlake , Neb.
Smoke Spearhead 5c Cigar at QUIG-
Phillipinos all Quiet
So am L I wish Cherry County to be quiet
also , and , as I am not going there , all will
come to rny gallery and see how quiet I .
am to take your Photos , Guaranteed to
please the most fastidious. Call and see
i a * " * * * *
Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money
to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities.
Valentine State Bank
( Successors to Cherry County Bank. )
Capital Fairt Up J S ,
FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden
0 >
0O *
49 PAINTING 0 0 0 > > >
Valentine Nebraska All work well done i ww >
C. H. COttXJEl.Ii. President. M. V. XICHOLSONCashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Banking Business Transacted
JBitys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
* t
, Correspondents ;
Jhemlcal National Bank. New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb
O Cf Cf
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
m m m MM W
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , iSTebr.
Richards & Oomstock ,
Ellsworth , lYebr.
We Paid Our Patrons Last week I
on track in the country , for butter fat in nice hand
cream This is the bluest price ever
the state of . creamery
Nebraska. Our price for the last twelve *
averages OVER 20c. If you have a hand separator you taS
advantage of our offer NOW. If not , the thingto do is to get one
at once , if you expect to make
any money milking .
formation free. & All in-
3S-UL3T til © TJ
Valentine , A'ebr.
. .
W. HARPER , Agent.
jt 3
for you on harness and other horse equipments
Arite for our free illustrated cataloimeiu
describe the bugii-3 , surreys , phaetons , etc. . which that have we i i
made onr factory famous for their high grade Don't\
wait until your neeU is more pressing : write to-day and Vf
have the catalogue by you lor future use. Y |
. . . Colurcbus , 0. , P.O. Box 772.
Ho. V&l Bnssy. Price 5CT.3)
with leatuer ijcaner toj . SL Louis , We. , P. 0. Bex 54.
Shipment from Columbus. "Write to nearest cGce. licggy 158teate. . riice ! p 53.SQ
. .L