VALENTINE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. MARCH 27 , 1902. NUMBER 10 * 5c 4 ? to 43 Our New Waterloo Underskirts ft 4 $ , 2 * 4 ? to 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 49 43 4 ? to 4 ? 49 43 toto 43 to 43 toto 43 43 43 toto 43 to 43 toto 43 to 4 ? 43 43 Tliev arc dit to lit. huviK ' glove tightness above a slop ing hip tmd the dainty juvtiv Daring away beneath which 43 give the wearer an iuinutai ie grace : : ; : : 43 Colors : Cerise , Cardinal and Black. S THE RED FRONT.ww Spring clothing- We are now receiving our Spring Line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes , Men's , Boys' and Children's Suits. A full line of Furnishing goods always on hand , All the the newest and up to date styles. We'do custom work. ' Don't forget to order your Spring Suit until the Eourth of July. Samples now ready. \ D. STINARD , CLOTHIER and MERCHANT TAILOR EASTER GIFTS ' c Have become almost as popular as Xmas gifts. Such as Secret Lockets , Rings , Belt Pins , Watches , Buckles , Bracelets , Etc. , Etc. Don't forget to look over our line assortment of O , W , Morey , the Old Reliable Jeweler , T r\ D on OVERSHOES , UNDERWEAR and many other WINTER GOODS W. A. PETTY CREW , General Merchandise Get one of our Steel Ranges ! Saves time in cooking Saves coal. It's what you need A Household Necessity. Kitchen Furniture to make housework a pleasure. Your troubles disappear when you bin your Hardware of us. ANDERSO &TnSOHER , CITIZENS MEAT MARKET d. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon Highest cash price paid for The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher House. S.MOON , - Valentine , Nebr Bates Seasonable Give a TiaV A A. Schatzthauer , Propr. TALK OF THE TOWN The day again dawns aright and fair. This office wants to buy a few clean white rags. Will G. and Earl Comstock are in town today. ' Mrs Bullis , of Britt , has been quite sick for several days. E. L. Hutchinson and brother were up from Penbrook yesterday. Editor Heath , of th3 Cow Boy , called on us while in our city , last Saturday. Ely Valentine and A. J. Wilson , of Woodlake , were Valentine visitors yesterday. . W. Caton. of Stearns , S. D. , has been visiting with his mother and brothers the past week. Miss Eva Hardin is back at her place again after helping C. H. Cor nell invoice the dry goods of Crabb & Co s store. Yesterday's combination of March winds and April showers caused the natives to use Isnguage with a touch of profanity in it. Levi Sparks and family spent the the greater part of last week in our our city on business. They will soon become residents of Valentine. We are informed that on Easter Sunday Mass will be celebrated at 5:30 : a. m. and Solemn High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. at the St. Nicholos church. Next Tuesday will be election day. It will also be All Fools' day. As there is but one ticket in the field , none of Valentine's candidates are likely to be fooled. Cloudy weather the past week5 with a rain preceded by the first thunder this year , last Saturday night and misting rains since , turning to snow yesterday , with a change of wind to the nortb. Mrs. Rouche will break up house keeping in Valentine and is getting ready to move to Sutherland , where she has purchased a home. The boys will go out on the ranch with P. S. Rouche , their father. The adventures of Prince Hank in this country we e so flattering and satisfactory that other crowned heads of Europe are seriously considering the idea of mingling with the bald heads of the United States. J. W , Webb , of the Donoher Hotel , will begin at once to build an addition to the hotel he recently purchased and will add 15 comfortable and com- modius rooms tb make room for the increased demand. The > vork will be done in brick or stone. There was great loss of stock in the recent blizzard where the cattle were affected with the itch. Cloro Napth- oleum , sold by Quigley & Chapman , is said to be a sure cure and Mr. Quigley tells us that stockmen who have used it on cattle recommend it highly. W. S , Marr , one of the old-time , genial traveling men for the National Biscuit and Cracker Co. , was in our city last Saturday and made us a vis it. Mr. Marr is one of those earnest , patriotic and trustworthy men > vho make the world brighter for their having lived in it. An excayation is being made be tween the Red Front and Taylor's restaurant preparatory to the erec tion of another addition to the Red Front. Jackson & Bray ton , the pro prietors , are progressive men and in crease their buildings to keep up with their large mercantile business. It gives employment to the laborers and the mone > is well invested. We have a complete stock of envel opes and paper on hand and a practi cal printer who has had years of ex perience in job printing. We can turn out the neatest of work with up- to-date type , that you have ever seen. If you want any envelopes , writing paper , cards , sale bills or any kind of job printing , we can please you. We invite those who need printing to call and see our samples. The hunting party composed of Sandy Griswold , sporting editor of the World-Herald , and son Girard , F. A. Goodrich and Judge Chas. Ogden , pulled in from the lakes near E. Still- well's , Tuesday evening and yesterday morning took the train for Omaha. They say they didn't get all the ducks. They didn't have very good weather for their hunt. Chas. Metz left the party and came in last Thursday , E. J. Davenport has been improv ing his building formerly occupied by Quigley & Chapman and on Monday the postoffice was moved across the street into it. A Sioux City firm advertises a large number of cattle for sale to our stock men. Our people have had some ex perience in handling the so-called Sioux ( 'ity cattle and that experience hiri not been s.itislactorj' . There are nu eiiaps in the cattle business by which you can get rich in a day or a year. There is an abundance of op portunities to lose what you have been years in accumulating and you can lose it in a year or in a day. Through an oversight last week an article announcing the arrival on Sunday evening , the 16th inst. , of Mrs. Sol. Morey and her daughter , Gladys , and the baby , from Dead- wood , where they have been for near ly a year. Mr. Morey came a couple of days later. They will visit with relatives and friends here for a month before returning to the Blacfc Hills , where Mr. Morey has found employ ment as a carpenter during the past year , at good wages , We no longer hail with delight the Chipping in to this country such cat tle 1 as come from Sioux City , now famous as the ' 'Sioux City dogies , " nor any dther cattle offered cheap by commission houses in lots to suit the purchaser. J They have proved a fail ure in making money for the stock men of Cherry countv. Many cattle thus shipped in are infected with dis ease and our stockmen can ill afford to hazard their successful and grow ing herds by placing disease among them. The DEMOCRAT suggests cau tion to its readers. Last week a gentleman and two young ladies stopped in our city for three days advertising Baker's cocoa and chocolate. They took ujs their headquarters at the stores of Daven port & Thacher and the Red Front , where they furnished hot cocoa drinks to everyone free of charge. They es tablished a reputation for that drink , the most delicious , and gave instruc tions how to make it , The young la dies were dressed to represent the picture on each box of cocoa and were very attractive. They left pleasant memories of their bewitching smiles and a longing to see them once again lingers in the vagaries of a bachelor mind. ] Educational Department. BY LETA STETTER. -The mill can never grind with the wat-r that is parsed. " Miss Ayers was absent Tuesday fore noon. The seniors are working on their orations. The Plane Geometry students finished the fourth book , Wednesday. The juniors have suddenly assumed a mofct unexpected litr rary bent. John Coggswell , after an absence of two years , is again a pupil in the oth grade. Don't forget the Delphians , April 18 , in Cornell hall. They will play * ' .Dear est M-ima. " Soon a meeting of the club will be called to elect a secretary , treasurer and an executive committee to manage the affairs of the club. Prof. Waitson recently received a let ter from Bert Jeffers , of the class of ' 01. He says that he is enjoying his work in the Omaha Medical college. The Non Pareils' program of last Fridav evening was a decided success. The total proceeds of the evening were ยง 44.75 and after deducting expenses we find $ o3.uu to add to our library fund. Maggie Brown , of Britt , was enrolled in the grammar room this week. This makes the fifteenth non-resident en tered on the enrollment list this year. All of these , however , are not at present in attendance , a few having dropped out of the ranks from different causes. / . A. Becker , of Spearfish , S , D. , was in Valentine last week tor the purpose of interesting our people in a series of first-class entertainments for next year. Ninety-nine persons havq pledged them selves to purchase tickets at $2 50 for I he season of six entertainments. This action secures for us six first-class en tertainments for next year beginning m Ociober and running through about six mouths , toto to toto to 43 We make our business pay us &t " " 43 to 43 by making it pay you. gto to > 43 All our Winter Goods to toto to 43 toto toto to toto to toto to 43 toto toto to 43 43 You know what that means. toto toto toto to toto to 43 toto 43 43 43 43 PRICES-THE-LOWEST I 43 to toto 43 DAVENPORT d THACHER toto toto to 43 General Merchants. toto toto toto to CLOSING must sell our entiie stock of goods , Everything goes. 400 Pairs of Shoes at 50c on the Dollar , , Big Reductions in Everything. Come and see for yourself liow mucli a dollar will buy. Maier Sisters. E GARRY A COMPELTE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTON XEBKASKA THE DONOHER , . . . J C. WEBB. Proprietor. IB the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-OLASS MODERN HOTEL In North western Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms YALEHTIEE - HEBRASKA U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL 8 VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * We Can Satisfy You in Qualitv Price and Workmanship