Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 20, 1902, Image 1
TH VALENTINE NEBRASKACRA THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , MARCH , 1902. NUMBER 9 ft 4 4 * * Our New Waterloo underskirts , g 49 49 49 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 49 4 ? 49 i * 49i < i 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 They are cut ro fit , havm. , iiugiovu ti ntutias above a slop- Inn hip and Hie dainty. ) > retty flaring away beueath which give tlic wearer an inimitable grace ; : ; : : Colors : Cerise , Cardinal and Black. 1 THE RED FRONT. I Spring clothing- We are now receiving our Spring Line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes , Men's , Boys' and Children's Suits. A full line of Furnishing goods always on hand , All the the newest and up to date styles. ' We do custom work. ' Don't forget to order your Spring Suit until the Fourth of July. Samples now ready. D. STINARD , CLOTHIER and MERCHANT TAILOR Have become almost as popular as Xmas gifts. Such as Secret Lockets , * Rings , Belt Pins , Watches , Buckles , Bracelets , Etc. , Etc. Don't forget to look over our line assortment of O. W. Morey , the Old Reliable Jeweler , rrn pDl A I - \ -sLJ 1 i 1.1 on OVERSHOES , UNDERWEAR and many other WINTER GOODS W. A. PETTY CHEW , General Merchandise Get one of our Steel Ranges ! Saves time in cooking Save ? coal. It's what urn need A Household Necessity , i Kitchen Furniture to make housework a pleasure. YourtronbleE j disappear when you buy your Hardware of us. ANDERSON & FISCHER , CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon Highest cash price paid for H11DE3JS The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher House. S.MOON , . . . Valentine , Nebr Bates Reasonable A. Schatzthauer , Propr. 'J 'Jf ' - > J F TALK * OF THE TOWN Geo and Jos. Bristol were in town Tuesday. i S N. Moses was in from Simeon last Saturday. Jos Strange dropped into our city last Saturday. Assessors' meeting was pretty well attended , Tuesday. The county commissioners met Tues day , each member of the board pres ent , J.P rfwain called at this office last rfaturda } , while in our-city on busi ness. P. J. DeBell and D. W. Parmalee , of Rosebud , were in town over Sun day durinjr the storm , M. P. Jordon , Andrew Benson and Phil Fleming were in our city last Saturday on business from Arabia. B. P. Carter came up from Ains- worth on 25 last Saturday and said the wind was so strong that progress was very slow on a freight. Miss Fannie VanBuskirk came down from Cody last week and will do di ess- making and trimming. We omitted this and several other items last week for want of space. Robt. Anderson returned from his borne at Palmer Nebr. , whither he had gone to see his brother who was fatally ill. Mr. Anderson arrived too late to see him alive. Martin Becker dropped in Tuesday while in town to pay another years subscription to the DEMOCRAT. Mr. Becker is doing nicely and dosen't for get the newspaper man. Andrew P. Madson , who hao been in town the past few days , returned to his former home near Gordon , Mon day night. Mr. Madson is thinking of locating close to Valentine. Mrs. Erank Bray ton , who has been visiting'-in Alnsworth with her par ents , returned laft Thursday. Frank : was a pood boy during her absence but was a little lonesome looking. J. E. Young was down Tuesday at tending the assessors meeting from Barley prect. Some how it is a great pleasure to meet these genial citizens who always smile and IOOK upon the brighter side. There was a case in the Co. Court ast Saturday in which C. H. Cornell lad sued Fred Paxton on a note of 840.00. Ed. Clark represented the plaintiff and H. O. Tucker appeared as counsel for the defendant. W. A. Denney came in Friday even ing of last week from Chicago and was surprised to find a storm raging. He says the weather in the East has been fine and men in Chicago were going around in their shirt sleeves. So it was here until last Friday even ing. Robert Quisenberry came in from his ranch last Friday evening to get supplies. He tells us that he i get ting to be an expert in cooking and that ducks baked with dressing don't go bad. Mrs. Quisenberry is back East visiting with her mother Mrs. A. B. Butler. Frank Parker came up from his home near Kennedy last Sunday and was in time to take the East bound train for Omaha where he will get an excursion ticket to go back East , to Paris Tenn. , where Mr. Parker ex pects to buy some land and will move there in the near future with his fam ily. We are indebted to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ayers for a nice visit last Friday while in town from their home at Brownlee , to settle up some business affairs. Mr. Ayers has purchased the livery stable in Thedford and will make that his future home. He orders the DEMOCRAT sent to them at Thed ford. Robert H. Dunn and Miss Ida Hoi- sclaw were united in marriage last Sunday evening at the home of the bride , at 1 o'chock , by Rev. Holsclaw. The guests present consisted of the many near relatives of the bride and Mr. Crabb and family and Albert Yeast and Mr. Bristol , the latter act ing as best man , and Miss Maud Jef- fers as bridesmaid. After the cere mony came the usual congratulations and a bountiful supper. Mr. Dunn is a resident of Elkton , Ky. , and served with distinction in Cuba and thePhil- lipines as a member of the 12th In fantry. On Monday moraine they de parted for their Kentucky home with the best wishes ot their maoy F. H. Eiggtn. of Arabia , called to see us Tuesday awl paid up back du H and a year in advance to the IJEMOCKAT. Mr Higgin changes his address to Valentine We are glad to see these prosperous ranchmen who don't forget the weekly newspaper. A. F. Webb comes to our city to start a cigar factory and will open up a stock of tobacco about April 1st and begin work. Mr. Webb has employed A. J. Moffat , a young man of long ex perience to assist him and we hope our business will * . -tad - in on appnci.Mtetad pat- ' 'i/ii'Z' ' t ! U m\v luis'in'1vfnt rf in ' "ir citv ami help in UIHUH ' i SH/--- - At the caucus Monday nitjht there were over a hundred men pre > ent and several candidates were balloted upon. P. F. Simons , J. W. Stetter abd J. A. Sparks were placed before the assembly for re nomination as the old board. The names of M. V. Nicholson , J. II. Teast , M. Christenseu and Geo. Elliott were also presented. I ? . F. Simons and M. Y. Nicholson were nominated on first ballot for the two year term and Geo. Elliott was the choice for the one year term. We believe these men are satisfactory to the citizens generally and there will be no opposition to their election- The Exploit of the Seniors. Tli * seuiors dignified as of old St/v-i-j , that iiighl. nut in the cold Wntchiug aim wailing for Sclpio bold. But alas , that senior was cangtit in the act Ofwhat he thought was a beauii ful tacc Of releiving the girls from that tart'j attack. Then Scipio creeping around the house As silently as a ittle grey mouse Broke the silence with his powerful voice. At the same time Clinton led the uirls \Viththelrlittlebrown locks and pretty curls To what was supposed to oe a shelter. Th ° n one of the uirls who thought she could tell About where the laud rose up and fell Suddenly fell into a cellar. The north wind blew And the taffy Hew As the seniors were defeated. BY COMMITTEE Or Juxioits. ilr < j | Educational Department. LETA STETTER. 11 'Tis worth a wise man's best of lif i , 'Tia worth a thousand years of strife If thou caus't lessen but by one , The countless ills beneath the sun. " We once more enjoy the privilege of recess. The JJelphians will give the last pro gram of the year on April 18th at'Cor- nell Hall. "There's a few more men sure to turn out1 fools than those who look like geniuses. " Miss Maude Jeffers and Miss "Edith Crabb were pleasant visitors in the H. S. room Monday afternoon. Re member the Non Pareils Friday oyeuinjj in Cornell Hall. Reserved seats 2oc. General admission ! 10 and It seems that the seniors in their at- temps to conjure up a blizzard for an English theme , succeeded beyond all expectation and conjured up the real thing. The Juniors suggest that the degree , Dr. of Philosophy , be added to the sen iors at commencement time. We shall have to admit that the Juniors are moi-e discerning than we had formerly sup posed. And it came to pass on the fourteenth day of the third month that the juniors , which arc the class of ' ( KJ , made a feast and called it a taffy pull , And about the eighth hour when they were all as sembled in the dwelling of one Irviu Query , a devout man , it came to pass that they boiled molasses and sugar to- gethei and called it taffy. Now wheii the seniorshicharethe scribes and elders of the high school , heard these things they were moved in spirit and said among themselves , "behold , is it lawful for these juniors to have a taffy pull in this season of Lent ? " Jt is not lawful. And the seniors wrapped themselves in fascinators and overcoats , because the weather was inclement , and went forth to rescue the juniors from their transgression , and the taffy from the juniors. And it came to pass tuat when they had come unto that place , they peered in at the windows of that Louse and saw the juniors stir ring the taffy. But they had patience and waited until that they should set it out to cool. But because that the dog was fond of taffy the juniors dared not set it out. Therefore the seniors said among themselves , ulet us cry out with a loud voice , fire ! And when those wicked juniors shall be assembled out side the dwelling we will rush in and seize the taffy. " And when those wicked juniors heard them thny were sore afraid lest their vanity had brought down upon them a consuming tire. But there Was one among tiieui named Cloyd Quigley , a mere youth who was more brave than the rest , and he cried out with a loud voice that it was the seniors and not a visitation of wrath. But the seniors got no tatfy , and itas good what theie vas of it and there was enough of it such as it was. But the juniors cried out with a loud voice , ' 'an eye for an eye and an overcoat for a--piece of tatfy , " and they seized the overcoat of one Mr. Collett , a devout man and a solid geometry stud ent. But Miss Hesa cried out , saying , "part not the raiment , " and they for bore. But there was weeping and wailing and would have been a gnash- iug of teeth but that partially masti cated taffy prevented it , 49 49 49 We make our business pay us * t | by making it pay you. 49 49 49 49 49 Al ] our Winter Goods 49 49 49 49 49 MUST GO ! 49 49 You know what that means. 49 49 49 1 PRICES-THE-LOWEST | DAVENPORT d THACHEP $ General Merchants. I * I CLOSING OUT I We must sell our entire stock of goods , Everything goes. 400 Pairs of Shoes at 50c on the Dollar * Big Reductions in Evwybhing. Come and see for yourself how much a dollar will buy. Maier Sisters. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF General , Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA THEDONOHER . , , . J. C WEBB Proprietor. Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Tv/o-Dollars a-Day FIEST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL Iii Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Ilot and Cold Water , Two Sample llooniB YALEHTIEE : HEBB.ASKA U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska GET AT IS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE Can Satisfy You b Qualitv Price