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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1902)
TH VALENTINE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , MARCH 13 , 1902. NUMBER 6 49 Our New Waterloo Inderskirts , 2 * 49 2 * 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 * 49 49 I * 49 J 49 49 49 Jfcfr 49 fcfr 49 49 4 ? 49 49 ftfr 4 ? 49 49 Tliev arc cut to fit. haing tliij { jlove tightness above a slop- t& lug hip and the dainty , pretty llaring away beneath which 49 give the wearer an Inimitable grace ; : ; : : CJ 49 * Colors : Cerise. Cardinal and Black. & 49 49 Y THE RED FRONT. I pring clothing- We are now receiving our Spring Line of Ladies' and Gents1 Sboe83 Men's , Boys' and Children's Suits. A full line of Furnishing goods always on hand , All the the newest and up to date styles , We do custom work. Don't forget to order your Spring Suit until the Fourth of July. Samples now ready. D. STINARD , CLOTHIBE and MERCHANT TAILOB GET " The litet in Belts , Buckles , Sash anti Bodice pins. Your eyes fitted with glasses so you can see a watch that will keep time or the one you have cleaned and re paired. A Talking Machine Outfit for $10.00 , AT O. W. MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler , on OVERSHOES , UNDERWEAR and many other WINTER GOODS W. A. PETTY CREW , G-eneral Merchandise Get one of our Steel Rang I Saves time in cooking Saves coal. It's what you need A Household Necessity. Kitchen Furniture to make housework a pleasure. Your troubles disappear when you buy your Hardware of us. ANDERSON & FISCHER , CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacoa Highest cash price paid for The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher House. S.MOON , - - . - Valentine , Nebr Bates Reasonable Give a WaV , A. Schatethaner , Propr , TALK OF THE TOWN Remember the dance , March 17 , at Crookston. Howard Jaycox was in town the first of the week. Sunday dinners 'Jo cents at the Val entine House. J. H. Searby was down from Crooks- ton last Friday. W. N. Bliss , of CrooKston , called on us last Friday while ia town. Sunday dinners at the Valentine House will be 35 cents after this. J. B. Cox , of Crookston , while in town Monday , called at tais office and .eft a dollar on subscription. Tommy "Watkins departed Monday morning for Omaha where he goes to see a specialist for throat trouble. C B. Cook and R. S. Dennis went up to Crookston Tuesday to do some calcimining and will be gone several days. N. D. Jackson , of Neligh , was up ast Friday in the interest of a client .n. the matter of the foreclosure of a mortgage on Crabb & Go's , store. Missv Ina Flowers came up from Longpine Friday morning to see tier father before he departed for Wash. She returned to Longpine Saturday morning. The Misses Davis , from Oshkosh , Nebraska , are visiting Mrs , Crabb and Mrs. Jas. Hull. These ladies got acquainted at Hot Springs some time ago while there for their health. G. P. Crabb will move to the coast aa soon as his business can be closed up here. Mrs. Crabb has been in poor health for several years and they hope to benefit her by a change. Harry Harper , from on the north table , was in town the first of the week. He informs us that he ia ag ent for the U. 3. Cream Separator. Notice his ad in this paper. * Daniel J. Krous and mother , Mrs. Anna Krous , came down from Merri- manlast Saturday and after stopping In towna fewdays will go to Atkinson , where Mr. Krous has rented a farm. Paul Charbonneau and wife came to town last Friday expecting to meet an Aunt from Sioux City , Mrs. Jos ephine Parent. HJrs. Chabonneau will be remembered by her friends here as Mabel Ashburn formerly. The soldiers which we stated last week to arrive Thursday , did not come until Saturday evening. They remained in the cars that night and Sunday morning transportation was sent up from the fort for them. Enoch Flowers , and son , Franki de parted last Saturday morning on the west bound train for Spokane , Wash ington. Mr. Flowers goes to Wash , to see the country and if it suits him he expects .to locate there. Good luck to him. This office did a very neat job of printing this week for Nelson S. Row- teyt of Kennedy. Mr. Rowley has horses for sale and often times takes a note for a horse or team and needed some notes printed in special form for his business/ Wm. Morrissey , book-keeper for the D. S. Ludwig lumber yard , step ped on a piece of sharp glass Tuesday aftennoon which cut through his shoe just above the sole in the instep and into his foot about a half or three quarters of an inch deep. He will be a cripple for a few days and will get around but slowly. There will be a large number of soldiers who are disabled in service sent to Fort Niobrara soon to be placed in the hospital and nuised back to health. This is a fine climate and we understand that henceforth Ft , Niobrara will be used for a hospi tal for sick and convalesent soldiers previous to discharging them from the army. Last Sunday was a fine spring day and in the afternoon the editor , ac companied by A. L. Harrison , travel ing salesman for confectionery , L. i P , Priesrnau of th : Hetrick A : PrisT man cigar manufacturers , of Kcd Oak , la. , and F. M Beardslcy , a dry- goods salesman , went down to Fort Niobrara , taking Hospital Steward i C. M. Hunter along , who had just re turned from an extended visit in the eastern states and through the kind ness of Quarter Master Sergeant Kalb , Plumber Mangan and Hospital i Steward Hunter , we were shown over the post and finally visited during the remainder of the afternoon at the pleasant and comfortable home of Sergeant Kalb. All enjoyed the well paft to tfcir trip. Educational Department , BY LETA STETTER , "I wonder could we ever count Tle : value of one human fate , Or Mini the infinite amount Of one hearts's treasure nr tiie Wclgit Of one life's venture , or the whole Coucintrale purpose of a soul. "My furn .Next" will be played by the ] STon i'areils in Cornell Hall Mar. 21. Mrs. Gould and Sirs. Iloenig were visitors in Miss Easom's room one day last week. The class of 190'J have begun to consider commencement and its attend ant tribulations. We leceived our report cuds Mon day for the preceding six weeks. There wasrnucha\eragingof grades and com paring of averages among the seniors. Miss Cumbow , of the class of ' 01 , who has been taking post-graduate work this year , recently turned in her books not intending to complete the semester. A number of Clo d ( uigi ? } 'M feuhuoi mates were very pleasantly entertained at the home of his parents last Thurs day evening in honor of Cloyd's lif- tesnth birthday. Once upon a time , a great many years ago , there lived a student who always took class notes , kept his time card conscientiously and studied his spelling lesson. His species is now ex- linct. This fable teaches that over work is always duly punished , nud that the warning has not been in vain to | otht-rs. Ever since we began to increase our library by public entertainments , we have been entreated by scores of per sons to sell reserved seats ; but we have steadily refused , believing it to be more in keeping with the principle of our , free schools to have the doors opened ava certain hour and charge only the general admission for all. However I at our last two entertainments tie stairway leading to the hall became so ciowded that it was necessary to throw i"I the doors long before the appoint ed hour to prevent accidents. There fore to prevent the jam next week we will sell eighty reserved seats at 25 cts. each. The general admission will be 10 and 15c as usual. Tickets will be placed on sale at Quigley's drug store on Wednesday morning March 10th. Our program will be shorter this time than usual , but we expect to fully make up in quality what it lacks in quanity. FREE ATTENDANCE HIGH SCHOOL LAW. For years the different legislatures of Nebraska have been trying to pass a law whereby the high-schools shall be free to country pupils as well as town pupils. At the last legislature a law was passed which is generally thought to be quite satisfactory. This law provides that pupils who have finished the Work of the country schools so as to be able to do the 9th'grade work in a graded school shall havp their tuition paid from the general fund of the county. Before this law can be put in operation in any county it must be adopted by the voters of sa'd county. All the school districts of Cher-y county except the Valentine High School Dist. form one adjunct district. The people in general paid very little attention to this matter at the last election and as a consequence there lacked eighteen votes of being enough to make the law operative in this county. Voters in Valentine have no voice in this matter except to agree to receive the pupils. Jt is for the voters of the adjunct districts to say whether the law shall become opera tive in this county. The expense will be a mere trifle. nof exceeding one- twentieth ot one per cent on the valua tion. To make the matter plainer , if a man is now naying $160 tax he would pay one dollar extra ; if one now pays $40 he would pay about twenty-five cts. extra if the law should become opera tive in this county. If the countv schools of Cherry Co. wish us * o furnish teachers all they have to do is to furnish us plenty of students for our high ichool. but thit > thuy can not do unlesb th < ; y are willing to rueet the trifling expense for tuition. Tho parents of many young persons who would make excellent students can illy afford to pay the tuition and certainly Valentine cnn not be expected to fur nish it entirely free. Already Valen tine is charging just one-half what many other similar schools are charg ing. Our State Stipt. of Pub. Inst. thinks that the reason that not more votes were cast upon this question last June is that it was not nnderstoorl. There is yet over three fore a school meeting , plentv of time for the matter to be thoroughly invest igated by those interested. 49 LOOK 2 * 49 49 49 AT OUR BARGAIN ft * 49 49 49 49 MIDWINTER SALE ft * 49 49 Men's Perfection Overs for Felt boots all sizes .75 * 49 ft * 49 Men's Snow Exi-lnder Arctic ? , all sizes 1.00 49 Men's Winter Underwear , ft * 49 49 formerly § .50 to $1.00 no\v 2 for .25 49 Men's Hats " .75 to 1.00 now 25 and .50 49 Men's Mackinaw Coats J : 2.00 now 1.00 49 ' " . . . ft * Men's Pants 2.00 to 3.00 now 1.00 49 49 Ladies' Winter Waists" 1.50 to 2.50 now 1.00 ft * 49 49 Children s warm Iloods and Muffs * 49 49 formerv ! $1.50 now 1.00 49 Men's , Ladies' and Children's SHOES at one-half price. 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 General Merchants. 49 CLOSING OUT We must sell our entire stock of good ? . Everything goes. 400 Pairs of Shoes at 50c on the Dollar , Big Reductions in Everything. Come and see for you-rself how much a dollar will buy. Maier Sisters. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CPi XE13UASKA OOKSTOX THE DONOHER J. C. WEBB. Proprietor. Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIBST-OLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Kooms YALEHTIKB - HEBEASKA . a ca. U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL i VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska GET TmTR-HnTKT AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Ow Saftiafy Yc * in Qu litv Price tnd VorkcansJijp