* * S so % f THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Official Newspaper of Cherry County , &coratik i TERMS Subscription 51.00 per year iu advance : 51.M When not paid In advance , Single copies Oc. Display advertising 1 Inch single column 15c per Issue or SG.OO a yt-ar. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Kesolution- and Socials lor KuVcuue 5c per line per issue. Urands , lf im-hes-$4.00 jer > car in advance additional apace SS-Oo per inch per year ; engruvc blocks extra ; 51.00 each. I'artleB living outside Cherry county not per sonally known are requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates.il over c months in arrears. Is'otices of losses.'Iof stockifreejto'.brand adver tisers. Thursday , March 6 , 1902. ADDITIONAL LOCAL The bowling alley opens today. O. W. Ilahn is visiting in Missouri. Judge Towne is again able to be up and about. Lcn Bivens will pay highest cash price for furs. J. C. Bounds and wife have returned from their visit in Mo. Johann Porath , the well driller of Jliege , was in our city yesterday. The McCann correspondence is left out for lack of space. It will appear next week. Major Anderson is spending the winter in the sunny south , since put ting up his ice , John Duffy , of Crookston , called yes terday to pul Ms name on our list foi THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. This morning C. II. Cornell , pres. of Bank of Valentine , closed the store of Crabb & Co. under mortgage. L. C. Sparks and wife came down from Cody the first of tho week. Mrs. Sparks remained for a few duys visit. Mr , Carey , of Crookstou , has icntod his farm and moved to town and will live at his residence on west Catherine r Street. Rev. Cumbow returned last week after an absence of three weeks lielp- iug Eov. Clark of Chadron with reviv al services. Which is it Prince Charles or Prince Ilenry that attracts most attention in oui city ? Ask the boys. If they don't know , ask the girls. One company of the 22nd infantry .about 75 men landed here today for Ft , Niobrara. Two companies went on to Ft. Robinson. Chas. II. Cornell returned from his trip to Omaha where he marketed some of his cattle and hogs that he has been feeding on his ranch near Britt. Let Valentine robe itself in green on March 17 , in remembrance of the sunny isle across the sea. Sing your old songs of the early days and let everyone smile on St. Patrick's day. M. P. Brosius ships 42 head of fat steers this morning to Omaha that ho has been feeding for the past few mos. Mr. Brosius will go over into Iowa to visit friends and relatives while away. C Today is the opening of the millinery c store in which Miss Tacy Collett and Miss Lou Martin are the proprietors. I They have a good location and we pre dict a good business for them. See their ad in this paper. They may laugh or smile , scold or cuss , jeer or scoff at Old Windy , but he's got. the dead mortal cinch on us all. lie owns the cemetery and he'll be Old Windy still when most of us are sleep ing 'neath his sod. Little Bryan Quigley choked on a plum seed last night and but for the prompt action of his mother , Mrsj Quigley , the little boy would have been no more. The heroic work of Marg uerite in pleading for the doctor to hurry is to be commended in the little girl. girl.B. B. J. Iloffacker Jr. and Clint And erson returned last week from their three weeks trip to San Francisco and other points iu California and the west ern states. They had a very nice time and enjoyed the trip. They stopped in our city a couple of days last week up on their return. Mr. Iloffacker went out to his ranch near Simeon , Saturday. Mr. Anderson returned to his ranch south of Cody , Friday evening. This office turned out a nice lot of printed stationery this week for Rev. Lechleitner that met with his approv I al in neatness , style of type and quality of paper. Father .Lechleitner is con 1 tinually improving the appearance of hie church build'ng and grounds and is now oidering some rose bushes , carna tion pinks and other shrubbery plants i witli.ivhich.he Will beautify the yard the coming summer. As in the past summer his grounds were the most beautiful in our city they will be even more beauti ful with many flowers blooming in beds f i. Jl 2000 bushels of 1000 "Improved Pride of the North" seed corn for sale. 8-1 Ot M. P. BROSIUS , Valentin e , Neb FOR SALE. Two saddle horses and one driving team , all young horses. Inquire of J. S , Brosius , VaJentine , Neoraska. G-4t G. C. Bake well and W. Honey of Woodlake are in our city today. We put Mr. Bakewell on our subscription list for the DEMOCRAT. John Haeber returned Saturday night from Erie , Pa. , where he has been visiting old friends of his youih. Mr. Haeber notes many changes back east. east.Mr. Mr. John Haeber , of Valentine , Neb. , is visiting friends in town. Un til 11' years ago he was a resident of Z5ne and was employed lor some time at the grocery store of Messrs. Fritz and Williams. Erie Evening Herald. Kotive of Herding. I will run town herd beginning about April 1st. All parties entrusting cows to my care can be assured that they will receive careful attention. 50 . URIAS BOYER Married. KAWLS MALONEV. On Feb. 22d , at Atlanta , Ga. , Mr. S. A. Rawls , of Jacksonville , Fla. , and Miss Edna M. Malouey , of Fort Niobrara , Nebr. Mr. Sam A. Rowls. of this city , and Miss Edna May Maloney , of Ft. Nio- brara , Nebr. , were married in Atlanta last Saturday morning. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. W. Heldt , of the Methodist Church , and was a yery quiet affair. Miss Malon- ey was visiting relatives in Atlanta and Mr. Rawls left for that place last Friday night , and the meeting of the young people culmi nated in their union. Mr. Rowls met his bride during the Spanish- American war , while stationed in Nebraska , and the wedding is the put- come of a pretty romance that Lad its beginning at that time , Mr. and Mrs. Rawls will make this city theii future home , where Mr. Rawls has many friends. The Atlanta Con stitution of yesterday contains the ( following additional details : " The second early morning visit of Cupid within a week to the Kimball House , during which a happy couple were united in marriaqe , took place on Saturday morning. The groom , S .A. Rawls , of Jacksonville , Fla. , arrived at the hotel on Friday evening. The next morning a handsome girl , attir ed in green brondcloth traveling toil et , alighted hastily from the Central train , which arrived at 7'JO : o'clock. She was joined by Air. Rawls in the rotundaand in a few minutes a clergy man appeared upon the scene. Wit nesses were secured and the party ad journed to the hotel parlor. The doors were closed and in a short time the happy couple issued forth , their faces wreathed in smiles , man and wife. Inquiry failed to ascertain the names of the bride and clergyman. The couple spent the day in Atlanta d and left in the evening on a south bound Central train. " Evening Met b ; ropolis , Jacksonville , Fla. ra < ; Miss Maloney is well known here uii ; i and bears a most excellent reputation uiM as a perfect lady , talented and accom a ; plished , lieu father , E. L. Maloney , tifr is postmaster at Fort Niobrara and is a popular man with all who make his ac quaintance. Mr. Rawls made a large number of acquaintances while at Fort Niobrara as quartermaster's clerk. The DEMOCRAT extends congratula tions to them , j CJ ; Unless stopped at once cold.s run a definite course and while they run they mean discomfort and danger. In the start you can stop a cold and keep it stopped with Guaranteed J Cold Cure. Our preposition is that if it fails after having a fair trial we will return your niouey. However , it won't fail , and even after tho cold has been running some time will relieve the discomfort and shorten the period of attack. * * * wOoOjaO Have a box on hand for use when it starts and you won't have colds. QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN , Druggists , Valentine , Nebr. Notice to A'on'ICc i < l iit Defendant * Timothy Thornton and Mrs. Thornton , his wife , first and real name unknown , defendants will take notice that on the 24th day of Fehrn ary , 190:1 , Ivan C. Shatil. plaintin herein , liled his petition in the District Court of Uherrj County. Nebr.UKainst said defendants , the ob ject and prayer \vhichareto foreclose a cer tain mortgage , executed by Timothy Thornton to the Nebraska Mortgage & Investment Co. , on the nj sw4 } , sejuswtf , & sw se , sec. 11 , tp. 30. r. 2j. ( to secure the payment of a first mortgage bond , dated Sept. 1st , 1800 , for the sum of 600 due and payable five years from the date thereof : that there is now due on said mort gage the sum of § 990.00 for winch sum. with int erest from this date plaintilf prays for decree that defendants be required to pay same , or that the premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to ans wer said petition on or before the 7th day of April , llKtt Dated February 24th , 1902. Ivan C. SJuiul , I'lamMil Ht By F. M , Walcott. his attorney. Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County , Neb In the matter of the Estate of George H. Q. Smith deceased. Martha Proctor having filed in my office a petition praying for the appointment of John W. Yeast as administrator of the estate of Ueorge H. Q. Smith deceased. All persons in terested in said estate will take notice , that I have fixed Saturday. March 22.1902 , at 10 o'clock i. in. , as the time , and my ollice in Valentine. Qherry County , Nebraska , as the place for hear ing .vud petition , at which time and place all . persons interested in said estate may appear incl show cause , if any there bo why sucli an ad ministrator shall not be appointed Witness my hand an J the seal of said County Court this 2Gth day of February Notice to Creditors In county court within and for Cherry county Nebraska , Iu the matter of the estate of Ilenry VauLeer leceased. < To the creditors of said estate : You are here- jy notified , that I will sit at the county court oom in Valentine in said county , on the 22ud lay of March 1902 at 10 o'clock a , m. to Deceive iiul examine all claims ugaiustsaid estate , with view to their adjustment and allowance. The .imp limited for the presentation of claims igaiiist said estate is March 22 , 1902 , and the ime limited for payment of debts is one year rom said 2lst day ot August 1901. Witness my ban4 and seal of said county - ' court , this 19th day of February 1902. SEAL W. R. TOWNJi , G-Jt County Judge Two rooms for rent over the DEMO- RAT office , furnished or unfurnished. lienntifnl Sea Shell * Free. Since coming south I have received numerous inquiries for sea shells , and now please nay to your readers that [ am at prcHcnt living on the neawhore and have made : t line collection of lovely HliellM from our own whore , the coral reofn and thn VWnL India Inl ands , and that I will nrnd ji do/.en dif ferent Iclndu , no two alike , and a do/ en scarlet ( tea | > iMr > lo anyone who sciulH a Htaiwp to pay the pontage. Any one ! H welcome ; toHcml , at > I hayc plenty for all. Mm , I1' , A. Warner. I'a'olo Beach , Fla. A great ado has boon mudo over the illness of young Teddy Huo.sovclt. To tho average reader this kind of notorie ty and spludgo over tho lad in yery much out of joint. To be suro the peo ple of tho United States are very much interested in tho welfare of any of tho president's family , or any other re spectable family , for that matter ; but when whole columns are filled every day in the daily papers telling every changing feature of the boy's illness , it it is stretching the thing too far. Let the kid alone and he will get well , the same as other boys. Papillion Times. The manner in which some of the re publican journals keep up hurrahing for M. P. Kinkaid for congress impress es one more forcibly with the idea that it is as impossible for a republican to think other than that he is the only man to fill any office going , as it is for him to fill it in the interests of the peo ple after he gets it. In the present case the candidate has been twice turned down , and it is hardly likely that he can recover his grip sufficiently to handshake his way into congressional shoes. The republicans must seek a more powerful Moses to lead them if they expect deliverance from the polit ical wilderness in which they have long been wandering in this congressional district. Bovd County Register. Estrayed from my place about Sept 25 , one gray horse , weight about 1000 pounds ; head , and neck flee bitten - specks , wire cut on left hind leg be- .ow the knee ; branded JD H on left houlder , ; vent may be blotched J D Also one buckskin pony mare about 650 pounds , mane about 6 inches long1 , branded TO on left flank. Reason able reward for information leading to their recovery. T. J. NELSON 38-tf Woodlake , Neb. N EW MILLINERY STORE Wewill open up a COMPLETE STOCK OF MILLINERY Dh GOODS , today , March 6 , J 9O2 , in the building known as the ROBINSON BUILDING , everyone is invited to call , COLLETT & MARTIN Goods are going rapidly , but there is an immense quantity left to select from. Those who come once 3ome again. Those who have not yet seen our stu SE pendous bargains , we invite you to come. ( COME TO THE AUCTION SALE 10 to 12 A. 31. EVERY SATURDAY , 1 to 4 P. Iff. AT COURT HOU VALENTINE , NE If E EXTEAOEDINAEY BAKGAIN ATTRACTIONS Values are the sort that you will appreciate. These goods will be sold no matter what the loss is. I will SELL a New Clean STOCK of Dress Goods , Silks and Velvets ; Men's and Ladies Up-to-date Furnishing Goods. Muslins , Prints , GinghamsFrench Flannels , Table Linens , Napkins fowelings , Ribbons , Laces , EmbroideriesVeiling ! and all kinds of farns. Also Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Gentlemen's Shoeslof the 3est Manufacture. Everything at Prices never before heard of. COM No. = AND BE CONVINCED Shii wit _ . _ OFF FOR THE PHILJJPINE ISLANDS SOON So Coine for your Photos and * See the Nicely Furnished Gal lery at The Same Old Stand. A. GSHAW , Valentine , Nebr. Accounts oP Merchants , Rcncl\rrienf and Individuals Invitee1 Money to Loan on Pirst-class Cattle Paper and Other Securities , \ Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Tip JM1CKCTOII8 WuiTTEMOKE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden CHAKLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY w. S. JACKSON Highest cash price paid for The place to get the best windmill a ] so pumps and tanks. First door south of the Doncher House. S. MOON , Valentine , Nebr p TING o * PAPER HANGING | CALCiMINING. S ? R S , DENNIS , Valentine Nebraska * * - All work well done i 3. j II. CORXEIJL. President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange hemical National Bank , New York. Corromjjondents ; First National Bank. Omaha Neb JITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class lino of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon 'HE ' OWL SALOON T. YEARNSHAW JAMES B. HULL Sole Agents for HERLAD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA your CATTLE SUFFER from LlOJfl , IICH or MANGE ArTHOLEUM Sold by Quigley & Chapman , V alentine , Kebr. Richards & Comstock , Ellsworth , Kebr. t iv © Profits , for you on harness and other horse equipments \ describe Write for the our bus frro ; , ! . . " F irreya. nitrated phietons catalogue , etc. in . which that have we i made our factor-f..tr . 'Udfortheir high grade Don't > i wait until your nee. ' - more presginy ; write to-day and 1 , have the catalogue b , ou for future use. THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE & HARNESS CO. , . . Columbus , 0. , P. 0. Box 772. 034 BnKIy. Pri S5MO . , . , . . leather qnaner top. . ou LOUIS Mo. r. 0. Box o4. So. C41 Single Strir lipment from Cclunibia. Write : o r-iirest office.BagKy IJarntsa. Price jajo *