Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 27, 1902, Image 8
TfeE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT M RICE EDITOR $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Fostrofflce at Valentine , Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. Charles II. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Ren'st'd Hereiords Hyain , No. o 74.r 38 at bead of herd. Young bulls Ironic to 18 months old for sale. Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodgingMeals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. MRSM.HARRIS MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk. . . .1.50 per cwt $20 00 ton Shorts bulk . . .115 per cwt $22.00 ton Screenings 40c $7.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.25 " $24.00" Corn 1.05 $20.00 " Chop corn 1.10 " $21.00 " OatB 1.50 " $29.00 JOHN D. EATON City Delivery 10 Cents to haul your Truks , Va lises and packages. HENEY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithingatharr time price for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Kebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. M. S , WELCH Delivery Wagon No , 1 To any part of the city. Leave orders at Elliott's Drug Store W. A. EJMBELL Barber JFirst class and up-to-date. Neat and attractive , every custom er has a clean towel. Valen tine State I3ank Building. LEEOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine \Voodlake GENERAL , AVOKK I'KOJIITLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Itiege , Tubular wells and Eclipse wind mills. "Wells guaranteed five rears. A. M. MOKEISSEY Attorney at Law I Valentine , A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Oilice at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store"Nights The Douoher. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY * ABSTRACTER Valentine , Nebr. Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Real Estate and Hanch Pioperty bought and hold. Bonded Abstractor. J. C. DWYER Physician and sui'geon Valentine , ATebr. All kinds of surgical operations successfully performed. For Sale. 175 Tons of Hay in Stack on Wil low Lake 1O Miles South-east of Sim eon. 5-5t * J * G. PJBLCJI A Rood looking - horse and poor look- , - ln harness Is the . . P" worst kind of a com- ' " - binutlon. Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness and tbo horse lock better , but makes tho leather uoft and pliable , puts It In con dltlon to last twico ns long as It ordinarily would EoM everywhere in cans H I lies. Hade by / STANDARD OIL CO. Give Your Horse SL Chance ! O.J , Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Greek and Loup D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 16 on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also 816 on right side. Horse brand , rake and 1C on left shoulder or ihin Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. J.F . Swain. Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on 'eft ' side as shown in cut. Range South of Sparks on Nio brara river , J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any informatioii leading to tlie re covery of cattle strayed from iny range. ZOMZ Dzoom ; Having recently purchased one of the Newcomb fly-shuttle rag carpet looms I am now prepared to do all kinds of rag carpet weaying on shor no tic 6 MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr , Ranch for Sale or tease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head I of stock. For information address , box no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf KANGAROO RESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS 25 C ENTS FRESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY STYLE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT MRS. R. A. MARhALL & FRED HULL Ioral Notice In the matter of the estate of William O. Tup- per , deceased. Notice is lit-r hy given that in pursuance of an order of W. \Vestover. . one of the judges of the district court of Clierry Co. Nebr. , made on the loth day of Dec. 1901 , for the sale of real esta'e herein after described , there will be sojd atths frontdoor of the court house in said county , on the 15th day of March. 1902. at 10 o'clock a. m. M public vendue. to the highest bidder fur cash , the following described real estate , to-wit the rnvJi Sec. 2s. tp. 34 , r. 25. Said sile will remain open ons hour. Dated Feb. 23. 1902. F. M. WALCOLT. Administrator of the estate of William O. Tupper , deceased. 5 4c Notice \'on-Kesidc : > t Defendants. Mary A. Carpenter , C. F. Bliven. Trustee and W. .1. Bpwden , nun-resident defendants will take notice , that on the 20th day of February , 1902 , Hans A. Pedersnn. plaintiff herein. filed Ins petition in the District Court of Cherry County. Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose : i certain tax lien owned by plaintiff against the sek sec. 21 , tp. 32. r. 33. Cherry Co. , Nebr. acquired by virtue of pay ment , of delinquent taxes on said real estate , for the years 189 : ; , 1891 , 181)5 ) aiul 1S90 , which was regularly sold l-y the County Treasurer of said county on tnejardjdayf April , 18'JS. for the pay ment of deliuiiuent taxes on said real estate for the said years amounting to ST > 0.05 , and sub < se- quent tax for the years Ib97.1893 , 189 ! ) and 1900. amounting to $2a as. Plaintiff is now the owner of said tax lien , and there Is now due thereon the sum of S105.00 for which plaintiff prays judgment and decree that the defendants pay the sam * with interest and costu and in default thereof said real estate oe sold as provided by law for payment of plaintiff's claim and costs. You rvre required to answer said petition on or before Monday , Api 117th 1902. Dated February 24.1302. Hans A. Pederson. Plaintiff i 6-it By F. M , Walcott , his Atty , P. E.-9I. V. B.B. TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Daily 2:33 P. M. No. 25 " ' except Sunday 0:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12 : A.M. EAST BOUND No. 23 Frfc. Daily C:50 A. M. No. 2. ' except Sunday 5:00 P. M. NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A.M. Penbrook Quills Mrs. Tillson was in town the last of the week. F. Grooms went to Valsntine the last of the week. Will Swain bought a fine mule from Machias Jelly a few days ago. Mr. Kuskie and sons took in the dance at Small's Friday night. Myrtle Brown and Fritz Morrison visited at J. Swains last week. F. Powers went to Valentine Friday with two and a half cords of wood. Miss Martha Grooms and Miss Jessen visited with Mary tmd Jennie Hughes Sunday. Miss Mary and Jennie Hughes re turned from a short visit with friends in Wayne county. Will Graddy got shook up pretty badly Sunday by his horse falling while he was running rabbits. The dance given by S. Small was a grand success there being twenty five numbers. Music by A. W. Grooms. Fine weather for several days which of course brought out the Porcupine , so he could pen the doings of the com munity. An entertainment will be given at the Pleasant Valley school three miles uorth west of Penbrook , the 7th of March. Everybody cordially invited A rabbit chas3 was started by the following parties. D. Archer , W. Graddy and Jim Hutchtnson , on Sun day morning , last. Two rabbits we re caught. ' PORCUPINE Down the Hirer Mr. Bishop and family spent Sunday at A. W. Grooms. Mr. Hu ghes went to Wayne county last week on business. Maynard Bishop is working at Mr. McFarlen's these days. * Edward Allen spent a few hours at A. W. Grooms Sunday. J , S. Grooms went to Valentine Saturday and returned home Sunday Mr , Ferrel has been hauling corn this week from near Sparks to the hay flats. flats.Mrs. Mrs. G. Spain has been ill for the past two weeks but is better at this writing , G. Swearinger is selling off his prop erty. He is going to Oregon about tlie last of March , where he expects to find 'a better location. A dance was given February 21,190 $ by M. Small and Mr. Hancock. A nice little crowd was there and a good time was had by all. Miss Mary and Jennie Hughes re turned home from Wayne county last week where they have been visiting friends and relatives. A. W. Grooms will ruu a herd of cattle on the north side of the Niobrara river between the Military and Indian reservations , this summer. Married : Miss Jessie Archer and Mr. Pete Roubideau weie married the 17th of February 1902. AVe did not learn the particulars , only a chivari. YOUNGSTER Kennedy News Art Tennis was in Kennedy last Sat urday. We are having fine weather in these parts just now. Cyle Jones and family were Oasis visitors last Sunday. Cora Ay res was taking in the sights at Oasis last Sunday. Johnie Beekley is carrying the mail from Kennedy to Brownlee. Stock of all kind are looking fairly well in this part of the country for this time of year , S. Q. Spain hauled a load of wood to W. II. Kennedy from the Snake river last Saturday. The dance in the Kennedy hall the 21st was a grand success and everybody had a good time , Mr. and Mrs. Beekley. from the Boardmau , were visiting with J. N. Steadman and family last Sunday. BROKEN ARM Da full blood Plymouth Rock Boost ers for sale. Inquire at the Kangaroo Restaurant. 5-4t Mrs. E. A , MarraU. Gal lop Items John Jones is working for Lon Buck- inester. Mrs. E. E. Crane has been sick the past week. We hear that George 115118 father ot Gordon js dead. We hear that Jim Ray is going to get him a house keeper fight away. Mrs. Eva Trogdau is working for Mrs. Wm. White in the hotel at Mtr- riman. LeRoy Hines and Lon Dalhgrin had a pleasant call at Lee Trogdan's , so they say. There was * surprise dauce at Win. Dahlgren's on Jbeb. , 11. There was quite a cro\vd there and a good time was enjoyed by all. Jess McNamee is up from Wood- lake visiting relatives and friends. Jess is going to btay at Hirman Me- Namee's for a week or so. Mrs. Lora Dahlgren had quite a bad accident the other day as she was com- img home from Mrs. Fred Good fellows. The horse she was riding became scar ed and jumping around threw her off. There are lots of horses dying this winter. It is not only in the county but all over the state. Grant Creiger said that Link Trogdau told him that he had lost 8 head since the 16th of Au gust ; it is thinning out his bunch fast. I GUESS Niobrara Falls A petition is on foot for a new school house. We understand that the hop on the Schlage was well attended. Miss Etta Brown and Miss Iva Ef- nir visited our school February 14 , School closed February 14 , . No pro- gran having been prepared everything went as usual. Several parties have taken their cat tle to VanBurens for the remainder of the season on account of scarcity of hay. Many cattle in this locality have suc cumbed to the severe weather and lack of nourishment. SNOW DROP. McCann Items The people of McCann celebrated Washington's birthday at the school house. Wm. Danofsky andVm. . Morse were visitine ; with D. Ilendershot of Mc Cann Sunday. J. T. Galloway and A. Erickson go to Valentine to fiinish plastering the hall over the Quigley and Chauman building. RELIABLE Arrow Shots We so seldom do sensible things that we want to shout whenever we do. Queer , but a man whoainds strictly to his own business is frequently unpop ular. Most of the time when we can't sleep because of something on our mind it turns out to be coffee. People so seldom do the right thing that they feel as if they ought to be congratulated every time they do. Some days everything seems to go wrong , but it is compensated by other days when everything seems to go right. In view of the fact that honesty pays best and that nobody wants to be swindled , it is queer that everybody is proud of cheating some one else. ALEX MILLER. Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County , Neb- In the matter of the Estate of George H. Q. Smith deceased. Martha Proctor haunt : filed in my office a petition praying for the appointment of John W. Yeast as administrator of the estate of George H. Q. Smith deceased. All persons in terested in said estate will take notice , that I have fixed Saturday. March 22.1902 , at 10 o'clock a.m. . as the time , and my office in Valentine , herry County , Nebraska , as the place for hear- ng said petition , at which time and place all persons interested in said estate may appear and hhow cause , if any there be why ad ministrator shall not be appointed. Witness my hand ani the seal of said SEAL County Court this 20th day of February v 1902. W. It. TOWNS County Judge Notice to Xou-.Resident Defendants Timothy Thornton and Mrs. Thornton , his wife , first and real name unknown , defendants , will take notice that on the 24th day of Febru ary , 1902. Ivan C. Shaul. plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the District Court of Cherry County. Nebr.acainst said defendants , the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain mortgage , executed by Timothy Thornton to ihe Nebraska Mortgage & Investment Co. , on the n'/Ssw > 4. se&sw , & swJ-iseJ-i , sec. ll , tp. CO , r. 20. to secure the payment of a first mortKane bond , dated bept. 1st , 1S90 , for the sum of § 600 due and payable five yea-s from the date thereof : that there is now due on said mort gage tlie sum of § 090.00 for winch sum. with int erest from this date plaintiff prays for decree that defendants be required to pay same , or that the premises may be sold to satisfy the amount ; found due. You are required to ans wer said petition on or before the 7th day of April , 1002 Dated February 24th , 1902. Ivan C. Shaul , Plaintiff By F. M , Walcolt , las attorney. . Lord Simeon Neb Stock brand ; same as cut buck i rlL'ht shoulder ur ' on right hip Ilange on t'- - Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Neb- . Left side ; S j1 left shoulder. lierdmarkde\v lap.jtange jtange Range 36 and 37 , be tween Niobnira and the * 5 's Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on leftside Range , Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb Like cut on either left side or hipralao left side. Horses same as cut on left hip. S25O.OO RE- WARD for con- conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Qreek , S. Dakota. P S ROTJSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear- mark right ear cut ofl' ; horses branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKorWorO'VL. prO or FZ. Also the-following , the first one being on side and hi } ) o-oH : E. K. Vandegrift. Brownlee , Neb , Same as on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on loft side ; horses sane on left shouldor. Range Fdir miles northeast ol Brownlee. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka " Cattle branded "Trui as on cutSome eft side orhip Ranee o" Gordon" Creek Julius Heckmar Brownlee Nebr Range south o : Brownlee Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. Earmark , square TOP right ear Horses have same brand on eft thigh. Range on Gor don and Snake Greeks , A. Itetcartl of S25O will be paid to am rso n for information leading to the arrest anfl > nal conviction of any person or persons steal- Sawyer Bros. Postoffice address Oasis , Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge oi these cattle ; horses D on left shoulder ; some stock branded on left hip. Range. Snake river. COOPER Postoffice address Oasis , Nebr N Brand registered 2095 Cattle branded oil left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle hranded ; . . SRnge Seuth and west of Hackberry Duck Lake , DTUTSTONEU & SON. Newton , Nebr. Brand registered No. 411. i Cattle branded , vime as cut on ( left side or left .lip. Horses same 1 on left shoulder. Ranjre South ; of Gordon Creek. Teeter ? Bros. Newton.Nebr Cattle branded oc left aide same as cut- , cutHorses on left shoulder. Range Between tno Gordon and Snake. Louis F. Kichards Tn NelJ Merriman 7 la I Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. Horses on. left shoulder. n RaneeNorm 1 < ' Eli. SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb ( Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed See block Range Steve and Stephenson" Lakes and South MM M H ' 8300 reward will be paid to any Person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction cattle with the of any person or persons stealing above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side and thigh ; horses the same on left side. Range-Between Niobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Gordon Creelc. P.'A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nobr. * Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses same on left shoulder. A J / \ left J A SATTLTB Cattle on let * hip. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown be'ow. Postofflce address Gregory , Net On left aide or hip horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansas Valley and Snake JULIUS PETERSON Postofflce address Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses I branded ! on left shoulder. , Range-6 miles south of Irwln. D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 1554. lattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio brara , Postofflce address Crsokston Nebr Branded on either side of animal Kange-On Mfnne- . * haduza 5 miles east of Crookston DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Battle branded on leftside as on cut : .ilsoVleltneckandZ .eft hip : some V left neck. V left shoulder left hip. Range