Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 27, 1902, Image 7
'p 4 WESTERN CANADA FARMER. * Seven Years Ago He Had but 824 "Now He Has Seventy Head of Cattle. This Is What a Couple of Eastern Farmers Learned When on a Re cent Trip to Canada. tondtd Words About Saskatoon , Rosthern Hague District , Where Thoy Will Locate. ' Messrs. J. E. Blum nnd J. Grumper f Manchester , Washtenaw County , Michigan , paid a visit to Alberta last ummcr and saw there a Mr. Slmntz , ene of the good old Pennsylvania stock , who lind come recently some seven years ago from Ontario , with $24 in nis pocket. He lias certainly prospered , us lie now owns over seventy head of cattle , has a good log house framed over , also a good barn , and in all re- Bpects looks a thrifty nnd well-to-do fanner. lie had some 00 ! cropof oats nnd barley. After spending some flays In Calvary and Edmonton they re turned to Re inn , Assiniboia , and look ed around the country north to Lum : - den and lialgonle , where the crops ap.- pcaredxvery promising ami heavy , con- ' "tinuiug up the Itcgina nnd Long Lake road , they came to Saskatoon , on the crossing of the South Saskatchewan river. Of this district : ! : ey say : "The country here pl'-ascd v < better than any we have seen.Y < > M. > ve out eighteen miles in a north wo- < ; ; . > ilSr" < tlon through the Smith settlement. Ti.s Is a wonderful district ; ilu growth wi > eplendid. all kinds of grain * nnd m : ; were perfect ion. The older setiU-r- : ) , \ \ good buildings of all kinds and look- very prosperous , in fnet we cnme to tlie conclusion that we had found what ive were looking for , a good country. While the nature of the soil changes and Is in some parts light , in others stony , and ngain heavy , generally speaking It leaves nothing to be de sired. Hay andwater are also in abundance , nnd wood can be found along the river slopes and islands. We have decl 'ed ' to locate there and shall certainly advise our friends to do like- wise. We also trust that this report mny have the effect of drawing the at tention of land seekers to this district , and can honestly advise nil such to lo cate there. They will find a cood thing. As farmers ourselves , from a good dis trict in Michigan , we have come to the conclusion that properly farmed West ern Canada will grow almost any thing. " Ask for information from any agent ef the Canadian Government. "Remarkable rrutlis. A Kanass paper says that "in his latter days Senator Evarts reached a great oldnge. " This is something like a Kansas obittnry in which it was stated that ' * the buy died in his youth while still very young , " or o * the reply made by a temperance ora- Jor ; to a man wluboas ed that he had lived to the great age of 91 years , though taking six drinks of whiskey every day. "That don't prove any thing , " said the temperance orator. "You might be over a hundred years old right at this minute if you had never taken any whiskey. " Another Man Altogether. Valley , Mo. , Feb. 24. There is a man fca this town who has undergone a most remarkable physical change in the last few months. His name is Perry Nelson and thoso tvho knew him but a short time auo are aimizeu at his present condition. He had not been feeling well for eoine time and suspecting that the trou- We came from his kidneys , which ha tnew were not any too strong , he de termined to try a kidney medicine. Dod i's Kidney Pills were highly rec ommended and Mr. Nelson began a treatment of them. He was awarded by a complete restoration to vigorous good health. He says : "I used six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they have helped me a great deaL I feel like another man aud can , recommend Doiid's Kidnev Pills very highly. " Kttthcrine s Query. Little Katharine , a Columbus tot , was presented with a very cunning pair of white wool mittens aot long ago , which she delights to wear whenever she goes out in the cold. Beceutly her father entertained a gentleman who hadi very bald head. The guest made much over Kathar ine , anu before he departed into the chilly night begged a kiss. As he Kfted her up she saw for the flrst time his expanse of bald head and asked , archly : "Why don't oo wear mittens on oor fcead ? " JUSTTHINKOFIT Kery farmer hia own Landlord , no i n c u in - br.wccs.hisbankiiccouitt incrcasdn ; ; year by year , l.tnd value increasing , : o < i. . increasing , sptau- did climate , esc llrnt schools and churches , low taxation , high prices tor cattle and jnu . ow railway fetes. and uvery possib e comfort This is tho condition of the tanner in Western Canada , ProTiuce of Manitoba uxd district * of AssJuiboia , Saskatchewan and Alberta. Thousands of Americans are now settled there. Red need rates on all railways for hom - seekers and settlers. New districts are bcin ? epened up thi year. The new 40-page Atlas of WesternCanada sent free to all applicant * . Apply to F. Pedley. SopU of Itunii nition , Ottawa. Can. , or to W. Y. Bennett , 601 New York Life Bldj ; . , Orna- ha. Neb. , Aent for the Govtrnmeut ot Cau&da. PISO'S CURE FOR _ _ S WH fi Ail USE FAILS , Beat Coosh 8ynip. TutesOood. Uee I In time. ONSUMPTION J M * NOf 708-9. YOBK , NE8. , Helpful HlntB. When an Invalid's room uet'ds sweep- ftg. the best way Is to wipe np 'he arpet rapidly with coarse towel ? h-uiig out of cold water. This dispose ? f the dirt without annoying the pa tent either by dust or noise , and .s he method employed by trained nurses An authority on dieting denounco.- he use of cold boiled potatoes in an\ ray. stating that they cannot be di 'ested. They are. he says , cspociall.v lurtful to children. Suet should be used to grease cake Ins instead of buster. Too much acid in mayonnaise dress Qg. whether vinegar or lemon juiic- Qjures. if it does not actually destro ; he flavor of the oil. A blending of two or more flavors isually more pleasing in gelatine jelu han a single decided one. A good way to scour water bottles i.- o tear a newspaper into small bit- > md nearly , or quite , ( ill the bottle Then pour in warm soapsuds , add a lit le ammonia and shake well. KiiiM horoughly before using the botrH igain. Sage tea. or any other beverage madt if herbs , should be made in an earthei fessel , and never in tin. as it will tun1 > lack , unless .immediately emptied out. tnd it may do so even then. for Yonnfj Housekeepers. { Do:1 : ; : : butter in your refrigerator vit' ' . .e . . - ; : pjigs ! ! on. I D < i' : i. - bu'tcr for frying purposes ! I < . : . ! i. . ' < j.-a-s ; i ! ) < I i- ni\vi : ; . If nine. ! ) $ ! ) ' 1 . - ; . < r.xt.--rd.s In ! ; . - 'liar \ \ tn optnessel The.are . liablo to be lome poisonous. Don't pour boiling watrrer china jacked in a pan. It will ciack by the rudden contraction and expansion. Don't moisten your food with the idea > f saving your teeth It spoils the teetu md you will soon lose them. Don't use steel knives for cutting Qsh , > ysters. sweetbreads or brains. T ; teel blackens and gives an unpleasant Javor. Don't scrub your refrigerator witb varm water. When necessary sponge it > ut quickly with two ounces of formal lehyde in two quarts of cold water. Don't put tablecloths and napkin : hat are fruit-stained into hot soay mds : It sets or fixes the stains. Remove : lu stains Qrst with dilute oxalic acid A-u.hing : quickly in clear water. La lies' Home Journal. Cmiliflower , Parisian Style. Boil a good-sized cauliflower until render , chop It coarsily : uu press ii mrd in a mould or boul. so that it will cppp its form when turned cut ; put the shape thus made upon a dish thai , vill stand the heat and pour over it a romato sauce. Make this by cookinji : ogeiher a tablespooaful of butter and lour in a saucepan and pouring upon : hem a pint of strained tomato juice , n which half an onion has been stew- d ; stir until smooth and thicken still -jiorc by the addition of three or four .ablespoonfuls of cracker dust ; salt to taste , turn the sauce over the moulded cauliflower : set in the oven for about ten minutes , and serve In the dish ID fvhicb It is cooked. Tomato and Macaroni Soup. Break half a dozen sticks of maca roni into small pieces , and drop Intc ooiling water. Cook for an hour. 01 uitil perfectly tender. Rub two quarts ) f stewed or canned tomatoes througb j colander , to icmove all seeds and fragmeuts. When the macaroni lone , drain thoroughly , cut each piece nto tiny rings , and add it to the trained tomatoes , season with salt , tnd noil for a few moments. If th ozaato Is quite thin , the soup shouk > t slightly thickened with a little floui ) ofore adding the macaroni. Salt MucJcerel Creamed. Soali tho fish over night , wipe dry tin next morning and broil on a buttered trridiron. Lay it on a hot dish aw aake the following sauce : One cup o ; hoi milk thickened with two teaspoon fuls of corustarch rubbed smooth it t.vo teaspoon-fills of butter ; add salt chopped parsley and a pinch of pepper et it stand a few minutes , then add on ? gg well beaten ; pour over the fish serve. Houi Omelet. Beat six eg.s separately. Take one tupful of sweet milk , into one-fourth ) f which stir a tablespoonful of flour. When th-s milk boils stir In the paste , idd a little salt and one tablespoon ful Df butter. an3 let cool. Take two ta- blcspooufuls of minced ham , a little r-hopped parsley and thyme , and stir ; vith the yellows , then add the well- jeaten whites. Have a well-greased skillet , and bake in a quick oven. Milk Toast. Toast as many slices of bread as sre equired , butter carefully , and stand tn the oveu to keep hot. Take two ta Dlespoonfuls of flour and two of butter and stir them in a saucepan until the flour Is cooked ; add a pinch of salt and Half a pint of hot milk , gradually stir- ing all the time. Let it boil up and jour orer the toasted bread. Ginger finape. Boil two teacupfuls of molasses foi : hree minutes and add to it one tea jnpful of butter , one teaspoonfnl bak- ng powder mixed wit * flour sufficient 10 work Into & snfootb batter , and add i tablespoonf ol of ground ginger. Work in the flour aa eolt M pettibla tin lofter eh better. Colds " I bad a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , and it gave me im mediate relief. " W. C. Layton , Sidell , 111. How will your cough be tonight ? Worse , prob-"j ably. For it's first a cold , then a cough , then bron- cjiitis or pneumonia , and at last consumption. Coughs always fend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Three Mil : 2Sc. . Oc.'Sl. All druggists. Consult TOUT doctor. If lie says taVo it. , , thtin < Jo ai ' b. vs. If lie telis you not | i to take it. then don't take it. He knotrs. , Leave It witn n'-i Varc rilllne. f .1 i AVEUCO. . Lowell. Mass. K J'l'opli' iir Tli 'iiiN : les Oat. Many people wear themselves out needlessly , says the London doctor : their conscience is a tyrantAn ex- ajiireratcrl sense of duty leads many a person to anxious , c'l'.i.iless activity , Lo be constantly cloin-r something iixcrpuncLnal , never idle a sec'.ncl of time , S ( _ < irn to rest : such arc in un conscious nerve tension. They say they have hit much to do. not think ing they are rapidjy unfitting them selves for jjiobubly what would have been their best and greatest work in after yoirs. Self-control of nerve force is the groat lesson of health and therefore uf life itself To under stand how to relax is to understand how to strengthen nerves. Hearty laughter is a souice of relaxation , as are also big'thouhgts , as those of hope , beauty trust or love. Relaxa tion is found in diversion. Brooklyn , N. Y. , Feb. 24th. The activity at laboratory of the Garueld Tea Co. is further evidence of the punul.mty of their pivp.-i rations , over TllltEtl MILLION FAM ILIES used the Garlield Remedies last year ! This vast publicapproval speaks well for the remedies. They are : Garlield Tea , Gar- Ik-Id Hend.iclip 1'owlurs , Garlield Tea Syrup , Gartield Relief Planters , Gurfield Belladonna Plasters , Garlield Digestive Tablets and Garfleld Cold Cure. The Popular Polha Dot. Linen-colored piques and ducks having polka dots of color are being bought in great numbers by well- dressed maidens and young matrons. They carry a certain undeniable chic that proves very becoming. Growth of C itrus Fruit. Work bas begun in the Salt River valley on a great plan for the growing of citrus iruit indoors. The project involves the rooting of more than one thousand acres of orange , lemon and pomelo trees , and is undertaken by the Territorial Association of Citrus Fruit Growers. Longevity. The imrpovement in the last two centuries in surgical and medical knowledge , sanitation , hygiene and the other arts of wholesome living have naturally tended to prolong life Baltimore Sun. BEFORE HE TOOK VOGELER'S He Could Not Touch His Wife's Din ners , and They Were "Fit for a So writes our esteemed friend , Mr. Prank Cliaml > ors , of 9 Bennett street , Chisw'ck. "For over two years I suf fered agonies from indigestion , and be- rame reduced to u mere shadow of my stalwart self. 1 would return Lome from my business feeling so faint that I could hardly drag one lea : after the other : my dear wife did all she possibly could to tempt me with dainty dishes , and as I entered the house I biiiffed and thought : 'Oh. how good ; I know J can eat that ! ' , But. alns ! no sooner had I eaten a few 1 ironthfnls , I felt sick ; severe pains shot , through my chest and shoulder blades , my eyes swam and everything seemed i black , and I became alternately hot and I cold , and got up from such a dainty din1 1 I ner heart r sick of living , and feeling I was a sore trial to everybody. I may mention that 1 was also very much trou bled with a scaly skin , and often boils. But one evening I noticed my wife seem- ' ed more cheerful than usual. I questioned | her and found she had been reading a | pamphlet which spoke of men afflicted just as I was , and who had been cured by Vogeler's Compound. Said she : 'What gives me more faith in it is that it is made from the formula of an eminent paysi 'ian now in active practice in the Wesi End of London , England , so I am sure it is no quack thing. ' 'All right , dear , let's hare a bottlesaid I. After taking the contents of the first bottle , I folt very much better , and determined to . give ? his remedy a fair trial , and I can I positively assure you thar a few bottles liavo made a new man of me. I can sleep well , eat anything , and thoroughly enjoy life. J have told several friends who were suffering the same as myself , and they all wish me to say that they are like new men. I sincerely bless the great physician who gave you the for mula of Yogeler's Curative Compound , and also yourselves for making its vir tues known to a suffering public. " Tho St. Jacobs Oil Co. , Baltimore , will send a sample of Vogeler's Compound free o any one. 4. . , G uinaiics lor Women. Modern athletics are now adding .strong i to the inuscjes and grace to the forms of many young women , es pecially in the large cities. This is certain to bring good results to future gem-rations. Light gymnastics and outdoor games are an incentive to actions which bring changes in a chemical way to the blood which are necessary and healthful. We refund lOc for every package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYE that faUs to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co. , Unionville , Mo. Sold by druggists. Tel ( ol Humors A St. Petersburg correspondent of the London Mail explains that the frequent ciiculatinn of reports of Tol stoi's death is due to the wide spread belief that when the great Russian shall die the censors will keep the news from the public as long as pos sible. The ecclesiastical authorities cannot accord Christian burial to him , as they have recently denounced him as a heretic , and the refusal to allow the performance of the rites of the church at the grave is sure to pruvkean outburst of indignation all over .Russia. Use the famous Red C os Ball Bine , large 2 07. . jwKa e 5 cents. The Ru&s company , South Mend , Ind. \\nltlorf Si : ail. Waldorf salad is made by using equal parts of celery and dice cut from crisp , spicy apples , covered with a very heavy mayonnaise dressing thatill thoroughly mask the celery and apples. This should be served with crackers and chetse , as a separ ate course at a dinner. Don t iorgt a larpe 2 oz. package Tied Cross Hall Blue , only 5 icnt-u The Russ Company , Sutirh 1 etui , Ind. A Cold U i'lter. / Young Man "Regular old-fash ioned winter , isn't it ? " Old Man "Call this an old-fashion ed winter ? It isn't a circumstance to some of the winters we used to have. Did I ever tell you abput a winter we had back in the forties ? " Young mau "K-o , guess not. " Old ManVWhy , in one of those winters it was so cold that every time a minister preached about hell , the shivering sinners would rush out and commit suicide. " Mr * . Window's soOTHIN" < i SmCP for tetlhinp , softens the iruma. re < lnee * intlamatlon , alia } fc lial" , ciiiot wind i-olir * . Joe hotels. Fiirniflhftl Artistically. An Atchison woman who has an "artistically" furnished home , made a table cover , a dressing case scarf , and a pair of sash curtains out ( .f one forty-nine cent curtain. Atchi son Globe. I find Piso's Cure for Consumption the best medii-iue for croupy children. Mrs. F. Callahan , 114 Hall street , Parkers- burg , W. Va. ( April 10. 1901. Gro th of OfliruJiuIdiiig. The new register of federal office holders is said to inulilde 222,000 names , exclusive of enlisted men in the army and "navy. It is noted that there has been a large increase in the number of officeholders since the Spanish war and it would seem that if we could only have a series of wars the time would come when there would be offices enough tc furnish one for every citizen who voted right. Health for 10 Cents. A lively liver , pure blood , clean skin , bright eyes , perfect health Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob tain and secure them for you. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists , ice. Flying Days Xi ar. ID deciding to issue a magazine dealing with aerial navigation we make no attempt at prophecy , but there is no question that flying by human beings is nearer realization than many people imagine , and when we reflect upon what has been done in other branches of engineering it requires a very small effort of the im agination to realize what may trans pire in the development of aerial navagation in the near future. Lon don Flying. WASTED Loral alesnian in every city , to sell a well known 5-ccnt CIGAB ioth trade AddivM SAJCDERS & MEYER. SO-8U La g lle 6U , Ckleac * . German Emperor's Taste. The German Emperor is very fond of modern music and modern sculp ture , but he has no sympathy with modern painting and poetry. Re cently he spoke very sharply against modern art. It is beliered that his enmity has a political source. He detests the social democrats and classes with them the modern paint ers and poets who depict and describe the wretchedness of the lower classes in realistic colors. A reporter who hasn't the scent for news can't find news worth a cent. Mrs. L. A. Harris , a Prominent J Tember of a Chicago Womn i's Political Club , tells how Ovarian Troubles may be Cured with out a Surgical Operation. She says : " Doctors have a perfect craze for operations. The minuto there is any trouble , nothing but an operation will do them ; ono hundred dollars and costs , and included in the costs are pain , and agony , and often death. / " I suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles ; spent hundreds of dollars for relief , until two doctors agreed that an operation was my only chance of life. My sister had been using LydiiiE. Piiik- liain's Vegetable Compound for her troubles , and been cured , and she strongly urged me to let the doctors go and try the Cora- pound. I did so as a last resort ; used it faithfully wiih the Sana tive Wash for five months , and was rejoiced to find that r.iyoublcs were over and my health restored. If women would only try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun 1 first , fewer r.i-icnl ; rrations would occur. " MRS. L. A. HARRI73 East 21s : St. . Chicago , 111. $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABO VK I ETTIIE : IS NOT * iUXUINJE. "SVhen women are troubled wLh irregular , njv : vs > rd or painful menstruation , weakness , leucorrhcea. displvn " ; il o- ul.ration of the womb , that bearing-down feelino : , hiilairmui : : i of : i > ovurio , back ache , bloating ( or ilatulence ) , gci. rai debility , i : . ; ! ! : ; , iion , and nervous prostration , or are beset with snr-h symptoms ; _ ; dizziness , faintness , lassitude , excitabilityirritability. njrvoib ; ioss.sleeplessnessmelancholy , "all-gone " and "want-to-be-kit-a lone " feeling"blues , and hopelessness , they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. JLydia , E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. AMusiml Jfote. It is reported that 150,000 piano fortes were sold in the country last year. IIo\v many < f them conduct d to thoughts of Harmony ? Boston Globe. STATE OF Onro. CITY OF TOLEDO , LUCAS COUNTV. FRANK .T. CIIKNKY makes oath tliat he Is tho senior i-artnurot tho firm of F. .1. i HKVEY Hi Co. , doing bushier In the City of Tolet.o. Count ) ninl State aforesaid , ami that Mild firm will nay the sum of ONE illJNDUKl ) DOLLA1W for each and jvery ca.-e of Catarrii that cannot be emeu by the Use of HALL'S UATAUUII Cum ; . F1JANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me s > - subscribed m niy pres ence , thb Cth day of De inber , A. D. 1S8G. A. W. OLEASOX. SEAL Notary I'ublic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , and acts dliei'tly on tho blond and mucous .surfacas of the system. Send for testimonial , free. V. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. C -SoId bvPruiriri N. 7.V. Hall's : Hinily Pills are the best. Itorrou injr Tri > nl > le. Worrying over future possibilities and fearful anticipation of the trials ! tf tomorrow are but the borrowing of trouble. It is impossible to lift the ton weight at one time , but lesser parts cf it may be easily carried , un til the whole load has been conveyed to its destination. So the burdens , of a lifetime cannot be borne ii'j crowded into a single day. A nierci- | ful Providence has hidden the future from man. that its cumulation of ill may not dwarf human efforts. An ticipated ditliculty only tends to make' ' life the more grievous. ' 'Sutlicient unto the day is the evil thereof. " j When one looks down the crowded thoroughfare it may secrn almost ini- \ passable , but as we advance step by step obstacles disappear. By doing well each duty as its arises , life is freed from many unnecessary trials. French botanist ; are endeavoring to vaccinate plants against parasitic diseases. Self Threading Sewing Machine Needle Dire name of 3'our machine , send 27 cents and we u ill mail you sample pactaze of assorted , needles. National Automatic Needle Co. , 150 Nassau Street , Xeiv York City. Agents Wanted. ZLT 8 LIQUID CREAM B la la prepared for sufferers Ir m nasal catarrh who use an atomizefln spraying the dis eased membrams. All thi healing and toothing proper ties of Cream Baiin are retain ed in the new preparation. It does LOtdry up the secretions ; price.includingspravingtube v5c. At druggists or Ely Uroa. , 56 Warren St. , N Y. , mail it GET WET ! THE ORIGINAL SLICKER CJOi ! iACR CR YEUjOtY ISSUft PROTECTION WET WEATHER. EVERYWHERE : . . CATALOGUES FREE SHOWING FULL LINE OF GARMENTS AND HAT3 AcJ.TOWER CO. , B05TON. M Alabnstlne. the on'y durable wa'l cont- las. takes the place of scal'nsc kalsom.nes , wall paper and paint fo wa K It ran fe used on piaster , brick , wood or oanvu. Alahastine can be used over paint or paper : paint or ppper can be used or r .A ] - , ? astin * Th'v nnV In five pound pack- axe * . prop rly labe'ed ; take no Many ailmenta , particularly throat and hue troubles , are attributable to unsan itary wall coYerinc * . Alabutine bas in dorsement tf pkyatfckkM tad MItarraa . TJIX Ketluetion is Xcctnsziry. The necessity of a reduction of tax * ation to divert the unneeded surplus accumulating in the treasury to legi timate channels of business is more apparent than ever. In spite of lib eral if not extravagant expenditures in the month ol December the treas ury surplus lor the n.'onth amouuts to 59,7-lo.tiOO. This is at the rate ot nearly Si20.000.000 anir ally , and is gives fresh point and fonc to the ar gument in favor of sweeping tax re duction. ( f TO ® / SHOES UNION MADE. e increase of sata 15 1 a tec 1323 = 713.306 Fairs. 1900 = 1,259,7. Pairs. 1901 = = 1,566,720 Pairs. fi ts.-ess Mora Than Doubled In Four Years. THE REASONS : n .I Dou U3jnasesand sell * more nwi' $3.00 and S-tCO sUo-3 th n aar OUT tsvo n an'l'r * In the world. * V. I * . Doii 'as 5 1.00 nnil KM thoes plawd sirt ? bj * ! ae ' .rltti S .oo an I SC.OO cLoei o' other mat" sre found to bJust as Rood. They will outwear two pairs of or ! .nary S3-CO and $3.50 shoes. Made of tne best lecir.srs , Including Patent Corona Kid , Corona Colt , and national Xargsroa. Fxit Ctlor Ejeltti and Al a > RUek lloolm n.trl. .OO "t .lc. extra. W. I. . . 25oucIJi , JUroolcton , - - CKBEGORT Market t.ardeners. C'atalo free. J. i. II. ( .UtCOKV i MJ5 , Karblthru ) , ; Grand Island Route Double Daily Service FREE RECLINING CHftIR CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. Fir Jnfo.'metloo or Ratss , call ipoa or tddreu nwtit , ) S. M. ADSIT , Q. P. A. , ST. JOSEPH , MO. Alabastine packagres hare full diraev tlons. Anyone can brush Jt on. Ask paint dealer for tint card. "Alabastlne free. Alabaetlne Co. , Grand R pfe ( ,