Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 27, 1902, Image 1
\ fc' ' VALENTINE CRAT THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , FEBRUARY 27 , 1902. NUMBER fi I ONE DOLLAR 49 49 For a pair ot men's overshoes a * 49 49 in sizes 10-1 1-12 49 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR 49 49 For a pair of men's Perfection 49 49 Rubbers to go over felt boots in 49 49 sizes 10-11-12-13-14 49 49 ifr 49 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR 49 ' 49 For a suit of men's or ladies 49 49 Foreign Wool Underwear. , 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 , Spring clothinfi- We are now receiving our Spring Line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes , Men's , Boys' and Children's Suits. A full line of Furnishing goods always on hand , All the the newept and up to date styles. We do custom work. Don't forget to order your Spring Suit until the Fourth of July. Samples now ready. D. STINARD , CLOTHIER and MERCHANT TAILOR cTr latest in Belts , Bucklesj Sash and Bodice pins. Your eyes fitted with glasses so you c&n see a watch that will kedp time or the one you have cleaned and re paired. A Talking Mackine Outfit for $10.00 , AT O. W. MOREY , old Reliable Jeweler , T r\ D OVERSHOES , r UNDERWEAR ' and many other WINTER GOODS W. A. PETTY CREW , G-eneral Merchandise We are continuously receiving And can supply you with Best Grades and Quality of GENERAL HABDWARE Our stoves are unex celled in heauty and quality. Call and get one of our new Calendars for 1902. Leave your orders for all kinds of COAL. ANDERSON & FISCHER , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * We Can Satisfy You in Oualitv Price and Workoanthip Bates Reasonable Give a Trial. . A. Schatztfcauer , Propr , TALK OF THE TOWN Lovi Sparks was in our city from Cody , last week. J. A. Sparks has returned from his trip to the Lumbermen's Convention. Geo. Weisilog and family visited at Wm. Epke's last Friday and Satur day. day.Mrs. Mrs. E. McDonald , of Crookston , was transacting business in our city Monday. E. Stilwell and wife , of Simeon , were visiting friends in town the first of the week. Henry Sanner from up on the north table made this office a pleas ant call last Friday. Ed Satterlee , the postmaster and a merchant of Nenzel , made.this office a call while in town Monday. Jesse Brosius , who has been work- Ing over on the reservation , came down Teusday and will stop here for a few weeks. Miss Anna ] Moore , teacher in dia trlct number 35 , was a Valentine { vis itor Saturday and Sunday. She was accompanied by one of her pupils , Miss Stella McNare. Thos. Candler writes to have us send him TUB VALENTINE DEMOCRAT to Lavina , Montana , whither he has gone since selling out his restaurant business here. He sends best regards to all. U. S. Marshall Belding and Civil hex- vice Indian Farmer VanTassel took two Indians , Harry Charging Eagle and Hancock Cut Cut up to Deadwood Tuesday night. They were brought in from Rosebud on the stage. We hear they are charged with stealing horses. E. L. Murphy writes from Shoemak er , New Mexico , to have us send him THE DEMOCRAT for six months. He is in paitnership with a Mr. Glass in the general merchandiseing and keep the postoffice , Mr. Murphy was well known' in Cherry county at Brownlee and in the west end of the county. Next Saturday evening there will be an entertainment at the Harmony school house. Ten cents admittance will be charged and the proceeds will be used to buy a dictionary for the school. All are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Lottie Cramer Teacher. Mrs. Clarence walcott and children departed Monday morning for Hast ings , Nebraska , where she will visit for about three weeks. From there they will go to Selma , Californina , . where she will join her husband and . make that their future home. Mrs. Walcott has a host of friends in Val entine who regret to see her leave. The social event of the seasonQtook place in Hornby's hall last Friday night. The occasion being the Y. W.ry C. T. U. memberseip contest social. The r. W. C. T. U. divided into aides , Mfoa Elsie Sherman taking one side and Miss Maude Jeffers the other. The side getting the 1 east members was to give a social and that pleas * ure fell to the lot of Miss Sherman. The editor advertised a farm , for t rent , in the Manhatta ( Kan. ) Mercury and received eight applications to rent and after writing each of the first five applicants the terms of rent and price , four of the five accepted the terms and first acceptance was accepted by us and lease forwarded. Yet some do not know that it pays to advertise and will lose hundreds of dollars a year trying to do their own talking. Chas. Bullis and W. B. Hammond have purchased the livery Barn be longing to J. W. Smyser and Mr. Bullis has purchased'a half interest in the livery business and the resi- dence property of J. W. Smyser. all Mr. Bullis is a good business man and will make a good .partner with Mr. Hammond who has been with Mr. Smyaer for a long time and some time ago bought an half interest in the business with him. We wish the " new firm success. ig Fred Whittemore , president of the Valentine State Bank , spent the first of on the week , looking oyer the telephone J" system and formulating plans for an er early construction of lines which the telephone line directors inform us will run north and south along the alleys between the streets Macomb and Hall , Hall and Main , Main and Cherry , and will have a cross line connecting on Virginia. The work will be pushed and the system will be in operation be- leg to tii6uminer U pad ! ; . Educational Department. i BY LETA STETTER , I IF I "Youth what man 's jje 13 like to bo doth show , We may our ends by our beginnings know. Friday is examination day , Leonard Sparks was absent a part of the week. The Delphians have selected their dialogues and made out their programs. Miss Mutch more 's little folks gave a program last Friday afternoon which was . very well attended and much en joyed by jtriendb and parents. Miss Hess ( in literature ) : JSow Elaine , Lancelot and Lavaino rode pack to Astolat together ; what do you suppose became of Sir Lorre ? Migs Pettyjohn ( seriously ) : I guess he went on the cars. All persons having little children to start to school ; for the first time this spzing should take notice that all child * ren entering for the first time must ent er during the first two weeks of March or wait till the first of Septembar. Wuo hath trouble and striv ng ? Who worketh long and faithfully and receiveth noieward ? Who hath woe ? They that are on the program commit tee. they that go to make out a pro gram. Long they tarry over the cata logues. They send for some dialogues , aud , behold ! They are very bad. And they that are the program committee write another letter ( which is being interpeted an epistle ) with ink even black ink , saying : "send us other samp les of dialogues , " and after many days those others come , but there is nothing of profit in them. Yea many are called but few are chosen , and there shall be diverging of opinion and talking and reading and shaking of heads. Verily , verily I say unto you be not weary in program making for in due season ye shall succeed if ye fail not , 0. F. Callen was up from Sparks yesterday. D. C. Grunow left Sunday night for Pocatello , Idaho. Wesley Holsclaw fixed up the office of J. W. Smyser recently damaged by fire , last Saturday. Geo. Birstol and Joe. Bristol and familyjcame up from the Sparks set , tlement to do some trading and visit friends. PabHughes , oi Summerfield , Kan , , a friend of Grandpa Shaughnessy visi ted . with him last Saturday. Mr. Hughes came up to look at the count ry and thinks of locating here in the spring. Thos , Corcoran , a barber , andGeo , Parker , a shoemaker , of Summerfield , Kan. filed on land juat south of town last Friday , and Saturday morning returned to Kansas They will come back in the spring and expect to lo cate in our city. School report for the month ending February 14,1902. Number of pupils enrolled , 18. Names of those not ab sent during the month Artie Hattan , Violet and Lawnie Beed , Willie and Frank Burns. Those absent but one day Delia Burns and Edith Ilatten. Those not tardy during the month- Artie and Edith Hattan. Cena M , Downing , fi Teacher. A whole mail sack full of Garden seeds sent through the courtesy of fiI our Congressmen Wm. Neville is on our front counter for free distribu I tion , one to each family. You are welcome and we invite you to call early while the supply lasts. You will need more seeds get them of our merchants whose advertisements ap pear in this paper. Their stock of garden seeds are complete and fresh. Get ( your seeds and be ready when it time to plant. Wm. Shelbourn living 30 miles out the Snake came to town last Sat urday for supplies. On the way in Mr. Shelbourn stopped out on the riv at Hackberry Thompson's place over night and a pony taking a dis like for being disturbed so early in the morning made a vigorous kick which was quite effective as far as Mr. Shelbourn was concerned. The horse's hoof struck him just below the knee and came near breaking his but aside from limping some he will be all right before long. 43 4 43 ? - LOOK 43 AT OUR BARGAIN MIDWINTER SALE Men's Perfection Overs for Felt boots all sizes 43 43 Men's Snow Excluder Arctics , all sizea 1.00 S ? Men's Winter Underwear , 43 * 2 formerly $ .60 to $1.00 now 2 for .25 4 ? Men's Hats " .75 to 1.00 now 25 and .50 43 49 Men's Mackinaw Coata " 2.00 now 1.00 43 Men's Pants " 2.00 to 3.00 now 1.00 43 43 Ladies' Winter Waists" 1.50 to 2.50 now 1.00 43 Children's warm Hoods and Muffs 43 43 formerly $1.50 now 1.00 43 Men's , Ladies' and Children's SHOES at one-half price. 43 43 43 DAVENPORT & THACHER 43 43 43 General Merchants. YOU CAN BUY Our new line of up-to-date Spring millinery will soon bo in. Fine aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Embroidery Silks , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , Point LaceB , Bafctenburg Braid , Sofa Pillows , WoolKnit | Slippers and Center Pieces , made to order at Prices that are BIGHT SHOES AT COST PRICE Maier Sisters WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CROOK8TON NEBRASKA. THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Kooms YALEHTIEE - HEBRASKA fiU.G.McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER * CARPENTER IN GENE RAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska 5.