For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Vfcgctable Preparationfor As
Ung die Stomachs anflBowels of Bears the
Promolcs Digesiion.Cheerfur-
rtess anclItest.Contciins neilher
Ophim.Morpliine nor'Miiieral.
Seed' *
n '
Eothclt Slt3-
minute Sffft *
Jixy/entvnt -
fa gar
rtavor :
A perfect Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- For Over
ness anil Loss OF SLEEP.
Simile of
Pac Signature
NEW'ORK. dLtffiStf&K Thirty Years
. .
r. NTW VOTIK crrv.
V it i Di > otori.
The Northwestern university ha
: ided to abandon its women's col
lege of medicine for these reasons , Ji
tated by oue of the trustees : "It 3
ipoossible to make a doctor of
roman. Women cannot grasp th
Chemical and pharmaceutical laboi
jktory work , the intricacies of sui
gery , or the minute work of dissec
fcing. At our women's medical d (
partment we do not got as high
class of scholarship as is set by th
pthcr colleges in Northwestern uni
irersitty. " Here is food for a disput
that may spread across the country
There are women engaged in th
practice of medicine in nearly ever
City and some of them are ccrtainl
Highly successful. It may be tha
jthe Northwestern university does no
Iflraw recruits from the . class c
Women. Utica Press.
Largest croivcrs of '
_ Clover , Timothy ond
Grosses. Ournorthern grown Clover ,
for vigor , frost and drouth resisting
1 properties , has justly become famous. ,
SBPEIHOR CLOVER , { IB. $5.80 ; 100 Its. $8.80 *
UCrosse Prime Cloter. bu. $5.60 ; 100 Ite. $3.20 }
Saoplcs aorer. Tlmotliy and Grassci aad great .
Catalog mailed yen for 6c postage.
-V fc ,
Chaperons in Uoston.
George "I hear there is a move
pnenfc in Boston to do away Tvitli th
< lhaperon. "
Jack "Do you mean to say tha
they have ever had chaperons in Bos
Ion ? "
"Oh , yes , plenty of them. "
"What do they do ? "
fWell. they keep the fires going
11 the hot-water botties , thaw ou
jfrbzen ears , and so on. "
$50O From $ i.OO > .
"Wm. Kelloy. Ltvsvrenc < o. . O , made oc 81.f
worho ? torn .to seed , bov lit froz the John .
galzer Seed Co. , LuCros&e , Wis. , last summe ]
Ter $30a That pays.
ISTow eariy cncuraxi-s is one of tlie best p win
7 getables , so also earliest nwlishcs , pei !
tomatoes , beots , etc.
For 16c. and this Notice
Cxo John A. Snlzer Sccii Co. , I-sOrosse , Wis
end you 150 kinds or vegetable did fiowe
ce < ls and mammoth catalog teiliug ail rvbot
aaoney uiukiuE vecetables. Murkeg > .r4o.uen
. O.X.T
Kentucky IJTl > y l'oxiiM cL
Instead of being run on May 1 , th
Kentucky Derby will not come ol
until Saturday , May 3. The chaug
was hr.iught about by the postpone
pleat of the opening day. The meet
Jng ac Louisville will only last nine
teen days , instead of the t venty-on
which have heen allotted to the clufc
Drertfrinc : Hirers for Gold.
Dredging rivers in gold bearin ;
countries for uold has become a'grea
Industry , and dredges of wonderu
power and capacity are being buil
to dredge sixty feet belour the vrate
line and to reach sixty feet above it
along the banks.
iCouzhSjTun. Tastes G odUKO $3
In time. SVtfa by drnsairtB. feti
W.N.U NO.707-8. YORK , NEB
Greatest , Cheapest Food
on Earth for Sheep , 8wine ,
Cattle , etc.
Will b * worth f 100 la joa to rtad vkat
Balaer'a catalog J * bcut rmp * .
Dillicn Dollr ? Grass
will i fitlvelrmalie joartch ; Utoai
ofhijuuj luti of ] ia > turt per < re , to
aUo Bramni , Prftout , Spelu (4uO b .
ccrn , X-0 bo. cats per acre ; , etc. , cu.
For this PJotlco and 10o.
we in-ill t > U catalo ; at J 10 Fan.tS < d
Kornile * , lullj worth
. troan 1109 lcIndiofFl w r
kuJ Vegetable bccU and catalog.
Soup Factory.
The remarkable discovery of
cleansing fluid has been made in tl
mountains north of Phoenix by
party of prospectors. It is a gey <
of natural soap , and thi-pe clain
which have been located : ! ' called c
the records of this county "s--ip ge ;
sers. " One geyser nvasurse liftee
feet in diameter , aud th ? tluid is lil
ed with u. gray substance which n
gpmbles putty.
Several hundred pounds ol the soil
matter was brought to Phoeni :
where it was treated thoroughly f (
its cleansing properties. It vj ?
found to be an excellent quality <
soap , and removed dirt , grease or tz
from cloth , and is said to clean si ]
or woolen materials without iujuric
the texture of the siuff.
The geysers flow continually an
the supply seems inexhaustible. Tt
story of the prospectors was at fir !
regarded witb considerable amusi
ment , but after the quality of tt
substance thrown out of the geyse ;
was ascertaiued , local capitalists ei
tered into an agreement to furnis
money for the development of tt
natural wonder. Chemists have m
entirely determined the properties <
the geysers' discharge. The prom
ers declare that a new and novi
manufacture of soap will spring froi
this discoveiy. fc'au Antuuio E :
press. _
A peculiar he a was at one tiir.
by V/io. Fanning , of Grot
2 > . Y. Eich of its eggs inva :
had two yolks. Twelve of
he out under a setting hen and tli
resul * was thjc one of the eggs faile
Lo hatch , while the remaining eleve
produced two chirk ? .
The death of Cardinal Ciacasa :
annonni'ed frooa
* * ! bad a very severe sickness
that tooK off all m y hair. 1 pur-
chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair
Vigor and it brought all my hair
back ? < jain. "
\i' . D. Quinn , Marseilles , 111.
One thing is certain ,
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. This is
because it is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows , that's all there
is to it. It stops falling
of the hair , too , and al-
v/ays restores color to
gray hair.
$1.09 a bettle. ill
if your drnpjrist cannot suiply von. '
P scud us 0110 dollar and wo will esp'ress
a you a bottle. I5e sure and give the nama
rf your nearest exj > rp sott , < : e. Address ,
J. C. AY Eli CO. , Lowell. Mass.
[ mportant Part Played by Prett
Girla "Who Can Talk Well.
Pretty girls are employed in sellln
unds in Kansas , says a former easteri
> r now located in tliat State. When
eal estate man , he says , has a custon
> r from a distance to ee a farm tha
Jes some distance out of the city b
uakes his arrangements beforeban :
le has a team of fast horses waitin
o take the customer out to look at tL
'arm ' , and just as they are starting
> retty girl happens along and he greet
ler cordially. She is sure to be a prett
jirl and -witty one. She asks the rea
* tate man where he is going , an
vhen he tells her she remarks that i
vill be a lovely drive , as the country i
10 pretty In that direction. Then th
eal estate man introduces the prett
firl to the stranger , and finally ask
icr if she would like to ride out to th
arm with them.
Of course she says "yes , " and get
Qto the seat beside the stranger , wLil
he real estate man drives. He keep
he horses going at a good clip all th
vay , anG the pretty girl makes equ.i
; oo 1 speed with her talk. She is s
right and witty that the strange
hinks they have been ou the road b'J
L few minutes when they arrive at th
arm. He 5s surprised to find it so noa
he town.
After he has bought the farm an
Irives out to see it alone , when ther
s no pretty girl on the sent beskle hin
le is surprised to see ho v far fror
own it is. The real estate men hav
iretty girls for their htenographerj
.nd teach them their part of the gaim
lillions Have Been Given by Thei
to Education and Charity.
Few realize how much the cause o
education and the various philar
hropic enterprises owe to the wome :
f the United States. Some of the gift
ecently made to women's causes ar
loted below :
Mrs. Josephine L. Newcombe , of Ne\
'ork , to Tulane University , $3,000.000
Irs. P D. Armour , of Chicago , to Ai
aour Institute , $1,250,000 ; Mrs. Edn
. McPherson , of Newark , N. J. , t
rale College , $7 0.000 ; Mrs. H. B
ichley and Mrs. R. P. Flower , of Nev
rork , jointly , to the city of Watertowt
J. Y. , $500,000 ; Miss Helen Gould , o
ew York , to various charities , $400 ,
00 ; Mrs. Vaugfcan Marquis , of Asl
ind , Wis. , to religion , ยง 300,000 ; Mrs
. F. Ryan , of New York , to religiorj
250.000 : Mrs. Eugene Kelly , of Bui
alo , to religion , $250,000 ; Mrs. Ein
ions Elaine and Mrs. Cyrus McCor
lick , to the University of Chicago
250,000 ; Mrs. A. S. Greenspan , of To
eka , Kan. , to various charities , $200 ,
DO ; Mrs. Louise Sebor , of Middleton
! onn. , to religion , $175,000 ; Mrs. Mar
aret J. Bennett , of Baltimore , to va
ious charities , $150,000 ; Mrs. Mar :
hannon , of Newton , Mass. , to varlou ;
ollescs , $123.500 ; Mrs. G. S. Burbunk
f Fitchburg , Mass. . to various charl
ies. $120,000 , and Mrs. F. H. Alms , o
lincinnati. to the University of Cincin
nti , $100,000.
Besides these several Chicago woinei
ave given various sums to the univer
ity there , the total aggregating nearly
Giants Can Be Crown.
The common notion of the physSolo
ist that growth and deTeJopment ar <
ne to suitable diet and exercise ha :
> rined the subject of some peculiar ex
erimeuts on the part of a French doc
> r. He claims he has abnormally accel
rated the growth of children and on !
ials by feeding them on a prpparatioi
f cereals , and that he can make giants
T those whose organization in any waj
erinits of such extension
A certain Bishop Berkeley succeeded
i a similar feat long age. He took t
lale child and fed him ia accordant
ith a system of his own. By the tiui (
le boy was 16 years of nge he had at
jned a height of S feet G Iriches.
Moist foods , such drinks as tea anc
illk nnd other similar beverages tenc
> increase the staturewhile dry anc
> iced foods and aloholJc drinkg tead tt
.op the development
is KLs Foot in It.
Many dlfiideut persons find th
ing of a conversation awkward , espe-
ally on ceremonious occasions and
ith strs ngers. Sometimes , however ,
10 beginning Is not half BO awkward
s what comes afterword :
A bashful young man oa being intro-
aced to a lady at a dinner party said :
"I've got to take yon in to dinner ,
Jss Travers , and I'm rather afraid ol
HJ. you know. Everywie tells me
m'rc very clever. "
The young lady was naturally amused
, < ' this display of simplicity.
"How absurd 1" she exclaimed. "I'm
> t a bit clever. "
The young man heaved a sigh of re-
> f anil answered :
"Well , do you know. I thought you
ereu't ! " London Tit-Bits.
A Cannibal Tree.
Tropical trees often commit strange
oalcs. owing to the vigor of their
owth under the hot sun and moist
r. hut wo have not heard of a more
trio1 * CP.SO than that of a mahogany
cr four foot six inchec in diameter
inch , on bi'ina : cut up , was found to
main another log , or rather trunk ,
ilh the bark on it. eighteen inches In
amcter. Nor is thnt all ; the second
ink inclosed a third stem , a mere sap-
ig with a diameter of about three-
tarters of an inch. Both of the two
ner stems ran the whole length of
e log.
AJ1 that the average saving man
eds ig aa excuse , and he will blow
5 money.
If you nerer imposed on your Ida ,
at is something to y * r credit.
f1l5SlATT ! :
Miss Lenora Allen , 407 Dowell street , San Francisco , Gal. , writes :
" / consider Peruna an Infallible remedy for catarrhal diseases. For set i-nl years / havt
ten troubled with Influenza , especially during our rainy season. I used to cold so easily
Tjat I was afraid to be out when the weather was the least b f inclementf or In the evening air.
> ut since I have used Peruna / have nothing whatever the matter with me.
" & am in perfect healthf and find that Peruna acts as a tonic , and seems to throw all sickness
nd disease out of the body. I go anywhere now and in all kinds of weather , seem to have an
constitution and enjoy life because 1 enjoy perfect health. " LENORE ALLEN.
Miss Mattie Douglass. 1,38 Thomas
ave. . Memphis , Tenn. , writes :
"From my early womanhood I have
been troubled with occasional headaches.
1 took different powders and drujrs , at
times getting temporary relief. One o
my friends advised me to try Peruna ,
which I did. I soon found that my gen
eral health improved , and my entire sys
tem was toned up.
"I felt a buoyancy of body and light
ness of mind [ had not known before
and my headaches have completely disap
peared , and I have enjoyed perfect health
for over a year. I gladly indorse Pe
Women from all parts of the United
States and Canada are testifying daily
to the virtue of Peruna. Only a few of
'hese letters can ever be published. Write
The flood at Mahanoy Ciry. Pa. , s
terrified a black mule that the ani
nal turned gray with fright. ITeva
employed in the Maple Hill Colliery
The president of the Board of Chil
dren's Guardians in Terre Haute
[ nd. , Judge Davis , has granted to
Chicago hypnotist permission to hyp
tiotize some of the children of th
Home for the Iriendlesa , with th
hope of effecting their reform througl
the medium of suggestion. The firs
children to be operated on will b
those of depraved and vicious par
He CIInched It.
Erie. Kan. , Feb. 17. In July of 190(1
W. H. Ketchuru of this place was sud
denly seized with a violent pain in hi
back. He says he supposed it Avas '
"atltch" and would soon pass away
but it lasted live months and cau.s (
him great soreness , so that he wa :
barely able to keep out of bed. He be
came alarmed and consulted a docto
which only increased his anxiety am
did him no good.
A friend who had some expprienc <
advised him to use Do id's Kidnej
Pills. Mr. Ketchurn beganwith si :
pills a day and in a week was well am
the soreness all gone. However , thi :
did not satisfy him , for he says :
"I thought -would clinch the cun
with another box , and I did. I hav <
had no recurrence of the trouble siuci
and as this IP over a year a o I an
thoroughly convinced thar Dodd's Kid
ney Pills have completely cured me. "
Odd Use of Minors
In a Tillage in the Goswolds Eng
land , it is the custom to place i
small mirror on the front door undei
the knocker , in which the Tisitoi
may examine his appearance hefon
duces the fastest and brightest color
of any known dye stuff
A peculiar epitaph is engraved or
a monument in Sleepy Hollow Gem
utery , Tarrytown , N. Y. It reads
thus : "Here lies the body of littk
lane , who ran out slyly and playec
in the rain ; she caught the measle-
ind it struck inside , and in less thflf
f ur short weeks she died. "
Put Up In Collapsible Tubes.
A Sul'stitute for and Superior to Mustard or anj
ther plast T , anu will not blister the most delmuW
ikin. The p in albyins mid cuiutive qualities ol
this article are wonderful. It wiL atop ihii u * > : U-
he at. once , and relieve headache auu sciatica.
W recommend it us the Lest au safest external
Counter-irritant kn wn , also as an external reine-
dj for pHins > in the chejt an.i st macn and all
rnaumatic , ueuraHric and gouty complaints.
A trial will prove what we claim for it , and it
will be found to be invaluable in the Louse-hold ,
Many people e - "It is ttw b&it of a.l your prepa
rations. "
Price 15 cents , at all druggists , or other dealers ,
M by sending this amount U > Ub in postage s tarn pi
* e will send you a tube by nisiL
iJo.artide should be accepted by the public an-
less the same carriej our label , as otherwise It U
act genuine.
C Sute Strtft , htw
for a book of testimonials of the cures
Peruna has made.
Peruna Makes Clean , Healthy
Mucous Membranes Ca
tarrhal Diseases Disappear
The mucous membrane is to the inside
of the hoJy what the skin is to the out-
aide of the hoily. It lines every orjjan
dtift and enSty. . Caturrhal iniluium.i-
tion. { ittaoking oue part is liable to spivad
to other parts. A neglected eold or slight
catarrh i < often the cause of li
aud dangerous catarrh.
The National Eetail Shoe Dealer-
league is organized at Boston by 2i
eastern boot and shoe retailers.
Use Red Cross Hull Blue and ! .e-p thei
Tfbitcaa dno > v. All grocers , 5c a jiacku e.
Twenty-iour members of the Coo
County Democracy leave Chicago fc
the Charleston exposition.
A teacher of physiology in one c
the public schools of. Newark , N. J.
received tbis tart note from th
mother of one of her most attentiv
pupils : "Please don't learn our .Tor
ny any moar about his insides as i
makes him sassy. "
Use the bstThat's why they buy Red Cro :
Ball Blue , At leading grocers , 5 cnts.
The slate department has been nc
tifierl of the death of Consular Agen
C. Dubois Gregoire , at Lille , France
A wonderful feat in pennmanshi
has been performed by Win. J. Glenn
of Atlanta , Cfa. He wrote 12,097 leg
ible words on a postal card , and spea
seventy hours in the task. The writ
ing was in ink , and no lines crossei
each other.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Cray's S\7eet Powders fo
Children , used "by Mother Gray , a nurs
in Children's Home. New York , break ui
in 24 hours , cure Feverinhu
i.lache , Stom.ich Trouble , Teethin
orders and Destroy Worms. At a :
ts * . 25c. Sample mailed FRKE
Address Allen S. O'm tP'l. Le Koy , N. Y
The workmen of Germany are no
the greatest European beer drinkers
Their average consumption per day i
two quarts a head , while in Englam
the average among the same class i
slightly larger.
S1OO Reward , 31OO.
The readers of thU paper will be pleased t <
learu that there la at lea it cme drcailed dKea.N
that science has been able to cure hi all it
stages , ami tliat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh < 'ur
Ls tlie only positive cure knor.ii to tne inedica
fraternity. " Catarrh beinir a coa > tltutntiul ! ill'
ea.e. . refiujres a constitutional treatment. Hall *
Catarrh Cure U. taken internally , hctltif : dlre < : tl ;
on the blood and mueou * Mirfaces of tlio t > y t : ri
thereby destroying the foundation of the dls
ease , aud giving the patient strength by balliHii !
up the constitution and asbLstiuij nature in t'oiuj '
it. tvork. The piopnetors have MJ much lalth 11
H niratlve po\ver that they offer One Hun lre <
IviiLSara for any ca > e tliat It fails to cure. Sen <
for list of testimonial * .
Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0
ti oli ! by DnisnrUta. 75c.
Hall's Family rills are the best
It is said that a full-grown ele
phant can carry three tons on it
_ _
Self Threading Sewing Machine Needii
Give name of your machine , send 87 cents and iv
B-lll mail you temple pacKar * of assorted , netrdlo ;
Tational Automatic Xeedte Co. , 150 Xaaiau btree ;
Sew Ynrkt.ity. Agents Wanted.
The famsius library of the ifarqui :
3e Jerez at Madrid , has been sold tt
in American for 40,000 pounds.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the bes
medicine I have ever found lor cough :
and colds. Mrs. Oscar Tripp , Big lloek
111. , March 20 , 1901.
Caliornia is the only raisin growinj
state in the Union.
Women are naturally more susceptible
to .11 clemencies of the weather than in eft.
With them a cold is often the starting
point of some severe pelvic deranKemeat ,
causing much pain and suffering.
E\ery woman needs a remedy npox
which she can rely to keep her system
fortified against the trying weather f
winter and early spring. If Peruna hi
ta'veu at the livst symptom of a cold it
n'ill cure it before it develops into some
annoying eatarrhai derangement.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at oii'-e to Dr. Hartimm. giving &
full statement of your case and he will
bp plen . 'Ml to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis. '
Address Dr. Ilartman , President of
The Ilartman Sanitarium , Columbus , 0.
Ii Mn ; r Gowns. ,
Evening gowns are made quiet diff
erent from those intended for dinners
or dances as far as the sleeves are
concerned. The dinner gowns have
elbow or lonjj sleeves , while the reg
ular ball gowns liave absurdly smaH
ones , or none at all that is on a
strap. The square-necked dinnei
gown Is again in fashion , but th *
nuncl low-cut ball gown well oil th *
shoulders is considered the smartest.
All the low-cut gowns am made very
low iu the back much Nower than
is in good taste and consequently
the American dressmakers arc put
ting folds of tulle above the folds ol
silk or satin or other material of
which the gown is composed. Ex
quisite hand-work is soeu on all the
evening gowns in embroidery on the
satin , hem-stitching , or"applique ol
lace. The work done by hand is aU
most beautifully lit.e. Harper's Ba
PI jity of Water.
Old Lady "If the train should
happen to run off the track , wouldn't
these stoves set the cars on fire':1"
Brakcman "Xo danger , ma'am.
The only bad places in this road are
on tiie bridges. "
The colored penple throughout th ?
country stand auha t at the report
that a firm of Baltimore distill rs
are about to make whisky from watr
ermclluns on a large scale. The col
ored folks anticipate a scarcity oi
watermelons , and are certain lhat th *
fruit should be eaten in ihe old-fash-
ioried way , as nature prepares it foi
niLStication and assimilation.
Genuine stamped C. C C. Never sold In
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
" 3omething } usi as
1 " ' " "
3 / > 5 g . &teQ *
oB jl l 3 BSK
/ / > < & ! / /yiihi p.n PU CLOTHNC
lkl L 17 WILL
JNLOCX PCX A3C . " T2ADc nffl
CATALO-oUE5 r Sn : J