THE VALENTINE DEMOCRA I. M RICE EDITOI $1.OO Per Fear in Advanc . PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at t B e Postrofflce at Valentine. Cher county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. Charles II. Faulbaber Brownlee Breeder of Retj'st'd Herelord o Hyain , No. 74.Ki iitbead of herd. Young bulls from to is months old for sale. DELIVER ! Call JOHN D. EATON To Haul your and TRUNKS PACKAGES , VALISES lOc Henry Anguston , BROWXLEE , - Docs General Blacksmithing hard time prices for Good Hard ROCK . For Sale % . PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. DELIVERY WAGON NO. To Any Part of the City. Leave Orders at Elliott's Dnij Store. M. S. WELOB MILL PRICES FOR FEED , [ \ Bran , bulk _ 1.50'per cwt if 20 00 toi .Shorts bulk . . .1 15 per cwt " $22 00 toi Screenings . 40c " $7.00" ChopFeed _ 1.25 $24.00 " Cora . 1.05 " 120.00" Chop'corn . 1.10 " $21.00" Oats . 1.50 " $29.00" BARBER SHOI FIRST CLASS and UP To DATE IS eat and Attractive , Every Cus tomer Las a Clean Towel. W. KIMBELL STATE BANK BUILDING LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Private Work Promptly Attended to Address either YALESTINE or WOODLAKE You want a TUBULAR IF WELL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , W-ELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN PORATH Or write him at Riege , Nebraska A. . M. MOBBISSET ATTORNEY AT LAW O - / | rO VALENTINE , NEB A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SUBG-EON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. XiglitsAt The Donoher Hotel. F M. WALCOTT ATTORNY AND ABSTRACTBR ine ; Nebraska - 1'ra.ctlces in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor i' ' Located on Cherry St. 2nd do ( south of Smyser's livery , furnish * excellent board and lodging" . Mea same old price 25 cents. A hearl welcome to all. MRSM.HARRIS J O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGED All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE NEBRASK A good looking' - , bone and poor look > . ing harness ia the worst kind of a corn * blnntion. i Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness and tba horse lock better , but makes tba leather soft and pliable , puts It in con .ditlon to lust twlcu as loo * ' crrtluarlly would . ' / . trcr ; c nin 1 itzei. Made by STANDARD OIL , CO. Give ( / / , ' m Yoar ffi /forse a Chance ! O.J. Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Creek and Loup D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. < Simeon. Nebrask Cattle branded o left side as on cut ; also 1 on left aid with on left hip < some cattle ; also Si on right side. lion brand , rake and 1 on left shoulder c hip Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east < Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraste J.F. Swain Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on 'eft ' side as shown in cut. Range-South if Sparks on Nio- jrara river. J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Neb Cattle branded JH on right side Horses branded J" ! on right shoulder Reasonable rewan for any informatioi leading to the re covery of cattli strayed from mj range. ZOMK Dicoon ; IMM XoMb d.lD CO-p Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. flange on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded r B connected on left hip or side as shown in cut Having recently purchased one of ic Ne.wcomb fly-shuttle rag carpet lome I am now prepared to do all inds of rap carpet weaving on shor rtice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr. Ranch lor Sale or Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay ater and timber. Will run 800 head stock. For information address , box ) . 15 i , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , alentine , Nebr. 42-tf Oysters.served in all styles at Collins All kinds of heavy hardware and tgon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Bunch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for gaging in the stock business. This i chance for some man who has about )00 ) to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or ite us. * 3o to Collins for oysters. 42-tf jen Bivens will pay highest cash ce for furs. JKABB & Co. offer you winter under ir , hats , caps and queensware at re : od prices. 50 - - \ F. E. AM. V.R.I T1ITIE TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Daily 233 PJ No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49A. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Daily 6:50 A. No , 26 ' except Sunday 5.00 P. NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. HcCanu Items Heavy snow and cold weather in tl part of the country. Elvin Elliott , of Newport Nebrask is visiting with his father and moth X. Elliott.of McCann. Hon. Frank Rothleutner , of Georgi was on the river one day this week , t ! guest of P. C. Galloway. RELIABLE : PenTrook J. O. Jones went to town Friday. Charlie UeVoe is sojourning in the parts. Elsie Grooms missed school la week. Charlie Billings is working for M J3rown. C. P. Hamar went to Valentine Mo day last. Myrtle Brown is working at C. "V ilamar's. Bob Grooms was down in these par Wednesday. Mr. Graddy has been on the sick h for some time. F. Powers returned home from entine last week. Dave Archer lost several head sheep last Friday. H. Grooms took twenty-six fat to Valentine Tuesday. Mr. Hittle sold a load of hay the otl er day to Jake Howard. James Hutchmson took six coyo scalps to town Tuesday. Emerson Powers and family returne from Valentine last week. Cora Archer is visiting at her pai ent's home for a fewdays. Mr. Brown is getting out saw loj to haul to the Fairfax mill. Fred Moirison has put in'adry good and grocery store at Norden. S. C , Small has moved into the Han cock house on Seven creeks. James Hutchinson and cousin , Lew went to Norden last Thursday. Miss Lillie and Grace Grooms al tended the literary one night recently Dave Jones returned from Omahs where he has been attending busines college. J. F. Swain and Wm , McFarlani shipped a car load of hogs to Omaha Monday. Kent Gordon and family of Spring new were visitors at J. F. Swain's fo several days. Mary and Jennie Hughes left her ! ora short visit at Winside , Waym bounty , Nebraska. F. Grooms went to town this week Mrs. Hamar has been on the sicl ist for some time. The Highland literary was well at ended Friday night. The questioi inder discussion was , "Resolved tha here shall be . no legal collection ol uture contracts. The affirmative won PORCUPINE Bailey Briefs "Dad" Seager said Harriett Truas lid that to him ; it's a boy. C. P. Sellers and Ira Goodin took in ae dance at Cody on the 31 st. Swallows have been met with at sea lore than 1,000 miles from land. J. F. Young went to Cody the 1st fter Brother Bishop and supplies. ' The ground-hog saw his shadow , st Sunday if there are any m this > rner. Finger nails grow at the rate of a ttle more than one and one half inch- i a year. Since John .Seager shaved his moufl- che off , he looks li e a full moon with crack in it. How would mule meat do for foot ill player's diet , to develop their kickr g qualities. Frank Jones , Oscar Smaller and Guy rons are trying their hand at trapping the Snake. Mrs. S. J. Goodin and Walter 'will jve back to the old stamping ground 3 first of April. Lee' and Lula hellers took in the nee at E. E. Cranes the night of the They reported an elegant time. Some of the boys asked Jim Hunt tat kind of flowers he liked best. He d "daisies and lillies if "they are ? d ins. " Five IB the great sacred Chine : number. No name in America is so common' mispronounced as that of our presiden It is Koosefelt , Ilozveldt , Rooseyfelt < Rozyvelt ; those anxious to be rigl might quiz the newspapers or write i friends or to Washington. * Frank Heath was buggying aroun Bailey last week , lie's a honeysuckl He said he came up here to tell us thi it was ice weather. Gene Mossman and Ballard Bro have erected new barns on their rancl es. The cattle industry is showing u well in this vicinity. G. W. Seager came home from Cod the 2nd to see the girls and look aft < his ranch interests , lie is building new barn 20 x 30 feel , in Cody. A fruit supposed to bear the mark < Eve's teeth is one of the many totnni < al curiosities of Ceylon. The tree c which it grows is known by the insij nificant name of "the forbidden fruit , or "Eve's apple tree. " The blossoi has a very pleasant scent but the real ! remarkable feature of the tiee , the or to which it owes it's name , is the frui It is beautiful and hangs from the tr < in a peculiar manner. Orange on tl outside and deep crimson within , eac fruit has the appearance of having hn apiece bitteu out of it. This fact ti gether with it's poisonous quality le the Mohammedans to represent it i the forbidden fiuit of the Garden < Eden and to warn men against it's no : iou3 properties , GuEss-Wno-I-AM - - - His upper story is no doubt A trifle out of plumb ; Strange tilings are flying in and out The roof is leaking some ; To some gre&t truths the man is blind And yet he boldly dares To freely exercise his mind In all mundane affairs , He bravely dares to plot and plan In every race that's run , And thinks himself the greatest raau That ever spiked a gun , And now to pops and democrats And others I declare , His belfry is not full of bats , No insects winter there. His heart may be surjharged with guilt Observe I said it "may" But what he knows he knows he knows And , knowing , says Ills say. So if he Would , in making laws , With other statesmen mix , I'm here to help his blooming cause Or perish trying. BIX State Journ ; Lenten Season Easter Sunday , this year , will fal on March 30th. The Lenten seaaoi commences on Ash Wednesday , si : weeks before Easter , and this make the date Eebruary 12. So it is only i little more than three weeks until al the social gaiety must cease. Date for social events are being arrangec accordingly. The rule forfixing the date of East er Sunday is rather a complicated one. Commonly , it is said to be the first Sunday following the fourteenth lay of the moon , or full moon , attei thu vernal equinox , or the beginning af spring. This rule applies in tnh instance , spring commencing OT IJch 23. It will thus be seen that Easter Sunday could not come much earlier in the year taan it does this time , tn practice , this rule cannot befol lowed exactly for the reason that the noon would be full at different times in various parts of the world , so that Easter would follow a day earlier in : he eastern hemisphere than in the vestern. Accordingly an ecclesiastical or deal moon is used in figuring the late. This was settled at the Coun- ; il of Nice , in A. D. , 325 , when the restern usage was adopted as univer- al in the Christian. The exact date s based on certain chronological cy- les , the progress being a com plica ted ne. The Dominical letter of the ear 1902 is E , and the Roman indica- ion is 15 , With a certain value giv- njto the Dominical letter , the prob- : m is complete , and the date is ar- ived at exactly by mean of certain ules. But it is enough to know that iaster falls on March 30 , and that ient begins on Eebruary 12. The 'elphos ' Courant. Xotice of Herding. I will run town herd beginning about pril 1st. All parties entrusting cows i my care can be assured that they ill receive careful attention. 60 UIIIAS BOYER Notice to Creditors [ n county court within and for Cherry counrv sbraska. In the matter of the estate of Sarah iwey. deceased. fo the creditors of said estate : ITou are hereby notified that 1 will sit at the inty court room in Valentine in said county the 8th day of Feb-uary 1002 at lo o'clock a. to receive and examine all claims against d estate with a view to their adjustment and owance The time limited for the presenta- n of claims again8t said estate is February ; 8Ui day A. U. 1902 and the time limited for ( , -meut of debts is on j year from sam 8th day June 1901. vitness my hand and the seal of said county - > couit this 14th day of January 1902. KAt , W.B.TOWNE , : Comity Judge J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branch same as cut back < rlgbt shoulder at on right hip Range on tl Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.Ieft side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Net Left side ; S left shoulder. Herdmarkde lap.itanpe itanpe Rjtni 36 and 37. b tween NIobra : and the Snake. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on left side Ranee. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownlee , Ne Like cut on eltbc leftsldp. orhipale left side. Horses same as ct on left hi ] , 250.00 RE I WARP for coi conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattl in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Qreek , S. Dakota. P 8 BOUSCITB Poatofflce address Brownlee , Ne On left side or an part of animal. Eai mark right ear cu off ; horses brandei same on left hip.Als has stock branded I on side or shoulder or'JKorWorO'Vl ' orO or FZ. Alsi the-following , the first one being on side and hi ] 0-OH : E. B. Yandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. Same as on cut. Range Between' toose Creek and liorih Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. Gorsuch Bros. tewton , Nebraka * R lattle branded s on cutSome , T Z J ift side or hip ! tange 01 Gordon : reek Julius Heckman Brownlee Nebr Range south of Brownlee Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left le and thigh. irmark , square op right ear Horses have me brand on t thigh. Range on Qor n and Snake ! eeks , i Reward of $86O will be paid to any T lnfornjation leading to the arrest and 1.0 * an.y PC"011 or pontons steal- Sawyer Bros. Poatofflce address .Oasis , Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge or these cattle ; horses Ds on left shoulder ; some stock branded on left hip. Range : Snake river. C F COOPER Postoffice address Oasis , Nebr Brand registered 20&5 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle minded ; mge-s nth and weet of D. B. STONER & SON. Newton , Nebr. Brand registered No. 411. Cattle branded same its cut on left side or left hip. Horses same $ n lelt shoulder. Range South of Gordon Creek. Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Nrbr Cattle branded or left Hide aame as cut. cut.Horses Horses on left shoulder. V tf Range Between tbe Gordon and Snake. Louis F. Richards Metrimau'Neb Garner Brothers. Cody.Jfebr. Anvwhcre on cat tle. Horses on left shoulder. RaneeNorth " Elf. SWEENEY BROS. Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed 55. See block Range Steve and Stephenaon Lakes and South 8300 reward will be paid to &ny person for In. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with tin Above brand. C. Evenaon Cody , Nebr. On left side and thloh ; horses the same on leftside. Range-Between Niobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon , Nebr. Cattle branded > n leftside. Horses same on eft shoulder. ffe Gordon JreeK. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield.Noto. Noto. Cattle branded same as cut on leftside. lionet same on left shoulder. I A Also ° n J / \ left side J A SAtTLTS Cattle on lef * ip.Horses : , Horses on left iioulder. Some stock 3t bearing my > rmer brand as lown be'ow. Fostofflce address Gregory , Nat On left side or hip. horses same on left shoulder RangeArkansas Valley and Snake JULIUS PETERSON jstofflce address Gregory , Neb anded as on cut Range two miles irth of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEE Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses ( branded ! on left shoulder. , Range 6 mllea south of Irwin. D. Stinard. lentine , Nebr. ite Brand reg- itered 1554. ff S tie and horses .nded same as ; on left hip. ange 2 miles t of Ft. Nio- ra , PIKE BEOS' Postofflce address Crsokston Nebr Branded on either side ot animal Range-On Mlnne- haduza 5 miles east of Crookaton DAWSON & BALL office address 3hesterfiel l , Neb le branded on side as on cut ; VleltneckandZ hip : some V lelt . V left shoulder ZlefthiDhorsea ; left hip. Range