Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1902, Image 6

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ping up the delicious golden balls
of her own make of butler in fra-
prnnt. snowy linen cloths , and mental
ly calculating what the bijtter and the
20ttago cream , and the four pair of fat
anil-kens , and the half-dozen pump
kins , and the four barrels of Van Duyn
tipples ought to bring In the market
vhcn grandfather went to town iu the
big wagon the next day.
And just as she had about decided
that , with good luok , they ought to be
alile to buy the piano for P.essie before
spring , there carne a step alongside ,
and she looked up , to see Frank Mer
rivale , tall , handsome , with his fall
overcoat , wearing a rosebud and a
Hjiray of bovardio , and his soft felt hat
pushed oft' his forehead.
"Oh , it's you. is it , Frank ? " grand
ma Han-is said , palling a butter-ball
lovingly as she laid it beside a dozen
others in the long , shallow basket.
"It is .1 , grandma. What are you
doing ? Give me a taste don't you
know I used always to help you get
the butter ready for market ? I haven't
forgotten how to tell if it is salt
enough. "
"Of course ycu have forgotten since
you have been such a fine city gentle
man. Much you care for anything
flown here in the country nowadaj's. "
She twinkled him a look from be-
"uind her silver-trimmed glasses , whose
roguishness slowly changed to solici
tous concern as , for the first tim < > since
her "boy' . had been home to the farm
for a month's visit , she noticed a paler \
look than she liked to see on his face ,
and a certain uuhappy look in his eyes.
"What's the matter , Frank ? " she fin-
Ished , suddenly , laying down her last
pat of butter , and looking steadily at
He answered her look with a little ,
forced laugh.
"The matter with me ? Why , bless
your dear old soul , 'grandma , there's
nothing whatever the matter with me.
< Don't I eat and sleep like a plowman ? "
"Do you , Frank ? Honor bright , dear
isn't there anything amiss with
you ? "
"Not physically , at all events , " he
said , gayly.Then , as suddenly as
-gravely , he added , "I don't mind tell
ing you , grandma it's Lulu Carroll. * '
"Lulu Carroll ! Has she been tor-
-menting you , Frank ? Tell me the
whole truth , now mind , " she said , sol
"There's not very much to tell , " he
said , with another constrained little
laugh. "She doesn't care anything
whatever about me , and I can't help
making a fool of myself over her. "
Grandma Harris covered her butter-
rolls over carefully with crisp celery
leaves , and then went on :
"She doesn't care for you , eh , as
omch as you do for her ? Is that it ? "
"That's exactly it. "
"Did she tell you so ? "
"Not in so many words , but all the
same , I have been made aware of the
"But , Frank , if "
He looked coaxingly at her , but she
mw the paleness on his dear face was
even more pronounced than before , as
he gently interrupted her :
" ' ' it . I
"Don't let's talk about , please.
liau'c mean to mention her name to a
living soul ; I'd rather endure my sor
row in silence , since it seems to be
that Lulu Carroll has it in her power
to wreck my life for me. I was sure
she loved me but she don't. And rhnt's
all there is of it. "
And after that Grandma Harris went
on counting her eggs in silence , while
Frank leaned against the shelf and
looked at her.
And then , afte a few minutes , he
went away , and grandma took off her
spectacles and wiped the tears from
Jier dear old eyes for Frank was the
npple of her eye ; and his happiness or
misery delighted or wounded her to
the very core of her motherly heart.
"I darsay he's no worse than other
men , " she decided , after dinner that
3ij' . "They mostly do fall in love with
the girl that is likeliest to lead 'em a
pretty gait I'll put on my brown
cashmere and just run over and see
bow sister Carroll Is getting on. and
borrow Lulu's cream-cake recipe.
Frank's master foud of that cream-
cake of hers. "
And so , whqn Lulu Carroll came
flown from her own room , into the sun
ny , cozy sitting-room , about three
o'clock that same afternoon , she found
her mother and Mrs. Harris enjoying
a most comfortable chat over their
bright knitting-needles.
She was such a pretty girl , slender
and graceful , with big brown eyes and
wavy golden-brown hair grandma
didn't wonder a bit that Frank cared
so much for her.
"Oh , it's Mrs. Harris , " she said ,
laughing , and showing her pretty
white teeth and her dimples.
'Yes , it's me , sure enough. I want
ed your cream-calce recipe , dear , and
there seemed n good chance for me to
get away for an hour or so , so I
thought I'd run over myself after it.
Frank's very fond of cream-cakcr-he
won't get much of it , either , poor fel-
Jow. "
Lulu was copying her recipe off from
"Common Sense , " but Mrs. Harris1
fceen eyes did not fail to see the little
flush of color that surged up to the
girl's forehead at mention of Frank
Merrivales name.
"How's that ? " Mrs. Carroll Inquired ,
"Why , didn t you know he. was go-
Ing back to New York next Tuesday ?
They don't ever have any such creain-
cako there , you don't suppose ? "
Lulu folded the neat little paper up
and handed it to Mrs. Harris , who put
it carefully away in her pocket
"Yes , Frank's going back to the city
this week , and I don't suppose we shall
see much of him after this. "
Miss Lulu laughed , and shrugged her
pretty shoulders.
"One would think Mr. Merrivale was
going to emigrate to the South Sea
Islands , " she answered.
"Pie might almost as well be going
there , for all the good the neaniess to
New York will do us. "
The air of mystery about the old lady
was bavin ? a most electric effect
"Do tell. Mrs. Harris ! " Mrs. Carroll
said , laying her gray yarn stocking
"If you'll both keep It a dead secret ,
I'll tell you. Frank's going to be mar
ried. "
A momentary silence followed , only
broken by the tic-tac of the eight-day
clock in the corner"and the silvery lit
tle click of Grandma Harris' needles.
Then , although Lulu Carroll felt that
her very pulses seemed stopping , that
for her the sunlight was forever to be
gloomiest shade , she managed to utter
a strange , weird llttlo laugh.
"You don't say Frank is going to be
married ! That is indeed news. Tell
him I congratulate him. "
Mrs. Harris peered innocently over
her glasses at the sweet , pale face.
"Just so I folt. Lulu you and Frank
'd been such good friends and that's
why I think you ought to be told first
Sakes alive ! Tt really can't be four
o'clock a'ready and me with a mile
and a half to walk , and short-cake to
make for tea ! "
And the little old lady bustled off ,
while Lulu put on her red and brown
blanket shawl aud her little Derby hat
with the sea-let wing , and rushed out
into the crisp November air some
where , anywhere to be all by herself ,
where she could try to realize all the
sudden anguish and confusion that had
come upon her.
"It cannot beit cannot be ! Frank
Merrivale to be married oh ! it can't
be true ! '
And as she walked slowly through
the apple-orchard , rustling the fallen
leaves as she trailed through them , the
big tears fell thick and fast from her
wid eyes.
Frank Merrivale lost to ner and she
loved him so ! She had been so sure of
lira , so sure that when she condescend
ed to cease her coquetries upon him
she could whistle him back to her feet
To be married ! With his handsome
face , his pleading voice , his passionate
L'yes and not to her.
With a heart-breaking little sob she
eaned her fac ? on her hands , and cried
is only a woman can cry when she
: ealizes that her true-love is gone for-
sver and that too by her own act
When she heard rapid footsteps com
ing up the same narrow path by which
she was going down through the or-
. hard footsteps she knew so well , that
thrilled her with jealous pain , for she
recognized thc > n before she had the
L-ourage to lift her face , all tear-stain
ed , flushed and wistful , yet prettier
than ever to Frank Merrivale. as he
passed her with only a society smile
3n his face as he courteously yet cold-
iy raised his hai to her and was pass
ing on.
For just one second it seemed to her
Umf her temples , her throat , all her
pulses would burst , with the concen
trated agony of the moment : should
she dare sh2
"Frank ! " she said , scarcely above her
breath , In a strangely timid. r 'iiful
fie turned instantly.
"Did you speak ? "
"Frank ! Is it true ? "
"True ? Is what true , Lulu ? "
She trembled perceptibly.
"Don't hesitate to tell me don't put
off the news I know I deserve to be
punished so but you might have
known it was I who loved you better
[ ban any other girl could ! Oh , Frank
I know it is dreadful for me to speak
so but 1 must I shall die if I think
pou don't know how much I love you
aveii if you don't want me ! "
He looked astonished.
" 1 don't understand you , Lulu. "
Her lovely oyes flashed him a pit
eous , reproachful glance.
"Frank ! " bitterly "don't seek re
fuge behind a pretense of Ignorance. I
know , and you knowwhat I mean ,
but but " and she began to sob in
a wholly unnerorne-Iike manner , "you
might have known how much I loved
And then , Frank's eyes suddenly be-
; an to shine with a glad glory that had
never been in them before , and he re
membered what Grandma Harris had
said to him , as he started off "Take
my advice , boy , and if you happen to
meet Lulu don't let her tlunk you're
on your inconsolable. "
"Lulu ! tell me that again say it
again you love me ! "
"I do I do I do , Frank , but it's too
late now , since you're going to be mar
ried so soon ! "
"I married darling ? Not that I
know of uutil you have promised to
have me. Will you , Lu ? "
And , with her head on his breast ,
Lulu told him what Grandma Harris
had said.
"I understand it all plainly enough
It was a loving little strategem to
catch Cupid , Lulu. Besides am I not
going to married ? Say , aren't
don't think we'le very csi ry at Grand
ma Harris , are we ? '
* *
And Mrs. Frank never makes a
cream-cake for her Hege lord but that
she blesses the day his grandmother
came for the recipe. The Housewife.
Domnarfvet "Works , the Largest li
Sweden , Operated by Electricity.
The Domnarfvet Steel Works , belong
ing to the Stora-Kopperbergs Company ,
is the largest iron and steel producing
concern in Sweden , and which concern
probably has the largest charcoal iron
works in the world. The present com
pauy is of quite modern date 1878
but iron had been manufactured by Ita
predecessors as far back as 1G44. The
plant now consists of six ore-roasting
kilns , five blast furnaces , two Bessemer
acid converters , three basic converters ,
four Siemens-Martin open-hearth acid
furnaces and nine rolling mills of vari
ous sizes.
The annual output of the Doranarfvei
blast furnaces averages13,000 tons. The
production of steel ingots amounts to
01,000 tons , by which it will be seen
that they do not produce all of the pig
iron consumed by them. Only the high
est quality of steels are produced , it
being claimed that the average pig
iron will show but 0.019 of phosphorus
'and 0.01 of sulphur. Water power Is
used. The rolling mills and blowing
engines are run by directly coupled tur
bine wheels ; the smaller machines are
driven by about forty electric motors ,
the current for which , of course , Is also
derived from water power. They now
have a rolling mill which is run direct
ly by electricity , about 2,000 additional
horse-power being obtained by electrl
cal transmission from a waterfall about
three miles away. There are about 7-
000 horse-power produced at the main
plant by twenfy-four turbines. The
Swedish Bessemer converters are all
small , five tons being quite the maxi
mum capacity. Cassier's Magazine.
Waiters AVho Speculate.
Stories of the successful speculation
of waiters in popular resorts on "tips"
received from the patrons are often
true ; but there is the other side that
of losses. Said Philippe at Delrnonico's :
"If one of our waiters constantly
speculates on 'tips' loss and failure are
certain to come sooner or later. As in
the case of Beau Brummel's neckties ,
one never hears of the unsuccessful ,
and their losses. It generally happens
that a waiter is successful at first. If
he puts the money he makes into real
estate he prospers ; but let him continue
to speculate and he generally loses his
all. I have had some good winnings ,
but prefer investment in real estate.
"Stock speculation really distracts a
waiter , " continued the Philippe , ac
cording to the New York Times , "and
he cannot properly attend to business
As soon as we find a waiter getting too
engrossed in speculation we discharge
him , as he cannot keep away from the
ticker , and confuses his orders. One
poor fellow nearly went crazy here last
winter In consequence of his stock spec
ulations. He would forget his orders
and call for 'one Western Union , ' when
he should have said 'one steak under
done. ' and so on , until we had to dis
charge him. I do not know what has
become of him , but expect to hear he
has landed in the insane asylum. "
Roosevelt Surprised Him.
Alfred Bowker , officially known aa
the right worshipful the Mayor of Win
Chester , the youugest man in 700 years
to occupy that office , on his recent trip
: o this country visited the White House ,
where he was made welcome by Pres
ident Roosevelt .lust before sailing
for home he said that the most inter
esting man he had met in America was
the Rough Rider President.
"The thins : that most astonished me , "
said the Ensrlish Mayor , according to
the New York Times , "was his great
uud very intimate knowledge of the his
tory and character of Alfred the Great
Knowing that I was here as the repre
sentative of England at the American
celebrations , he at once began talking
to me of the wonderful king of Wes-
sex. There is not one man in 10,000
who knows more about him than your
President We had a long chat and
he really gave me some ideas about Al
fred and the lasting effects of bis reign
I Lad uui * hch * of , and I have been
a very close student of English his
tory , and particularly of the immediate
story and trnfHMrn of my own people.
If President Roosevelt is as learned on
other things as he is in this he Is even
a more wonderful man than his admir
ers credit him with being. "
Didn't Care for Any , Thanks !
A lawyer of this city who gets fish.
hungry about once a week dropped into
a restaurant the other day to discuss a
finny dish.
"What have you got in the way of
fish to-day ? " he inquired of the waiter.
"Snapperback , sir , " was the reply.
"I've never heard of that kind of fish
before , " said the attorney , "but I'll just
try some to see how it goes. "
The suapperback proved to be noth
ing but a common mudcat about the
size of a minnow , and the disappointed
man , casting one glance on the unsav
ory article , shoved it from him and ex
claimed to the sheepish-looking waiter :
"You just snap her back and bring
me a codfish ball. " Memphis Scimi
"Do I anderstand , " said the silk-
stocking in politics , "that you desire
me. as a candidate , to make contribu
tion toward the legitimate expenses of
the campaign ? "
"Yes , " said the practical politician.
"Cough up ! " Somervllle Journal.
They say loafing is bard work. Still ,
we'd like to try Jt .
Did Vou Ever Inquire How Muny Fol
low Your Example ?
"How many matches are struck in a
single day ? " asked an enthusiastic
young statistician , "and how mauv
cords of wood and how many tons of
sulphur and how many units of heat
are represented in the world's daily
consumption of matches ? Here is an
Interesting problem. Matches , ol
course , are not used in all the coun
tries of the world. There are many
primitive peoples who are still kind
ling fires by striking sparks from flinty
substances , just as our ancestors did
in the long ago. when they made pots
and kettles out of clay and stones and
knives out of bones and the harder
formations in the crust of the earth.
Some countries are so damp that
matches cannot be used with conven
ience. In many of the tropical coun
tries which may be classed as civil
ized matches cannot be struck on ac
count of the dampness except on the
rough sandy edge of the box.
But in the great an 1 more advanced
countries of the world matches are In
almost universal use. Exceptions may
be found in rural sections that are al
most completely Isolated , like some
portions of agricultural Germany or
remote parts of the United States , for
that matter , but these exceptions arc
very rare. Getting back to the daily
consumption of matches , it is really
an enormous thing. The consumption
in the United States daily is something
enormous. Roundly there are SO.OOO.-
000 persons in the United States. On
the accepted allowance of five for each
family this means 1(5.000,000 ( families ,
so right on the jump we would have
16.000,000 stoves which would consume
at the very lowest an average of throe
matches each and every day , or a total
of 48,000,000. In the evening the lamps
must be lighted in each of these homes.
"Then there are the hotels , the res
taurants , the saloons and the business
places generally which keep open at
night , with their millions of gas je's
and lamps , and it is reasnable to as
sume that the consumption of matches
in those places would equal , if it did
not surpass , the consumption in the
homes of the country. Mind you I
have said nothing about the factories
and institutions of that sort , and noth
ing about the vast quantity of matches
consumed daily by the smokers of the
country , the cigarette fiends and the
fellows whose pipes are always going
out Why , a fortune goes up daily
in matches' smoke , and the sulphur
and woorl and units of heat wasted iu
this way is something startling. Elec
tricity has to some extent cut down
the consumption of matches , but the
consumption is large enough , and the
fellows who are to come after us may
have reason to deplore our extrava
gance in this respect , for wood is get
ting scarcer allthe time. " New Or
leans Times-Democrat
Man Whose Teeth Buffered in a
rant Get * Iamn"e- < .
An Interesting case to the public was
disposed of recently In the City of Lon
don Court by Sir John Paget , Deputy
Judge , in a claim made by Andrew
Moyes , clerk to the Bank of Tarapaca ,
97 Bishopsgate street , against Joseph
Lyons & Co. , Limited , caterers , to re
cover 10 under peculiar circumstances.
Mr. Abinger , the plaintiff's counsel ,
said that in April last the plaintiff went
to the defendants' establishment in
Bishopsgate street for some refresh
ment While eating a beefsteak pie his
false teeth came into violent contact
with a buttonbr with the shank of a
stud and knocked off two teeth , break
ing the plate in his mouth. When he
claimed redress he was referred to an
insurance company. He had had to
get a new set of teoth , which cost him
5 and he claimed another H for incon
venience in being without his top teeth
for a week.
The defendants said there was no re
sponsibility upon them. When a mem
ber of the public went to a restaurant
the pic-sumption was that he was fully
equipped with teeth to eat ordinary
food. It wass not an extraordinary cir
cumstances to find a piece of bone in
steak pie , and the plaintiff's teeth ought
to have been strong enough to contend
with it
Sir Johu Paget said there had been
negligence on the defendants' part It
was their duty to see that the food
which they supplied contained no hid
den danger alien to its character as de
scribed in the bill of fare. When a man
ate a beefsteak pie he did not expect to
find in it a piece of bone or a button
from the coat of the man who made
the pie. As to the suggestion that a .
man was bound to have a perfectly
solid set of natural teeth before he ven
tured into a restaurant of high-class caj j
erers it was perfectly ridiculous. Firms
who provided lunches took the risk of
the teeth the public were likely to have.
He should find for the plaintiff for 5
the price of a ne wset of teeth , and
? osts , but he could not allow him any-
Jiing for inconvenience.
Beware ol * Xeedless Words.
Don't write "photo , " "photo only , "
'printed matter , " "calendar" or any
Jther descriptive phrase on mail pack-
iges unless you desire to pay first-clas-
) ostage rates. Most people do
.vithout knowing that it increases-
rate. Packages should have no in-
lorsement whatever on the wrapper es-
iept that which strictly pertains to the
return card and address.
Clothing that fits does not seem to be
'ashionable this year. Look at the over-
joats worn by the men , and the cloaks
> rorn by the women-
Lack of sense is too often blamed on
ack of confidence.
Outdoor Affairs Are Moatly Simple ,
and Few Striking Fancies Are Uccu
Blonae Fronts Continue , Though
Quieter in Cnt and Color.
Vow YorW correspondence :
NLESS a quick
shift is made soon ,
bolero suits will be
as numerous In
spring as they have
been recently. They
nre present in im
pressive numbers
among spring street
models , iu cheeked
tweeds , striped
heavy cloths nnd (
smoothly finished i
materials. Boleros
have been so varied
in recent seasons
that dress design
ers would be lack
ing in sense if , in
an attempt to cou-
tinue the stylish
ness of such jack
ets , they offered
but one general
kind. Yet those
spring bolero suits that are outdoor af
fairs , are simple for the most part , and
Pew striking fancies are seen in the
jackets. A representative type appears
in the initial picture. It was red cheviot ,
with black velvet sailor collar and much
Pitching. Boleros for dressy set-ups are
ariously complex , and while they may
be , as heretofore , the most highly
.vrought feature of the costume , their
trimmings usually are matched or echoed
by those of the skirt. This rule for close
mating is illustrated by the right hand
uown of the next picture , a "white broad-
"loth trimmed with black satin bands and
with tabs of the goods. All-over ecru
'ace ' appeared iu front and sleeves , a rose
niching of black chiffon topping the for
mer. For this style of gowns the di-
' ersity in boleros Is as great as that of
the gowns themselves , since the jacket's
roraplexities are the keynote of the en-
Mre costume. Fancy vests and waist-
oats furnish a fair share of surprises ,
Designs for late winter and early
spring show interesting changes in skirt
ind bodice gowns of crepe cloths , cash
meres and tie numerous soft , clinging
lotha and silks. Skirta for the newer
> f these suits usually are trimmed with
> ome kind of passementerie or handsome
cauae of their extreme length. I
middle of to-day'a first group Is one
these , u willow green ladies' cloth , wit !
pipings of white silk. Black velvet pa *
sementerie and stitching were the oajj
other trimmings. Coats of this type m J
be trimmed strikingly , if that is desire
show suits iueludiug now a little of * uc |
treatment. An extreme example ia pm
seuted here. It was tan panne velr <
trimmed with black velvet and whit *
Incv. A more frequent and , it woalf
jreein , a more sensible source of origin&Ji
ity , is the separate waist , and these an
numerous , huudsouie und in all uiann
of materials. Handsome atriped cloth *
are shown for these bodices and make u |
beautifully with passementerie or ecrf
Afternoon dresses are not productlff
of a deal of novelty at just this seawn
but this is because the output of them ifl
small. Those made now reflect nerl
fashions as surely as does the more abna >
dant product. Three are shown in th
second of the accompanying pictured
groups. At the left is a pale biscuit cash
mere , the skirt's three flounces edged
with white silk polka dotted with blacl |
velvet. Elaborate applique of heavj
oeru lace appeared on both skirt an4
jacket. Dull yellow crepe de chine wa |
the material of the second dresswhit *
silk hemstitching , cream lace and blu <
velvet , the last for the belt * , finishing It ,
The third gown was mahogany red , HghJ
weisht broadcloth. Black velvet in tabl
and belt , and white satin covered witi
ecru lace in front and sailor collar ,
other features.
The belt buckle of this last gown
placed as are many such ornaments , b
the buckle worn in front la likely to b
a practicable fastener. In either plac
the bucklp is likely to be very showy. Fat
such there is a great variety in enamel
ling , which is so beautifully tinted thaj-
it looks like jewels. Gold , or enamelle
bui-klrs arc the more stylish aorta , excej
with gray and white gowns , when flilv i
is moro harmonious. Gun metal coma
in here , roo , both in buttons and buckle
Belts still have a place among the prett *
novelties. They are made of strands cq
black velvet held by metal slides , whid )
gives them the pointed effect in the bad |
Bead studded elastic belts , belts of haai
some gold braid and embroidered
belts still are worn.
Spends Large Fortune In Splto TVorlft
It is hard to understand any one * al |
ing revenge upon a government , but 4
Spaniard , a well-known merchant , ( of
some years fought the Argentine
public. He was employed by that
ernnient until for some reason or otiiei
he was dismissed. He then vowe < |
vengeance against the whole countzy ,
and spent $200,000 In endeavoring t4
thwart Argentine commerce in everj
ace. while the bodice has a yoke of some
orin or other. As a rule the bodices an
nrher severe , the belts being stitched io
hiwaist and worn ever the skirt. Some
odices are made with yoke backs , others
re plain with a few gathers at the waist
.110. All are boned and intended to fit
t-rfectly all around. Blouse fronts cen
time , though they ace not as proaoaac-
.1 for the coming aeason. Coat bodices
cv n vrhen glmplj mad
way possible. When this sum WM
hausted he formed a band of
to rob people on the highway , pnfl Of
the raflways and make things generxHj
uncomfortable for all residents in th4
republic. It ended In his being capttn 4
and sentenced to imprisonment for
The word Esquimaux meftn * M
Eaten. "