Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1902, Image 4

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Official Newspaper of Cherry
Countyf IPebratskd
Subscription 81.00 per year In advance$1.50
when not paid In advance , Single copies 6c.
Display advertising 1 inch single column I5c
er Issue or SC.CO a year. , „
Looal Notice4 ? , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution *
and Socials for Kevenue 5c per line per Usue.
Brands. 1 inchps-fj 00 per year In advance .
additional space $3-00 per Inch per yearenRrave ;
blocks extra ; * l.oo each.
PartleaJlvInK outside Cherry county not per
onally.known are requested to pay In , advance
lopefcentjwlditlonaito above rates If over.G
lonths in arrears. , ' ,
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
tlsers. " , .
Thursday , February 6 , 1902
not in favor of any bill for
leasing the public domain west of the
100th meridian , nor anywhere else
where , we have to live. It is taking
the wealth away from the country to
invest somewhere else and though we
Sand Hill fellows might have th mon
ey to pay the bill we would much pre
fer to , settlethe matter locally and
leave the wealth in the country. If it
were thel present time and the matter
could he ad justed abroad Jo.the satisfac
tion of our people it would still entail
an outlay that would make cattle rais
ing an' expensive operation and only
those .fortunate enough to get through
the year saving all ot their herds could
makejmoney. Besides this there would
be adissatisfaction' to the dividing
of the range in which the small ranch
men would be worsted and the range
question would remain as now a.source
of continuous struggle. The matter
must be adjusted locally as it is a tocai
question and'any com'pr6mise at .Wash
ington would prove a source of dissat-
jgfactiou here. We are of the opinion
/flat agitation should cease-and let the
* oen go to raising cuttle. . "Sop all this
flghting over the cheese or the cats will
get it and .we'll feel worse when we
have to bu y the range than to live at
peace and in harmony without1 neigh
bors. Settle the matter at home boys ,
don't go to law nor. shake the founda
tions pf.our government to " settle the
fence and range question *
Our government has been divid
ing tier re : ources .with her
people until w ill some it seems to
be'k grab'gnriie to get all > ou can and-
dispose of tlio "government lands as
though they vere a burden. Civiliza
tion'is ad'Miicnig and in time there will
bemeii enough to occupy every quart
er Vction of Jani and it should be held
aslaa inheritance for our children and
their pi/steritv rather than that it
should be now parceled out to the land
sharks , who never let loose , and our
posterit3r robbed before they are born.
Why should we become so anxious that
the lands be disposed ot so shortly
when we know that all lands ore going
into the possession of men who have
evaded the homestead law and that fil
ing after filing is made and pprfected.
title , raverted to the caoitalist instead
of the settler as the law of our country
intended. Why should we encourage
this unsteady , unscrupulous and quest-
idnable method of dividing up Uncle
Sam's area when we know that the
spirit of the law , giving us all a farm ,
is evaded and not the settlers who need
the land are'getting it , but the specu
lators. Our land oilice officials contin-
ually'violate life spirit of-the law in not
reporting tne true conditions which
they know to be the case when a party
is steered to the landoffice to make
final proof by one who has bought the
land virtually before it was filed upon ,
with the exception of paying the price
tmtil final proof was made. .Numerous
have been these instances and our
woithy land eifice officials smile and
look pleasant while they profit m in
creased business of tiling. They be
Come agents to dispose of the public
donmin , rather than officials to see that
the work is properly done.
A. Bowcring Is in town today.
Mrs. M. P Brosiushas been ill the
past three weeks but is some better
E. R. Vandergrift , who pwns a fine
ranciie near Brownlee , was in town
Mrs. "Airm"parks : reports several tea
parties which ihe < L > E3iocicAT failed lo
juentioirlast week.
Dr. V. A. Good richvill make a trip
io ordeh . dental .work' the 13. 14 .
and - this month.
Ai L. TTnn-ison the big travelling
man for KVV. . . & Co , was in our city
> fsierday and vu > ned a few hours with
ihy ditor.
E II. U'ilson refnrnod SAfnrdav
from Gnrty "VVh re he IIH hePD , warkiii"
forSpniks Ijrns . ) > ui ! Jinjr * ) i jil < * 'for
lumber j'inl , for tin- | > J IHWUM.
is Miit- f ; i
ill Ul - < - "ltWVH ! Ji 5 Mi'v T M ;
H Iwl fallow I lit " \ . .IMMuqnisfd to 3
leain that hevas the father of a Sun
day school.
k nfter remlmcr in Inp
"f I'ob'.s thn'H inn stories
M-H re'ated ' 1 he * stories. to a < TO\vd of OJir 1
frniil j. whereupon after hearinir * t\vo
-o" the slorif" * w > * donlitinir Thomas
hrIt" in. . ' SaI I Where is JJob now , ar
ThomasjGates is in town today.
J. M. Barto was in town yesterday
from Gordon.
"Wni. Steadman and some of his men
came in yesterday.after supplies. T
E. C , Cole of Cody was jn our city
Miss Annie Conolly staited for the
east last week where she goes to take
lessons in photography.
LeEoy Leach , Co. Surveyor , came up
yesterday and goes west today to do
some'surveying near Merriman.
Chas. H. , Chase has purchased the
Newberry ranch north of Cody this
week and will take possession next
Oqtpber. "
Last week by "mistake this paper
stated that Miss Efner's sale was to be
gin the 18th , which shouldjhave read the
1st. Miss Efner offers her entire stock
of Millinery for the next ten days at
reduced prices. . * -
'Jos Bristol , . E'rvine Bristol , Geo'
Bristol , He'nry Grooms and Isaac Jones
"brought in a car load of hogs , Tuesday
from'their farms down the riverwhich
they had intended to ship to Omaha.
They were offered $3.45 per cwt. by J ,
W. StetterQiir local buyer , which they
Mr. and Mrs. Quisenberry came in
from the ranch yesterday and this
morning "Mrs. Quisenberry started east
to spend the winter with her mother
Mrs. A. E. Butler atSpencerville , Ind.
Mr. Quisenberry ordered the DEMO
CRAT sent to them and will go back to
liis ranch where he will be kept quite
busy taking care of about 800 head of
"W. A. Petty crew whom-we reported
as sick some time ago was not sick but
on account of a slight breaking out on
bis head principally he was thought to
be taking the small pox and according
ly shut himself up for a week to ascer
tain what it'was. Mr. Pe'ttycrew was
not sick and did not go to bed except
as usual at night and we suppose like
many other persons who had symptoms
of a breaking out .disease , f thought it
'was the real thing. However Mr. Pet-
tycrew has. been at . now for
the past two or three weeks and as
there , was no probable cause , of small
pox we are inclined to think and be
lieve that there hasbeen no cases in
our town since a year ago last fall. It
is well however to guard against a
spread of the disease if a , case should
develop and a reasonable precaution
should be observed at all times even
though should work a hardship in
some cases. 'Mr. Petty crew does not
feet that he-was mistreated-intentional
ly and looks onthe bright side being
pleased that he was not pitted and
scarred. ' ' <
; the River
J. Bristol spent a few hours in Valen
tine Wednesday. ,
Nellie Ashburn has been ill for the
past few days , but is better at present.
Mr Bowden _ and family spent
Wednesday evening at F. Nolletts.
Sam and Jim Burget were out hunt-
coyotes one day last week but they got
what the little boy shot at.
. Bad. colds are the best friends in this
part of the country this week.
E. Ashburn took a bunch of cattle to
s *
the Hats Friday to feed a few weeks.
B. Peterson went to town Thursday
with a load of corn ,
Thomas Hudson has bought the old
Clarkson house a mile west of Sparks
and is moving it on to his place this
Strayed fi om my range five yearlings , past ,
branded as follows : Tnrpe braddtr'rt X B con
nected on left hip and 58 c on left side ; One
branded X It connected on left hip and one
V I * : with bar under letteis onleir hip ; Also
PUP liny innre 11 years old. Weight About 1300 ins
branded ji K < onnecied on left hip. Ki'swon *
a We reward will I e paid for luionnutloa lending
to their recoveiy.
3-4t - Valentine Jfeb %
Xotice of 'Appointment of
In county court of Cherry county Nebraska.
In Ihe matter i ihe estate of Fred HUKSOIIX de-
UertiftB. lljssonghas ; filed in my office a petit
ion prying tor the appointment ol herself as .
Administrator of the estate of Fred IJiissong de
ceased. All persons interested in said estate
will take notice that I have fixed tlu'22nd day of .
February l K)2at ) 10 o'clock a nua < i the tune and
mv olliri' in Vajt ntine , riierry county. "Nebraska
as tlie plsu-e for Iiearins said petiiiin.All per
sons interested in sMd ej tate may appear and
show nuu > e if any there i be why such adminis-
.trat r shall noitb . appointed. .
iiy J > < uiu and soul of'snid court this
&ih darf January 1903. . ,
v v-- ' County Judge
- - , 3-St
fWork ofany kinil. In
quire ait Hornby's hardware. W. 11. s
Sax ton. # -3t \
N of * Improved Pride of fi
iht * North" seed coin for sale. {
lUt M. P. B'ROSIUS , Valentine , Xeb. 1
, For Sale Cheap R
rases Cigfar case ? , 2 safes ,
Halls-1 ; Billiard table , 1 Pool table ,
KntiortaJ csh registers. Apply or '
write to
\ :1 - ' - _ THE POST EXCHANGE
L-4t Ft. Niobrara , Nebr.
In a
Glass of Water. OTPWf
Put a handful c&glazed
coffee in a glass of water ,
wash off the coating ,
look at it ; smell it ! Is
it fit to drink ? Give
the same test. It leaves the water
bright and clear , because it's just
fare coffee.
The nealed package insures uniform
Quality and freehnees.
| Drug Dealing
The elements that enter rinto
perfect dru s service are , we be- .
lieve , the EC Competency , qual
ity , courteousness and a fair
profit policy. We endeavor to
give all these the fullest express- ,
While in some things there is
ej legitimate need of varying qual-
Jj ities , in medicinal drugb there is
not. We handle one grade only
the nighest yet o ur prices are'
apt to be less than inferior qual
ities are usua'lly sold for.
Quigley L Chapman ,
Druggists ,
Valentine , Neb.
Farm for rent. Call on G. H. Q
Smith. 1-tf
Estrayed from my place about Sept.
25 , one grav horse , weight .bout 1000
pounds ; head and neckflee bitten
specks , wire cut on left hind leg. . . be
.ow the knee ; brandedJD H on 'left '
1 < uldcrent may be blotched JD
Alsj on3 buckskin pony mare abou
650 pounds , mane about 6 inches long ,
branded TO on left flank. Reason
able reward for information leading
to their recovery. T. J. NELSON
38-tf . Woodlake , Neb
Reliable man for Manager of a
Branch Office we wish to open in thte
vicinity. Here is a good opening for
the right man. Kindly qive good re
ference when writing. THE A. .T.
Cincinnati , Ohio
Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps-
Commissioners Proceedings
( Continued from last week )
On motion the following amount
were deducted from the above allowed
claims and applied on delinquent per
sonal taxes :
T C Hornby- 02 L
G V Holschnv tax Dickey & Holsclaw 13 35
Arthur Bowing i oo
On motion the following claims nwere
Jiiul over and that parties be notified to
appear before the county commission
ers March 18 , 1902 and show cause
why such claims should not be reject
Judd A Strong medical services 4G 50
Ely Valentine livery hire 8 75
Dave Dennis quarantine officer 87 7.5
constable fees 5100
Adjourned to January 20.
January 20 , 1902 : Commissioners
spent the day in inspectiag the Bruce
bridge with a view to having same 're
paired , .damages caused by high water.
Also viewing the Bill bridge site and
river bank on north side of river up to
Berry bridge to determine the ad vis.
ability of making a road along the
north side of the river between points
Jan , 21 , 1903.
The following bonds were approved.
H S Mavage assessor Cleveland precinct
C C Thompson ro-ul oversee district no 23
Anchor Bank Merriman for keeping co funds
K Ormesher assessor Sehlagle precinct
Ketund of SIS 93 granted on tux of Jerry Kclley
.for year 1900 the same having been erroneously
assessed in school uistrict no 74
.The following claims were allowed and
wairants ordered draw on general fund.
Ferdinand Leeh'eitnei fare Botlnrcll
children to Onulia 45 95
Ciabb & Co mdse to poor 3 95
The clerk wa * "directed t > put the
followmgdescribed land of A. T. Davis
on tax list of,19.90 and 1901.
Lot 4 swmv S-rJS-'K
tvjisu nesw .HL-IIW 10--8i- :
.Sfvir , KH-2:5 : and nene 50-2839
Mri w JM > 6w : and nne 1-26 33
lie n ws\v 3 J-L'6-.IS *
'Hie rlerk was directed to M rite the A mcrfcan
\Varmiiltr and VeiirnaliiigComiKiny thatfnrnace
not yivinu sat ic fact HMI.-
< ir inuiioii tlieHcrk : is allowed a deputy at
HJ F try of ? 7W. per : iiiuiim. . : IMII | recording
rli-i k : il H salary ot S13 00 per monlli .
I'Hliion of S \VifodwardetiiirnriIte ap .
pointment of George K Hale as conaiablc ior .
1 win precinct was rejected
Kcii'd fe'tition of Arthur Bowring et
! wjuj appioved.
The board entered info contract with
. F. Oilman for furnishing light fora
L'onrt. house.
Road petition 3f G. H. Q. Smith et
1 WHS rpjpcted. . II !
Claim of Thomas Coffey for refund
of school tax was rejected.
On motion the board approved the recentsur-
| vey and platt of Board of Trade .No. 43 es
tablished HI the year 1000 by petition and nor
platted. The adoption ni recent , hurvev thereby
vacating that portion of Beard of Trade roid
No. 49 irom station No' 13 to No. 13 incIUMVf
and from atalion 21 on new survey in si north
westerly direction on the ea > t side of the hill t >
rbii point where the new siirvty intersects the
lioard of Tnide road No. 43 on west side of the
hill in section 10. Also from station 2J to the
north side of Military reservation.
Application of Samuel J Heth for apirointmpnt
as road overseer district 20 was rejected on ac
count of no vacancy.
Resignation of Frank Lansing road overseer
district No. 2G accepted.
olaimof Charles Busic Jfor frefund of taxes
was rejected , no affidavit attached.
The following claims were allowed and war
rants ordered drawn for same
General fund
J J Leddy railing for court house 105 00
Cyrus Hagen supplies to small-pox patients 7 40
" 860
Johnson Bros " 2 62
W A Parker tl 3820
" " , ' 1600
" " 32 95
The following amounts were deducted from
above claims and applied upon delinquent per
sonal taxes.
W A. Parker 34 35
Johnson Bros 2 62
C > rus Hagen 10 95
The clerk was directed to place the following
described land on the tax list :
Year 1931
Perry G Carter . esw wHse nese s-31-40
Geo VV Ford sl/a nnnenw nwne 28-29-31
Geo E Humphrey BCSW s se nese 14-28-36
Jam Johnson n sw 17-28 27
S AI Gentry lots l & 2-30e ne 25-25 33
Years 1895 & ' 90
tt&mv 31-26-39
On motion bids of State Journal and Fremo nt
Tribune for books , blanks and stationery were
On motion I , M. Rice was awarded contract
for stationery ,
On motion county printing was awarded I. M.
Rice at legal rates.
the official paper of Cherry county for the print
ing of the commissioners proceedings , the de
linquent tax list etc.
On motion . E. Haley was delegated to rep
resent the Hon Board of County Commission
ers of Cherry County , Nebraska at the 'State
meeting of commissioners to be held at Fre
mont the third Tuesday in February.
Adjourned to January 23.
January 23.1902 : Board met as 'per adjourn-
lent. Members all present.
On motion the following estimate of expense
for 1902 was made :
County and Precinct Officers § 70 X ) 00
Bridge 6000 00
.lourt and Jury 4000 00
Jail and Board - 20X ) 00
County Road 1500 00
Supplies for poor 1500 00
sinking 2200 oo
Bounty wild Animals 2090 00
Fuel and repairs 600 00
Books blanks and stationary 500 00
Refunding iut to school districts and
village tunds 3700 00
Bond of IM Rice for county printing was ap
proved , i
The following claims were allowed and war
rants ordered drawn on the general fund for
same :
Alex Burr services as commissioner
and mileage C2 60
W B Haley " etc 46 50
L Laufer " 56 00
John VV Yeast was awarded the contract for
furnishing coal for court house.
The Commissioners changed the commiss
ioner's districts as follows :
District No 1 shall comprise the following pre
cincts : Sparks ; Kewanee. Table , Valentine ,
Minnechaduza , Geiraan , Schlagle , Cleveland.
Dewey Lake and Wood Lake.
District No 2 : Enlow , Mother Lake , Gillaspie
Buffalo Lake. Kennedy , Stein , Loup , Goose
Creek and Pleasant Hill.
DistrictNo 3 : irwin.Lavaca. Merriman , Ely ,
Barley. Uoiliug Springs , Neuzel , Georgia and
Sharps Ranch.
'J he commissioners appointed J F Young as
sessor of Barley precinct and W AV ilsun as
sessor Geo'rgia precinct.
Dr State Fund - Cr
To col tax § 13103 45 Bv state treas $10380 39
. . . . rental 1167095 . .S Lit cancl 8439
. . trans of int 73853 . .Co heas fees 50594
. . . Bal Jan 8 ' 02 13942 21
25512 93 25512 93
County General Fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 S 675123 JJy vouchers § 17916"94
. .col of tax 164U6 til . . refunds 123851
. . ti as old well acct 54 00 . . . treas fees 1137 90
. . . . udvfund 511 79 . . . bal Jan 8'02 7518 C4
. . . . miscelfund 131779
hit fund 170JC9
. . . . refund * G83
26341 99 2G841 99
County Sinking Fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 § 8210 53 By vouchers 8 1950 00
- col 39 0 51 . . bal Jan 8 ' 02 10247 04
1219704 1219704
County Bridge Fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 § 3047 64 wy vouchers § 5325 15
. . transfers 150ooo . . DalJan8'02 403274
. .col of tax 541025
9937 89 9957 89
Co rOad and labor fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 § 1350 57 By vouchers § 4615 25
. .col of tax C031 OS . . .transfers 150000
. .refund 300
. .bdlJan8'02 12(5640 (
7384 65 7384 65
School district bond fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 § 1502 73 By vouchers § 1030 86
. .ci l.of tax ' 1523 82 . . .transfers 1522
' . .trans of int 8782..balJan8 ' 02 207929
3175 37 3175 37
School district fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 § 10635 56 By vouchers § 26373 81
. .col of tax 1769001-.refunds 1357
. .state appor 3 9330 . .treas fees 17707
. .trans ot int 102030 . .bal Jan8 ' 02 6300 72-
32305 17 32S65 17
Judgment fund 4
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 § 9J 56 By bal Jan 8 ' 02 § 151 45
. .colottax 5489
151 45 151 45
Valentine village general fund
To bal Jan ' 01 § 20 < 33 By voucheas § 854,04
. .colott-ix 55tf 14 . .trans 083
. .sidewalk 14 90 . . .treas fees 1919
. .trans iut . 517 85 . . .bal Jan 8 ' 02 41716
1297 22 1297 22
Valentine Village Sinking Fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 § 490 22 By vouchsrs § 98010
. . coiottax 92659 . . . tieasfees 1968
. . bal Jan 8'02 41703
141681 141681
Valentine Village Light Fund
To col of tax § 89 01 tfy treas fees § 1 7 * I
. . ba'Uau8'02 8723
89 01 89 01
Village of C--.dy General Fund
To col of tax § 51 44 By treas fees § 1 03
. .Bal Jan 8'02 5044
Cl 44 51 44
Interest Fund
To ool . 91000 50Bytiaiisdiffund409G 50
409(3 ( 50 40'M ' 50
Advertising Fund
To col § 541 79 By trans to cogen51l 79
541 7a 541 79
Valentine Precinct Bond Fund
? o bal Jan 3 'ol § 73i 67 By vouchers § 132 00
. col 33572 . . crcas fees 1259
. . iraus Hit 22 31 . . balJuns ' 02 uos 1
114270 1H27
Soldier's Relief Fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 $ 45 M By bal Jau 8 ' 02 § 50 55
. . . col ' 450
50 55 50 55
Fines and Lidense Fund
To col 5I5(0 iy over draft § 1 89
. . . dale of estray 535 . . cert state app 503,11
. . trans . . . . 500
treasfuea . . jUK )
. . . baiJau 8 ,02 535
20 Co 520 35
Old Weils Fund
To QOl . § 54 oo By trans co gen § 54 Ou
' '
5400 5400
Redemsiioii Fund
To bal Jan 3 ' 01 5. . 75 Uy bal Jan 8 ' 02 5-t75
55 > a 55 75
Court House Bond Fuu'd
fo safe of biulsflMXW 00 uy vouchers § 15000 CO
15KX ( ) UO 15000 CO
Protest fund
To col fcl25 01 By bal Jan 8 ' 02 ? 125 04
125 04 125 04 U
Miscellaneous funs !
To exes fees co cik 1105 < 5 > by trnso gurl fd 1317 7D
.trial . . 11700 . . . . .school dist 22 2u 00
.school money 600 . .
.bd.luuIsioiie.-5 o5uo
IL'37 79 13J7 79
.Co Clerk
The above itemized statement of transfers
from .1 K Thackrey CD Treasurer to .nyself us his
successor is true ai'd correct as .shov n bv sever
bnance in different funds in my office with
one ecep.ion of the state fund.
Co Treasurer
Whereupon the board adjourned to Marcn 18 ,
1902. ,
A-ttest ' C S RKECK
Co Clerk
So Come for your Photos and
See the Nicely Furnished Gal
lery at The Same Old Stand.
A. G Valentine , Nebr.
Accounts of Merchants , Rarielinrieri , and Individuals Invited
Money to Loan on Pirst-class Cattle Paper
and Other Securities ,
Valentine State Bank
( Successors to Cherry County Bank. )
Capital Paid TTp g
FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden
Come to the
FOR , Lumber , Builders'Materials
Buggies , Moline WagonsEclipse Windmills ,
Fairbank's Steel Windmills
J. A. SPARKS , Mgr
Highest cash price paidfor J
The get the best windmill
also pumps and tanks.
First door south of the Donoher House.
S. MOON , Valentine , Nebr.
49 49 PAPER HANGING i & *
Jj ! R S , DENNIS ,
49 Valentine Nebraska All work well done
C. H. COUNEIL , President. M. V. XICHOLSON , Cashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Banking Business Transacted
Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
\ .
Dheraical National Bank , New York. Correapondents ; First National Bank , Omaha Neb
| First-cass ] line of Steaks ,
Dry Salt Meats. Smoked
Breakfast Bacon
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wine and Cigars ,
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
\ alentine , Xebr.
Bichards & Oomstock , ' " - *
1 , - Ellsworth , JNebr.