Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1902, Image 3

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Awful night of Aged Man Near Fremont.
Wundera Outside in Night.
An aged man named John Fedora ,
who lives at Ottumwa , la. , and his
young son , Fred has portions of tbeii
bodies frozen near Leavitt , several
miles northwest of Fremont , Nebr
They were'travelling to Wood Lake ,
Nebr. , where Mr. Fedora has a son
and daughter. The two were to
change cars from the Union Pacific to
theElkhorn at Fremont , but for some
reason were carried past to Ames
They got off the train there and. as the
hour was early , were forced to walk
around with the temperature at thir
teen degrees below zero , in order to
keep warm.
The father was found lying helple-s
In a feedyard neai Leavitt , some time
later , both his legs having been frozen
stiff. The boy was close by , and his
bad been bitten by the frost. Neither
of the iair had been able to secure
any shelter , as the depot was locked
ap and people were not yet astir for
the day when they arrived at Ames.
They had walked along the road to
ward Leavitt until they could go no
Mr. Fedora and his son were taken
to Fremont during the day and are
being cared for there. The Cherry
county relatives of the two have been
Informed of the affair.
foe Harvester at Adhland , Nebr. Almost
Instantly Killed.
A man by the name of Kelly , work
ing on the Armour ice house fell from
the runway last night and was so bad
ly injured that he died in a short time.
Became from Omaha and it was hia
first day at work. He slipped on the
runway and fell twenty-four feet ,
striking a cake of ice and rebounded
, several feet in the air.
He was a single man , coming from
Omaha , but his relatives , if he has
anv , have not b en found , and he will
* be buried in the Ashland cemetery. A
coroner's inquest developed the fact
that in attempting to turn a cake of
ice into the proper room his feet slip
ped and he fell off the platform under
the guard rail. The fall was twenty-
four feet and crushed his body very
badly. The coroner's jury decided
that no blame attached to the com-
pany for the accident.
ti Alleged Wyoming : 31urderer a Cravr-
lortl. N
Chadron , Neb. Sheriff Tubbs o
Natrona county , Wyoming , is in Craw
ford with Chas. Woodard who is
charged with the murder or Sheriff
Eioker. The sheriff is on his way to
Oasper. It is believpd the sheriff and
his prisoner are being shadowed by
friends of the murdered sheriff who'
will attempt , should the opportunity
presenb itself , to lynch Woodard on
his arrival at Casper , or en route there
tomorrow. The train leaves Casper at
0 o'clock tomorrow. Woodard fears a
Sheriff Tubbs stated that all neces
sary precautions to prevent a lynching
are being perfected. He is confident
that the law will be permitted to take
its course. He admitted that there
was a slrong feeling against Woodard
In Casper and Natrona county , aud he
realized that when he arrived there
with the prisoner an a'tempt might
be made to lynch Woodard , but he
thought cooler heads would persuade
Kicker's friends to let the law take its
The sheriff was asked if he feared an
attempt would be made to take the
prisoner off the train en route. He
refused to say anything , only that all
necessary steps should be taken to
prevent this.
Brother of Cashier Arrested nud Harried
off to David City
"DicK" Gould of Bellwood , Neb. ,
cashier of the Platte Valley state
bank , has been placed under arrest.
He was taken to David City on an
evening freight train. On his way to
the depot he was followed by a large
crowd of the depositors of the bank.
He bore up bravely until he reached
the depot platform , when some one in
the crowd called for a rope , when he
jumped Into the train with all possi
ble speed. The crowd pushed its way
onto the train and it was with diffi
culty the angry men were driven back
earthquake In Olympic *
According to a report which has jnst
f cached here , an earthquake and iand-
ilide occurred in the Olympic moun
tains in the western portion of Jeffer
son county , Washington just prior to
the big storms of last week. The news
was brought here by a passenger ar
riving from down the itraits , who
stated that Indians report thata num
ber of earthquake ihockg were felt ,
which were followed by a crashing
ools . *
The Tragic Sequel to Pittabniff Pa. Jail
Edward Biddle and John Biddle ,
who escaped from the Pittsburg , Pa.
jail , have been captured and are in
a dying condition , and Mrs. Peter K.
Soffel is lying in the hospital with a
self-inflicted wound in the breast , is
the sequel of the sensational escape
of Biddle brothers from the Alle
gheny county jail , aided by Mrs. Soff-
el , the wife of the jail warden.
The story of the close of the Biddle
tragedy , which came this afternoon ,
is a thrilling one. The sr.ene was a
snow covered road two miles east of
Prospect , Butler county , near Mount
Chestnut and the exact place was at
McClure's barn , where two double
team sleighs , filled with eight offi
cers , three of them Pittsburg detec
tives. John Roach. Albert Swinehart
and Charles . jcGovern , met the two
Biddies in a one-horse sleigh , stolen
at Perrysville , and at once opened
fire on the trio.
The Biddies returned the fire after
jumping out of the sleigh. Mrs.
Suffers wound was through the
breast. Edward Biddle was shot in
the left arm , in the breast and in one
leg John Biddle was riddled with
buckshot in the breast and head.
The officers were armed with Win
chester rifles and revolvers of large
caliber. They shot to kill and their
aim was perfect. The Biddies tried
to kill , to the last of their string , bub
not one of the eight officers has a
wound as a result of the battle.
When the detectives came to with
in about sixty yards of the fugitives
they opened fire. The Biddies prompt
ly answered with shotgun and revol
vers. Mrs. Soffel , too , stood up in
the sleigh witha revolver in each hand
and blazed away at her pursuers.
When Ed Biddle fell , and she saw
she was about to be captured , she
fired a bullet into her breast. An ex
amination by physicians shows that
she will recover , as the bullet was de-
flcted by her corset and the wound is
comparatively slight.
Ed Biddle received a bullet in the
breast which penetrated his right
lung and probably will end his life
before morning. John Biddle may
recover. , his wounds , though numer
ous , failing to roach a vital spot.
The escape of the officers is miracu
lous The Biddies have demonstrated
on several occasions thai they are
good marksmen , and why they should
have failed today to bring down their
men is a mystery.
After Ihe Biddies fcri to the snow
covered ground the officers picked up
the apparently lifeless bodies of Mrs.
Soffel and the Biddies and came back
to Butler , bringing the stolen sleigh ,
patched upj harness and worn out
horse tbac the trio had tried so stren
uously to get away with toward Can
ada aud liberty.
Investigation or St. Louis Crookedness to
Be Thorough.
When the grand jury of St. Louis ,
resumed its investigation of the sub-
burban bribery scandal today T. 0.
Kimball of the Suuran railway , who
was examined yesterday , was the first
witness called. With his aid the ex
amination of the books of the sub-
uran was continued , in the endeavor
to find proof of the payment of the
$135,000 placed in the safe deposit
The grand jury will remain in ses
sion until a late hour Saturday night.
Even then its wor' : will not be
completed and a heavy burden of in
vestigation will fall on the next set
of grand jurors impaneled.
A subpoena has been issued for
Chauncey Ives Filley , formerly chair
man of the republican central com
Governor Yatos Will Not Honor South
Dakota Requisition
Today for the second time Govern
or Yates of Springfield , 111. , refused
to honor a requisition from the gov
ernor of South Dakota for the extra
dition of John Stowe , , now under ar
rest in Chicago , and wanted in Wab-
ertown , S. D. , un a charge of obtain
ing sfgnatures to documents by false
Gordon Retaliate * .
J. W. Eller , attorney for Police
Judge Gordon commenced suit today
to restrain the city treasurer from
paying salary to Mayor Moores , of
Omaha , on the ground that the may
or had not taken the oath prescribed
by the constitution and therefore he
had never legally filled the office. A
similar objection was made to the
payment of $1,600 back salary to Judge
Gordon last week and the nit filed
today is a retaliatory
Fram Justice for Twelve Yearr
Gives Up.
Kansas City , Feb. 3. ftollins Bing-
aam , a member of one of the first
families of Missouris has surrendered
to the police at Dallas , Tex. , and asked
to be returned here to standtrial on
the charge of forcing deeds to prop
erty in Kansas City twelve years ago.
Bingham has been a fugitive from jus
tice since November , 1890. His where
abouts was made known to County
Prosecutor of Hadfey , to whom he sent
a letter offering to surrender. Bing-
ham , according to his letter , is penni
less and ill. Officers will leave for
Texas tonight to bring him here.
Rollins Bingham before he fled from
Kansas City was prominent in politics
md was a leader in society , lie is the
s m of Gen. G. C. Bingham , artist ,
writer , politician and one of the best
Known men in Missouri. Bingham
forged the name of his step-mother ,
securing $20,000. He had spent his
money recklessly in speculation and in
ither ways
Bingham , in the course of his letter ,
id mils the forgeries and makes the
unusual statement that he committed
i hem to save his stepimother's prop
erty. He says :
"She was defendant in a suit that
as a lawyer I knew must , followed
up , go against her and make her poor.
I never had much myself really , but
was so anxious 10 save her that I
thought probaHy I could by some coup
make a great deal of money so that a
judgment against her would not
cripple her.
Complete Shutdown Follows Strike in
Woolen Mills.
Providence , ft. L , Feb. 3. A strike
of the double loom weavers at the
Riverside mills of the American
Woolen company today , following a
strike of the Weybossett mills weavers
some time ago , caused the issuance of
orders to close all the mills of the com
pany in Providence and vicinity until
further notice. The general shutdown
throws six thousands persons out of
work. The mills affected by the order
are : Providence worsted , Riverside ,
Weybossett and Man ton mills.
The strike at the Riverside and Wey-
bossebt mills was caused by dissatis
faction over the two loom system.
Wrecking of JUllu-ood Bank About
David City , Neb. , 3. As the exam
ination of the boks of the Platte Val
ley State bank at Bellwood progresses
the condition of the bank becomes
more and more deplorable. Bank Ex
aminer Hartwell has expressed the
opinion that the assets will not pay 5
percent to the depositors.
Up to this time aooutlSO notes have
been presented and found in the bank
that are forgeries. During the last
two days holders of notes and securi
ties residing in the east have been ar
riving , and so far , without a single ex
ception , these papers are found to be
all forged. Some of those forged ap
parently were secured by mortgages
on Butler county real estate , whicn
show on their face that they were filed
indexed and recorded , giving the book
and page , all regular in every way
with the name of the county clerk at
tached to the certificate of record , etc.
All of those that have examined the
records discover that the mortgage
and certificate of filing and recording
are also forged. Certificates of deposit
are being presented every day , but the
bank's records do not show that any
such certificates were ever issued , but
the holders deposited the money and
all they have is a worthless piece of
paper. In addition to the forged
notes , mortgages and time will only
tell what else a large number of
drafts are being reported protested
Feveral widows residing in and near
Bellwood , who had a few dollars , per
haps left them by their husbands as
life insurance , have lost every cent of
their money. Some of them had left
their money with A. H. Gould for in
vestment for them which he failed to
do , but speculated , it is charged , on
the board of trade , and the widow's
mite is now , presumably , in the Chi
cago wheat pit.
R C. Gould , brother of A. H. Gould
assistant cashier of the defunct bank ,
who was arrested yesterday afternoon ,
was brought to this city and lodged in
jail. The complaint filed against him
Is similar to the one filed against the
cashier , with the addition of making
and verifying false statements to the
state banking board , and with having
knowledge of all the forgeries commit
ted by the cashier , A. H. Gould , as
being an accomplice in all of the
srooked transactions He has , i t is al
leged , confessed his guilt , and now oc
cupies a cell in the county jail. From
ihe best information obtainable one or
two more arrests will follow in a very
short time.
Jail-Breakers Rearrested.
Wilber , Neb. , Ftb. 3. On the er-
piration of their thirty days' sentence
Dillon and Bennett , the jail-breakers
who were recaptured at Fairbury ,
were again arrested on complaint of
Sheriff Sawyer on the charge of aiding
Frank Thomas , the alleged Friend
burglar , tq escape. Before County
Judsre Hendee this forenoon they en
tered a plea of guilty and were sen
tenced to thirty days' imprisonment
and to pay a fine of
Tragedy i the Sole Topic Caused Death
of Edward Riddle , Uut Bullcto of Offl-
eort * Killed His Brother Priest Scores
Butler , Pa. , Feb. 4. The terrible
fate of the Biddies is the sole topic
of conversation here today , and a cur
ious throng of people have heen defy
ing the storm , hanging about the jail
entrance in vain attempts to get in
to see the bodies of the dead murder
ers. A great deal of sympathy for
the boys is expressed on all sides ,
and not a few of the 'female portion
of the crowd expressed a desire to
see what manner of a man Ed Biddle
was that he should exert such a won
derful influence over men and partic
ularly women. The jail duors were"
closed all day and no one got in , but
the doctois who attended the autopsy
and the coroner's jury. Even news
paper reporters were excluded from
the inquest , which was held in the
jail , and nothing concerning their
deliberations could be learned till late
in the afternoon. Coroner John L.
Jones conducted the inquest.
The testimony of all the officers
concerned in the capture was taken ,
except that of Rob Ray , the Butler
policeman , who is ill. The testimony
of Dr. R. B. Greer , who was one of
the doctors who attended the Bid
dies , and Sheriff Thomas R. noon ,
was also taken.
The verdict of the jury is that Ed
Biddle came to his death by a revol
ver shot tired by himself , and that
Jack Biddle met his death from a
gunshot wound inflicted by the officers
in discharge of their lawful duty.
Under the instructions of Coroner
Jones , an autopsy was held on both
the Biddies.
The evidence secured bears out the
statements that the Biddies intended
to kill themselvs rather than be taken
alive , and that Ed succeeded in iiis
attempt , while Jack failed , though
his life was forfeited.
Dr. Bricker gave out the following
statement after the autopsy :
"Jack Biddle had two gunshot
wounds on the right side in the re
gion of the liver , the bullets passing
up and around the body , and did no
damage. They were removed on Sat
urday. A bullet wound was found in
the roof of his mouth , but it was
slight and would not have caused his
death. This wound was inflicted by
himself , with the evident intention
of committing suicide.
'His right arm was shattered by
five bullet wounds and the radius
broken in the upper third. The
wound that caused his death was
made by a bullet that passed throuirh
the cresfc of the illiuiu on the right
side and passed back through the kid
ney , causing hemorrhage.
"In all Jack was suffering from
nine wounds , but excepting the one
that penetrated the kidney none of
them would have been fatal. Ed' s
terrible sufferings were caused by a
bulleli wound that struck him on the
left breast about an inch and a half
to the right of the nipple and passed
down between the fourth and fifth
ribs to the left of the heart and
through the lung. This wound was
made by Ed himself , the powder
marks being visable on the skin.
Death was caused by hemorrhages
and the man suffered untold agony to
the last breath. Another wound
found on his body was on the same
side , about an inch from the left nip
ple , but the bullet struck the fourth
rib , passed under the skin and did no
damage. Both bullets found in Ed
were thirty-two calibre , and in the
opinion of the doctors who held the
autopsy there is no doubt that he
killed himself. "
After the autopsy the bodies of the
Biddies were taken in charge by an
undertaker , who prepared them foi
Arrangements are being made to
take the bodies to Pitsburg tomorrow.
The pastors of nearly all of the
churches in Butler took occasion to
day to refer to the sensational capture
Friday of Mrs. Kate Soffel and John
and Ed Biddle , who died in the
county jail last night.
Rev. Father Daniel S. Walsh , rec
tor of St. Paul's Roman Catholic
Church , who ministered to the Bid
dies in their dying hours , spoke touch-
ingly of them to the members of his
parish in both masses this morning.
He spoke briefly on their statements
given out and said it was for every
person to decide for themselves as to
the innocence or guilt of the men.
Rev. Samuel Cronin Wett of Sfc.
Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church ,
in his sermon spoke at length of the
criminal history made in Butler
county in the past few days. Ha
criticised severely the woman , whom
he held responsible for the whole
affair. "The Biddies and Mrs. Soffel
made a vain flight from justice and
retribution swiftly came upon them.
The blindness of the infatuation of
bfaii woman in leaving her beloved
tasfeand and helpless children ,
.Evidence of Jncendiaxliim Burning of
Seoville HOUMJ Tno to Firebugs Sol.
< lmn Aid In Prenerving Order Flames
btartin Cellar ,
Watcrbury , Conn. . Feb. 4. The
sun rose this morning on a blackened
and smouldering mass of ruins that
marked the main business section of
the city.
There is a very strong suspicion
that the fire which completely de
stroyed the Seoville house , burning
thousands of dollars worth of furni
ture , appoinments and personal ef
fects , and imperiling many lives , wjis
the work of an incendiary. The fire
originated in the pool and billiard
rorrn in the bnscmcnt of the house ,
on thefurther side from the burning
district. The room was locked up
and no one was supposed to be there.
ISo fire was kept in the room , all
heat being supplied from a boiler in
another part of the building. Mana
ger Truman said at the police sta
tion , while the fire was still raging
that he had not the slightest doubt
it was of incendiary origin. ! No one
could be found no explain its origin
and the authorities have been quiet
ly investigating.
The fire came so close on the heels
of the big conflagration that the
thousands of spectators who witnessed
it were thrown into a more compl te
panic than the original fire caused.
The flames had only begun to die out
along Bank. Grand and South Main
streets , at 4 o'clock. , when flames
leaped upward , as by magic and peo
ple feared the city was doomed after
all. The call was rung in promptly
and the engines that hurried to the
scene turned their attention mainly
to preventing the spread of the
flames. It was evident that the ho
tel was doomed and If the fire had
reached the adjacent bindings , there
would have been very little hope of
saving the center of the city.
The fire burned far into the day
and was not exinguishcd entirely un
til evening. The scene about the
city toda } was only little less remark
able than that of the previous even
ing. Thouasnds of people stumbled
around the icy streets and with the
greatest difficuty were restrained by
teh militia and police from venturing
within the danger linos. A tangled
network of wires on Bank and South
Main street greatly hindered the
work of extinguishing the last flames
and clearing away the wreckage.
A revised list of losses and insur
ance is very difficult to obtain at this
time. Few know just what the loss
was on their buildings and stock. It
is believed thai when the truth is
known the figures tel.'gniphod this
morning will not be far from the
correct estimate.
The remarkable feature of the fire
was undoubtedly the absence , so far
as known , of loss of life. Two men
who were asleep in the Scovillehouse ,
Charles Y. Kent of the JTolmcs ,
Booth & Hayden company and mem
ber of the board of education and the
second cook , a German , were reported
missing , but both have been located.
The rebuilding of ruined structures
is only a question of time. Tempor
ary quarters have been secured by all
the firms. Many have already tele
graphed for new stocks and will re
sume business immediately. The
American publishing company is
among thp heaviest losers , the build
ing being entirely ruined , but the
paper was issued in an abbreviated
form tonight.
There has been more or less disor
der about the streets today , but the
police have been very active and the
mliitia have been of great service in
handling the crowds. The streets
were piled with household goods and
strewn with small articles thrown
from the windows. Some of this
propberty was confiscated by passers-
by , but the amount of theiving was
small compared with the opportun
ities offered by the confusion.
The number of injured was very
small and in all but one or two cases
cases the injuries were slitiht. The
streets are rapidly being cleared and
the trolley service will scon he re
Rarely have firemen been obliged tc
contend against worse conditions than
hose which prevailed in this most
disastrous conflagration. The wind
was blowing a gale and the cold was
intense. It secerned at one time as
though every structure in the heart
of the city would be destroyed.
Charged "With Swindling.
Chicago , Feb. 4. James B. Agnew ,
who claims relaionship to the well-
knonw Philadelphia family of that
name , is under arrest here charged
with swindling physicians in Illinois ,
Iowa , Michigan , Minnesota and Wis
consin out of small sums of money.
He is charged with having fiaudu-
lently obtained cash subscriptions to
a Chicago medical publication with
which he had no business conneec-
tion. Agnew came to Chicago from
New York.
A creamery is to be started
The Tilden Citizen has stared 1 *
on Its tenth year with every sign of
The Frontier Monthly is the nam4
of a bright magazine , the first nnm-t
her of which has just been issued at
While engaged In a friendly boxlnf
match J. A. Bailey of Springfioli
fell and broke both bones of his right'
leg just below the knee.
Albert Johnson , who works In th *
mill at Arcadia became entangled 1m
the shafting and was seriously in
jured before the mill was stopped.
The Iragest mortg ige of real estate *
ever recorded in Cum ing county wast
placed on file this week. It was given !
for $110,000 by the Nebraksa-Iovval
Creamery company to F. TJ. Davis ,
trustee , and covers numerous pieces
of property in that part of the county./
The question of building a new ,
courthouse is being agitated in Saun-
dors county. Many of the peopl
think the old one has served out itn
day of usefulness and that the pub
lic records should be better protected' '
as well as the county offices betted
ThePlatte Valley State bank at
Bellwood closed its doors which cre
ated considerable excitement among-
the citizens especially the depositors , .
The bank is now in the hands of a
state bank examiner. A. H. Gould ,
cashier , is under arrest , charged with
Two pupils of the Lea school in
Pierce county became angry at th
teacher , C. D. Loudermilk , and pro
ceeded to give him a thrashing. Al
though the teacher weighs 200 pounds
the boys were equal to the task , but
they wili have to answer for their
fun in county court.
About fifty Uemaha countj farmery
held a meeting at the court house at
Auburn to form a society for mutual
protection from petty thieving. TbV
farmers of that county have suffered
consideribly of late from this class of
depredations and it is proposed to go
after the offenders in earnest. /
The citizens of Tilden are making
a move to have the name of the eor
poratiou changed from Burnett t *
Tilden. Several years ago the town
was known as Burnet , but the post >
office depatrment changed it to Til
den to avoid confusion owing to thq
similarity of the name to an older
town. The incorporated town has
continued te be known as Burnet ,
however. 1\
Considerable excitement was caused
at Papillion one day last week by tha
evident intent of a stranger to kid
nap Miss Mayme Lillie , a student of
the high school. A stranger called
for her and said that he had a good
position for her in Chicago and that
the girl's mother had been seen and
consented to have her go , but that it
was nceeessary to take a train which
left immediately. The suspicions oi
the principal of the school wera
aroused and he advised an investiga
tion to which the girl consented. Th
stranger took the alarm and skipped.
The main part of Crab Orchard was
destroyed by fire , the origin of which
has not been discovered. The bank
of Crab Orchard , A. O. U. W. hall ,
.Richardson Mercantile company , F.
M. Sharrett hardware company , post-
office and numerous smaller build
ings were ruined. The loss is esti
mated from $30,00 to $50,000 ; partly
covered by insurance.
The fatality among horses in the
noithern part , of Platte county dur
ing the last ten days or two weeks
has been quite alarming , the disease
being something with which the vet
erinary surgeons seem wholly unabla
to cope. County Superintendent L.
H. Leavy , of Columbus , visited four *
ken schools in the village of Humph
rey , Cre ton and Corniea last week ,
in each district making inquiry
among the farmers as to the loss ol
horses , and in this way learned thai
twenty-two men had had forty-seveq
fatalities from the strange disease
which manifests itself in at least
some cases in blindness and loss of
consciousness to pain or insanity , tht
animal plunging into barbed wira
fences and not being repelled by se-
vere cuts , but with the coming out of
cold sweat quickly dying One seem
ingly significant fact mentioned by $
farmer and corroborated by Ms.
Leavy's subsequent observation , it
that the half dozen farmers in tha
county supplied with flowing wells
are free , not only from this diseast
among horses , but have also been fret
during recent years from cholera ,
among hogs.
Citizens of Hebrsasa City will rain
a fund of 53,000 to pay the expense *
of sinking a well in search of coal ,
oil or gas. Hon J. Sterling Mortom
subscribed S300 , 10 per cent of tht
amount needed Business men of
that city will subscribe the remain
der. The well boring machinery i §
already on the ground and activt
work will be begun at once. The first
test is to be made in Nebraska Gitp
* * Tfthia OM mile of the city