Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1902, Image 2

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    I' $ 1 A d
? Terrible * Work if
the Year 190O.
theycar 1900 there were 79.-
in the * Drilled States , which
ni 109.092 pieces of , property and
: testrm' 'd values represented by $160-
D2JJ.SU.J. An analysis of tue , , causes oi
IhesV fires shows that 23.13per cent ol
h'jr originated frofm such as de
fect ! vo flues and smokestacks , over-
keujVd stoves and stovepipes. ' friction
In rnnohinory. faultily1 installed on de-
.generated electric wires and lights , oil-
Btoye accidents and explosions of gas *
. Hue. cliuiulcals. dust , etc. r , fV
Such common casesJas lamp acci
fenta. sparks , careless use of matches ,
cigars. cigarettes and tobacco pipes
Cashes. hot coals , open fireplaces ami
grates , plumbers' furnaces , candles and
were responsible for 23.8" per
ihe amount of the loss. Property
exposed to tire originating on othor
-premises was destroyed to the extent of
XI. 03 per cent. Fires originating from
crime and mischief , such as inccndiar-
4sm ? tranips. burglars , drunken men ,
lunatics and mischievous children wt'io
.responsible for 8.52 per cent of thelos <
JTires of unknown origin burned 21.1.1
pcrjcent. It is estimated , however , that
.at Ieist 50 per cent of the ( ires of un
known origin are caused by inc-endiar-
Of the causes which may be consider
ed unavoidable. Uglitning wasresponsi-
l > leffor 2.15 per-cent-of the Toss. Spoil'
tanbous combustion caused J.25 per
T-ent , ' the result of careless or ignorant
iiaifdling of inflammablq < material.
From the foregoing percentages it will
be seen that nearly all tires are prevent
able. 'That they .are rnot prevented" is
Aue in large measure to the fact that
tliepeople of this country -ignorant
JOT indifferent as to the reasons for an
annual absolute wastewhich has aver
aged almost $140.0(50.000 ( ' ' - -
" ' " - *
It seems to be a popular fallacy , says
Arthur B. Harrelljn Leslie's Weekly.
that a tire insurance policy indemnifies
11 loss. During the last twenty-six
.years the fire insurance companies have
-paid to the property owners of this
country a sum aggregating something
-ever $1,700.000.000. The difference
between the amount of ; the property
loss , which Is placed in the "fire tables' *
t $2,899,714,021 , and the amount dis
tributed by the insurance companies
represents what has been borne direct
ly by fire sufferers. Thecoinpanies have
collected from polic3rlioldersand there-
: fbre from the thrifty , of fc this country
tlie amount which they have paid in
Tlie sardine factories of Elaine have
rlosed because of the high price of tin.
The world is promised another revo
lution in fuel by which the oxygen is
leparated from the air. * * ' * ! '
Nearly 5,000 colored workers employ- \
ed'ln the Southern tobacco factories are ,
members of the Tobacco Workers' Un- '
Ion. I
The receipts of live-stock thfs year at
Western distributing centers were 21-
325,1304 head , an increase of I'.GOI.OIO
ica'd over the same'time last year.i
- . -
The great steel trust will be of prac-1
Jlcal service to New York State in open
ing the plant of the Troy Steel Com-r
panj % which has Deen iuie for five years
end which once employed 3,000 men.
The controversy-as to whether Brit
ish or American locomotives are the '
! > etter Is a very one-sided affair. The
Northeastern .Railway of England has
fust ordered twenty locomotives from a
Chicago company.
Carroll D. Wright , , Chief of the Labor
Bureau , says the number of industrial
establishments in the United States In- '
ta-eased from 355.415 in 1890 to 053,000
last year. The value of. producjts in
creased from $9,372,437',000 in 1890 to
not .less than $15,000,000,000' ' last ( year ,
Great Britain has under construction
477 vessels , with a 'tonnage of 1,414"-
120. , The United States has sixty-foui
vessels under construction , with a'ton- ,
nage of 232.520. This "is a long" way"
behind Great1Britain , 'b'ut it is more
than-any of the other maritime nations
Is building. - V'V > * J.
The fndustriaV Commission's -report'
on trade unionism shows that the mem- !
bership. of labor organizations Is in- j '
creasing , rapidly. , Nearly 1,500.000 men
re now enrolled in such associations ,
over one-third6fthSs < number being'af- '
filiated.with . the American Federation
f Labcr.
Where Sedan Chairs Are Still Used.
In.OrJeans , , France , especially on Sun1 1
days at the hour * off mass , , the classic
sedan chair , as it was known to the
gallants of the eighteenth century. Is
born6 through the street by robust car-
riers , its occupants being aged people"
nd Invalids , to w.hom the jolting of o
farriage 'is Intensely disagreeable ! 5
The Clash of Brains.
The man of staid andjStudious tnrn1 \
Will struggle day and night to learn ;
And rival seers will try to show
That . , _ . * . all his-nmowledge . , isn't so.
- * -i- * \i f > * J * -4 * *
Nearly every man thinks he has done
1 great deal for the town in which he J
ires , if he has not actually made it '
\ if JF
s % i u , $ * < 4 t
" ' , r * 55 * . 'J *
Diplomacy that IH Required in' the
Jte ( Collection tof Fares.
"That man will not last long as a
ttrpet car conductor , " said the obsery-
r. "Strange , " said his neighbor , "for
I } md just been thinking what a re-
narkably good-looking fellow he was ,
Juite above the average In intelligence.
tVbat do you see wrong in.hiin. "Sim-
) ly that he lacks the fundamental qual-
fication for the position. ' not a
iarrnouizer , and I dm afraid he is lazy ,
'or he yielded to a petty temptutioa
See those two gentlemen seated on op
posite sides of.the aisle in the front
teats. ? I happen to know those men
ire violent "personal enemies and have
lot spoken to each other for years.
{ Vhen4 ± He conductor went to collect
theirfares one was holding a nickel in
Us hand" , the other a dime. The carT
nan gathered in the coins , crossed his
right arm over andf gave the nickel as
ihange to the man with the dime. The
: oin was still hot from the hand of his
inemy , and I saw the blood rise to the
nan's cheek , and I believe he would
save broken loose If he had been sure
whether to throw the money in the face
f the railroad man. or the hated pas-
jenger. He fingered the nickel as if it
vere infected and finally dropped it
nto his outside coat pocket to cool off.
KTow , of course , the conductor was not-
mpposed to know the enmities of all
.he passengers he collected from , but
in experienced man with a true con--
luctor instinct would never taken
chance , and would have dumped
: he coin into his big pocket , even if he
Drought it straight out again.
'The case was an extreme one , hut
ivery day the carman is called on to
ase aiBcretioh * fh handiiig out money.
To collect a five-cent piece from a iilthy
Tack hand and at once transfer it to a
mperfine woman of the upper crust i
tbout tlie ISiflit of'indiscretion , but I
lave seen even that done more than
> nce. There is something especially
vffensive'inHhe oily'wafmth of a' coin
Jiat has been held for several minutes
n the hand , and it is a "cardinal prin-
! iple In 'street railroaders' that each
? Iece shall be pa'ssedthrough the puri
fying money pouch-on Its way from
passenger to passenger. I saw a curi-
> us violation of the rule the other day ,
Vhen a pretty girl gave a nickel t6 a
lew conductor , who passed it across to
l dude opposite. The man at once
piped out that the coin was no good
ind entered into violent altercation ,
tfhich ended in the young woman ring-
ng the bell and leaving the car , al-
; hough only half way home. " New Or-
.cans Times-Democrat/
L'lie Bev. Samuel Peters AVas the Au
thor of Some Good Ones.
Once upon a time to be more precise ,
fn the latter part of the eighteenth'
tury there lived a worthy Connecticut
liyine named the Rev. Samuel Peters ,
Peters was a picturesque personage in
bis way , but his tame rests entirely
Upon'the fact that he wrote a book.
This is .one of the most marvelous
tvorks ever issued from the press.
It was Mr. Teters , for example , who
arst disco veredvaud made kupwir to'the
tvorld that the 'founder of Yale College
tvas a llev. Thomas Peters , evidently
ane of his own ancestors ; that at Bel-
ows Falls'the"Water flowed so fast that
it became as hard as marble , making
! t possible to float a crowbar upon it ;
that two 'most marvelous quadrupeds ,
the "whapperinocker" and the "cuba"
. [ evidently the ancestors of the jabber- , ,
tvpck ) roamed wild in the Connecticut
'forests ; and it is also fromIr. . Peters
that"we firstlearn , ptthe famous incur
sion of the Windhain frogs. But Jt was
In the early jurisprudence of Connecti
cut that this expatriate rnade'his.ino'st . >
interesting discoveries.
lie informed his English readers
and most of them believe the story to
this day that the citizens of the State
tvere forbidden by law to make mince
pies , to play on any instrument of
music except the drum , trumpet or
jewsharp , and that every male must
have his hat cut round , "according to
i cap" the model preferably being the
hard shell of a pumpkin. ' In other
tvords , says B. J. Hendrick In Leslie's
Monthly , Mr. Peters was the original
) romulgator of the Connecticut "blue
aws ; " and his fame as the inventor of
uany of them is secure.
"Why He .Hesitated.
"I almost bate to win thisbattle , "
mid-'the admiral as he took another
ookat , the enemy. jr
"Why so ? " inquired the dapper young
Bap : lieutenant.
' 'I5ecnuse these Confounded inquiry
; ases cost so * much. * ' Cleveland" Main
* * " *
Dealer *
Pictor'al " istortionn.
/'Soryou ure'notiin rfavpr of/suppress-
ng tlieV'aricaturistsr ' * * \
. "Certainly not , " answered the erni-
tent statesman. "What's the use of
unpressing the caricaturists so long ins
ou can't do anything with the amateur
Hiofograpliers ? " Washington Stai1.
Value of American Cereals.
The cereals ( whent , corn , oats , rye
uid barley ) raised iu the United Statest
luring tlie last five years represent a
ralue to the farmer of $0,250,000,000. or
" "
in increase "of nearly $1,000,000,000'
> ver the preceding five years.
Tool Exports in Germany. .
American tools are so far ahead of
merman tools that competition is de-
Jared by American tool exporters to be
iut of the question in Germany.
' * Cabbies Forbidden.
Parisian cabmen are prevented by
he city regulation from smokiugvwhen \
[ riving. HLli _ ! '
A theatrical angel is probably so-coll-
d because his money has winge nd
U'fl. -
Mrs. Humphry Ward has nearly fln
ished her new noveibut as y et she hai
'hoiannounced : the titleof it The storj
is to appear serially , beginning hi th
spring. * , i
The world Is not to be left in Ignor
ance of Maxim Gorky , the neTf'Ru *
sian star in literature. Two more sto
ries from his pen are being published
The hook will contain an autograph
portrait of the author , and a biographi
cal note.
A book on "Mediaeval London , " th
London of which the greater part sud
denly perished in the great fire , will
appear shortly. It is written by Dr
Benhain , rector of St Edmuund th
King , London. An attempt Is made ta
recall the general aspect and the prin
cipal features- mediaeval London.
Some little time before his death Sh
Walter Besant wrote a biographical
sketch of King Edward and Queen Al
exandra. It will appear as part of the
coronation literature , which promises
one way and another , to ba fairly bulky
By that time the public will also gel
the autobiography which Sir Waltei
Besant left
One of the books sent forth by old
Wynkyn de Worde was the "Nova Le-
genda Anglle , " a set of English legenda
Thiswas so long ago as 1510. Thi
work has just been re-edited with f rest
material derived from manuscript and
printed sources. It has considerable
interest for students of early English
ecclesiastical history.
Edward M. Alfriend tells the follow
ing story in his Unpublished Recollec
tions of Poe : "Mrs. Shelton told me
that Poe informed her over and ovei
again that she was the Lost Lenore oi
The Raven ; she also said Poe told hei
that she Inspired his poem , Annabel
Lee. She said'that he often read The
Raven to her , and she described the
fire , the pathos , the intensity with
which he did It , saying , 'When Edgai
read The Raven he became so wildly
excited that he frightened me , and
when I remonstrated with him he re
plied he could not help It that it set
his brain on fire. ' Mrs. Shelton was
beyond middle age when I knew herj
but I had many acquaintances who had
known her in her youth , and they all
concurred in describing her as a beau
tiful girl. Her distinguishing qualities
were gentleness and womanliness. She
was just the woman In which such a
perturbed spirit as that of Poe would
have sought rest and found ft. Poe
told my father , who was his Intimate
friend , that of all the English poets he
preferred Shelley. My father often said
of him that he always found him" in
tellectually the most fascinating man
he ever knew , and always a lovable
charming companion , except when he
was under the Influence of liquor , when
he would become coarse , gross and vul
gar. He also said of him that he had
fits of the deepest gloom , and on one
occasion , when talking to him. Toe sud
denly turned to him with Vustrous
eyes full of anguish and said : 'I be
lieve God gave me a spark of genius
but tie 'quenched it in misery. ' "
Experiences Met With by a Man Trav
elinpr Around the Globe.
A globe-trotter sends some remark
ably interesting notes of a journey
round the world to the Pall Mall Maga
zine. He says : I traveled from Na
gasaki to Yokohama , In Japan , without
a break In toe journey. The distanct
Is 700 ti\UeH. mid Ubt > t trains re
quirt fc\u.-jj tort.v cJ-u { . hours for llu
trip. Of thesb six hours ure uo\iupte }
In Crossing the Inland Sea by-boat TL *
first-class fare Is 2 Od , second class 3
4s and third class one-half of the sec
ond. Only an occasional train has a
dining car or a sleepingcar attached
to it
Like everything else in Japan , the
railway carriages are toylike , usually
have only two or three compartments.
In the dining cars you eat from table ?
hardly larger than little girls have foi
their dolls. At all stations , which ar
frequent , you can buy freshly made tea
for three-halfpence pot , cup , tea and
all. This you take in the car , and the
dishes are thrown out of the window
usually. Europeans dislike the pre
pared luncheons sold in boxes. Thej
consist mainly of boiled rice and'under-
cooked fish.
Smoking is permitted ha all compart
ments , for all Japanese men and Tromea
smoke almost continually. A nativ *
lady enters the carriage , slips her feel
from her tiny shoes which have wood
or rice-straw soles , stands upon the
seat und then sits down demurely with
her feet doubled beneath her. A mo
ment Jater she lights a cigarette or he *
little pipe , which holds just tobaccc
enough to produce two good whiffs ol
smoke. All Japanese people sit Witt
their feet upon the seat of the car , and
not as Europeans do. All of them have
first removed their shoes. When tht
ticket collector attired in blue unifonr
enters the carriage he removes his
cap and twice bows politely. He re
peats the bow as he comefc to each pas
senger. More than 90 per cent of ali
the travel in Japan is third-class , and
about 2 per cent only Is first-class
Nearly all the locomotives are English
And. the Beast.
"Why do you call them 'beauty
the beast , ' when he seems such a nic <
sort of a fellow ? "
'Because , you see. he's a lifcerarj
lion. " Philadelphia Bulletin.
When yon suddenly meet a msa.
late , ever remark that yo * k pe yrm tun
looking well ?
J" I f * v f r \
i * " Froat St. , Nome. ; ;
It's a little zigzag , street. Every
building was erected according to an
independent nation as to frontage
and rearage. The effect is startling ,
and after negotiating a few blocks
of it you feel like "the crooked man
who walked the crooked mile , " On
sunshiny days the entire population
sallies forth and occupies the side
walk , overflows into the stieets and
down the little byways onto' the
beach , with dogs filling all the. inter
mediate space on the ground floor.
Seattle Times.
Farmer Finds a Friend.
Nadeau , Mich. , Feb. 3. Mr. Nelson
De Rosier of this place , a prosperous
farmer of has suf
sixty-one years age ,
fered for years with Kidney Trouble.
He has tried many medicines , but
found nothing to relieve him until he
began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills , and
he has found this remedy to be a friend
indeed. He says :
"I thank God that there is one medi
cine in the world that does help weak
and sick humanity. I would earnestly
advise every one who has Kidney
Trouble to use Dodd's Kidney Pills.
They have given great satisfaction in
our family. "
Wherever Dodd's Kidney Pills have
been used according to directions , they
have not failed to cure all Kidney
Troubles , Bright's Disease , Dropsy ,
Rheumatism , Lumbago and Backache.
Taffeta glace , the old glace silk
with a softer finish , is much used for
evening gowns.
White and gray is a favored combi
nation in Paris , and also that char
acteristically Freochy combination ,
pale blue and pale pink.
Use Bed Cross Bull Blue. It makes clothes
clean and eweet as when new. All grocers.
Sixty Untied States naval vessels
are now being constructed.
Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me
of a tenacious and persistent cough.
Win. H. Harrison , 227 W. 121st street ,
New York , March 25. 1901.
Misery loves company , but noneof
us care to have her visit us.
Should be In every homo. Ask your grocer
for it. Large 2 oz. package only 5 cents.
Just above some of the new-fangled
wash-basins a push-button regulates
the supply of water.
f Qf& A WEEK Straight salary and ex-
$ (9 ponses to men ivlth rig to Introduce
our Poultry Mixture In country ; year' con
tractweekly pay. Addceas , with stamp ,
Monarch Mftr. Co.BoxJ.ot > S Springfield ,
By the use of a process invented at
Bridgeport , Conn. , wooden doors are
being electroplated with copper or
A polecat wandered into the reser
voir at Winchester , Ya. , through an
overflow pipe , and in a short time
the water became so tainted that the
entire supply had to be drawn off.
The largest slaughter house in the
world is in Kansas City , Kan.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Miss Marion Cunningham , the Popular
Young Treasurer of the Young Woman's
Club of Emporia , Kans. , has This to Say of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : Your Vegetable Compound cured me *
of womb trouble from which I had been a great sufferer for nearljr
three years. During that time I was very irregular and would often
have intense pain in the small of my back , and blinding headaches and
severe cramps. For three months I used JLydla E. Pinkliam' *
Vegetable Compound , and aches and pains are as a past memory ,
while health and happiness is my daily experience now. You cer
tainly have one grateful friend in Emporia-and I have praised your
Vegetable Compound to a large number of my friends' You have
my permission to publish my testimonial in connection with my picture. T.w
Yours sincerely , Miss MARION CUNNINGHAM , Emporia , Kans. " < w
When women nre troubled with irregular , suppressed or painfui
menstruation , weakness , leucorrhcea , displacement or ulceration of th * A
womb , that bearing-down feeling , inflammation of the ovaries , backache , ,
bloating ( or flatulence ) , general debility , indigestion , and nervous pros
tration , or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness , faintness , lassitude *
excitability , irritability , nervousness , sleeplessness , melancholy , "all-
gone , " and wwant-to-be-leffc-alone" feelings , blues , and hopelessness
they should remember there is o > c tried and true remedy. Iiydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
Refuse to buy any other medicine , for you need the best. 0
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women towrite her for advice *
She lias guided thousands to health. Address , iynn , Mass *
The boring of the Simplon tunnel
fs half-done.
Thirty minutes Is all the time re
quired to dye with PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYES. Sold ly druggists.
The profit on a cocoanut tree Is $1
a year.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cared
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they cannot
reach the sent of tiie disease. Catarrh Is a blood
or constitutional disease , and in order to cure It
you miibt take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally , and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by |
of the best in this
one physicians country for i
years , and is a regular prescription. It Ls com- !
posed of the best tonics known , combined with |
the best blood purlllers , acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two Ingredients is what produces such won
derful results hi curing Catarrh. Send for tes
timonials , free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo , 0.
Sold by DrugtL > ts. price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A social club in Paris is composed
entirely of deaf mutes.
There are several openings for law
yers in Texas. In that state there
are forty counties which are without
lawyers. When need arises for legal
advice , the residents of these sections
have to go outside of their counties
to engage lawyers.
The trade of all South America is
not equal to that we have with Can
Mauve and pink furniture is one of
the latest aristicfancies mauvewood
pink satin , brocade and curtains shot *
with both colors and figured with
Snails as "Window Cleaners.
Snails have long been employed ID
England for cleaning windows.
creatures are dipped in cold water
andthen placed upon the pai\e. They
crawl around slowly , devouring ali
foreign matter and leaving the glass
quite bright and clear. They are ,
of course , used only for upper win
dows , that are not easily reached
from the outside. Water snails also
command a ready sale. Almost every.
aquarium owner keeps a few water
snils. They are the best of scaven
gers , and keep the plaje as tidy as &
new housemaid.
line Horses for President.
Capt. John Cobb , a Connecticut
sea captain , long resident in Moroc
co , has secured for President Koosa-
velt a full blood Arabian saddle hors *
and will ship it to Washington.
Eiveting of boilers and the like i
now done almost entirely by a com-
pressed air hammer , which stfikea
1,500 times a minute.
It tells on a person gossip.
\ *
life out of doors and out'of the games which they play and the enjoy ? *
mentwhich they receive and the efforts which they make , comes the \
greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their r
happiness when grown. "When a laxative is needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it acts , should be such as physicians would sanction" , because its
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents
well-informed , approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy !
because of its pleasant flavor , its gentle action and its beneficial effects is
Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxativewhich should
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently , pleasantly and
naturally without griping , irritating , or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually , without producing that constipated habit which results
from'the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations , and against
which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them
gfrow to manhood and womanhood , stronghealthy and happy , do not give
them medicines , when medicines are not needed , and when nature needs
assistance in the way of a laxative , give them only the simple , pleasant and r' T
gentle Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the -r
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices , but
also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of
the little ones , do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase thenprofits. . The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to remember , the full name of the Company
the front of every pack
age. Tn order to get its
beneficial effects it is al
ways necessary to
the geniune only.