Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 06, 1902, Image 1
THETHE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 03 CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , FEBRUARY 6 , 1902. NUMBER 3 1 ONE DOLLAR For a pair otmen's overshoe s in sizes 10 11 12 4 ? 49 4 ? ONE DOLLAR * For a pair of men's Perfection & Rubbers to go over felt boots in sizes 10-11-12-13-14 OP ,49 , 4 ? W 49 49 ONE DOLLAR For a suit of men'sv or ladies' & 49 Foreign Wool Underwear. J ; 49 m THE RED FRONT 49 I " " " " I m ' ' ' 1 " " " " * " " " " " " " SPEAKING OF * > Ladies' JACKETS , CAPES , COLLARETTES and MUFFS We have made prices that will sell them before February 1st t Lots of other goods also going at a sacrafice . .to make room for SEEING GOODS , Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes D. STINARD , CLOTHIER and MERCHANT TAILOR fc * iirar mi Letter.Writing , Cloth S .50 Oratory. Cloth 50 Eloqueut , Cloth 50 Oood Humor. Cloth 3 ° Younff Folks' Entertainments , Taoer 25 ChoIceDfalect for Beading " 30 Temperance Selsctions " 30 - * Select Speeches for Declamation ' * 30 ITow to Become a Public Speaker " 30 School Day Dialogues " 30 ronular Dialogues " 80 Excelsior Dialogues " 30 Young-Folks' Dialogues " 26 Choice Humor 30 t Little Peoples'Dialogues 25 Monologuesjand Novelties " 30 Drills and Marches " 25 Little Folks' Recitations " 15 Young Peoples' Speaker " 15 109 Choice Headings aud Recitations 30 Easy Entertainments for Young People 25 FoHt Paid 5 CentB Extra Q. W. MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler , T T r\ D on OVERSHOES , UNDERWEAR and many other WINTER GOODS W. A. PETTYCREW , General Merchandise _ - We are continuously receiving And can supply you with 'Best Grades and Quality of GENERAL HABDWAKB Our stoves are unex celled in beauty and quality. Call and get one of our new Calendars for 1902. . Leaveyour orders for all kinds of COAL. * ANDERSON & FISCHER , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA CET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * Ve Can Satisfy You in Oualitv Price and Vorluaanship Bates Seasonable Give 'Me A Trial Propr. TALK OF THE TOWN Dr. V. A. Goodrich went to Omaha last Wednesday night for a few days visit. G , W. McFarland from down the river was in town the first of the week. Pat Piper of Simeon was transac ting buisness in Valentine the latter part of last week. Mrs. Underwood , proprietesa of the Cody hotel , is visiting in out city a few days this week. H. F. Miller who has been sick for the past two or three weeks began , .driving his dray again Monday. Richard Taylor is driving the de livery wagon for 31. Cramer this week , Mr. Cramer having hurt his back. , James McLain of the Rosebud reservation was transacting busi ness in our city the latter part of last week. , ' Hiss Katie Noble returned Tuesday night from Kearney where she has enjoyed a months visit with lelatives and friends. Claude Jones was unable to attend to his duties in W. A. Kimbell's bar ber shop the fore part of the week on account of a severe cold. February 2 was ground hog's day and according to the old saying , that if he comes out and sees his shadow , we will have six weeks of cold weath er yet this winter. The railroad company finished cut ting ice on lake Minnechaduza last Saturday about 9 o'clock and the men were promptly paid off. Most of them returned to their home at Chadron and Hay Sbrings. W. C. Andrews who was formerly located here in the photo business and who went down to Norfolk about a month ago to locate there has re * turned to Valentine and will continue here in his business , Services at StJohn's Episcopal Church Sunday next as follows : Holy Communion at 7:30 : a. m. Sunday school 10 a * m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 : p. m. All are cor dially invited. Clarence Walcott departed Satur day morning tor Fresno , California , o look up a location for himself and family. If California does not suit Mr. Walcott he will go to Washing ton and Otegon. His family will re main here until he is permanently lo cated. E. Thacher accompanied J , E , Cochran out to his ranch near Wood- lake , last week , for a few days visit and recreation. Mr. Cochran is a genial host and has one of the finest ranches in Cherry county , His friends never fail to enjoy themselves when they visit him. Dr. Hutchmson , who has been lo cated in Valentine for the past eight or nine months departed Monday morning for Chadron were he has bought a half interest in with Dr. Weil , who was formerly located here Dr. Hutchinson is a first class den * 1st and the people of Valentine re gret to see him leave. He informs us Lhat he Intends to visit Valentine and Rosebud at various times in the fu- turei S. F. Swain who is making a success of the stock business near Sparks has iis brand inserted in the DUMocftAT this week. He also became a sub * scriber. Mr. Swain brought-a porker in Monday which weighed 642 fts for which he received $5.65 per cwt. Now et young America who has learned to figure , try this for a practical prob lem , which will teach him three dia * tinct propisitons , first how to trans act business in figuring. 2nd that aogs are raised in Cherry county , 3rd how much a hog will bring if you feed him long enough. Who says we can't raise hogs in Cherry county , Charles H. Cornell , if he carries out iis plans , will build a large water plant at the town of Valentine. He , iled an application yesterday with State Engineer Adna Dobson for wat er from Niobrara river. He does not 1 intend to build a head race and will j use the lowerj half mile of Minnecha- ( duza creek as a tail race , The dam ] is to cost $75,000 , the machinery $50 , 000 , andi the buildings for the plant $10,000 , a total of $135.000. An 8,000 J horse power plant is to be construct- i ed if nothing happens and from this 1 the town will receive power to be used i for Tarioui purpose ! . State Jpurtul , [ < Loyd Walcott is reported very ill thii week. Lj li. Knight , collector for the Me Cormick Harvester Co. , Sundayed with his family at this place. P. S. Rousche of Brownlee was transacting business in Valenttnt the fore part of the week. Mies Katie Toble who has been to Kearnty on an extended visit return ed toValentine Tuesday night. Albert Pike , of Crooks ton , took supper in our city last Friday , the 'guestof Mr. Tinnin at the Donoher. John Haeber was in town the latter part of last week from near Oasis. Mr. Haeber comes in frequently after supplies and runs a store at the ranch. John Tinnin spent a couple of days in our ity last week and started for Texas and old Mexico , where he will be gone several weeks in the interests of his stock business. iThe play at the opera house Monday night "Remember the Maine" had ft crowded house to witness the efforts of A troupe that achieved success urinci- pally because of the interest in the events of a recent occurence. . t- Robert Martlt\.of Ainsworth made this office a pie ? .ant call last Wed nesday. Mr. Martin is an uncle of Robert'Good's and is interested in newspaper work. He was in Valen tine to sec p.bout a pension he having served in'2 Civil war. Otto * ch , a-prosperous German farmer stockman from Arabia , called while in town Tuesday and pa subscription a year in advanc .he DEMOCRAT. Mr , Krascle is working up at Rose * bud ai. ; j/the schools , At afr ng of the Royal Highland ers Tue Mght seven new members were * 4 This organization is compel ' - presentative people of our tow .w. . f 5s fair to be one of the leaders in fraternal circles in the near future. Deputy Den Hunt , who is here from O'Neill , is a popular solicitor and numbers his friends by the number of his acquaintences. < Educational Department. i BY LETA STETTER. "Of tbis there is never a question | ercry man woman and cnild must be denied. But of tbis there is always a question ; which shall do the denying , the forces within or the forces from without ? " The pupils received report cards for the past'term , Monday. Mi. . Geo. Hornby has subscribed for ' Pluck" for the grammar room. The rule concerning tardies is how in force in the High School as well as in the grades. Miss Hess returned from Lincoln Sunday morning and re entered upon her duties Monday , Miss Bertha Kneeland of the class of ' 00 baa finished a very successful term of school out on the table. The llth grade has been pursuing "Asgard Stories,1' a Very interesting little book on Norse Mythology. The electric bells in several of the rooms are beginning to weaken , caus ing inconvenience to all concerned. ' . the seniors'have finished addition and - are' at present delving into the sublime and awful mysteries of sub traction. It is reported of one of the seniors that she recently went home and aston ished her mother by asking for a ' 'seg ment pie , " The three English classes , consolidat ed during the absence of Miss Hess and have been studying kinds of poetry un der Prof. Watson. The program committies of both liter ary societies are selecting dialogues for the programs which will be rendered sometime in the spring. * Floyd-Pettycrew of the 10th grade has returned to school after a prolonged absence. He has dropped Algebra and Gemoetry intending to take Up these branches with the grade nest year- Miss Anna Ladely entered the 10th grade Monday. Miss Ladely was form erly a member of the class of ' 02 but having been detained from school , will finish the coarse in two years , instead of one , 5 * * A * A * * * * A * * * J * j J | X fe. , r & 49 49 LOOK 1 AT OUR BARGAIN MIDWINTER SALE 49 Men's Perfection Overs for Felt boots all gizes $ .75 Men's Snow Excluder ArcticSj all sizes 1.00 &r 49 Men's "Winter Underwear , * formerly $ .50 to $1.00 now 2 for .25 Men's Hats " .75 to 1.00 now 25 and .50 Men's Mackinaw " . . Coats 2.00 now 1.00&r 49 Men's Pants " 2.00 to 3.00 now 1.00 49 49 LadieE' Winter "Waists" 1.50 to 2.50 now 1.00 Children's warm Hoods and Muffs 49 * formerly $1.50 now 1.00 Men's , Ladies' and Children's SHOES at oie-half price. 49 49 49 DAVENPORT fc THACHER 49 General Merchants. YOU CAN BUY Floe aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Em broidery Silks , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , Point Laces , Battenburg Lraid , Sofa Pillows , WoolKnit | Slippers and Center Pieces ; made to order at Prices that are BIGHT SHOES AT COST PRICE Maier Sisters WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA THEDONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Beat Two-Dollars - a-Day Vv FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms VALEHTJHE - HEBRASKA U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA : HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska