THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Postrofflce at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. Charles H. Faulhaber Browniee Breeder of Reg'st'd Herelords. Hyam , No. o 74.538 , at head of herd. Young bulls from C to is months old for sale. DELIVERY Call JOHN D. EATON To haul your and TllUNKS PACKAGES , VALISES lOc Henry Anguston , BftOWXLEE , - NEBRASKA , Does General Blacksmithlng 2&t tmrd time prices for cash. Good Hard ROCK . . . For Sale . PAT HETT > Valentine , Nel ) . DELIVERY WAGON NO. I To Any Part of the City : Leave Orders at Elliott's Drug Store. M. S. WELCH MILL PRICES FOR FEED. Bran , bulk 1.05 per cwt $20 00 ton Shorts bulk . . .1.15 per cwt $22.00 top Screenings . ' 40c " ' $7.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.25 | 24.00 " Corn 1.05 " $20.00 " Chbpcorn 1.10 " $21.00" Data 1.50 " $29.00" BAEBEK SHOP FIRST CLASS and Ur To DATE. J cat and Attractive , Every Cus tomer lias a Clean Towel. W. KIMBELL VALENTINE STATE BAVK BUILDING LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Private Work Promptly / " Attended to Address-either VAI.EKTINE or WOOINLAKE You want a TUBULAR IF WELL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN POBATH Or write him at , Nebraska ( L M. MORBISSEY ATTOR&EY \TLAW O Wfr * o VALENTINE , NEB' . N , OOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND . ; SURGEON Office At 3eQuigley- & Chapman's Drugstore. [ ' 'hta-AY The Donohcr Hotel. ' - * C M. WAL'COTT ' - , ATTORNY ; { , ; AMD ABSTRACTED : "tf"Valentine , , Nebraska " * * > Pr etlces' "District Court and U. 8. Land ' Office. Real-Estate and Ranch Property " ' . - * * - - jd ) ld. UWiitai \ Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodging. Meals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. MRSM.HARRIS A ffc K ; S Drs. Caluwell & Hfltciinson t : ( * 3 Over Hornbys Grocery ft K ' ! > * * - - * O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Soft Harness Tou can mnke your har ness us soft as a-glovo and as tough aa wire by using EUREKA Har- nons Oil. You can lengthen Its life make it lust twlco 03 long as It ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil mnkcna poor looking bar- ness like new. Made of pure , heavy bodied oil , es pecially prepared to with- ataiiU tno weather. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes. Made bj STANDARD OIL CO. BOMR O.J. Kellar Browniee Range between Goose Creek * and Loup D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo or Simeon. Nebraska 0gHP Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; B also 1G on left side ES with. on left hip oi 7 I some cattle ; also S& > on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east ol Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska J. A. YARYAN r.ullntan , Nebr 'Cattle branded JY on right side' Horses branded JY pn right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information lending to the re covery of cattle strayed from mi- range. Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle brundfd n B connected on left hip or side as shown in cut Go to Collins for oysters. 42-tf LenBivensviirpay highest cash price for furs. CRABB & Co. offer you winter under wear , hats , caps and queensware'at re duced prices. 60 Having recently purchased one of the Newcomb fly-shuttle rag carpet looms I am now prepared to do all kinds of rag carpet weaving on shor notice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLA'W , Valentine , Nebr. Ranch for Sale or Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head of stock. For information address , box nb/154 , Gordon 'Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf , Ovstcrs sorvdd iu all styles at Collins All kinds of he'avy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklandere. 20-tf Hunch for Sale Cheap. Stock and * implements cpmplete for engaging. * in'the stock business. This is a chance for some man who has about $0000 to invest. Call on I. M ? Rice or write us. * F. E.3I. V.R.B. TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Daily 2 33 P. M. No. : " except Sunday 9:40 A. M. No. 3 Passenger1 Daily 12:49 A. M. EAST BOUND , ' - Ko.38.Prt.'Dally " 6:50 A. M No , SO " except Sunday 5.00 p. M. . > o. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. M. Educational Department. BY LETA STETTER. W "True dignity abides with him alone Who in the silent hour of inward thoughts Can still revere and still respect himself In lowliness of heart. " The seniors went skating again Mon day after school. Mrs. O'Kane visited in Miss Eason's room one day last week. Examination passed off quietly * throughout the school. , , . - Miss Conger was detained from school a few days last week.J Mrs. Taylor presented the school with a number of magazines. Nouns in the "singular case" - and "neuter verbs" are the latest from the seniors. We may never come into our ambiti on , yet it will not hurt us to covet something high. The 11 th grade took up , advanceo arithmetic , Monday under Miss Aiiss Cumbow will join the class in branch. The II. S. is indebted to Mr. Harry Tucker for three books for the liabrary and also to Mr. Walter Flowers for two 10 be numbered among our library books. Miss Hess was vaguely startled when she read of the docile cows winding homeward and the milkmaid standing with a big milk pail and stool ready to greet them. Miss Iless : ( in history ) Miss Pet tyjohn , what was the trouble between Johnson and Congress ? . Mifcs Pettyjohn ( after reilection ) whv tuny couldn't agree. Teacher's Meeting : Valentine , February , 8 , 1902 : History in the grammar grades , Miss Fairheari Miss McLaughlin History in the primary and in termediate grades , Miss Towne Miss Clara Collett Hinsdale , chapters XII , XIII , XIV , XV and XVI Prof. Watson Bailey , chapters V , VI and VII , Miss Brown Notice to Creditors In county court within and for Cherry counts- Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Sarah Dewey , deceased. To the creditors of said estate : You are hereby notified that li511 sit at the county court room in Valentine in said count ) on the 8th day of Feb-uary 1902 at lo o'clock a in. lo receive and examine nil claims againsi said estate w ith a view to their adjustmeiit ano allowance The time limited for the presenta tioH of claims aguinBt said estate is Februun th6 8th day A. D. 1902 and the time limited for payment of debts is ono year from sam 8lh daj of June 1901. Witness my hand and the seal of said count } court this 14th day of January 1902. SKAI , W.K.TOWNE , , 52-lt Couuty Judge Niobrara ! Tall Weather line. Stock in good order. L. W. Parker was looking for cattle Saturday. " ' , , , Joe Bush and family visited at the falls Sunday. Dock Johnson crossed the river Surj' day on the cable. John Adamson and family visited at Jay Cunningham's Sunday. John Ormesher was in this locality from Tuesday until Saturday. Ed M. Hackler is'visiting his home stead and relatives this week. Jersig's men have moved their camp to the north side of the river. Mr. Dodson from near Simeon was looking for strays in this neigb rhood this week. SALLY MUGGINS Down the River Jno. S , Grooms and oldest son went to town Saturday. Fine weather we have been having for the uast two weeks. J. f oster is having a well put down this week by W. Massmgale. John Hellenbolt was in this part of the country Saturday and Sunday. Miss Anna Ashburn spent Saturday evening and Sunday forenoon at 0. Bristol's. T. J. Ashburn and daughters , Anna and Noy were in town Saturday cf lass week. Miss Brown , the county superintend ent , spent a few hours at the Kewanee school Friday. The literary at the Highland school Uouse Friday evening was well attend ed and a good time was had by all. The dance at John Grooms was a grand success. Even Grandpa and ( irandma Hellenbolt were there and i good time was had by all. YOUNGSTER. Notice of Guardian's Sule. In the manner of the estate of James C. Quig- ley. a minor. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Hon. W. ri. Westover , Judge of the District Jourt of Cherry County , miuie on the Jthday of December , isoi , for the sale nt real es tate here-iii-after described , there will be sola tt auction at the east front door of the cottrt- iiouse fii Valentine , Nebraska on the first day oi ceortiary , 1902 , at ten o'clock a. m. , at public- t'endim to the highest bidder for cash , .Hie full mwing described real estate to-wit : the eas ualt of tlin north ease quarter of section 5 township 3. , range a I. Said sale will remaiu open one hour. Dated Saturday Gth 190-J. James H. ( juigley. Guardian oi James C. Quigley By A. M. MOIUUSSKY. 5i-3t His Attorney. Wanted : Plain sewing and quilt ing to do at jome. Inquire of Airs. M R. Harden. 51 tf Notice of Herding. I will run town herd beginning about April 1st. All parties entrusting cows to my care can be assured that they will receive careful attention. 50 URIAS BOYER WANTED ! Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. Here is a good opening : for the right man. Kindly qive good re ference when writing. THE A. T. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE , > Cincinnati , Ohio Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps. 52-6t "Fifty Cents a Year Less Than a "Penny 3 Nam'cer. THE SOUTH'S LITERARY WEEKLY Published at Atlanta , Ga. Circulation Cher 50,000. SUNNY SOXJTH is the Great Literary WeeKly of the South. His devoted 'to Literature , Romance , Fact and Fiction * and gives the best of all that is current in its field. Among its contributors the most noted southern w iters appear-JocI Chandler Harris , Harry Stiliwell hdvvardsand others of growing Tarns. serial stories from Anthony Hope , Maurice Thompson , Sidney R. Crockett. Mrs.Gc rge Corbc'tand Arthur w. Marchmont have appear ed , and others are in waiting from the pen of authors of national note. A short Story contest brought out nearly five Hundred splendid snort stories , all worthy a place in Ue SUNNY SOUTH'S readable col umns. Other contests are contemplated that will successfully exploit the ripening field of talent that only needs such fostering to illustrate the wealth that is shy to assert itself. SUNNY SOUTH.teems with the life of the oreatsouth. The gen ial sunshine warms everything into activity and the season is never cold enough to check the hand of industry. The paper conies fragrant with the breath of the magnolia and pine , and gives out the very air of the , pa m and bay. The beauty and pathos , the romance and mystery of the land where the corn stores up the golden sunshine anl the cotton whitens in the moonlight , will be given in the well-filled columns of this fascinating weeKly. The subscription price is Only Fifty Cents a year , alike to all persons , agents , newspapers , postmasters and every one else. Clubs of five , accompanied by the full S2.50 , entitle the club raiser to the paper one year gratis. Send on a Postal Card the names of six of your neighbors who would appreciate the opportunity to read a copy or The sunny south , and one sample will be mailed free. You can get your club of five out of these very people. "C/t SUNNY SOUTH enters over 50,000 American Homes now : and durina 1902 Is sure to be we'comed 'n fully as many more homes , as the great weekly feast of good things , the southern Li erary Weekly , whose columns for 1902 will be the most readable of all the papers Jiut come to you. Communications to SUNNY SOUTH , Atlanta , Ga. \ J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut buck oi right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on loft hip. Horses same on lelt shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebr. Left side ; S F left shoulder. llerdmarkdew lap. lap.itange itange Range 36 and 37 , be tween Niobrara and the Snake. Stotts & Stetter. Cody , Nebraska Branded on left sido Ranee , Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats < WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Browniee , Neb Like cut on either Icftsidn or hipalso lleft sido. Horses f same as cut on left hip. RE- _ _ _ or con- convlction of anyone unlawfully andling cattle in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Oreek , S. Dakota. S EOUSCHE FoBtofllce address Browniee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cul ofl' ; horses branded same on left hi p. Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder or JK orV orO 'VL ' | orO or FZ. Also the-following , the first one being on side and hip E. K. Vandegrift. Browniee , Neb. Same as on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Frank T. Lee. Browniee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Browniee. " Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka as Cattle on cutSome branded W z Jl eft side or hip Ranee Gordon Creek Julius Heckman Browniee Nebr Range south of Browniee J ; > awyer Bros. Postofflce address Oasis , Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge oi these attie ; horses DHOD left shoulder ; some stock branch Y ny where on anim al Ranee. Knaktriver COOPER Postoffice address Oasis , Nebr Brand registered 2095 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Morses branded on left hip. Also some cattle branded ; Range South and west of Hackberrv and Dnclf j-ak * . Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. Earmark squ re crop right ear Horses have same brand on eft thigh. Range on Gor don and Snake Creeks , , A. tteicard. of $25O will be paid to any erson for information leading to the arrest and aal conviction of any person or p rwwi * * al- above brand D. B. STOKER & SON. Newton , Nebr. Brand registered. No. ill. Cattle branded same as cut on left &ide or loft hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range South of Gordon Greek Teeters Bros. Kewton.Kebr Cattle branded oc left side same aa cut. , . , Horses on left shoulder. Bange Between the Gordon and iSnako. Louis F. Kichards MerrimanlNeli Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. 'Anywhere on cat tle. Horses on left shoulder. RancoNorth " Eli. SWEENEY BROS Postoffice address Pullman , Nob Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed See block Range Steve and Stephenson Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any P * " for in formation leading to the arrest and oonvlctton cattle with th of any person or persons stealing above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side and thigh ; horses the same on left side. Range-Between Niobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. Range- -Gordon Oreek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on leftside. Horsei same on left shoulder. A Also on J / \ left side DAWSON & BALL Poslofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also V lelt neck andZ left hip : some V lelt neck. V left shoulder andZlefthiojhorses VZ left hip. Range Snake River,3l,32,33. J A SATJLTS Cattle on let1 hip. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown below. Postofflce address Gregory , Net On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder RangeArkansas VaJey and Snake JULIUS PETERSON Fostofflce address Gregory. Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles north of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEE Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on leftside. Horses . branded ] on left shoulder. , Kange c miles south ollrwin. B. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. Srate Brand reg- Oattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range-2 miles east of Ft. Nio- hrara. PIF.VBEOS Postofflce address Crsokston Nebr Krundert on side i t ; * . ' 'J , . . jf J. * i t .