Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 16, 1902, Image 4

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Official Newspaper of Cherry
County , Nebraska
Subscription § 1.00 per year In advance ; 51.50
when not paid in advance , Single copies 5c.
Display advertising 1 inch single column I5c
cr issue or G.CO a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions
and Socials for Kcvi nue 5c per line per Itsue.
Brands , lf incb ? S4.CO peryear in advance
additional space uoper inch per year jengnivcd
blocks extra ; .51.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to p"ay In advance
' 10 per cent , additional to , above rates if over C
miming in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
Thursday , January 10 ,
Prod Whitney is working on the
Gordon Journal.
Some people blossom out for a period
and look as bright as sunshine can
make them , but tke first frost cuts them
down like a tomato vine.
Some of these would be real smart
editors ary very good at re-writing an
article so as to make it appear as
though they were the orignator of the
whole story , but thev will roar when
some one exposes them and watch and
wait for an opportunity to get back at
them. We have heard these soft heads
roar , before though , and rather take a
delight in twisting their tails.
botne Editors may be gifted more or
less with gab and gall but the one who
can deliberately , steal an article from
another paper to enhance his own pop-
' -ularity should be dealt with as tradition
tells , us that Texas rid her land of
horse theives ; Hang them ! Yes hang
them to the first'tree. But we suppose
some people who live on western prair
ies are not afraid as there are no trees
in some towns and the people are easily
deceived as they take only one paper
and can be made to believe that their
editor writes very 'cute things. Yes
the editors themselves , even boast of it
and of how they are deceiving Tom ,
John and Ned.
There is a great deal of talk just now
about talking down the fences built on
goverment land by large ranchers.
There is also two bills before Coug ss
for leasing the goverment land so that
these fences may be retained as former
ly. Some of the kickers about fences
will get little satisfaction from any one
or for themselves. We do not believe
either of the two bills that are before
Congress are practicable or suitable for
conditions in our state and.would . not
favor any bill of any kind'at present.
The homestead law will settle all of
these questions and there will be less
contention and more people engaged in
the stock business , more stock upon
which taxes can be collected and our
com munity will be better off to pay no
attention to.-any leasing bill. However
if the republican party" thinks it can .
build up a record by leasing the va .
cant goverment la * > d or passing a bill
to that effect , the VALENTI NE DESIO-
CRAT will watch results and we'll avail
ourselves of the privalege of exposing
the whole matter aswe sf e it. We'll
find plenty of help that will stand should
er to shoulder with us to fight against
these special privaleges that sells priva-
eges in advance for twenty years to who
ever can put up the money now.
There is no land in this part of the
country that the governmentwill ever
spend a dollar on for irrigation'and we
do not care to tax our sand hills to pay
for irrigation ditches where the land is
worth one hundred times rnorelhan" it
Is here. L et each district pay "for the
support it _ receives from the gdvern-
tand if 'ihereis any favors to be
* ' ' ' ' *
, *
> : i
itjbsjfrom goqd soil' lo
sand hill country , ' but never rob a
Tjarren wastesof ' . . sand .hills ta.put inir -
* * ' * f * >
jigatioa-ditcliesv where "the land , "is
abundantly able to .pay tor all expenses
; of irrigation-to make it the most val-
'uable'of America's fair soil.
The following article from the Hush-
yille Standard "fills thebill" , in stamp
ing J. Sterling Morton's policy , as
wrong in upholding Savage and Bart-
ley. We think Morton's God is repub
and when the ' " '
lican politics 'conservat-
fve" is suited , Moiton's God is pleased
No one who has the proper respect foe ,
the Almighty would blaspheme his
name by authoritatively saying that a
pardon of the prince ot thieves , who
has uot yet shown the white feather or
that he was sorrowful un to ropentence.
would please God :
J. Sterling'Morton , one of the most
absurd republicans in the great state of
Nebraska , and whose scul is GO steeled
against the great mass ofpeople that he"
/seeihjjj / , 18
glasses , got off the following beautiful
effusion in his last conservative ;
The Conservative believes that ex-
State Treasurer Hartley ought to be
pardoned. He has suffered enough !
Justice has been appeased. Further
punishment for this mis-influenced ,
mal-guided man is mere savagery. It
is brutal vengeance. It is not civilized
Christianity- is pagan barbarity.
It ib cruelty to his devoted wife and
unhappy children.t
An executive with moral courage
and conscience enough to let him out
by a free and full pardon would suit
the Conservative and please God !
Since the above was in type Govern
or Savage has "filled the bill.7
i7es , Sayage has "filled the bill" and
the conservative is suited , but we
doubt if God is'pleased. The Almighty
believes in rendering unto Caesar the
'things that are Caesar's , and Bartiey's
stealing has been sanctioned by such
palavers as J. Sterling Morton , which
is contrat y to the teachings of the Di
vine Spirit. God has no mercy or
sympathy for rogues , thugs .nor mur
derers , but on the contrary will meet
out justice , regardless .of devoted wives
and unhappy children. Such doctrine
as the Conservative advocate is the
slogan that creates political thieves and
murderers.There are very few men
but what would be willing to attend
the flower beds of the Nebraska state
penitentiary for'the neat sum of $150-
000 a ear , provided they could , like
Bartley , be banqueted by most of the
rag-tag and bob-tail aristocratic poli
ticians of the state after the job was
State Deputy Edward Walsh' of the
W. O. W. has .been in our city the
past week looking after the interests of
our local camp offthe Woodmen of the
World. Mr. Walsh is an interesting
man to converse with and comes high
ly recommended by his home lodge of
Knights of L'ythias of which he is the
second year chancellor commander.
Mr. Walsh visited the lodge at ths
place Tuesday night and gave the
members a little talk which was ap
preciated. We clip the following from
'Nebraska No. 1 K of P Lodge Bulletin :
It is an old saying that "Honest ef
fort , and duty well done brings its own'
reward. " While at times
questioned , it as a rule holds good , as
was well proven by the re-election of
Bro. Edw. Walsh forChanchelor Com
mander at our recent election. A year
ago , when Bro. Walsh was elected C.
C. of Nebraska No. 1 , from the Pre
late's chair , it was , to use his own ex
pression , ' * the proudest moment of his
life. " To his credit it must be said
that the past year no member worked
harder for the good of the .Lodge'than
he did. He performed his duties as he
saw them with a whole heart. To such
an extent was this recoguized and ap
preciated by the members that he was
the unanimous choice for re-election ,
againsi his own wishes Elected , how
ever , he accepts and it goes without
saying that Nebraska No , 1's path for
the coming year will be onward and
upward. Bro. Walsh was born at St.
Louis in 1S5G. , ' His schooling was had
in that bailiwick and at the age of 17
he was' apprenticed to the bricklayer's
.trade. In 1873 he came to Omaha ,
.where he continued in. that vocation.
In ' 90 he entered ths insurance office
of a former member of No..l , Bro.
Koeker , eventually succeeding him in
the firm , of Walsh & Pumpelley. , Since
Bro. Pumptlley'sremovarfrom the city.
he has represented his insurance lines
alone. In a .social way , "Ed" as he is
commonly known ; is .a prince of good
fellows. By nature of social disposition ,
generous , outspokeii and while at times
a little brusque , he is ever ready to re
tract an error , and those who know
him best admire him the most. That
he will aim "to keep No * 1 on 'the up
permost round of the ladder goes with
out saying , and the Bulletin bespeaks
for him and the Lodge a pr speroin
Max E. Viertel. the Crookston mer
chant was m our city the first of the
week. His little girl who was sick is
Fred Whittemore , president 'of the
Valentine State Bank , is in cliarge this
week during the absence of Charles
Sparks , at Rosebud where he went
Avail yourself of the opportunity of
for one dollar per year by paying in ad
vance. All accounts past due will be
charged-nt the rate of SL50 a year. If
your account is past due you should
not complain if you receive a statement.
No offense is meant by us in sending
you a statement and we trust that it
will be appreciated by-you that yoir
may pay the small , amount due us.
We have been compelled to go down
in our pockets to pay the expenses in
Lhn past and wo hope you will'not with
told your part norwithdraw because
sve aak you to pay .up. r * : . . ' _ - .
in the coffee bin Hot
a pleasant thought ,
yet when coffees are
kept open in bulk who
knows what different
" " climb
"things" come
ing and floating in ?
f Lion Coffee
put up in sealed packages insures
I cleanliness , uniform quality ,
I freshness and delicious flavor.
Danger lurks in every cold.
Safety and comfort both demand
the earliest possible cure. Here
tofore colds have usually had to
run their course of from ten days
to two weeks : now they can be
relieved in a few hours and cured
* jj in a day if you > use the right
3 remedy promptly.
is a remedy that , taken in 'time ,
re moves every vestige ol a cold
in twenty-four hours , and leaves
y0u feeling1 better than you did
before the cold began * It can
not harm.
Price 25 cents
Quigley & Chapman ,
Druggists ,
Valentine , Neb.
Wednesday Evening
SUBJECT : The lostvord of
FKEEMASONKY ; what it really is
and Jiow to regain it.
Notice to Creditors "
In county court within and for Cherry counfy
Nebraska. In the matter of the estate ol Sarah
Uewev , deceased. " '
To the creditors ot said estate : .
You are hereby notified that I will sit at tlie
county court room in Valentine in said county
on the 8th day of Feb-uary 1902 at lu o'clock a , .
m. to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustmeut and
allowance The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is February
the 8lh day A. D. 1902 and the time limited for
payment.of debts is ono year from sam 8th day
of June 1901.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
com t this 14th day of January 1902.
W. K. TOW.NE ,
52-4t County Judge
Koticc of ttnnrdian's Sule.
In the manner of the estate of James C. Quig
ley. a minor.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Hon.V. . H. Westover , Judge of the
District lourt of. Cherry County , made on the
9th day of December , laqi , for the sale of real es
tate here-in-after described , there will be sold ,
at auction at the east front door of the court
house in Valentine , Nebraska on the lirst day of
February , 1902 , at ten o'clock a. in. , at public-
vendue to the highest bidder for cash , the folt
lowing described real estate to-wit : the eas.
half of the. north east quarter of section i'3
township 35 , rangre : M.
Maid sale will remain open one hour.
Dated Saturday Gth 1902.
James H. Quigley ,
Guardian ol James C. Quigley"
pl-3t His Attorney.
Goo.'J ? . Heine of Hooper was m our
city lastweek. .
W. T. Kinkaid , D. W , Parmele e and
Clias. Bredeson of Rosebud were in our
ciry yesterday. ' '
B , J , Hoffackei Jr. and S. N. Moses
of Simeonwere transacting business in
town yesterday.
Remember the , VALENTINE DEMO
CRAT is only § 1.00 a year m advance
and every one can afford to take it and
pay for it.
C , V. Thorn of Lower . Cut Meat ,
Rosebud agency renews his subscript
s ndiug us a check. . *
Agt. McChesney , wife and sun , came
down yesterday from Rosebud to trans
act business in our city and spend n
few hours socially with , friends.
Some people never complain 'nor
grumble until you present their bill.
Some'never ' complain and always look
pleasant. We like all of them if they
will only pay the bill.
How is your subscription ? A large
number haye come in ami paid up dur
ing the past two-weeks but there is a
much larger number who have not
imid. ' We have read a letter from the
Third Assistant Postmasterstating
that the ifuling of the department did
not extend to logitiiiuilo publications ,
in which subscribers would be compell ;
cd to pay in advance , Howeverve"
should like as far as practicable to
have our subscription account paid In
advance and-"subscribers notice
that in our rates at the top of column i
page four , $1.50 will be charged for
subscriptions not paid in advance.
W. A. Pettycrewis sick thisweek
C. J. O'Connor Jr , was in town
Bruce Moore , of Cody , was doing
business in town yesterday.
Our little boy Lawrence , is learning
very fast at school. We will say kind
words for a teacher who takes an int
erest in helping the little fellows.
4 *
We cannot mention everyone who
pays upon subscription for there are
fcoo.many of them but we will appreci-
ite it none the less and will send you a
receipt marking the time to which you
Felix Nollette was a visitor in our of-
tice the latter part of last week and
paid up on subscription. Mr. Nollette
has been one of the faithful in the past
and we trust we can always speak a
good word for him as for all worthy
Next week we will begin to send
statements to those who are delinquent
in subscription and to those who find
it inconvienieut to uay just at the pres
ent time we will extend a credit and
will send the paper just The same ex
cepting outside the county where part
ies are unknown to us. We want to
all who want the paper and are willing
co pay for it.
We do not intend to miss anyone in
sending out statements and we do not
intend to do anything bad with those
who do not pay * up at once. But those
who want to be mean about it arid say
bad things about us and throw the
paper back at the postmaster , we will
try to keep out of sight until you get
in a good humor and pay up if we don't
have to wait' ' too long. But we'll have
a more kindly feeling for those who
pay and look cheerful.
Niobrara Falls
Jay Cunningham went to town to
School is progressing nicely under
the circumstances.
G. W : Johnson returned from Iowa
several Avesks ago.
The dance at R. Groom's was a suc
cess on short notice.
Cora Lansing is spending this week
with Mrs. Adamson *
We will again try to pen the doings
of the neighborhood.
Leonard Munn and Doc Grooms vis
ited relati ves last week.
Miss Florence Thompson is visiting
at home for a few weeks.
Mr. Bush has been laid up with
rheumatism for some time.
Grandfather Bradley is staying with
Mr. Cunningham's family.
Mr. Dodson of near Simeon passed
through these parts today.
Mrs Cynthia Johnson has. sold her
real estate so we understand.
Ernest Keed and family crossed the
riverSunday on the trolley.
Lewis Mosher was" to be seen meand
ering down the river Monday.
Mesdames Bertha and Johanna Eeese
were in this locality Wednesday.
Sam Grooms is building a new bed
room on the east side of his residence.
Mrs. Lucy Bed fern and Mrs. Mar
garet Ormesher visited Mrs. Parker
this week. ' . "
Bigrreductions in price of hats , caps
and underwear at CRAJJB & Co.50
Notice of Herding.
.1 will run town herd beginning about I
April 1st. All parties entrusting cows . *
o my care can be assured that they
will receive careful attention. i
19O2 I start business right. I buy
or cash and sell for cash. All goods
guaranteed. I handle a stdck of gener
al merchandise and prices are low.
52-2t Arabia Nebr ,
Strayed from my range about the
middle of October one red steer coming
3 years old , branded L A connected
on-right hip. J. U. Gaskill 0r notify
. Estrayed from my place about Sept.
25 , one gray horse , weight about 1000
pounds ; head and neck flee bitten I [
specks , wire cut on left hind leg be
* ow the knee ; branded JD H on left
boulder , vent may be blotched J D
Also oae buckskiu pony marc abou
650 pounds , mane about 6 inches long ,
branded TO on left flank. Kcason-
able reward for information leading
to their recovery. T. J. NELSON
38-tf Woodlake. Neb
Q e3ns Yare at reduced prices C
' ' "
& Co. ! V/ * ' J 50
" "
, j
- - J
- , ,
Some person said that a lady committed suicide because she did
, not get in on time to have her Photo taken at
He is prepared now so that cannot happen a am.
A. G SHAW , - - ' - - Valentine , .Nebr.
Accounts oF Merchants , Ranetyrjea , and Individuals Invited
, Money to Loan on Pirst-cfass Cattle Paper ] . /
and Other Securities.
- -f- '
t Valentine State Bank
* * \ . { Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) , a-r
, . Ca.pita.1 3aicl Tip sgigg.OOO - 4 ?
FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden
Come to th e
FOR Lumber , Builders' Materials
Buggies , Moline WagonsEclipse Windmills ,
Fair bank's Ste el Windmills
J. A. SPARKS , Mgr
Highest cash price paid for
The place to get the best windmill
also pumps and tanks.
First door south of the DcTioher House.
S. MOOJST , Valentine , Nebx.
1 PAINTING fr & i >
i >
R S , DENNIS , -
& >
Valentine Nebraska All work well done
C. H. CORXEL.L , President. JH. V. XICHOLSON , Cashier
" " " " " " " " " " * > 1 "
- *
. Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Banking Business Transacted * ; .
603 s and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Chemical National Bank , New York. Correspondents ; Flrst National .
Bank. Omalia Neb
- line of Steaks , Roasts *
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked
Breakfast Bacon
- _ _ _ _ HULL *
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , Arid FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wine and Cigars.
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , 1ST
: Richards & Com stock ,
- '
* I *