Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 09, 1902, Image 4

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Official Neicitpaper of Cherry
County , &ebra ka .
Subscription Sl.OO per year In advancp : Sl.K
when advance. Single copies 5c.
Display advertising 1 Imh single column I5c
er ihsue or fcG.10 a year.
Local TCofiren , OblUwrirs , Lodge Resolutions
and Socials lor ileveime 5c per line per issue.
UramJfc. l > { 1 > lu > } . < ! . ( ( ) reryear In advance
additional space SS-OOpt-r inch per year fengraved
blocks e5ctra ; $1.00 each. -
rattles living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known arc requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates If over G
mouths in arrears.
Is'otices of lostes of stock free to brand adver
Thursday , January 0 , 1902
The imperialist editors are not writ
ing any glowing editorals about our
trade with our "new possessions" since
the official statistics have been printed.
Their tnoughts seem to be Teaming in
entirely different fields. . Not one of
them since they read the figures has
ever remarked that "trade follows the
Hag. " Nebraska Independent.
The , recentfy published list of Boer
casualties put out by tne British war
office shows that during 1901 out of an
active army of 15,000 Boers more than
18,000 ware killed , wounded or captur
ed Lord Kitchner , however , still
hopesthat the remaining Boers , con
sisting of Christian Dewet and 8 to
10,000 others , may accept British rule
by the ; dawn of 1903.
If any man thinks of heroically serv
ing his country m this age of the < vorld
with the hope that his heroism will be
rewarded with the appreciation of his
'government and people , he would do
well to reconsider the matter. ' Gener
al Gomez was hissed by the Cuban peo
ple the other day , and both Dewey and
Scliley aie disgraced "by the govern
ment which they so bravely served.
Nebraska Independent.
At last we are to have a telephone
system in Yaleutine which will Tje
shortly connected with the sand hills
andranches south .throughout the
county : In last issue we published an
ordinance passed by the town board
granting a franchise to some of our
citizens for 20 years to opeiate a tele
phone systeui in "Valentine which must
be begun inside of six months and be.
completed within a year. We are
informed that work will begin as soon
as the frost is out of'the ground.
Connections will be made
with the south country and
the very thing that has been agitating
the minds of * > ur people for the past
three years will be settled we hope to
the satisfaction of those who have been
interested in a telephone system.
There was some complaint made in
regard to the town board granting , a
franchise to a few of our citizens , and
some are kicking because they didn't
get in the deal. There is stock for sale
and anyone wanting an interest in .the
Company can yet own as much as they
have money to pay for. If any one
wants another such layout it is to be
had in extending a line throughout the
. ' .junty. Get your franchise while the
county commissioners are in session
before some OHO gets ' ahead of you.
There are too many plums , to grumble
over one tliats gone. Organize and
get to work. Don't wait for'some one
else to act first and then kick because
you are not in.
/ . Bartley and Savage
t ; On ne of the inside pages of this
.jiaperlwiir be found a description of
' ' the BaVtley pardon which looks like a
. ! 3 'paicr articlfe. "We cannot . any
is a lover of justice can ask
expect a pardon 6f4a man after only
eVyear ofca. , twenty year sentence
served. Bartley stole more
inoney than'all of fEe 300 criminals
jivfio are npw ioing.time in the state
'penefenliary. o' stages .one of our ex-
, cb&nge&xThere , "was , ' ' never any reason
for cfemi Hcy inJBartley'scase. He has
saidotfia liead , jiofc yefr 'shown the
whitefe1it6er t TS 'V . _ , " * _ and wthat " Undoubtedly -
stete lilind , .
true that .many of
have been clam-
Jrisi to ; -
i- * '
onng.fpr-.his othout giving any
' 1 , * be jeleased , are7-
" ' ' "
f f r t > > r *
\vhi ( , fea
" v * t
thoir .owlii'
have been no
planatibn ol where Uie
and a full acpount give"
served 1oDg' <
ey went to , and who has it now. Bart-
ley has not shown the white feather
yet and won't tell. Who will ? Why
dosn't some one publish a statement
and show that Bartiey is entitled to be
received into open arms and reclaimed
aa. a hero , Instead of going into ecstasy
over the pardon of the greatest thief
the state has known , he , should wear
ear marks and a brand on his hand
that he might not be an inspiration to
some other person. Gov. Savage was
probably given no pence , by those who
feared Hartley would show the white
feather , until he signed Bartley's pard
on. .
This will probably have very little
effect on Republican state politics.
They may turn Savage down for effect
though many are inwardly rejoicing no
doubt that he is free. Savage will be
cated for and so will Joe Bartley.
They like men who do their bidding
and while they may openly condemn
Bartley and Savage , they'll vote'er ?
Straight this fall.
Narrow Escape
We clip the following from the
Atchinson Graphic : Earnest W. Julian
of the Western .Newspaper Union had
a narrow escap'e from death * in Kansas
( Jity Christmas eve , and is now con
gratulating himself that he still lives to
tell the tale. It happened at the fam
ous "Junction , " the intersection of
f Ninth , Mam and Deleware streets ,
where three car lines cross each other
in a bewildering maze of Angles. A
London fog enveloped the town : the
pavements were slippery and distances
cltceptive. Mr. Julian , in starting to
cross Ninth street , slipped , and before
he couU regain his balance one of
Walt Holmes' spasmodic cable cars was
upon him. The fender rolled him in
the slime of the street , bumped his
head on the cobblestones between the
rails , and swamped his body around so
tbat when the car came to a stand-still
his neck was within eiglit inches of the
front wheel. He was .unconcious for a
a few minutes , and when he rallied ,
under the vigorous treatment of the
train crew , it was to find himself
bruised in a hundred places. lie will
not sue the company.
"I came across a town down there
called Kansas City"said Mr. Julian
.this morning , while dilating on his ex
pedition to a party of newspaper men ,
"I was susprised to find a city in
tbat out of the way region. It is really
a very good little town so m uch so as
to prove the exception to the rule that
culture and refinement seldom pene
trate to the provinces. It has water
works , several miles of streets that are
paved and gas lighted , a good $2 a day
house and the funniest street cars you
ever saw. They are a good deal like
our Omaha cars , only they have no trol
leys to be pulled aloug by. I can't see
what the deuce makes them run. -
"Christmas eve I was at a place call
ed 'the junction , ' where two of the car
lines intersect each other diagonally ,
and I got out among the tracks to look
down through the.cracks . that are in
the middle , to see if = it Avere the cracks
that made the cars run , 1 got down
on my hands and knees to make a clos-
or inspection , when all at once one of
the dog-gasted cars came along from
behind and K'isted me clear up in the
air , I fell on mj facii within three inch
es of the track , and came near being
ground into mincemeat. They stop
ped the car and picked me up and 1
was a sight. My face was all scratched
and bloody , and my overcoat was , torn
and my'.trousers were gaping at the
knees , W'keu they foundj I wasn't
badly hurt they took up. a collection of
$1.65 to renew my wearing apparel and
sent me on my wav. But I don't know
yet what pulls those cars.
Gone "Republican"
The republican party is in the habit
of declaring that we have "the best
banking system in the world. " The
populists have , all admitted that it was
"the best banking system in the worlcl
tor thebanker" and about the worst
Bver devised for the depositors. Hard
ly a week passes but there is abundant
Bvidence to the populitst's contention.
rhe populists believe that there should
be postal savings banks where the
peop.le could deposit their money with
the goyerament itself , and. in that way
the money of the depositors would be
is safe as the republic.
Just a few days ago the bank at Gojthen :
Durg in Dawson county went republi- .
; au , hung out a card , 'saying that the-
sank was suspended and in control of
he banking board. . The banker , a fel-
ow .named , Carlson , is a most ran-
.ankeroua Ilahnuito. Ho abused everv
* " " "
* i *
3oguligt-tind ] Bryan democrats who re-
used/to accept his views , he literally
onto every business man who
. . kneo lo him. llu
" .f * * ' -t ' * - *
. | Br anran anarchist and a re-
i'lIe aidj3ryan was in favor
Vi'V'i i"T > "
en nlpney"Sxcl wanted to pay the
lepos an eyeryone else in fifty
: . pnfT . ( dollars. " _ The "poor * * depositors in
$ * ' -r" " ' ' * vl V *
m ? .
" A
rj Pi \ - f J2i "Ji' >
J&flPC " ' * ' & $ & $ & '
& * ' : &L & 5 <
Some Coffees
are Glazed
with a cheap coating.
If glazing helps coffee
wTiy aren't the high-
priced Mochas aqd Javas
glazed also ?
is not glazed. It is per
fectly pure and has a
delicious flavor.
The ie.tltil package Iniarei uni
form quality aud freihnesi.
Chaps away \
It is the little things of life
that worry us. "We can dodge
an elephant , but not a fly , " says
some philosopher. Yon can't
very well avoid annoyance from
chapped and roughened skin
these days unless you relv on
Violet Cream ,
It relieves at once and heals in a
fe\v hours. If we knew of any
thing better we would recom
mend it. Customers say there
couldn't be anything better.
Price 25 cents.
Quigley d Chapman ,
Druggists ,
Valentine , Neb.
County Surveyor
Private Work Promptly
Attended to
Address either
Jos : Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nio-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Ni obrara. .
Horses and
cattle branded
xx B connected on
left hip as shown
in cut.
A'otice of < iinrclinn'M Mule. ,
In the manner o ! the estate of James C. Quig
ley , a minor.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Hon. W. U. Westever. Judge of the
District .Tourtof Cherry County , made on the
9th day of December , 1901 , for the sale of real es
tate here-in-after described , there will be sold
at auction at the east front door of the court
house in Valentine , Nebraska on the first day of
February , ! 9 < K , at ten o'clock a. m. , at puuiic-
vendiie to the highest bidder for cash , the folt
lowing described real estate to-wit : the eas
fialf of tliM north east quarter of section U5.
township 33. range 31. '
Said sale.wjll remain open one hour.
Dated Saturday Cth 1902.
James H. ( iuigley.
Guardian ot James C. Quigley
51-31 His Attorney.
that ever , occurre d in the state. This
scoundrel who accused Bryan of dis
honesty is still living in luxury and
wealth , he is burning hard coal , eating
roast turkey and drinking champagne
and leading the choir at services.
It is said that the poor depositors
who stood out in the recent c ld blast
shivering at the bank doors don't ap
preciate either his Christianity or his
financiering. Farmers , merchants and
laboring man and washerwoman clam
ored at the doors for their money , but
not a penny was in sight. The bank
building , the safe and some worthless
notes signed by political heelers are
all that-are left to tell the tale. The
banker is the gainer and the poor de
positors must be satisfied with republi
can confidence. A lot of these deposit
ors were republicans who voted in fav
or of the republican theory that all we
need is confidence ; that we don't need
money at all. These fellows are gett
ing an object lesson and it is to be re-
sjretterf that any man who voted sensi
bly has to suffer with tkem. And the
fellows who voted for confidence in
stead of money and whooped it up for
Mark Hanna may have brains enough
io change their views while they shiver
iround and Mr. LJanker lives on-the fat
) f the land. If the depositors get ten
jents on the dollar they willbe i lucky
md the banker will spend the remamd-
$ r of the winter down in Florida where
t is warm and next summer he will
ive in Macinac in the heated spell.
Sow dear repuqlican reader don't get-
lot under the collar and swear. You
lave been voting fur this system for 9.
ho last oUyears and just clear your p
hroat out and give onemore whoop ,
or ' 'the best banking system in the
eorld , " Holt County Independent.
Frank Swearinger is iri town this j b
reek 'thinking ' of going west' to Or
ion.- - . - - : - - .
John aud Fred Kudelka of kilgore
were in town Thursday.
Ed Searby of Crookston called to see
UH this week and extended his subscrip
tion a year in advance.
Editor Heath of the Cody Cow Boy
.made us a nice visit Monday of this
week while in town on a round-up.
Dan Barnes drove into town with
commissioner Buir from his home
-aear Newton and vnile in town called
) u the editor of the DEMOCRAT ;
* * Mr. C. A. Johnson of Wood lake is
< p nding a feu days < at Fairfax , S. , D ,
L'he Fairfax people are deeply interest
ed in the prospects for a line of railway
through their town from the south.
Ben Pearson , of Brownlee , was in
town Wednesday accompanied by Mrs.
Jlark aud daughters of Fremont.
The Jadias filed on choice homesteads
in the east cential part of the county.
We acknowledga the receipt of a card
from Judge Harrington of O'Neill an
nouncing the dates of the regular terms
> f district court in each of the various
'Bounties in the 15th judicial district of
Nebraska. /
Clarence Carton who has been run-
'Un the blacksmith shop at Crooks-
con for some years past has sold out
and will stare the latter part of the
week for Ponoka , Alberta , Canada.
We wish him success or a return to
Cherry county.
The Woodlake Gun Club'ha'd a very
nfercsting shoot at blue rock targets
Tuesday. About .thirty spectators
were present and nine medal contest
ants in line * LeRoy Leach won gold ,
class a medal. John Day , class b med
al , all scores being unusually good.
Hamilton MoCrae received a telegram
Friday night that his father who has
been living at Norden , was not expect
ed to live and asking him to come.
Mr. McCrae took the Saturday morning
train to'Ains worth and drove out from
there. His father died { Saturday even
The Minstrel play at the opera
house Tuesday night was greeted
by a smaller house than usual from
teh fact that many were waiting to
hear Manara's play next Monday
night. There was some dancing how
ever and laughable scenes that put
one member down in the minds of the
audience as a specialist.
The county cmmissioners are again
in session , all three members being
present. Approving of thebonds of
the county officers was the ilrst work
taken up and the checking out of the
oldCo. { treasurer and clerk. W , S. Shat-
tuck is now county treasurer and Charl
ey Reece is county clerk. Alfred Lewis
is coroner and Leroy Leach is surveyor.
Jndjre W. R. Towne is again county
judge and Lee Layport succeeds him
self as sheriff.
. Some people will claim to have heard
this before but we never'did : A man
attended a grand ball , with his wife ,
and had a great time. While dancing
a quadrille , he noticed that his pants
were ripping , and hurriedly retired to
a dressing room with his wife , who
procured a needle and thread and be
gan sewing up the rip. While the
man was standing there without any
pants on , he heard the rustle of skirts ,
and it occured to him that he had taken
refuge in the ladies' dressing room. He
appealed to his wife , and she shoved
him to a door which opened , as sha
thought , into a closet , Opening the
iloor quickly , she shoved him through ,
sihd locked the door. "Mary , " he
screamed , ' 'I'm in the ballroom/ "
rha door , instead of opening into a
jloset. opened into the ballroom.
\tchinson Globe.
LOST : Last Monday a ladies' brown
od glove , sizeGi. Finder please leave
it this office. 51-2t
Strayed from my range about the
niddle of October one red steer coming
I years old , branded L A on right
ump. J B. Gaskill 0r notify the
LenBivens will pay highest cash
> ricefor furs.
Big reductions in price of hats , caps
md underwear at CRAIJB & Co. . 50
Queensware at reduced prices CRABB
5 CO. . ' 50
of Iferdiiig.
I will run town herd beginning about
pril 1st. All parties entrusting cows
my care can be' assured that they
receive careful .attention.
Estraycd from my place about Sept.
} , one gray horse , weight about 1000
ounds ; head and neck flee bitten
pecks , wire cut on left hind leg be
w the knee ; branded JD H on left
oulder , ven t may be blotched J D
.Iso one buck skin pony mare abou
50 pounds , mane about 6 inches long ,
randedTO on left flank. Reason-1
ble reward for information leading
) their.recovery. T. J. NELSON ,
38tf.Woodlake , Neb.
Some person said that a lady committed suicide because she did
' not get in on time to have her Photo taken * .at , , - t
He is prepared now so that cannot happen again. % - % .
i' * a
A. G SKAW , - - - - Valentine , Nebr. .
* *
Accounts oF Merchants , Raricnea } ] , and Individuals Invitee1
Money to Loan on Pirst-elass Cattle Paper
and Other Securities. . . ' * $
Valentine State Bank )
( Successors to Cherry County Bank. )
Capital lni < l Up JS. ,
FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden -
Come to the
FOB Luraber , Builders ? Materials
Buggies , Moline WagonsEclipse Windmills ,
Fairbank's Steel Windmills
J. A. SPARKS , Mgr
- i
The place to get the best windmill
also pumps and tanks.
First door south of the Donoher House.
. , NEBR.
4 ?
< < ? ? R S , DENNIS ,
4 ? Valentine Nebraska x All work well done
* ?
C. H. COBXJELI * . President. Jtt. V. XICHOLSON , Cashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Jhemlcal National Bank , New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank , Omaha Neb
First-class line of Steaks , Eoasts
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked
Breakfast Bacon
Cf Cf *
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wine and Cigars ,
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Kebr.
: *
Richards. & Comstock Ellsworth , ' fu