Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 02, 1902, Image 4
THE VALENTINE 'DEMOCRA1 ) . M. RICE EDITOF Official Netcapper o County , Weltrasha TERMS < Subscription $1.00 per year in advance : Sl.O when not paid in advance.'Single copies 5c. D4pl y advertising 1 inch singe ! column 15 < er ibueor , fG.Oa y tr. Local Notices , Obituaries. I edge resolution : and fc'oi-lals for liuvemie 5c per line ptr issue. J'ramfs. Hi i ) In f-l.rofler > farjn' fidilitloial'ipacr Cooper inch perjeHrengra\ei ; blocks e Ura ; $ M < " eacii. n Part i-is living outside Cherry lountynntper sonaily known aie requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates if o\er < iioiu us in arrears. Alice's of li sics of stock free to Iraud advei Users. ' ' Thursday , January 2 , - m * % / * v * Bartfey is now a free man having been pardoned by Gov. Savajre on Tuesday evening. Dec. 31 , ' IflOl ; We ask our readers to draw their own conclusions .and.if.they.can. harrnon- inze the statements .formerly made by the republican party in regard to his return to the pen last Aug. and the statement of Gov. Savage at that time as the reason of his parole being that he would be able to replace some of the state money , with the pardon and present explanation of the Gov ernor which we will try to giye next week * Preaching in Stewart Avenue Uni- vt-rsalist Church yesterday on "Spirit vs Form , " the Rev. B. A , White said in part : "The sticklers for form are just now having their chance with JSchley. . .With this is a fine mixture , no doubt , of politics and personal jeal ousy. Schley won a great battle. He whipped the Spaniards and sent their bhips to the bottom. Ko onetdenies this. But , say the formalists and the petty intriguers , he did not do it ac cording to good form. The "loop" was a bad thing , this thing and that was not done. A paprr campaign worked out in the office of thq Navy depart ment , perhaps , was departed from. Hence , down with Schley. "Xosv the American people may be confused by all this dust thrown up over minor points. But one thing is sure : They know a.victory from ajlefeat , and their , sympathies will be with the man that wins , providing he breaks no moral law higher than the law of proper form No one thinks that Sampsonwas a cow. ard or that had he been present lie would not have conducted liimself tis a brave man. But he was not there. That was his misfortune. But that is - ' be-in no reason why-Schley'should - vestigated and waciitcally reprimand ed before/the nation and the world , be cause he was there and attended to things.To . . .the average .civilian the wLole "thifitf in view ! of the "facts is nauseating. JLn tie meantime the senti inent of the American people will stand ' . " Chi- with * Dewey's minority report. . - * * - caso Tribune. It takes wind to run a newspaper ; it takes a scintillating acrobatic imagina tion and' lialf a dozen white shirts and a railroad pass to run a _ newspaper. 13ut money Heaven-to Betsy and si. < hands-round , who everneeded money in conducting a newspaper ? Kind words are the medium of exchange that does the business of the editor. Kind words and church social tickets. When you see the editor with much mooey watch him. He will be paying .his bills * and disgracing hs profession..Never give money to an editor. Make him take it out. He likes to swap. . / Then when you die after having stood around for several years ; and having sneered at the editor , and his jim ciow paper , be sure to have your wife send in for three extra copies by one of , jrour weeping children and wke n she'reads' a generous and touch ing notice about you , * forewarn Eef to neglect to send 15 cents to thef editor. It would overwhelm him. Money is a corrupting thing. The editor knows it and what he wants is your heartfelt thanks. Then" he can thank the print ers and they can thank their grocers. But money Scorn the filthy thing. Donjt let the editor know anything about it. Keep that for sordid trades people who charge for their w-ires. The" Lord loves a cheerful giver. He'll take care of the editor.Don't worry , about the editor. He has a charter from the state to act as doormat for the community. He'll get his paper out somehow and stand up foryou when you run for office , ' and lie about your pig-eon-toed daughter's tacky wedding , and blow about your big-footed sons when ihey get a four dollar week job and weep over your shriveled soul when it isreleas&d from ypur gasping body and 'smile at your giddy wife > second marriage. He'll get1 along the Lord only knows how hut some how : Gatesville ( Tex. ) Messenger. i - ADDITIONAL' LOCAL- - jp. J. O'Conner of Chesterfield spent few Year in town. i f Mrs. J. C. * Webb of Fremont was reg istercd at The Donoher 3esttrdny. Jfes. Reid and R. W. Reid of Gordon were in our'city the first of 'the week Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sparks visited with C , A. Johnson and wife last , Miss Maier is working in the Valen tine State Bank'durintf the absence Watson. Pike ajd brother August have "bought a bunch of sheep and will en gage in that business. xJ. E. Thackrey and sisters vere down to the lakes t4he' rst of tl e week returning yesterday. T. C. aiid.M. O. Metzger , brothers of Albert and Will Metzger of Gregory. are in town looking for a ranch locat ion. f Mrs. and Mr. J. C. Pettijohn and daughter Florence visited relatives at Long Pine the past week , return ing today. -Miss-Katie Xoble departed Tuesday for'Kearney frelmi > ka where she will visit with rehtives > and friends for two or three weeks. Mrs. D. Q. 'Nicholson of Madison Nebaska , is visiting this week with her brother-in-law M. V. cashier of .the Bank of Yuleutiae. -D. A. Hancock of Simeon has gone down to his former home at Black bum Mo. where he expects to remain for several weeks during the winter. Father Leichieitner took the Both- well children down to Omaha and he placed them in a Catholic school where they will receive care and attention , M. V , Nicholson and wife went Jown to Ainsworth last Thursday to ittend the"wedding' of Miss Alta'NicK Dlson to Fred L , C9ffey of Spokane , Washington. E. C. Cole stopped in our city Tues- 3ay evening on his way home , from Norfolk where he spent'thepast week visiting at the home of his mother. Mr. Cole runs a general mercantile store at" Cody. > Miss Ema D. Tracy leaves to-night for her home at Pine Bluffs , wyo. Miss Tracy has been assisting Judge Walcott as stenographer during the several months she has been in Val entine. Mrs. W , E. Efner returned this morning from a week's visit at Chad- ron with her son Dean of the Chadron Journal , Mr. Efner accompanied.MrsH Efner there-but came back after-.spend- Xmas in Chadron , . ing dayin < , , " . " ' . / - Miss Duniga'n complains of shutting her thumb-up in Judge Walcott's safe and when she again opened the sare she found her thumb severly injured. MissD is now more careful in closing the safe and "can probably tell just- where her thumb is all the time. " " * \ The 'Ghost ' dance civen on New Year's night by the Valentine Dancing Club was a grand success Abont thirty co uples were masked and after unmasking 'there were at least as many more who-joined in the dance Everyone l-eports 'havinghad a g-ooi time. _ a e . * E. B. Vandegnft ionnerly of Valen tine and lately of Browtflee where"h - lias been very 'successful'iff' cattle rais- i i ing , was in town 3esterclay and tells us that He has sold his ranch and expects to"move down into the south-eastern part of the state where he4 can farm and raise ca'ttle and hogs. . * Miss Iva Efner is now home again and in charge of her fine stock ot millinery , since Friday before Xmas from Cedar Rapids Iowa , where ? he has beentrimming in a wholesale millinery st9re. ' Miss Efner is regard td as an adept trimmer , both artistic and original in , design and possesses a rare faculty of doing the right thing ffrst. John Manning and family of Cul bertson , Montana , stopped in our city on their way 'home from an eastern vis ' it. They went up to Rosebud today to visit a few days with C. P. Jordan whom Mr. Manning knew in the early days and hasn't seen for twenty-three years. Mr. Manning has a bunch of about 1300 head of cattle and is doing ' fairly well. " . " IF. J. Caton Dend , About two o'clock Tuesday morning El. J. Caton died of paralysis at the residence of J E. Thackrey where the" family - had been livingfo.r . several months past. Mr. Caton was born in Dourtland Co.New Yoik , Sept. 22. 1850 an'd was married to Miss Nettie Sweet Jan. 29. . 1871. There were born to this union four boys and two girls jf whom three-boys are still living. The remains were taken this morning to Sale"ra. S. f > . accompanied by , . Mrs. 3aton and her son fl. W. Catonvwho irrived from Stearns S.-D. .yesterda } Horning. It was the * request of Mr 3aton that he be laid beside his two [ y lived there jind considered'it 'their a- AS WE START UPON 1902 T . ' At the advent of a ne\vyear we wish to extend tcfonr friends tlie compliments of the season , and to express our appreciat ion of the favor shown ns by the people of tins community. To old customers , to new ones , and to - those we hope to serve during the coming year , we extend best wishes for a ISrew Year of happiness and prosperity. . The year's business jnst closed has been very satisfactory , and we fully appreciate the public confidence and good will which contributed to tin's result. We thank you for the patronage extended and hope to merit its continuance during the c'&ming year. " : . . We are trying to conduct a drug store that bhall in every way-meet the requirements of , this community. We wish to pease ! yjti ; if there is ever any seeming cause of complaint tell us about it. We assure you that no real grievance can ever occur unless through someoy.ersiglit that we would only be too glad to correct. Quigley . Chapman Druggists VALKNTINE , NEBRASKA -iTi-rrrrswrrrrrrriT Lion Coffee is 16 ounces of pure [ coffee to the pound. Coated Coffees are only about' 14 ounces of coffee and two ounces of eggs , glue , etc. , of no value to ' you , ' but 1 money in the rjockei of the roaster. home. During the .past eleven. years Mr. Caton , ha ! been Indian farmer at Rosebud but resigned last June on ac count of failing health. . , Cecil and" Vernon aged respectively sixteen"'and'fourteen years will remain iti Valentine to attend schooland fl W" . Caton the eldest son will take care of the ranch at Stearns S. D. The deceased was a member of' the A O. U. W.-at Salem in which-ordei he Carried a policy of Z.'OOO. Th < VALENTINE DESIOCRAT } extends sym pathies to the bereaved familyand friends' f -x t "Alriglit" is All Wrong. From the Loutlou Chronicle. 'A Corresponden t who has been hav ing an argument with a friend as t < whether tue word "alright" can bt legitimately 'used-appeals' to us .fora decision. "It is a word that has'puz zled a good many mercantile men , ' ' he writes. Well "alright'ris all wrong , and has no more right to exist than ttit "forever , 'tis & single word , " which in spired one of Calverley's most delight ful * absurdities. But we have , - . noticed , . that three women out of fiye spell "all right" as a single word/'though * our forefath- " * * * * > ers"deem9d it two. " . ' . 'Indeed 'we ( should give "alright" a place in pur collection of woman's words , which if- really quita an interesting * one. For there are many 'words used habituall ) by women'which men never use , as there are'taasculine words which'do uot fit feniinine 15/s. " " ' " : ' " * 'ItiM/ . * ' - f'rank ' Brayton .and wife spent New Years hu Ainsworth. Queensware at reduced prices CBABB & Co : * 50-5 . ' 7 ; Go to O. W. Morevs for Holiday goods. Cash paid'for hidesA. ; : MOREY.Of - ! f ice'at O , WMdtey's jewelry'stofe. 48 At the opera house Tuesday even ing Jan. 7. Wells and Delap's Min strels. v > i . Notice of Herding. I will run town herd bpgmning about April 1st. A11 parties en trusting-cows to my care can'be assured that they receive careful attention. ' UBIAS BOYER- " Estrayed from my place about Sept. 25 , one'gray horse , weight about 1000 pounds ; head and neck flee bitten specks , wire cut on left hind leg be .o'w the knee ; branded JDH on left iioulder , vent may be blotched'J D Also one buckskin pony mare about ' . * 650 pounds , mane about 6 inches long , branded TX ) on left flank. Reason able reward for information' leading to their recovery. - lV.f. .NELSON , . , . . -38-tf ' - ' Woodlake , Neb Next Tuesday evening January 7 , Wells & Delap's minstrels * at the op- era house 4 , popular prices. * : r - Big Deductions "in price of'bats-caps and underwear at GBAJJB & Co. vgo - i Len Bivens will pay highest casl price for furs. 25 per cent off on chinu to close ou 'at Oi W. Morevs. ' CRABJJ & Co. offer you winler .under . wear , hats' , caps and queenswareafe re duced prices.v 50 Yesterday E. L. Raffenburg unload- sda car load-of fine coming two year old RegisteredShortHorn Bulls. They will be on-sale at the &tock yards tntil sold at prices lower than you can my like quality of stock at public auct ion. Mr. Raffenburg is not a strangei to our stockmen having , sold several c-'ars of-bulls here last year. The bulls low on sale are up to the standard ol tnr that have ever been brought here , xnyone in need of good stock"shoulc , jotue. early and make , good selections for your needs , Mr. Raffenberg takes pleasure in showing his stock. 50 TheTL & Civil Seryice Commissior. will hold , examipations at several p ces meach state during March and A.pril , to-secure joung men and women foi overnment service. 9,889 persona se- nired positions last year through these / xaminationb. . Probably 10,000. ap pointments will bemaie this year , All appointments are for life and foi most positions only a common schoo education is required. Salaries at ap pointment vary from § 660 to $1200 t ear with liberal promotions afterward Politics is not.considered. . . This afford i good opportunity for people betweet 16"and 45 years of age. Those desiring pfaces 'of "this 'kind'can get 'full in formation about them , free , by writin | to the Columbian Correspondence Col 'lege , Washington ; D. C. and asking for its Civil Service catalogue , numbei three. . , r : Ordinance No. 90. * $ An ordinance granting to the Cherry Countj Telepji one Co , an exclusive franchise for a tele phone line and system of lines u itlmvthe village of Valentine , Nebraska , and establishing regula tdons governing such franchise. Be it ordained'by the Chairman and Board ol Trustees of the Village of Valentine. - Sec. 1. That there oo and is hereby given and granted to the Cherry County Telephone Com pany , its successors and assigns , the exclusive tranchise and right to establish , construct , erect maintain and. operate for profit , a telephone lin * > and system of lines within the village oi valentine , and all necessary buildings , struct ures , erections , poles' , wires , conductors , tables , switchboards , appliances or apparatus that may be necessary or requisite to the proper con- struction\maintenauce and operation of such telephone line aTid system. Provided , that said corporation , its successors.and assigns , nermit .their pol s and" fixture1 * to be used for the pur pose of placing and maintaining thereon free of charge any wires that may be necessary for the use of the'police or lire departments of tfie vil lage of Valentine. . . sec 2. That lor said purpose the said grantee its successors .or assigns , or empo\ees. ) may en ter upon the streets , alleys or public-grounds of said village and erect , or place thereon ' posts or poles , wires conductors , cables 'and other ap- .pliances'or apparatus , and make .therein such excavations as may be necessary for the erect ion of said posts and poles and for laving or placing ; said conductors , wiies , cables and ap pliances aud apparatus ; provided that such ex cavations shall be properly and safely protected jvhile open.'and shall be so filled , repaired or completed as to leave the street or alley in as good a condition as before the excavations Aere maae. Sec. 3. That unless the said grantee , its suc cessors or assigns , shall commence work on the construction aud erection of such telephone line or system of lines within six months of the pas sing of this ordinance , and shall complete the same as soon as practicable , apd be prepared to furnish telephones to patrons residing within the present limits of this village within one year from the granting of this franchise , this ordi nance and the franchise hereby granted shall lapse and become null and void. See. 4 Said grantee , it's successors and as signs , shall hold and Save the viila e of Valen tine harmless from all liability arising from the erection , maintatnance and operation of said telephone line and system. * Sec. o The said erantee , it's successors or as signs shall have the exclusive right to furnish from aud by means of it's telephone line or sys tem either to the public or to private citizens , telephone service and accomodation and trans-1 mission of telephonic messages for pay and profit , and shall have authority to charge it's customers for such telephonic service and ac comodation and transmission of telephonic mes sages , such prices as may he agreed upon be tween said irrantee , it's successors or assigns , audit's said customers ; and in case such an agreement-is not niadersuch charges shall .not exceed the price usualjy aud ordmarially charg ed lorsnclrserviceandtransmission -of tele- phonic'messages in cities aud villages of like size and population to this village. t > H5. c The franchise rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue for the period of fifty years from and after the passage of this ordinanceunless sooner revoked or lapsed lor violation of this ordinance , Sec 7 This ordinance shall take effect and be in Jorce from and lifter it's passage , approval and publication 'Passed and approved January 2 , 1JXE. SKALAttest , ' - ' < . 9. SIMONS , . . .A. MonBiijSEy , - or - ' . - VUlageClerV JX , SHAW ! " "OH MYP' ? "SHAW" is with us once again MAKING FINE PHOTOS Come and see our samples at the Sjime Old Stand , A. G SHAW , - - - - Valentine , Nebr. Accounts or Merchants , Rarioiirrieii , and Individuals-Invitee1 Money fco Loan on Pirst-class Cattle Paper and Other Securities , Valentine State Bank . ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital IPnia Tip S. JHKECTOltM FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presidenb. | . , CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON Come to the D. S. LUDWIG LUMBER YARD FOR-Lumber , Builders'Materials ' .Buggies , Moline WagonsEclipse "Windmills , Fair bank's Steel Windmills ; J. A. SPARKS , Mgr FOUND. NOT LOST. The place to get the best windmill also pumps' and tanks. First door south of the Donoher House. S. MOON VALENTINE , . NEBR. , 49 & 49 49 49 49 PAIN TING t 0 & t * * * 49 * PAPER HANGING 4s 4 ? ? CALCIMINING. g ' R S , DENNIS , 49 Valentine Nebraska AU work well done C. II. CORNELL. President. JIT. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier gANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted .Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange ihemical National Bank. New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank. Omaha Neb CITIZENS.MEAT - MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon T. YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES B. HULL Sole Agents for HBRAD PUEE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wine and Cigars , VALENTINE NEBRASKA [ f your CATT1.E SUFFER from LTOE , IlCftor MANGE ' * CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM " j ' Sold by Qiiigley & Cliapnian , - . " " . Valentine , 9 .Richards & Oomstock ,