I „ THE VALENTINE DEMOCRA THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF OHERBY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JANUARY 2 , 1902. NUMBER 50 -O 4 ? to * ? toto ONE DOLLAR toto For a pair ot men's , overshoes * 49 m sizes 10-11-12 toto 49 to 49W 49 49 ONE DOLLAR to 49 49 For a pair of men's Perfection to 49 49 Rubbers to go over felt boots in'to 49 49 10-11-12-13-14 to sizes - - - - 49 * 49 49 49 ; i ONE DOLLAR to 49 49 For a suit of men's or ladies' & 49 to Foreign Wool Underwear. & J ; 49 49 FRONT | SUITS $5 TO $20 Ladies , Misses and Children's Jackets , Capes , Collarettes , Muffs and Fur Coats. Our Stock is Complete and Prices the Lowest. Tailoring iu ALL Branches. D. STINARD , Clothier Well Well Well A Happy New Year to All. Remember the Place. O. W. MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler , VALENTINE NEBR WATCH THIS AD. Finest line of Suspenders at 25 cents in the city. Also many other bargains in our general line. W. A. PETTY QBE w , General Merchandise The Political Campaign is Pver. JtJSi1 OURS BEGUN With a Full Stock of all kinds HARDWAKE , N Windmills , Pumps. Iron beds , Mattresses , Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges. Leave your orders for all'kmds of COAL. ANDERSON & FISCHER VALEt Sl b GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * We Can Satisfv You in Ottaltfv Pncr and WorkoanRtiip GiveMe a Tria Propr , % > - r . j ? * . . > - " t C5' * 'iv " , " " . " " ' ' ' ' - w I"1 , - * ' " ' Kf S - > > r. - - -y ft- * ' - i ' ' * > * . * * . ' . .iVvV .tf * tV H' S CW * . " * i/ > . i7 , . , " - a ' 3 , . % ? . , . ' t' * ' * * " * - " * ' * " " „ - TALK OF THE TOWN J. W. Coombes was In town iron : his ranch near Whitman the first of the week. Mrs. Edna Smyser started east last Thursday for an extended absence. Ed and Bert Pike of Crookston were transacting business in our city Tues day. Yank O'Brien one of the South Dakota ranchmen was in our city Mondaj * . Wm. Steadman of the stock fifni Faddis & Steadman was on our streets Monday. Mrs , Mamie Ricketts and daughter of Eli are visiting at the home of MY. and Mrs. Jeffers. Wm. Hook and daughter Miss Alta were registered at the Donoher the latter part of last week. Frank Mullen and daughter of the reservation were down Sunday and stopped at the Donoher. The Hudson Bros. , Charles , James and Pole were in town from Sparks Tuesday getting1 supplies , each tak ing out a load of coal. Miss Clara Dunnigan returned Mon day night from a weeks visit with her folks at Bee Nebraska , and says she enjoyed her visit very much. Frank Packer the bright-faecd boy who has been in our city for several weeks took the train for Omaha last Thursday without saying good by to any one. , Wm , Anderson , the Cody livery man , came down to our city Tuesday and got a couple of thoroughor.ed hounds which he took back to Cody with him. Clyde Kimes and Wm. Dody drove in from J , D. Kime's near JNewton Sun day and are spending a few days in town during the holidays visiting friends. J. G. W. Monnier of Georgia was transacting business in town Monday and Tuesday of this Week. Mr. Mon nier has a ranch between Georgia and the Niobrara river. Ted Arnold , who has been working in Lead City S. D. for. the past three or four years , came down to ralen- tine Tuesday morning to visit with old friend * for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cramer , accomp anied by Mr. Cramer's mother , went to Lincoln Tuesday morning wbtre Mrs. Cramer goes to attend the State Teacher's association. Gus Green , the affable and genial clerk employed until two weeks ago at T. C. Hornby's and who suddenly took his departure , writes back now for a position with another of our business men , Earl Comstock , who was formerly a foreman on Wm. Ferdon's ranch and at present a part owner with Mr , Harris as partner in the Sam Ches- nut ranch , has been spending the holidays in town. The holidays are here when our friends come to see us. Some visit others in distant lane's. ' The time is usually spent well and too soon the working days come again to many who are not contented. Rev. Hoot. G. Easley of Gordon called to see Us at the DEMOCRAT , office while in town Mondav on busi- . ness Rev , Easley is preaching his third year in Gordon and we under stand ia well like by Gordon people. He will be remembered here as a law practitioner several years ago , and filled the pulpit occasionally of the M. E. Church. George Cook , of York , Nebraska , arrived in Valentine Friday night on a visit to the Harden Bros. iHr. Cook was an old school-mate of the Hard en Bros , over thirty years ago at Dixon , Illinois. He has been a resid ent of York county for twenty-two years. He is interested in the" stock business and thinks this country un surpassed as a stock country and is 7 ready to hurrah for Nebraska. For the past vear md eight mo iths we have toiled to furnish a good local paper for a dollar a year. In most cases we have not received tho dollar yet and we are now compelled to ask von for it We don't wnnt you to get mad and stop the.papec nor fly off the handle and say you never told us to send it. Please take this matter kind ly and pay the small amount you owe and 4 dollar for a yfeoria fcdvwte. We notice A' H , Stees of Kennedy was in town the first of the week. Jas. Vincent is helping in the store : of Crabb & Co. during holiday trade. 'Jim is fight at home in the store and it seems like old times to see him there. ; M. G. Hopkins is enjoying himself as well as he can with his friends dur- inj | his ton days leave of absence from hfl work as guard at the state penitent- iatfy. Rheumatism in his right arm causes him some annoyance and pain though the linament he is using ought to be a.sure cure. ] Rev , W. W. Gettjsof Brownlee jyas in our city last Saturday and called at the office of the DEMOCRAT ta : jeport the wedding of E , Rivers Stilwellof Simeon to Miss Bertha\A. Martin at the home of the brides par ents near Brownlee on Christmas day , The ceremony was performed by Rev , Gfefttys. The DEMOCRAT extends Christmas greetings and wishes the happy couple a long and prosperous life * Perry Swearlnger who has had a bard struggle for many years and suff ered Yrom numerous misfortunes came tq town from his home nsar Sparks Tuesday , with a pleasant countenancr. Swearinger is getting along nicely now , makes some money and divides with his friends , lie encouraged us wjth pleasant words and life cash on subscription. We recommend Mr. S. as an honest man and a trustworthy rson who will keep his word to the bist | of his ability and pay when he can. We the undersigned beneficiaries , uider : certificate no. 749 , Sons & Daughters of Protection have this day i-eceived from Lr. Alfred Lewis , sec * retary of lodge no 0 , the sum of $1000 less reserve being in full for certificate issued our deceased son , Ulintpn , D , Ayers. We would advise am one wish * : ing mutual life insurance to join the S. & JD. of P. as we have found them prompt and courteous. Again thank ing the order and their fraternal aid , A. C AYEES MRS.S. The editor ! M , Rice returned Thursday night of last week from a weeks visit at Lincoln and other points along the F. E. & M. V , We haci the pleasure of hearing Carrie Nation at the Auditorium iu Lincoln Dec. 22 , went through the slate peni tentiary , the asylum for the insane and talked to the prominent men we had time to look up with whom we had t some acquaintance. They are. looking cheerful and we came home feeling that other people who strive for fame must toil and earn it , With our Christinas and New Year greetings we wish you all a prosperous and happy year. We have sent the VALENTIN is DEMOCRAT to you for the past i ears ind never asked you for money until you got rtiady to pay. It is different now. The post office offici als ask us to get the cafih in advancei This will cut off all who never intend to pay for a newspaper , thus reducing the surplus mail anil carrying to Uncic Sam. Publishers of newspapers who fail to comply with the late I'uling of the post office offlcia s regarding sub scriptions paid in advance will be de * prjved of pound rates and they cannot * afford to send their papers through the mails atlugher rate of postage , All subscriptions will be discontmusd who fail to pay in advance. Cnsli in Advance A recent ruling of the post office of ficials in regard to the circulation of newspapers assecond class matter through the mails compels a newspa per to have a paid circulation to secure those rates. In view of these facts we are compelled to ask our subscribers to pay up. in advan ce and after January 1 ill accounts of the DBMOQRAT must be paid and subscriptions will be cash in idvance. Jt is not our choice but we must ask for cash. Do not take of fence but pay the small ujiount vni own us to eth-jr with i dollar for a year in advance for the VALENTINE DEMOCRAT and voa wbn' ' i - miss the money It amounts to nearly three thousand dollars to us. We will send statements to all as soon as possi ble. Those knowing their accounts to be jpast due are invited to call at our Dffice whenio townand.oet your ac- 49 49 49 49 NVOICING to 49 toto 49 to 49 49 tofr 49 49 fr 49 We are Invoicing this week. $ 49 49 2 When .through will 49 49 some SPECIAL BARGAINS I 49 * to offer. toto to toto to toto 4 ? to toto to toto to toto DAVENPORT d THACHER toto toto 49 to toto 4 General MerchaB ts. to toto to toto * to YOU CAN BUY Fine and Fancy Underwear , Hosiery Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Embroidery . SL'ks , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , Point. * . Laces , Battenburg Lraid , Sofa PillowsYooIjKnit ' / Slippers and Center PiecesJ made to order at Prices that are EIGHT SHOES AT COST PRICE Maier Sisters WE GARRY - A COMPLETE LINE OP GeneralMerchandise Merchandise Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CKOOKSTOX XEBUA5KA. THEDONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL ; In Northwestern Nebraska Bath ) Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms YALEHTIHE - HEBE ASK'A g SdH-fflT f U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA s EEEK 1 HEADQUARTERS FOB WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS " * ' * OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS * ' - * > . , - Valentino > . . , , Nebras& & . . . . ? - ' * ' - - . .t fc