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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1901)
> * $ ' 'Tfe tire-1"1 I THE VALFNW I. M RICE , feDirOR $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at tbe Post-office at Valentine. Cherrj eounty. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. . Eli Items Isn't it suprisinghow much hay E beast will eat this kind of weather. . , * * Wo expect to hang up our t > ock , bul ivill very likely get what the boy shot at , School in district 55 will have a va cation between Christmas and New Years. , , CThe youngest-child of Jas. Dennisor has been very sick , but is bet'er at this 'writing. We noticed Mr. Weed of Bailej plowing through the snow towards Merriman last Friday. . Our citizens are nil too busy getting their cattle together and feeding them to visit and swap yarnsr consequently news is scarce. SANDY Kennedy Items * The snow is going away these "days. Mr. Joaes is not batching anymore. t Willie Pearcy is home from schoc ! in Valentine during vacation. G. T. Spain from Snake river wai seen in these parts last Saturday. Mrs ; Kennedy was doing some trad ing at the store one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Beekley were taking ir the sights at Kennedy last Saturday. Mr. Hill of Chesterfield was seen it these parts for a few hours last Satur ' , / - T-v - day. . A. : B. McAlevy was seen straying west one day last week but it was aftei thj storm. * * * Owing to the cold weather for tht past week Broken Aim hasn't beet around much and so will have to clost for lack of news. BROKEN-ARM Jiilgore Items W. A. Wilson come home from courl . - Priday. - Mr. O Marsden went to Valentine Saturday. - . i' M. Mrs. J. Gr.v Wilson is very poorlj now days : F. E. Iry drove from here to Crook stoii Friday. * 11. II. Dunn was in town Saturday on business. V W. A. Wilson and family went over to Mr. Bracketts Sunday. Miss Agnes Barnett was very sick Friday , but we are glad to say she is better. There wiU be a box social in Georg ia ' .Friday evening Dec. ti7 , , 1901. Everybody come. < Well the snow is pretty well melted and Santy is nothere.If , ha does , not come pretty.soon'he will not get here. * * Miss'rLizzie Hempel went to Crook- stottFriday and from there with her sitetcr-iu law , Mrs. Ilcmpel , went to Omaha. JUST WAIT . JDO 1 J. \l c J iM J , Mr1 McFarland went to Valentine Friday. Joe Bristol and-wifV went to town Jbriday. < . , - < . ] Mrs.A. . W. . Grooms was ill a few days last week. " " The Kewanee school-is having three weeks vacation. . Mrs. T. J. Asliburn has been feeling . pretty poorly for the last week. . . AlLert.4faley and Wm. Allen town Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs Allen and her daughter Miss GertrudeAllen drove to town Friday of last'week. . * * - Grandfather Grooms like the rest of jHhe \ hildren has the chicken-pox or Ijth vsccatch disease which is going around the country. TbQ-basket supper and spelling match t 'Iliatwtu | > given at the Bristol schoolhouso U l' Friday evening was uot a grand success on account of sickness and cold i ' Weather , .but a nice amount was raised r / " * ToV the benifit of Rev. Cambell. A prize was given to the best speller. 5. Gep. Bristol won the prize which pocket knife. - J - ( -1. 1U last week. tvuquail of weather ue had 'i'he Niobraia .river froze hanl enough to bear the weight of a wagon and team most any place. A paper from Kansas says the snow storm came and caught John Hamil ton wtih his house not finished E. E Lewis with his house , ci5ck ) pen and Bill Mayfiled out ofood and no gun to go hunting and ourself wearing oin last summer's straw hat. That's the way it goes. Mrs. J. Bowers is still pretty low , Several times the people around thought she could not live from one day until the ne < t. Dr. Lewis has been callec in to help Dr , Compton. Mis. Bower't sister from Ainsworth is here helping to take care of her : also her sister froir Goidon and her mother who Jivtjd neai the Berry bridge. All the neighbors lend a holding hand and take their turn YOUNGSTER The. fact that the United States Gov ernment will discontinue inspection ol exported meats on March 1 , has caused great cousternation among the packing houses through-out the country. At the International Live Stock Ex position held in Chicago last week the steers fed at the University Experiment Station were awarded 1st and 2nd prizes These animals were fed in accordance with principles of feeding laid down by the Department of Animal Husbandry of the University. A practical course in the feeding of live stock is given by the gentlemen who have charge of the above named department in the wmtei course in agriculture which begins Dec ember 31st , 1901. Nothing can be moi-e valuable to the sons of stockmec than this course A card addressed tc the principal of the School of Agricul ture University of Nebraskawill' elicit full information , and we advise oni readers not only to apply for informa tion , but also to make arrangements tc take the course. The Department of Animal Husband ry , University of Nebraska , 13 making a special effort to give a high gtade in struction to the students who enter the Winter Course in Agriculture whicli begins December 31 , 1901. The lead ing beef breeds are Be'represented as tc show the best types , of beef cattle. These animals will be made use of foi class room instruction. The fact that the steer winning the second prize in the grade Hereford two-year-old class at the Fat Stock Show recently held in Chicago was bred and fed at the .Neb raska Experiment Station , shows that cattle of high order are used f3r class room work in the School of Agricult ure , and also demonstrates that intelli gent methods of feeding are practised by The Department of Animal Hus bandry. The ring in which this steer took the second premium contained torty animals. These animals were produced by the best breeders of beef cattle in the United Statesind Cana da , yet Nebraska succeeded in winning the second place. Ihis victory for the University of Nebraska School of Agri culture speaks for itself. TEe instruct ion in the department of animal lius bandry seeks to teach the student how to select animals for the feed lot and how to feed them to the great est possible profit. Instruction is also given in the breeding and feeding of sheep and swine. On November 22 a small lot of grade lambs raised on the university farm were sold in Omaha. They averaged 98 pounds and brought $4.20 net. They had been fed grain only twentj days. Last year the pigs used for experimentalpurposes were sold when they were , seven months old. They weighed 215 pounds each and were on the market before winter weather set in , thus showing that it is possible to produce and feedjswine for the market without haying to carry them through the most severe season of the year. These are but a few illus trations of some of the practical exper iments being carried on ac the univers ity farm. Students in the school of agriculture become thoroughly familiar with the methods of feeding used in the experiments above named. Exper iments are now being carried on to de termine the relative value of wheat and corn as food stuffs for cattle and hogs , and in a short time there will be one for the purpose of finding out how small a gram ration can b used in fattening steers for the market. It is confidently expected that a method of x saving a considerable amount of grain will be devised as a result of this last experiment. Never in the history of the school of agficuHure have such op portunities Been offered for the instruc tion of farmers' sons as are being . off.- * \ ered this year.Much good will result to the state if a large number of'youpg men should " avail themselves of the ad- vantages , of 11. Faulbaber Brownlee Breeder of Reg'st'd Herelords Ilyain , No. 74.K8 at head of herd : Young bulls from I to 18 months old for sale. Good Hard ROCK . . . For Sale . PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. DELIVERY WACOY NO. I To AnjaPart of the City. Leave Orders at Elliott's Drug Store. M. S. WELCH Soft Harness Ton can make your har ness us sofc as a glovo and as tough as wire by using EUREKA Hnr- noon Oil. You can lengthen Us life make it last twice as Jong oa It ordinarily would. EUREKA Harness Oil makes a poor looking bar- ness like new. Mario of pure , heavy bodied oil , es pecially prepared to with stand the weather. Sold everywhere jn cans all sizes , Made by STANDARD Oil CO. D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. o Simeon. Nebraski Cattle branded 01 leftside as on cut ; also 1G on left sld with on left hip o some cattle ; also 84 on right side Horsi brand , rake and 1 on left shoulder o hip Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Nlobrara River , cant o Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska O.J. Kellar Brownlee Nebr / Range between Goose Creek and Loup EOROt fioiebud , D Oftttte branded on left aide Horxu hr4 4 D on left hi ? Lnnt nd Antelope creek MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk 1.05 per cwt $20 00 toe Shorts bulk . . .115 per cwt $22 00 tor Screenings 40e $7.00 " HhopFeed . . . .1.25 $24.00 Corn 105 $2000 " Chop corn 1.10 121.00 Oats 1.50 $2900 " BAEBEK SHOP FIRST CLASS and Ur To DATE. Neat and Attractive , Every Cus tomer . has a Clean Towel. W. KIMBELL XK STATE BANK BUILDING Ladies' and chil rpn's furs at the millinery store The prices are right. Banch'icr Sale or Lease ! ! 16-quarter sections , good range , hay tvater and timber. Will run 800 head ) f stock. For information address , box 10.154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M.'RiCE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf Notice Is hereby given Uiat on Saturday , .Tan- laiy 4th , 1902 at the residence of C. M. Van Meter in Table precinct In cherry county Ne- muska at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day I will offor or sale to the highest bidder for cash one steer > ver two years old branded o o said steer to ) e sold as an estray. Dated Dec.3rd 1001. 46-5t W. R. TOWNE Coutty Judge SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . . . COPYRIGHTS &c Anyone sending n sketch and description may nnlckly ascertain our opinion free wnether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conOdential. Handbook on Patents . foraecuringpatents. aentfree. Oldest ngencr Patents taken throuph llunn , & Co. receive special notice , without charge , lathe Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. LnrRCit cir- culation of any Bcientlflc Journal. JTerms. S3 a year : four months , * L' Sold by at ! newsjJMjers. Located on Cherry St. 2nd dooi south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodging. Meals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. MRS- HARRIS ccocceeooecoooccse o c c cs cc Drs. Caldwell & Hutchinson ; o DENTISTS. Over Hornbys Grocery , C CCOCOOOCOOOOO-5 O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOh All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE . . . . NEBRASKA T A N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights At The Donoher Hotel. F M. WALCOTT > ATTOR/iy / AMD ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices In Di trict Court and U. 8 Lam Office. Real Estate and Ranch Propertj bought and sold Bonded Abstractor \ M. . MORRISS-J ATTORNEY \T L'AW O -tr O VALENTINE. NKr- ou want a TUBULAF IF WhLL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN PORATH Or write him at Riege , Nebraska Henry Auguston , BROWNLEE , - NEBRASKA , Docs General Blacksmithing l&t hard time prices for easts. pITY DELIVERS -J call JOHN D. EATON haul your UVIC S , VALISES lOc i PACKAGE * All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Ranch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for 2ngaging in the stock business. This is a chance for some man who has about $5000 $ to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or write us ! Having recently purchased one of the Newcomb fly-shuttle rag carpet looms I am now prepared to do all kinds of rap carpet weaying on shor ictice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentin , Nebr. Go fo Collins for oysters. 42-tf FOUND : Bunch of keys. Owner can mve 'same by proving property and mying for this notice. A.H who know themselves indebted ; o us are asked to call and settle before lie first of the year. We want all ac- ; ounts settled by January 1st. This s the last call. Crabb and Co.16 Oysters served in all styles at Colling This is to certify that I have taken up at my > lace two and one half miles nortn-eost of 'rookston , Nebraska. November 16. 1001. one ay horse , six years old , weight about 1150 ) oiiDds. branded triangle on left shoulder and azyZFwitl : bar half diamond under it on hiht shoulder. One bay mare about six years ild weight about 11.TO pounds branded HL con- lected on left shoulder and heart und- rit on right shoulder. Oiifl buckskin pony , bout4 3ears old. ueight about 750 pomidi randed SAT on leit shoulder and E on right houlder and 15 on leit thigh. EE.3IEK AVKIlS. There vvill be an entertainment at ) ry Creek school house , Dec. 21. Now iveryboJy come , don't stay "cooped ip" in town bat come and have a gen ral gopd time , 47 St. J. B. Lord .Simeon Neb Stock brandci earnc as cut back o right shoulder am on right hip Range on th Nlobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebi Left side ; S ] left shoulder. llerdmarkdei lap.itange itange Rang 36 and 37 , be tween Kiobrar and the Snake. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on leftside Eange. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postoffice address Brovnilee , Ne Like cut on eitbe 'Orhip.-als llet side. Ilorsca Isanieascu loii left hip RK " tor cor conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattl in these brands. William Shangran Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake vreek , S. Dakota. P S KOUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Nel On left side or an ; part of animal. Ear mark right ear cu off ; horses brandec same on loft hlp.Alsi has stock branded E on side or shoulder or JKorWorO'VJ ' orO or FZ. Als < the-following , the first one being on side andhii . R. Vandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. Same as on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Prank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. Goranch Bros. Vewton * Nebraka rattle branded : is on cut cutSome Some eft side or hip1 Range < * Gordon" Dree > Julius Heckman Brownlee Nebr Range south of Brownlee Sawyer Bros. Postofflce address Oasis. Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge or these a t tie ; horses D on left shoulder ; some stock brand Y ny where on aniin al iange. Snake river c r COOPER. I'oatofflce address Oasis , Nebr Brand registered 2C05 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle branded ; Range South and west of Hackberrv nd DucK i.ake. Mctzgcr Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left ide and thigh. larmark , square rou right ear Horses have ame brand on : ft thigh. Eange on Gor- on and Snake reeks , A Kencard .of $25O will be paid to any erson for information leading to the arrest and" nal conviction of any person or pr MODI steal- guttle wftb shore fraud < * > IX B. ST0NER &SdTT Xewlon , Nebr. Brand regiatered No. 411. Cattle branded same as cot on left side or left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Runne South of Portion freek Newton. Net > Cattle branded oc left side lame a * cut. cut.Horses Horses on left shoulder. Range Between the Gordon and nake. Lonis F. Richards MerrlmaiTNeb Garner Brothers. Ccdy , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. -V Horses on left shoulder. RanyeNorth Ell. HWEKNEV. BROS Postoflke address Pullman , Neb , Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as rattle except reversed S. rfee block RangeStevrr and Stepheneon l.akes and South 8300 reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction cattle wltn th of any person or persons stealing above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. 'On left side 2nd thlRh ; horses the same on left side. RangeBetween Nlobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded oa leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Gordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Ilorsei same on left shoulder. v A Also on J fleft side DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Cattle branded on left side as on cut : also V leltneckandZ left hip : some Vlelt neck , v left shoulder and Z left hlo jhorses VZ left hip. Range Suake River.81,32,33. J A SATTLT8 Cattle on lef * hip Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my tormer brand as shown below. Postofflce address Gregory , Wet On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansas VaJey and Snake JULIUS PETERSON I'OHtofflce address Gregory. . Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles lorthr of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEE Gordon , Nebr. .Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses I branded ] on lefc shoulder. , Range 6 miles south of Irwin. B. Stinard. ralentlne , Nebr. tate Brand reg istered 15.T4. attle and horses randed same as at on left hip. Range 2 miles u > t of Ft. Nio- rara , 3B05 Poitofflce address Crsol s ton Nebr Branded on either side ot anlmal Range On Mlnne- hadhzn. 5 milei -i *