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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1901)
THE VALENTINE OEMOCRA I , M RICE EDITO ! $1.OO Per Tear in 'Advanc PUBLIbHED EVERY THURSDAY. \ Entered at tli e Post-office at Valentine. Chen county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. ( continued from inside page ) Hoyt , a neighbor : living six.miles disl ant where she was found by the 'part and taken to tha home of Mr. Sweene twelve miles distant to insure cette * protection ; therellaving been no me - f\ \ at-the Hoyt house ; that the doferidan had come there that night about 3 in. "in search of Mabel and had uset liis persuasive j owerto get her' to g home but without avail. At that tim Sweeney and Murphy had talked to dc fendant concerning the case unti breakfast time and Lhad finally forcei him to remain until the arrival of th < sheriff. Jos. B. Sweeney was the next wit ness calledvand stated that he was i brother-in-law of Murphey and corrob orated-the statements of that witness Hattie .Bothwell testified to havinj gone with Messrs Murphy and Swee'n eytoher father's home and that sb < had there learned from her sister Josh that'Mabel had run away and that .a ' the time of her departure with sai ( Murphy that her father had whispera to her not to tell anyone that hpr siste had run away. Witness Sweeney stated that on th < night defendant was at his h me * fol Ipwing the commission of the ciim < that he liad questioned said defeudan as to where.hehad received .his b.lacl eye * and that Bothwell had stated thai it was his business and was furthai questioned concerning tbe crime aric had said it was a lie. It was provei by the evidence that the defendant hac . received his black eye at the hands 01 his daughter Mabel shortly before tht ' crime was committed , rf Dr. Lewis , physician and surgeon re ' elding at Valentine , testified as to hav ing been called on J une 5 for the pur pose , of makinc ; a professional examin ation on Mabel Both well audnadfouud her suffering from the recent'attach and that she had received treatment from-hiui for some , months following. " At'the conclusion of tne testimony .sub mitted the state rested it's , case and court adjourned until 9 o'clock the fol io v ; ing morning. Mabel was called by defendant's counsel and again stated * the evidence which she had previous ly given in chief. * ' Defense tnen , called Caroline Cap well mother of the defendant : tine stated tbatjshQ.resided threejiiiles.froui A ins worth and that she was seventy-two years of age. Asked regarding tht ' sauiiy of her farnilylbhe'stated tbat hel ffather , HoraceG. Seeley had beeu'coii- ' fined "in aii Asylum atMt. Pleasaut , la. on two different occasions : that her father's sister had died in an asylum and that her brother Hiram"r-ha < been "in "an - . . . . _ " ' insane-asylum---- - - She stated she raissgd a family of five children three girls and two boys by lier first husband , that the girls had acted mucn-aslier fatTeithad'aud the him. Quesuoued.-coueeriaiugltie queer " * acfcioniTof tLe def udant , witness stai- r - ' ' t.ed he would get nad over nothing and - in'Iris-school days he 'Would not btudy 'and continually complained of hia litfad. 'Witness further stated she had been with ' ' " . " \ * ! * > her son a major portion of , the time since his .boyhood days and had noted many peculiarties" from time to time and had .broke her head at one time with a revolver "and also , his father's , = arm. That he run her ( his mother ) at one time until gtielia'd become entirely " exhausted and'felhmd that defendani * 'had. stood overW/and threatened bet- life with a pitchfork-and , had at one , . . , time caught his .jvife , bj the hair of her liead andliad compelledher'to help him to build a sod house. That after the death of his wife she had seen him on different ; occassions kick andlfbeat. the children as though they were logs andjn her-opinion he. had always'u ea * -more force'in themanagement , of jthe children thaii was necessaj His mother stated that in Ler opimcn'de -fendant was insane at least one haljf of the time. . , . ; On cross examination' .iiy ate ? at- toroiey witness stated , having/coine t& : ' . - - - Valentine on July 5th andaethut time ; defendant had executed ( dt-ed'pf afl. * iLisproperty to her for a - - - ' - : ' - -r ' * . . ' of 5000. 0 , Witness * - ' ' ' ' ' " " ' toheropinion of defehdants'sanitysbn' that day and she was unable to state ; Defendant was next called to testify r in his own behalf "and became very | emotional during his examination , j , ; " . AiskiUjby his counsel if he was defend- . 4 , ant in-thecasa ; stated that he thought he * * . 'wasllie rqain spoke in the" wheelSvas. ' " * > ' % - -T - rrr r- * ' " > , * AS - with bi wife nor w hat j farhp had die in ; bad been farmer' 'af.sert eattl * shot birds and had drunk to * xw and had 'at one time lost consideru'fl ' property through mismanagcmpiit : ha taken the Jtfeeley Cure but drank heai ily since : that he. had not done moi than five months work since 1898 on a ( rount of sickness : tlmf-hp hud on sevei al occasions since his wife died got loj on land of which he was familar an on which he often hunted : that he wa troubled with insomnia and had bee visited repeatedly at night by the vis ion of his wife and that of late years h thought that his friends and neighbDi in general had continually tried to bea and down him' in every transactio that was possible : that the statement of his mother regarding hia conduc were true and that he had always bee unable to control his conduct , said tha once he nad deliberately 'planned , t shoot all the children and commit sui cide himself. Questioned on cross ex amination by states attorney , if h did not know and feel that it was hi guilty conscience which had caused hin to see visions of his wife , he'answerei no ; that at the time of his arrest h had 250 head .of cattle and' 5 quarter sections of land : that ther was a mortgage on the claims but couli not tell the amount although said mort gage had been given less than a yea ago : that the cattle had been sold to his mother at"the'time of his arrest sb taking up the chatile mortgage agains them and also tlie land in question. Uapt. Uapwell was the next"witnet sworii. "lie stated he was the huibauc of the .deleudants mother and ha ( Known defendant for a period , of tweii ty years and had noted his peculiarity on different occasions : that ouce de leudaut had turued the home cows mt\ nib mothers corn eld and at auothe uad harmtssed team wrong so tha ilie ) wuuiu run awaythai ueiendau nad been one oi u party engaged in i turkey shoot near Pullman aud hac Held , up the whole party with a sho giiii ; that he had broken his ( witness aead with a twelve puuuu gun m cou aequeiice of au argument * concerning t debt ol § 12 UU. witness questioned ai to defendants acts , stated that his uieaness would make a much large ] book thau .his good acts and iurtiiei that thVcouubei should not think him ihe witness , capable of telling all 'th ( eusseduess contained m the deleuuaut , Dr. Ureeue hUperintendeutol lhe.Ne braska Stale'Hospital * lor the lusaue al LiucoJn testified as to haying made in sanity and nervous diseases a specia study tor the past 16 years aud Jiac been called in'.November to Valentin * ior ihe purpose ot making an examina lion upon"the defendant and that m hit opinion Bothwell was , a" degenerate that he was below the normal , physi cal , type of man ; that he believed the defendant unable to grasp the concept ion between right aud wrong and was unable to resist the desires and dictat ions of .his weakened 'mind. Witness then followed With a detailed descript ion of the causes and results of insanity. t and Compton testified lhat they did not believe defeudaut'a condition was normal and they believed him to be idegeuerate. . . Butler Makes , a resident of Brown county , te tified that he"was and had * * j been for some.'tinae acquainted with Defendant andthat he ( defendant ) was ' very irritable and "had atone time drawn a six-shooter on him without a.ny provocation ; he admitted in cross examination that he was a brother-in- Inw of the defendant. Following this testimony with some discussion counsel for deiensetrested the case. s evidence offered in rebuttal county commissioner , Alex Burr , Mr. Metzger Mr. Sweeney , Kobt. Gillaspie , Mr. Murphy , Mr. Hoyt , and Mr. tfanow'all testified in substance ns to having known the defendant a period ranging from six to Iwehe 3ears and .had had business transactions withl him and .hat they never had occasion to believe iiin other than a sane man , aftet which he case was submitted to the jury and ifter a deliberation of several hours hey reached a conclusion and return- id a verdictof criminal assault as iharged. The trial was listened toby a large .udience and though considerab e ffort eas made to prove the defendant in- aue there were fewvpeqple willing. to telieve he wais not responsible for his ctiou. Tlier evidence showed John lor.hwell to be most cruel to his family nd gelfishjui a marked degree. It al- j showed him to be .able to keep his and with hired help considerable pioperty . but little himself .vu M.fx ' "g , Relates of the defendant werfer wilK ig to assistvith the theory that the larKHras insane and not capable of con ? oiling his sudden impulses ; yet this as a case wherein the defendant had launed to do what he accomplished id had made frequent successive at- impts'pj-eyiqusly as shown by the evi- ' jrice. * The' pleaiofVot being able to \.between right and wrong is not ' 'harl h H. Fan Brownie * Rm lerof Myuin , N 74JX at bead ol herd < > ung butlrt fron to 18 months old for sale. Good Hard ROCK . . . For Sale . PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. DELIVERY WAGON NO. To Any Part of the City. Leave Orders at Elliott's Dm Store. Store.WELCI Rain and sweat have oo effect on harness treated with Eureka Har ness Oil. It re sists the damp , keeps theIcath cr soft and pli- ' able. Stitches do not break. \ . No rough sur- \ ' face to chafe and cut. The harnessrot only keeps looking like ' new , put , V wears twice as longby the use of Eureka Harness Oil. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes. ' N Made by \ V\/ / Standard Oil \ - \ Company D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mot < Simeon. Nebrash CatUe branded c left side as on cut ; also 16 on left sic with on left tip i .same cattle ; also 8 : on right side Hbn brand , rake and 1 on left'shoulder ( hip.Home Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east < Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraski , : o.j Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Creek and Loup MILL PRICES FOR-FEED. Bran , bulk. v. . 1.05 per cwt $20 00 toi Shorts bulk . . 1 15 per cwt $22 OP tot Screenings 40c $7.00 i- r.hopF ed . . . .1:25 | 24.00 j- Corn- . . ; . 105 4 $2000H Chop corn 1.10 I21.0Q- * * Oats./ 1.50 $2900" " BAEBER SHOI FIRST CLASS and UP .To DATE , Neat and Attractive , Every Cus tomer Las a Clean Towel. .w , A.KIMBELL STATE BANK BUILDING Ladies1 and children's furs at the nillinery store The prices are right. Ranch jf or Sale or Lease. ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay vater and timber. 'Will run 300 head f stock. For information address , box 10.164 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 4tf Notice Is hereby given < hat on Saturday , Jan * aiy 4th , 1002 at the residence of C. M. Van leterin Table precinct In r-herry county Ne- raska at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day 1 will offer 3r sale to the highest bidder for cash one ste * r ver two years old branded o o said steer to e sold ag an estray. Dated Dec. 3rd 1001. 1001.V.'R.TOWNE , CoiiLty Judge 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGN * . COPYRIGHTS Ac , Anyone sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably p.itentablcl Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest oponcy for eecorinp potenta. Patents taken throush Mann & Co. receive tpccial notice , without charge , inth& Scknflfic JImerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. JjirKe t cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms , $3 a srear : lour months , $ L Sold byall newsdealers. DU HCOTE3I Located on Cherry St. 2nd doc south of Smvser'ri livervi furnishe excellent board and lodging. Mea same old price 25 cents. A heart welcome to all. MRSM. . HARRIS ccs e'c c cocoooococoeococc Drs , Caldwcll & Hutchinson o Over Hornbys Grocery , C. C C.Q O O O3OOOCOOO S > O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURCEOI All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE . . . . NEBRASK , A N. COMPTOE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights At The Donoher Hotel. F M. WALCOTT ATTORNV AND ABSTRACTOR Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and D. 8 Lan Office. Real Estate and Kanch Property nought and sold. Bonded Abstractor \ M. MORRISSKT " "ATTORNEY. VTLAW vfALKNTTNE. NHJH Y.QU want a TUBULAF IF WtLL or an ECLIPSE WINDTVIILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN POBATH Or write him at Riege , Nebraska Henry .Artguston , BBOWNLEE , - NEBRASKA , Does General Blacksmithing bard time price * for cash. DELIVERS Call JOHN D. EATON haul your tf V iC PACKAGES 3 , VALISES lOc , -Airkinds of heavy hardware and wag on wood atock at E , Breuklanders. > - . 20-tf Bunch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for engaging in the stock business. This is a chance for some man. who has about $5000 to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or write us * i. ' . Having recently purchased one of * > the Newcomb fly-shuttle rag > carpet looms I am now prepared to do all kinds oi rag carpet weaving on shor notice.- MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr , Go * o-Collins for oysters. 42-tf FOUND : Bunch of keys. Owner can lave same by proving property and laying for this notice. All who know themselves indebted o us are asked to call and settle before lie first of the year. We want all ac : ounts settled by January 1st. This 8 the last call. Orabb and Co. 4 ( > .Ovsters served in all styles at Collins This is" to certify that I have taken up at my lace two and one half miles nortu-east of Irookston , Nebraska. November 16 , 1001 , one ay horse , six years old , weight abont liw ounds , branded triangle on left shoulder and ley ZF with bar half diamond under it on ighi shoulder. One bay mare about six years Id weight about llDO pounds branded HL con- ected on left shoulder and heart with bar Und- rit on right shoulder. One buckskin pony bout 4 years old. weight about 750 pounds -an ded sJAT on leit shoulder and E cm right lioulder and 15 on leit thigh. thigh.ELMEK AYEKS. There will bean entertainment at > ry Creek school house , Dec. . 21. Now rerjboJy come-don't stay "cooped p" iatown , but corns and have a gen * : algood time , * J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock brand ) same as cut back right shoulder ai on right hip Range on tl Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. , Bailey , Neb Left side ; 8 left shoulder. > ierdmarkde lap.itange itange R ni 36 and 37 , b tween Niobrai and the Snake. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. , > ebraska Branded on left side Range , Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownlee , Ne Like cut on eitbe leftside or hipala Heft side. Hbrsea Isameascu Ion left liii 3250.OO RE . W A R H for cor conviction ol anyone unlawfully handling cattl in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake jreek , s. Dakota. P 8 ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , N 'l On left side or an' part of animal. Ear mark right ear cu off ; horses brandei same on left hlp.Aisi has stock branded E 011 aide or shoulder or JK or W orO 'VI orO or FZ. Alsi the-following , the first one being on side and hi ] - E. R. Yandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. Same as on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on leit side ; horses same on left shoulder Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. Gorsuch Bros. Xewton , Nebraka Cattle is on cutSome branded V zul eft side or hip _ Ranee * - Gord"61T .ireer Julius Heckman Brownlee Nebr Range south of Browulee Sawyer Bros. Postofflce address Oasis , Nebraska .Robert Quiesenbery have charge oi these Battle ; horses Dson left shoulder ; some stock branded Y anywhere on animal 'Range ' , Snake river C F COOPER rostoffice address Oasis , Nebr Brand registered 2095 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle branded ; SlffiH Range Sruth and west of Haokberry id DUCK i ke. Metzger Bros. , Srejory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left le and thigh. irmark , square pp right ear lorscs have lie brand on t thigh. lange on' Gor- n and Snake ; 3ek § 1 Hetcaril ofS25O will be paid to any rson for information leading to the arrest and S ? * ! ! ! ? ! ! ? 01 * * & Person or perwDS steal- cattle wJUi nd. ± , , > D. B. SIGNER St BOX. Newton , Nebr. Brand registered JN0.411. Cattle branded same as cut on left side or left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range South of Gordon Creek. Teeter ? Bros. X Newton , Nebr Cattle branded oc left aide same aa cut.Horses on lefl H , shoulder. Range Between tbe Gordon and Snako. Louis F. Richards ' Merriman Nek Garner Brothers. n Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. * Horses on left shoulder. Snake."I RaneeNorth ElT. SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb , Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as Battle except reversed See olock Range Stevi and Stephenton Lakes and South * 300 reward will be paid to any persom for In. formation leaditic to the arrent and conTlcHon cattle wltn the of any person or persons stealing above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side 2nd thigh ; horses the same on lift side. Range Between Ninbrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Gordon CreeK. P. A."Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses same on left shoulder. A Also on Jj fleft side DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield , Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also V leit neck andz left hip : some Vlelt neck. V left shoulder and Z left hip ; horses VZ left hip. Range Snake River,81,32,33. ' J A 8ATJLT8 Cattle on lef * jip. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock ? et bearing my ormer brand v as ihown below- Postofflce address Gregory , Mel Orileftildeor hip horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansas VaJey and Snake PETERSON 'ostoffice address Gregory. Neb Irandedas on cut Range two miles orth of Gregory ' WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , Nebr. fe Cattle branded fanie as cut on left sfde. Horses j branded ! on left shoulder. alentine , Nebr. . ate Brand reg istered 15M. ittle and horses anded same as it.on left hip. Range-2 miles Ft , Nlo- if- CrtokstotfNebr ded on either ot animal ii a i' * i