jr ' * THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 01 * CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKAr'DJCCEMBER 19 , 1901. NTTMBEK 48 " 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR For a pair ot men's overshoe8 & 4 ? in sizes 10-1 1-12 it H 4 ? - - ; ; . " & 49 ONE DOLLAR 4Vi & < i For a pair of men's Perfection 49 Rubbers to go over felt boots in 49 49 sizes 10-11-12-13-14 - - - - fr 49 49 0 * 49 fr 49 o * 49 49 49 ONE DOLLAR 49 49 For a suit of men's or ladies' & 49 49 Foreign Wool Underwear. SUITS $5 TO $20 Ladies. Misses and Children's Jackets , Capes. Collarettes , Muffs and Fur Coats Our Stock is Complete and Prices the Lowest. Tailoring in ALL Branches. D. STINARD , Clothier CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ALL Large and fine stock to select from HURRY HURRY Bargains in evr.ry line. 25 % off on China to close out Large Christmas tree ornaments 50 cents per dozen Large Christmas tree candles 10 cents per box Gold filled Elgin 0 size watches $10. Better grades § 15 and SIS. Large assortment of ladies' gold chains and breaches. Sterling novelties and . Rogers' silver goods. Come and be convinced if you don't want to buy. ' O. W.MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler , VALENTINE - - - - - NEBR : . MM M MMMMBHM M M H HMHM > MMMI a MMMBBMH'MM M" * " Ml HHB MM MHMl MM M HWMMMMM H H .M The Political Campaign is Over. JUST OURS BEGUN With a Full Stock of all kinds HARDWARE , Windmills , Pumps. Iron beds , Mattresses , Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges. Leave your orders for all kin ds of CO AL. ANDERSON & FISCHER VALENN ! ! GET TynminrmTO AT THIS PRINTING m YOUR OFFICE * We Can Satisfy You in Ouallfv Price and Worktnamihio ' " " Kates Reasonable Give Me a Trial -u ; I - , ' c. TALK OF THE TOWN Mrs. W. A. Pettycrew was taken quite ill last Sunday but we are glad to report her rapidly recovering. Born : To Mr. and Mrs. U. IfTMc- Bridea bouncing baby boy , Friday Dec. 13. Cigars on tap at Elliott's drug store. Several persons send items for pub lication on Wednesday or Thursday and reach us too late for that week's paper. The items grow old during the week and do not look well in the next week's paper though we some times publish them when we should not. Correspondence should reach this office not later than Tuesday anil should be mailed by the writer on Sunday night or Monday nujht to in sure reaching this office on time. We sometimes receive articles of import ance on Wednesday which are pub lished if ve have spacer The Winter Course in Agriculture University of Nebraska begins Dec ember 31,1901 , and continues for elev en weeks. The course is designed to meet the demands for simple and practical instruction in agriculture ] It occupies but a short time , and tha | at a season of the year when farm work is least pressing. No examina ? tions ior entrance are required. The course of instructidHjis designed to give wuch knowledge as will enable young farmers not only to increase the products of the farm in amount , but also in quality. In agriculture , horticulture , animal husbandry , and dairying , the instruction is of such'a character as will more than douole the earning capacity of any young man who will take the course. We urge persons who may read this para , graph to write to the University of Nebraska for further information , and we hope that the sons of many of our readers will decide to attend the school. Eli Items Pretty cold weather for the first. George Heckel is woiking for P. Sullivan. The schools in this precinct are j > rc- gressing fine. - ' - A , Burt Nichols is over on the reserva tion plastering. F. B Hewlett is wintering his cat tle on the Winslovr place five miles east of Eli. .Franklin Jones has put up a new sod house but the storm came before he oot the roof on. It has been so long since went in any items and we will stop at this until tve see how the editor receives them , then we may come again. SANDY. { . Itilgorc I tent * ( Received at thin office t' o late for last , week. ) W. R. Dunn was io towh Wednes day. day.Wl Wl A. Wilson is in . Valentine on the jury. * Mr. Carter and Mr. Dunn have been buying corn around here Rothleutner , Brackett and Wilson were branding horses last Friday. We have some donkies and every ; night they sing the people to sleep. " Rev. Johnson , of Crookston , and i\ev. Hardy , of Rushville , are holding proti acted meetings here. J. A. W.-Johnsbn of this place went to Valentine Tuesday morning and returned in the evening. BORN : To Mr. and Mrs. August Schultz a bouncing baby giil Dec. 2,1001. The news did , not reach us in time to put it in last week's items. JUST WAIT. Kennedy Mr. Faddis of Valentine is visiting at Kennedy. J. H. Bachelor went to Valentine JJ last week on business. e S , S. Beekley went to Valentine the'first ofthe week. si Chas. Carter"was seen in these parts tbe first of the week. H. A. Burnham was doing business at Kennedy the first of the week. * * V Mr. and Mrs. Quisenbury of Oasis were Kennedy visitors last Friday. Geo. Rowley of Simeon was visitirig- with friends around Keunedy this week. ; D. M. Sears and wife were doing some trading at Kennedy the first of the week. Homer Harris of Oasis was taking in the sights at Kennedy . the . fore gf ths.wcek. . Everybody is bu y just now gather ing cattle before the cold weather sets in and placing them for winter. A few young cattle have died with the black leg this fall in this locality. BROKEN ARM. Pen brook Quills Mr. Hittle is batching this week. Guy McConuehay jig working for 8. C. Small. L. D. Munn is working for Mr. Hit- tie now days. Mrs. Hughes returned recently from Omaha Nebr. Well ! Well I Wasn't that a snow for your whiskers ? , Mr. fiamer will kill a beef in a week we understand. Daisy ! from Sparks ; wonder who she is ? Porcupine. Mrs. Hutohiason went to Buffalo Nebraska the 6th , ' The river is blocked now and Boon the skating will begin. Mr. Tillson had a runaway but we did not learn the particulars. D. Hancock is building a dwelling house on upper Swan Creek. F. Grooms says he caught some rab bits the fore purt of ihe week. /fra. Powers went up to Valentine S'qnday to receive medical treatment. , James Ilutchinson and Martha Grooms visited at H. Grooms1 Sunday. We b ope there will be room for this , for the Porcupine will hole up for a " sliort time if it continues to stay cold. PORCUPINE A koAuaufe Educational Department t BY LETA STETTER , " . jL wniyrw jj. nnnn "A friend may well be reckoned the the master piece of nature. Miss Moses room is preparing a pro gram to be given before vacation . Miss Dora Segar , formerly of the 9th grade , has given up her schoolwork for the year. Mr. Sawyer of the class of ' 01 , visited the H. fc. Monday morning , being de tained from his usual duties by the storm. An elevator would be a great con venience to certain members of the high school so they tell us and also a desirable ornament etc , etc. The H. S. has subscribed for four new magazines ; The World's Work , Everybody's. Modern Priscilla , and Little Folks for the little folks. We regret to learn that Miss Flora SHgeserj formerly of the 10th grade. has given up her studies. * Ve learn that she contemplates teaching. Mr. Harry Tucker paid a short vis - _ it to the fcchool Friday noon and pre sented the Latin class with a modern version of "A Lay of Ancient Rome. " The H. S. room displayed a majority of empty seats last Monday but we are proud to say that all the seniors but one were present in the afternoon at least , Miss Hess : Where is your history , Nellie ? Nellie : 1 put it out in the rainpast night so the lesson wouldn't be so dry , and I forgot to bring it in. Don't bring your debate to a close in the words of our immortal poet nor clinch the argument w.th a verse of scripture , is good advice and worthy of more acceptation than it gets. The statement which we last week made that Miss Conger had returned to school was erroneous as Miss Conger will not resume her work until , after the holidays. The Juniors and Freshman were much amused one day last Week at the earnest but unsuccessful attempts of 3ne of the dignified and awed inspiring seniors to trample the biograpical dict ionary underfoot. Interested visitorWhat ; is your Mr. Growden ; ( fimbarasjjed and de- igKd by A geometrical demonstration ) Why , er , James is my maiden name. but they calls me Scipio fer short. * The seniors tho't seriously of hanging heir stockings up IB the H. S. room Jhristmtis eve , but the brilliancy and Happiness of the project was overshad- jwed and finally completely blotted jut by the heart-numbing and terrible thought ; " What if we should find some more geometry propositions or Origi- aal Source History Extracts" by 0. H. CbUlwell , dejiosiwd th i HOLIDAY GOODS 49 49 We keep the best line of Hol 49 iday Gifts and if you want to 49 $ make a present do not forget this place. We save you moni i SV DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 49 General Merchau ts. . - . , . F. S ; We keep 175 test j 49 ? * 49 49 proof Headlight Oil. 49 better. We are opening up our line of Holiday Goods Better dropjn and make an early selection while the stock is complete ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL NEBllASKA THE DONOHER _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . * > _ - - - . ' ' Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars a-Day riEST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Booms 7AL.EHTIHE - HEBRASKA U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL t VALENTINE NEBRASKA aloo W * * j HEADQUARTERS FOR _ * * * * * WINES ; LIQUORS ; ANB QIGARS * * * ' OF THE . - CHOICEST * - . - " . BRANDS J- Jfcbrasfea Patenting - - -1 '