* ' * r . THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR $ LOO. Per Year in Advance PUBLIblSKD EVEKY THURSDAY. < ; Enured at tbe Post-offlce at Valentine , Cherry countv. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. 1 ? Educational Department : . BY IETA STETIER. t M L "jhis , one thing J do. Forgetting those things which are beli'lnd.taoi lieediwg those tilings wnioh pf irt..i2i > iL-ss toward the mark. " ts ? , - ST. PAUL. Segar has been absent , forjaome time on accbuntfof illness. The llth grade started Monday on the second book of Caesar. Miss Robinson's room is preparing a program to be rendered near Christ mas. mas.Mr. Mr. Growden and Mr. Collett in ad dition 1o regular work are taking solid geometiy. Mrs.Watson is now about to enjoy a .much deserved rest from the work in the societies. f We are to have sixteen days vacation during the holidays , a fact which most of us appreciate. Mi * * Conger 1m returned to school duties after a prolonged absence on ac count of her father's illness. v A * Did you e\er hear anjone say that he or she thought Macbeth was 4'nn awfully pretty little thing. " It goes to Mis Jless'heart to see the seniors so bowed .down , with grief whenever a.he . asks .them a question. "Scipio" and Mr.tCollet .conquered the whole.book of circles and then tfapy .wot because they . had no-more circles to conquer. A wise man has said that we a e not allowed to know aught of the future life except that it .is , lest we should not have the patience to live this life out. : The illustrious class of ' 03 are fired with a patriotic spirit : ihey are determ ined lo stand by their colors , and re pudiate Statement of last week in the following terms : ' The 11U , grade are collecting and se lecting subjects for debate , A week hence they will be prepared to resale Mi > s Iless an'd admiring class-mates with.their burning eloquence and soar ing flights of oratory. Jiitjei using Mi&s JMlijdn's.scliod notes for ; last week we find tnat Miss Ayres has received the bible , dictionary and cook book. . We conclude that Miss'Avers is zealous for the spiritual mentai aiid physical man. At-tha present writing there is in the treasury $ " 7 45 a goodly portion of which will this week be expended on books. It is hoped that they will ar rive before the holidays so that the pu pils may h ve a chance to read during vacation. The morning exercises of certain sen iors gieth soimwl at like this : UM > country 'tis of thee" say , I be- 'lieve ' you c'n prove it by this J Sweet laud of liberty well we know that angles equal to this one Of thee I sing those circles onghu't to be equal aiid''Jso on to the end. . Be it enacted that we. the class of 1903 do. ordain and establish these laws to be abided by in the future. . 1 That no senior be allowed to say that our class colors are so loud as to be heard all over the school house. 2 That no pro-graduate be allowed to make side remarks concerning our class colors. 3 That no senior be allowed to say that they are apple-green and salmon pink. 4 That the seniors learn to dieting nish colors or go to'the primary depart n ment again. CLASS or ' 03. f ( „ The Delphians rendered their pro- pram as expected last Friday evening. . , iin iih The * , success thereof is .generally ac h and * 'Ici Pnrle Franc- knowledged on - \v vS ais" Vy.ilidoubtless remain to posterity S as a landmark in the history of their S ( Tpijedecessors. A feature of the evening wfis ttie thorough elucidation of all the mysteries , real and supposed , in con nection with Old . Mother nubbard. The biography-of the defunct Non-Pa- reils had the effect of raising the deid : jviio protest that said biography is en tirely ticticious and unreliable in every wa Tiniot.al . proceeds of the even- S 'J 4.and after deducting expenses $21 05 remains to be invested iu books. ' ' . , Spurkw Misjr.Jenme Iluglies is on tho sick . Just this week. Auntie Davis has bpon on the sick (4 ' for firepost few "flaytf. ; " " ' * i * * I - . - . - - . . , : - \ - - A ' Mrs. Jim George and Mrs. Zedigar f pent Sunday at Henry Browns. ' The weather has been quiteblustery the last few days especially on herder. , . .MrsWm. . lluger returned fromm- _ yes'erday where she was called by tho ill nets of her mother. Mr , Graham from Noiiaway county Missouri , is visiting friends and oliJ ac quaintances in these parts. The basket supper at the Graddy school house last Friday night was well attended and a good time is reported. Grandma Brown who has been viait- ing her daughters , Mrs. Jim George j and Mrs. Tom Hudson , i.eturned home a fev ; days ago. DAISY. ARABIA ITEMS Tha school is preparing a program for the Friday beioreJChristmas. T retracted meetings are being'suc- cessfully carried on in Clear Lake Un ion Chuch by Rev. Wells of Woodlake. _ Mr. Vrcdcnberg. the promising young who is { t ( 'iiding a deiital school in Ouiahtt , ppent his vacation ou his homestead. " Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Jordon gave a big dinner ; TIniuk-givfng. Several of the neighbors were invited and eujofed themselves immensely. At the chuch sociable last week , the house was crowded. Over one hun dred were there and a very enjoyable time was had besides $23.75 was taken in lor church purposes. Arabia can boast of having the best orchestra in Cherry County. . J. P. Kreycik is the director and he certain ly is a born musican ; his sous Charles and James also play in the orchestra besides Allen Benson and Barney Den aejer. These five musicians are c r- tciuly wor'.hy of note. Last Tuesday afternoon , about four o'clock , while.Earl and his bister Edna Johnson were at home alone , a fire was discovered in the barn and before assistance could cboie , the llames were unmanageable. E. WJohii&on t > us- tains a severe loss ; .a large team of horses , the , barn and harness , were all consumed by the angry llau.es. J > owit the : River. Mr. Jelley went to town Monday. Etna Brechbill went to town Mon day. Ervine .Bristol went to town Thurs. day. . , x John Foster was in Valentine Thurs day. day.Mr. Mr. Swain went to Valentine Mon day. day.Wm. Wm. Allen and wife went to town Thursday. Joe Bristol and family spent Sunday at W. F. Ashburns Mr. Bowden and family spent Sun day at William Archers. , Newt Grooms spent a few hnurs in Valentine Thursday. Paul Charbonneau and wife were in Valentine Monday. Nellie Ashburn has been ill a few' days last week. "Well the weather has b en 'pretty changeable the last week. Miss JNoy Ashburn spent a few days r at her sister's Mabel Charbonnenu. J. S Grooms and his youngest son Edward went to town Saturday : C. Graddy was in this part of the country a few days last week. - Quite a few. farmers are about through picking corn around Sparks. ' Mr. Hancock'returned from Omaha Saturday where he Las been on business. Miss AnnaAshburn who has been attending the Kewanee school was abj j _ " sent a few days last week on account of having to herd cattle. i 2i There will be a spelling match and a basket supper at the"Bristol school s house Friday evening Dec. 20ih. Eve- ( ry body 'is welcome. I \ Mrs. Win. Hughs leturne.d from g Omaha Sjjtnrday where she has been nursing lir mother who has been il * For some time but is better at present , a Q lite a few cattle have been dying t : < in tnis part of the f country from run ning in the corn-stalks. A. W. Grooms , ost four head in. one day , three of them I ivere only sick about three hour * . Jno i Shelbourn lost four or'five/head / and several others lost some also. ' I YOUNOSTEII. iw Igi 50 YEARS'n , EXPERIENCE ua uaM br foi r ov TRADE MARKS be DESIGNS . . . . COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch knd description may quickly ascertain our opinion1 frco wiietlier an invention la probably ; pntentablc. Communicar : tlonsRtrictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Bent free. Oldest nponcy for securinp patents. * .Patents taken' through JIunn & .Co. receive tjfecial notice , without cbnrge. In the _ Scientific Hmerkan. ' A. hnndsomelf illnstratedvweekly. * * TJinrest clr- . culatiou of any scientific Journal. Terms , $3 a ul renr : lour months , fL Sold by all newsdealers , : SSS8SW : ' : 1' Charles II. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Reu'st'd Herel < nls o- Hyam , No. 74.538 , at bead of herd. Young builR fromG 10 18 months old for sale. Good Hard ROCK . For Sale . Quaxi.tl.t3r. PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. DELIVERY WACOM NO. I To Any Part of-the City. Leave Ordors at Elliott's Drug Store. M. S. WELCH ft - - ijtn-jiw < A good looking . horse and poor look ing harness Is the , - worst Jcind of n comy. 2-- binatipn. ' 4 Eureka Harness Oil not only makes the harness nnd tha horse lock better , but makes tha leather soft nnd pliable , puts It in con , . dition to last ttvico r.s long' , as it ordinarily would wry cans U JJado by STANDARD OIL , CO. Give If/ / Your Horse a. w Chance ! , D. A. Hancock niackburnJIo or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 16 on' left aider witli ZZ oh left Mp of some cattle ; also HiC on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hipHome Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. O.J. Kellar Brownlee Nebr ' Range between" * Goose Creek and Loup Pertofflc * KOMbud ; D Ofttt ! tr nd 4 on l < t aide UUM M vutUOTMC br * d 4 a D on { eft kill R3ch an Lf n * n nd AB { MILL PRICES FOR FEED. 5 Bran , bulk 95c per cwt $18.00 ton Shorts balk . . .105e per cwt $20 00 ton BAEBEE SHOP FIRST CLASS and UP To DATK. Keat and Attractive , Every Cus tomer has -Clean Towel. W. KlMBELp ' ' ' * f STATE BAXK Estray.ed from my place about Sept. 25 , one grav horse , weight about 1000 pounds ; head and neck flee bitten specks , wife cut on left hind leg be- ow the knee ; branded JD H on left houlder , vent may te blotched J D \lao one buckskin pony mare .abou * , 550 pounds , mane about 6 inches long , Branded TO on left flank. Reason- ible reward , information leading o their recoyery. T. J. NELSON , 38-tf Woodlake , Nebr Ban eh for Sale or Lease ! ! . 16 quarter sections , good range , hay vater and timber. Will run 300 . head stock. For information address , box 10. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf Notice i ? hereby given < hat on Saturday , .Tan- aty 4th , 1002.at the residence f C ; M Van Icier In Table precinct In' f'herry county NB- raska at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day 1 will offor r sale to the highest bidder for cash one' teer is ver two years old braudeti o o sliid ste'er' to sild as an e.stray. Dated Dec. 3 d 15)01. ) 40-5C W. H. TOWKE CouLty Judge T.iere will bean entertamme'nt at ( Ch , ry Creek school house , Dae. 21. Now j Inrl PIn verjbo ly com * , don't stuy "cooped j rlo ] p" in town batvcorn ) an 1 h ivy si gen j mHi < al good time , " : " ! , " . . ; . - " - ' - \ > Hi r , * * ' * * ; ' " . ; .47.2V. ; , : ' Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smvser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodging ; . Meals same old price 25 cents. A , hearty welcome to all. MRSM HARRIS ccs e S ococcocccccscccoocc o Drs. Caldwell & Hutchinson C DENTISTS. Over Hornbys Grocery , C C C C O O5OOOOOOOO 3 O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of 'Surgical Operations Successfully. Performed. VALENTINE . . . . NEBRASKA A.N.COMPTON PHTSICIAN ' ' : AND ' SURGEON . Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. NightsAt The Donoher Hotel. F M. WlLCOTT ATTORNY AND ABSTRACTED . Valentine , Nebraska Practices In District Court and U. 8. Lanrf Office. Real Kstate arid KHiich Property houeht and sold. . Bonded Abstractor \ M. MORRISSE7 ATTORNEY - -IT LAW VALENTINE. NEB irou want a TUBULAR IF WbLL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN PORATH Or write him at Riege , Nebraska , Henry Auguston , OWM.EK , - NEBRASKA , Does General Blacksmithing barci time prices for caab. DELIVER ! ' Call JOHN D. EATON haul yotir I UNKS PACKAGES , VALISES lOc Taken tip Taken tip by the subscriber in German pre- oinct. Cherry county Nebraska , on the 2nd dav of Octobpr J001 , one black mare about g yeaj'a old and celt. Mare brauiied JJ witii bar throtuh it on left Miuuldtr ; 9-A on left tlifpli and one tliree year old mare branded J with bar through it and 0-A on left thigh and one three year old black stallion no brands or marks. 42-5t JOHN A. ADAMSON Just received a new line of children's school shoes at Pettycrew's. 33tf All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. . . 20-tf Ranch for Sale Cheap. Stock and Implements complete for engaging in ihe stock business. This is a chance for some man who has about $5000 to invest Call on I. M. Rice or write ns. v Havingrecently purchased one of the Newcomh fly-shuttle rag carpet loom ? I am now prepared to do all kinds of rag carpet weaving on shor notice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nehr. Go * o Collins for oysters. 42-tf FOUND : Bunch of keys. Owner can have same by proving" property and paying for this notice. All who know'themselves indebted to ns are asked to call and settle before tlie first of the year. , We want all ac counts settled by Januarv 1st. This at J ' V the last call. Crabb and Co. 46 Oysters served in all styles at Collins Tlifs is to certify thit ? I have taken up at my lane two Mid one half miles Jiortli-emst of rookston , Nebraska. November 16 , ,1901. one ay horse , six VKI.IS old , weight about 115 < pnhrds. bmnded triangle on left hhoulder and iazv Z F with fbnr ball j diamond under it on sa rtelii shoulder. One bay inareiabout t > lx years ild weight about ll.V ) pounds branded HL con nected nn left .shoulder and heart with bar unA- do jrit on right 'shoulder. One Buckskin pony Cr ibout4 .years . old. weight about 750 pound ? an ded MAT on left shoulder and ou right moulder aiid 15 ou lelt thf b. . . . . EWSftSK ATJnira. 1 f\ \ J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded eame as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Itange on the JJlobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Jfebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebr. Left side ; S F left shoulder. Herdmarkdew lap.itanpe itanpe Bange 36 and 37 , be tween Uiobrara and the Sn-ke. Stotts & Stetter. Cody.yebraska Branded on leftside Range. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb Like cut on either left sljlft or hipralso left side. Horses same as cut on left hip. S250.OO RE- WARD for con- conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands. William Shangmn. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Qreek , S. Dakota. P S BOUSCHE PostofBce address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut ofl' ; horses branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKorTTorO'VL orO or FZ. Also the'followlng , the first one being on side andhip E. R. Yandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. Same as on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee. Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Browulee. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut cutSome Some eft side or hip Ranee o Gordon Creek Julius Heckmar Brownlee Nebr Range south of Browulee Sawyer Bros. Postofflce address Oasis , Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge 01 these cattle ; horses Dson left shoulder ; some stock branded Y anywhere on anim al Range , Snake river C F COOPSR Postofflce address Oasis , ; Xeur Braniregistered 2095 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle branded ; V Kange South and west of Ha-ikberry ind Dncir Ci bi : Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb ea br Cherr > ' Co Uranded on left ifle and thigh. Earmark , square rou right ear Horses have ame. brand on ift thigh. Range on Qor- on aud Snake Irebks. A. JUewartt of S25O will be paid to any brson for information leading to the arrest and ction0f any person or persons steal. ( th < \ - < * . - d D. B. & Newlon , Nebr. Brand registered No. 411. . i. Cattle branded M same , as cut on left sldo or left hip. Horses same on leit shoulder. llamje South of Gordon Creek. Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Nebr Cattle branded OE left aide same aa Horses on left shoulder. Rang * Between the Gordon and iSnakc. Louis F. Kichards N Merrlraan Neb Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. Horses oh left shoulder. RanzeNorth Eli. SWEENEY BROS. Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as rattle except reversed S. See block Range Steverj and Stephenson Lakes and South v - " " " - ' S300 reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction cattle with the of any person or persons stealing above brand. S C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side end thich ; horses the same on left side. RangeBetween Niobrara and'the Snake. ! GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Gordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cnt on left side. Dorses same on left shoulder. A Also on J / \ left side DAWSON & BA1.L Postofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Cattle branded on left side as on cut- also V leitneckandZ left hip : some Vleft neck , v left shoulder and Z left hip jhorses VZ left hip. Range Snake BIver,81,32,33. J A SA TILTS Cattle on lef * hip. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown be'ow. ' Postoffice address Gregory , Net On left aide or hip horses same on left shoulder Bange-Arkansas Valley and Snake JULTUS PETERSON 1'oatofflce address h ! Gregory. Neb Branded as on cot Range two miles north of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEB Gorton , Nebr. Cattle branded sa' ' e as cut on left side. Horses . branded ' on left shoulder. south of Irwln. 1 > . Stlnard. Valentine , Nebr. Brand re r- isterhd 1554. lattle and horses randed same as ut on left hip. Bange-2 miles t of Ft. Nio- irara. . Crsokstonjsebr of animal "Range-