, -v DEMOCRAT , > * I. M. RICE EDITOR of Cherry in adVHiu-H. Slnjile li filtv advertising l huh single column 153 er isiue of SJ.W ( a > var. lxi > ilNi i < ' 'w , Ol.'iuuries. lx > dge Resolutions . aud Social * tor ilex mte 5c per line per tsbiiw. Itrahils. 1 } { hiclii - 54 CO1per M-sir in adv.'mc itn-iuil 8iace | $30 i er null per year ; eujiuv d 'kii extra ; 1.00 L..cil. Panics living injt.Mflcy'f-lfR'rry' Bounty not , [ all ) ' known aie tvipiesleti ( u pay iii auvHUce HI p.-r ' rvtr addition * ! to'ulibve'l-jllei if.ovkrG ' inuiilhd in unvit'ca. ' " * . i * - . _ , - % . . t' , Notices of li/sgos of tto.sU free to br in 1.1Ive r tiseis ThuraaajyDecSmber 12 100 J * . , , , Tina huh' 2s4 up the road ( O il.bv tliH s uiles of one or lw o a Ivertiscrs trie < l to say someih iur. ' < and Smart in referring to au arl-cln U'hiuli Mi'pU'itt ( i in i inn iiapHij a couple of uuu'is a o. Th ttdiior of this pu- per li.iMi'I. foriinit i iliHtime. . ' thwt ilie * " * " * i ' ' 5 / * K "i r * < " little1 maifKap rijimit-lje.l .to ( * i biy- > \ A r ro v money from nw to tjuarir up liir doitfieiiuy' Joilgn l'muJ which he as secrclar 1 or uvji > ureT hailquaudured. . John ( T. Maher , tlie best lookbij ; man iw O'Neill rxcf [ tiiig .Judye Kmkaid ih in Miiruay lor a. coui le of ( ! JI\H this ' . that. Hix of tt * - b K. i fspiif tth .lHC.t Main .Jo'iniarrecojriiiZ-'jj lit .Jobu a po. . sible It-.iiJf-r of the dfinocnita in hid eii\ aiid f Mr. 4 hf nui.v have'too meat a fol- Imviug is ia bvinubl\bv his altaeksve ' * " r' * * " * * ' & A * * * ihink that ni JohnVe > eevuvilliug , untiring hisdali.u.s advocate of de mocracyhirh will in lime assert it- belf Wiih tbe'pfbple and his jealouscrit- irs miglit do a nobler work iu bcrub- bing iheir own furniture t * - * \ . . . . -JoUniiil . 7 .5 , ; and lii-o. Ijurleiifh of ihe Tiiaxvorth- ftarJuui.uti NVI ! | .lffi > e take notice that their" dear * rriend'Of > vhoiu fih y IrtVe atwn\f Spoken well ami pointed lo an a line man in every ua evidwitlA' clotis iiu * . appreciate their kind words ? i'hrf .tie fach .given a tjlap'togethei ] tM'itb ourw'lvVs lour ml .wit l"coijfem > ioiii contemporary who claims to hav - sturved out-i ) competitors.t How can JiurieiulraniJ ljou remain in busine \viih Micil u man as IJarker after lueiu ' As for i.m > leVM we are a\liUle "beUei . T ae.ju.unttMi aud don't mind v . tne j Jf WH ha f liiti garlxcrabT ! some f h.'ive who would try to have peopie be ' lie've tuat Uieifa was the pap-- ! ' whiuu j wouldn't jjuollsu hear ay lalk we up " ; iji ewj } would s > tfiotyi < e a fe.w local.- abim't Jolln juit i tjiehiiailiuy ! ; rauch * .r-uiati coming to town to see 1th * . . fr.eudiiii J made this otllce a friendl\ aud business visit" ' anil seu'hit out " foi - . ' - . . a newspaper and niake a general ki'ftk Avn if a'ny .printing went to the othej O'li e aii'f ii ck everyone who ; didii' ! . .k)4ijottniZrf-wUh us. We'd claim lo b the wh l republican party and tnakt- a kic.c .1 tiii-str th county otliicals not be.ing tiue bhuj if U'ty ' rel'ujn-d to dij : up for caliipaigir purposes and4 men givo ihem a roa > t lor not refusing to the commissioner- c imply > vnii county or-lnis in rojrai'd to ihe county printing ; and blame them for turning agiinsi Ihe party because they tjave legal priut- i'-ir ' uhf democratic paper in compli anco with a e niract inade f > r same b\ the ' c. ) mty com aissioners.VeM prate about , the great good our papei had done and claim to have starved oui twenty competitors. ' It's a great ree Oinnieji'la'ion to the town if > ou onh ' his . It's . sec t'ne man and paper. ; ' ihelown aud ibriv- \\tifi li'-i ever grew \ntbouitlitacouseuf , + ' Si ADDlflONAU LOCAL , " * j " * * . * i t , P. F. Simons has ptirchaseu tl w sjtabJejol' Koljtrt l\ ? ! * * .t ? ; * i * , _ _ \ . . ractvbuight ! four-Qnrt * ' ' - \ * > \.t r. * * - - at the Taylor stock sale in brordon. " "jJliHS. &letz jin1 ofjhe proprietors of AI t Mrewing Co % of Qriiaha stopped , in our ciry \e > terriay on his way lo tlie- J'tjack Hillh countrv Mr Mei7 is a " * " * ' " r ' 'hrJjl < t--hn ! > J. ) ig imm aud of good , ap- Alex ( ! harbonnwi'.sa\75e lost over nOO'tons of hfly in 4lie ret'Hiit ) rairie lire but has over 200 tons left and will d.ivide his rattle M-nding " Millie down in * X l "i-a > ki | aijd AvilTgvt alonjj nic-eh- ; T ! ] ) > : > iori : AT Cilice and n olns ii'p lia e hecii nicelx papcrt'd mid arc i ir g for a tuw t.ol ! paint. _ Tly halt I ) IIM rniili'd the fvvo bac 'itMltyt ; Mt.or . Hud I. K. 'Ihaok- ' ihH'froi/t . * ; ie' nillorcu'pv room. , . K huutinptu ) } . a Gordon and hi brother ' Horacp. ' V ho - wnrkinjjfor I/ouin S < ; hjn.idt n fiv kl iti' * vi'r our cityMont - aUlt ijiay h - ' thin. . Il / * vVO . . " * i' l-Jj I > JQ anil A. , ' " * " ? - ' " U ? iLtL i / ' I . . Port whiteVns in town lhfirst * " -of J. 5- > > -the week. , " - , , * * / ' - . . Thos. Gates of Lime Spring'.Ia.ls in town 011 business. , ' * V * * J. B. Sweeney and F. W Muf | h > , are attending court from Gregory. . J Jesse West , from south of Cody , it- spending a few days in lown this week. Ciias. Hpyt of Whitman is in toi' n "this weekend orders ihe VAEFNII\K UKJiOcu.yT seiitto , his home. . ' * ' ' ' . * i - Mflhon.C. Pratt , the iriah who i > talked of for Mercer's place in con\ gress was in our eily this week. * John Burnett of Big Wnite river , a wealthy ranchman is in town after H wagon Joad * * of supplies 4 . for ' his . ranch. ' . ' Mr. Burnett 'tl.aes iiutjj come-to town very often but fakes a 'fwBgonj load of * uoo-ls home with hirn * when he goes. That * the way our people do business. , Hun Jjongland who has been.elerkn g at the R d Fcoiitjor the jjaS.ttwo years left last , niglit foT Si.urgiB.'S/L ) . W..tre liis folks , live and he expects to retiifciu thern for some time. Bon has inai y friends in.V alenlineho regret to MB LJiiiU'leaye- * ? WHS president of ihe ; Dancing Ulub alnj a dance was given in his honor la > t night which was well aitcndtfd'and'Uiijoyed .by all. / f w1 . ; ' ' ' 1 ? , HeA'rralUjivil < uisH ol-jnIiuor imp' n f V < " ' * i ; t'f ! a1)teniii ) ( rhV vvajof griny al Hnlereai i < ihe public last .Monday were prtS-ed ut oti bihe court aud on Tuehday morn ing the case of the state vs Antoine L doux for . hooting John B-.ill Walks- Behiiid was taken up anil occupied L\VV ( In } 8 , the case oiug to ihe jury . ooui live o olokT ( yesterday evening Afui * * * " * * * being \ ( Mil f over nigui ihe-vo.le blood HJ lo 2 in favor of couvicliou. This tnorj ; ing 'the > 15oihwell ca.-e was Called .Ouurt. will probably be in session all next"'weiik.T ' - , . > / . , . . / . The fourth"weeklyhootof the gun club was .held loda at one'o'clock ' aud a'b'ou't twenry [ reisulis . .preseiitseemed to , hngely"eiijoy the conteat for the gold cliampionhh'i iiiedal. Therevere six shooteia iu today's line * .jind much en- Chtn'a'sm't\ in tuftTfsie'd. A , S.ix.ji . ; n fali of "ihe beautiful" might have dis coura * t e'd lhfcauenibe4Sof . u a-ny cluba * * * + but iu this cate only caused" givatei attfudaucu. The d.iy was exceedingly irloiimy aud in consequence tlie usual errorfe.Ywere'iriuch varjedr none of the conteatanls shooting as Wfllas former- . i * ly. JMr. Walter i'arker eiJjuyed hl > initial shoot. Before arriving on the grounds be had announced his iuteui- > * * ion lo po\\derail targets thrown bui tfrer thtj tiratte.u had safelylanded in uJk oi ' the beautiful" * . < 'thon'test ' , - - - % - > - ? anta'breathe.il , t- i erfsicr whiletliti.uu'dJeiiGe [ * * MU'eamed and howled , Alr , Joh'J1 L > av + * 4 f stated. lhathe .intended .to wear the . " * * * * * nedal on a visit lo a nearby town next tnout he Jailed to account for eleven ot * fc ? - * LIU : mysterious flerjA'fte r the Ij t , a casa B medal will be used * the ? club to add to the ptv&eit great interest manifested. Fol lowing are the scores , each man shooting at 25white flyer' ' targeis. Lero'v iieach , do ; John Day , 14 ; Win. Chrysler , 11 ; Frank Day , IU ; \ \ alter Parker , tf ; yrusi.Hogeif , 4 : , , . / . ' * * t < * " i . - \V. E. HALEY ? Cierk Cpin'p 1731 Al. W \ \ . , X ( lice of Ai.MalEi : < ction ( ; t OlBcers. Es.teemed Neighbors : YoVir pres- . .nceSire earnestly rj'ipj sted at our reg- ulat' uieetiDg on t-duesdr.y evening the 18lh inst , tlmtbeing the date ot o.ir' annual "election- oflicers. The oJicers of Valentine Camp .No. 1751 request the attendance of every mem- oer to take part in thi.s election , Fraterunllj'j Notice to Creditors. In county court wiihin and for lieny county elmtskit. in ilic. nutiterul the eelate ot-i-'iea- eriiK.&liaiiic : > ilectas > ed. To i lie creditors ol sujd estate. You arc here- l > y nulilled-iliHt 1 will sit ut t&e * coudiy court room in \ aieiiliiie iu said county on tlie 21st day f Dweiaber 1901 at-10 o'clock a. in. lo re ceive and * exa-iii. o all Haiuis aguinst tanf estate riu.n vitvr. to then adjiislnwut and allowance. Uli < - tln.e 1'initt d lor Hiu' pieseUation uf siteli .el : iii.ia.i.ni-i > mu t.S'i.te its stvi-u iitonihs Iroai til1 3uth uay of " > ' A.D. . VjOl aim ibe liiue liuiiied'i" ! tinsi.viiient ot iei ts i one year Iron : sairt-20th il o oLMa > 1001. \vuncrfs Ji > .i..nd .uid die * eal of said coiiuty tl. . . > - .u ru > iy 01 October JSKM. * > N.K'lo\VNli ; i cil Ji . \ Notice For Publication. -J p tle uinbus of the Fanners Alutu aT liiMimuce o. * ofrLincolii.Mebiaska : You are each , hereby notified ihs t the members of aid company will hold tbeirannuaJ tti/uniy ; meeting December 17th at 2 o'clock T. M"at the VALKN' ' i INK DKMOC'A AT building inthe town of Valentine , , .Nebraska penman ! to the b-lu _ of ftlid co'uipany , for the pfirpg.N of electing ; proxies to attend tii annjiat meeting of said company' to ber lield al .Lincoln , JSebr ; Janu try 15th liir.5 ) at , JO o'clock "a. m. i/hted this of JSov. iUJl. * " tr. i' . CliABU / * Tickeis on sale , Tec. 24 , 25 and 31 , IfllMati'l Jan. 1,1902 , Pinal return lim it. Jan 2 1902.floany point'Within axfi | tance of ioti miles at rale of one and..oue tninl fary ft/r'the-ronifd trip. , ' ' % " - * -f - , .t - j t wifikJCS a fi JitAii V A. - \ ' WATCH THIS AD. . < * Finest line of Suspenders at 25 cents in the city. \ Also many other bargains in our general line. , , , , . / W. A. PETTYCREW , . G-eneral Mercharidise TO KILL LICE CUKE ITCH AND MANGE OX CATTLE , USE CHLORQ NAPTHOLEUM i For Sale by Quigley & Chapman , \7"alentiue , Kebr. or * Richards & Oomstock , Ellsworth , Nebr. are likely to bo used for glazing coffee ? If you knew , you would bo sure to demand demandCoffee which is never contaminated with any glazingbf any sort , either eggs or glue just pure , fresh , strong : , fragrant coffee. The sealed package insures uni form quality and freshness. I Christmas J Thinking | " " " Must soon i enil in bujimj , and. it * ftf * will- beveJl to bear in mind that J wehav.e . tnsny.jioods that make i Itjdeal pre t-ntH , Gifts of , beauty , % ind utility. t , . - > * Hair Brushes , . Cloth Brushes , . ' . ' ; * Hand Alhrors , " J } ' Toilet Articles , Policy Stationery , ; j , Fine Perfumes , ; ar.d ro.any other items. These ; arf sensible { lifts that are epptc- iall.y , desiraole for presentation to mtmbtrs of one's ovvn family We ruakeihe , price right. { * f 5- . 5 5 Ouigley d Chapman , ' s * ' * * TJirggiste , * ' - Valentine , 'Neb. ' . KANGAROO Now Open / ' ' ' DAY/ " . - \ r - ' .and -NTRHT % Short Order 4 RESTAURANT OYSTERS in any style * * Everything to eat the market affords. " * i : TOM CAKDLEB Afine : line of ladies'collars and fancy neckwear at Iva L. Efner's. ' 47-2t.- * i Wm. Epke w.ho w.as very ill of tjr- phoid pneumonia is now up vand run- ning-aronnd. Ask to see our new line of golf and tailor made slcirts just"received/ 47-2it ITA L/ St. JohnV Episcopal Chnrcli Iloly ( /ominunion'rT 30 a. m. . . > un < lay School lUa m. Morning Prayer Litany and Sermon 11 a. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 730 p.-m. .All are.cordiall.\ iuviled. . Cut prices'on children's fleece lined union airts at the milhnen' store. 2t Albert Wliipple of Kosebad canm flown yesterday tj meet his son , Alex ander , who has bpeirntten ing Wayne College. Mr. Whipple makes'Hchange in his Brand and pays up ift advance. It did ttem a little .strange to see Mr Whipplc carrying a sack of money around on his shoulder to square np his accounts in.Valentine but. such-vt.nir'the case. 'Mr Whipple's credit is good for more th > m one sack of money. . . _ .and children's furs at the" y tore. The prices are right. - - * " * * " " fe * ' - r- M " Build a Telephone Xine Krolter of Stuart and Clrs \ Johnson of VVoodt-Tke rer > - ip 'owlav in the interestof the inter * - -He Telephone Line which has been extended as far west as AinswortK vlr. Krotter is the. owner of this tele phone line and offers to extend it to Valentinefor a guarantee of 140 buoks worth $1,50 each or ) ' . > . Our people who are inter- in this should { ret together and ita uccffs. No words of ours will hinder this line frnm being com pleted at an early date. A greTt deal of interest is being taken in this ? matter and Mr. Krotter offers to have the line in complete working order bv not later than May 1st 1902 Chas. A , Johnson thinks that Wood- Jake will take 30 or 40 coupons books , lhat Johnstown would take some. If Valentine could subscribe a hundred or about that amount we could soon have work begin on the line which would mean something for the labor ing man to do during the winter. What we would like to see is a line of telephone extend from Valentine out to Simeon. Oasis. Kennedy , Chest erfield , Newton and branch there running to Brownlee and westward to Pullman from Kennedy thus connect ing all oi the county from'one end to the other with the county seat. If a few dollars can be spent on this line we will immediately reap reward in facilities for reaching the county seat to transact ousiness.or to send in for a physician , supplies or assistance from one ranch to the other-in case of fire and many who now live out in the. country could then move to town and have * daJly communication with their ranches * Why not talk this up at the same time and have all the > con veniences toat anyone enjoys in this western country where there-is plenty of men whotare willing tocon- rribute to make a success of "this 'iio t needed enterprise ? In this west end' . , of the ( iountv Richards and Opmstock put in aTele- ohone line from Gordon to Iheir ranches south for 60 miles and didn't , anyone's help. Here there is hundreds that will be benifitted and the cost willbe light for e'ach one if they will join hands and put in a tele phone together ana 'twill be a lasting henifit that everyone will wonder why we did without so long when the cost was so little. A. H. Metzgar of the Aletzgar Bros , ranch was in town Tuesday and tells * us that they are putting in.a tele phone line'to Merriman "r n their ranch a distance of 50 miles. Are we uoing to be last in getting together for a telephone Jine.In y the past there has been numerous opportuni ties overlooked by our resident popu lace and only brought to our minds . 'bv some enterprising person or per sons w.ho step in and we're left again. There isa , field in which a man with means can profit. There are rare op portunities for investment. Some one could step in and reap a han-est bv the operation of a telephone line throughout the sand hills. VThy not the stockman get together and build this line. own. it and operate it for your own benifity Let everj-one ay a good word in favor of a telephone and eacfrone-try to'do something , get together and call a meeting , oigan- ize and get to work. "Mis. Mary Haley motherof rnr county commissioner W. E Fa'ey ' and wife of Martin Ualey died , at the home of her daughter Mrs. John McDermont \Moville. . Iowa ; December 6 , ] 90h Mrs. Mary Ila'l y w * s born in the par ish of .Ornegai , county of Maof Ireliind and was 78 years of ago at her rieith She.wjis a professor of the Catholic faitlt and. .was. inlem > a.in the Calvary ; cpmetery of Sioux CityJ la. Mr. Haley ; and his father , returned to Valentine ' .Sunday after . attending the fnneraj.- The DEMOCRAT , extends tenderest. sympathies to our esteemed friends and fellow townsfnen who are called' upon to mourn the death of a wife and' moth ' ' - ' - < er/ - - * if'tf at tlie iuillinery'-atore. * Accounts of Merctents/Raaeltrrien. -Individuals Invitef Money to Loan on Pipst-class .Cattle Paper and Other Securities. / ' " . Valentine State Bank \ \Succcssors ( to Cherry Pounly UanK. ) Capital Tnicl Up j S en .FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden . ' ' * CHARLE SPARKS , Cashier . . . . , - T. O. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON ; Co me to the , , \ , LUDWIG LUMBER YARD . . / FOB Lumber , Builders' Materials > Buggies , Moline WagonsEclipse Windmills , . v Fairbanks Steel Windmills . , * * J. A. SPARKS , Mgi1 ; FOUND. NOT LOST. The place to get the best windmill aso pumps and tanks. . : First door south of the Donohcr House. S VALENTINE , NERR , # ? PAINTING PAPER , HANGING I * i > / CALCIMINING. R S , DENNIS , Valentine Nebraska x All work well done C. II. COUXEIJU . V. ANK OF VALENT-NE. Valentine , Nebraska. - ; 1 i ' * -S' - _ | - A General Banking Business Transacted ; / : ' Bays and Sells Domestic ami Foreign Exchange' \ Jhemical National Bank , Kew York i First Natlonal'Sank. Omaha CITIZENSMEAT .Jlf- - MEATMARKE J. W. STETtER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON FT dags liitof StcalcfP < ? t Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon , V T. YEARNSHAW HE OWL SALOON * JAMES B. HULL- Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISkEY ' Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER' , i. 'Choicest Wine and Cigars. ' VALENTINE X NEBEASKA YOU CAN BUYi ; * - . . ' ' . -i- ' . " - ; Fine aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Embroidery Silts , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , Point Laces , Battenburg Lraid , Sofa Pillows , Wool ( Knit - * ' ' * Slippersand Center Pieces made to order at-Prices that are PJGET SHOES AT COST PRICE . cr , , " rX - - * * * u- jr3--r r * * - < -fzL- : | -r T - 1 t