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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1901)
( V JV THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT THE OrnciAL NEWSPAPER or CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 12 , 1901. NUMBER 47 WHAT A BLUFF i SOME MERCHANTS PUT UP | 49j j By telling what they are going to do next ye ar. _ _ _ We buy for Cash & And sell for Cash That is why we don't make any S Grand Stand Talks. ft * &fr J * 4 ? Look at our * 0 > * ? Men's Overshoes at § 1.25 4 ? Those Fine Cow Boy Hoots at , 3.50 4 ? The Best Michigan Salt at 1.90 per bbl' & 4 $ 12 e oliting flannel at lOc per yd 6 * 49 4 ? This is our way of doing business , x < * * 4 ? ? JHE RED FRONT § SUITS $5 TO $20 9 Ladies , Misses and Children's Jackets , Capes , Collarettes , Muffs and Fur Coats. . u B Bi kJ iB toA I JE IO IJS Our Stock is Complete and Prices the Lowest. Tailoring in ALL Branches. ' D. STINABD , Clothier DON'T SIT UP NIGHTS Worrying about Xmas Gifts for your Friends but stop in and see our line of Watches , Broaches , Chains , Rings , Bracelets , Sterling Novelties , Aluminum and Celluloid Goods and other numerous things that you could select from. New goods arriving every day. All kinds of repairing given prompt attention , , O. W. MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler , VALENTINE . NEBR : The Political Campaign is Over. JUST BEGUN , With a Full Stock of 5. all kinds HAEDWARE , 'Windmills , Pumps. Iron / , beds , Mattresses , Charter V * Oak Stoves and Ranges. Leave your orders for all kinds of COAL. ANDERSON & FISCHER VALENTINE NEBR. GET AT B PRINTING m YOUR OFFICE * Can Satisfy You to OualJt Price and Workmanship Bates Reasonable Give Me a Trial A. , Schatzthauer , : Propr _ TALK OF THE TOWN I . . I * * * - - * " - - * * - * - - - - * - * - Ij J. W. Smyser went up to cody a few days agx > on business. / J. E. Pettycrew was in town ladt Saturday after winter fuel. Mrs. J. E. Petitycrew has been very eick but we hope she is improving. Frank Frush who has been quite sick for .the past week is now up and around again. C. J. O'Conner Jr. the recent pur chaser of the Waite ranch is in town this week. Mr. Habn , a farmer from the north table , was in town last Tuesday and took home a load of lumber. A crazy tea social or supper Tuesday evening at the old court house netted about $22.00 to the Epworth League. W. A. Denney returned yesterday from his eastern trip and' took the afternoon freight west for his ranch. Ed. BOBS a popular citizen and resi dent of Gordon was transacting busi ness and visiting with friends in our city Monday. " * Mies Alice Westover. a daughter of Judge Westover accompanied the Judge here and visited among friends for a few days. R. S. Dennis the painter and paper hangar has returned from Ainsworth where he has beau busy at work during , the last month. V Northrup , the telegraph agent o'f Glenrock , came to Valentine with wife and child Tuesday morning , to try to wear off the rheumatism. Davenport & fhacher have bad a new side , walk built on the east side of their store. Such improvement * are needed at several placeson Main street. Harmony is now coming to the front with a debate on Woman Suffrage by three women who talk against it and three men , their husbands , who talk for it. Harvy A. Thackrey a brother of ' the county treasurer who has been taking ( care of his brother's cattle during the summer returned to his home at Man hattan. Kansas last Ihursday. Remember the handkerchief bazaar to be given by the ladies of St. John's flS truild Thursday Dec. Uth in the Sparks r building. Coffee and sandwiches will be served , also all kinds of cake by r the Little Helpers Club. The 20th artillery from Ft. Riley , Kansas passed through here Tuesday rf evening enroute for Ft. Robinson. 3 There were 160 men , 128 horses , 6 can 3r non , army wagons etc. Another n section carried a company to Ft. ' ' * Meade. . Will Comstock and Jeff DeFrance - n were in town Monday from the west end of Cherry county. Mr ComstooU thinks the telephone line , should be a ' success and offers to help to connect Valentine with their ranch in Enlow [ precinct. A. E. Tnacher returned from his ' eastern visit last Thursday night look ing the finest in the world and says he had a splendid visit. Mr. Thacher has been kept very busy since his return telling of how he spent the time visit ing with his relatives and friends in Philadelphia and New York. Miss Anna Spall .while driving from her home near Simeon to Dell Row ley's had a serious accident. The buggy tongue droped out of the neck yoke and striking in the ground threw the front wheels into the air and Miss Spall was thrown out and had her face badly cut presumably on the buggy wheel. The horses ran a- way but were caucht after running two or three miles bysome neigh [ bors and taken home , Miss Spall lay s unconscious for an unknown time and ) it. finally recovering walked a mile to H * N'r. Rowley's where she is receiving ci ' excellent care A There is considerable talk of itch , > > nd mange among cattle thisyear. . We don't know what the cause is or . * whether it was imported with west- ern or Sioux 3ity cattle but since it exists the question arises how to get o > rid of it. Will Comstock tells of a dip or wash that is prepared and put into a large vat into which the cattle are dipped like sheep we suppose. .It cures the itch and the mange and J. J.C. saves the cattle , A number of cattle C.s J. s i , in the w-estern part of the county u have peen treated successfully in 1) this way and those having cattle I afflicted in this way would do well to ? r. try Chloro Naptholeum. Directions } forlusing can be had at QuiglejL & } Chapman's drug store or by applying J < to Mr. Couistock , - J R. -Gillaspie is spendiag a ew days in town this week , S , Q. Spain from near Kennedy was" in town the first of the week. Archie Pettycrew * , who has been up the road , reports that there is only one case of small-pox in Chadron but many at Pine Ridge. J. A. Kirkwood the old timer of the sand hills was in town the first of the week and went out to Sam Hudson's where he expects to remain during the \vinter. 11Archie Pettycrew who went up the road as far as Chadron about a week ajrd. returned to his home Tuesday mornina. We did not learn whether "he got the job he was looking for or not. The merchants up at Chadron are in as bad a fix as we are foroil. One man says he got so tired of it that he threw it in the stove and it put the fire out. They are loa ding it up to send back. Anyone wishing-'presents will be sure to find jpomething on the table of fancy wo'rk displayed by the young la dies of St. John's Guild , while for the- little folks there will be a fish pond by the boy' ? club. Claude Jones who owned the City Barber Shop closed his place of busi ness Monday noon and has fc'one to work for W. A. Kimbell in the Valen tine barber shop , Obe Church retir ing. Claude is a first class barber and Mr. Kimbell is lucky in securing the services of this young man. John Cordia is down from his reser vation ranch and informs us that the recent prairie fire burned everything he had except his house and a couple of saddles and two wagons His hay range , hay , barns , machinery and other ranch material were all burn ed. This is a severe blow to Mr. Cor. Ha asjhe-has quite a number of horses Hnd cattle to winter. Wallace T. Niles and Miss Elsie Gok- ey were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Dunn on Macoinb street at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening 1)R. . Richard Whitehouse officiat ing. Only a few of the immediate relatives were present. Mr. Niles has bern t station agent at.Woodlake for the ' past year and a few'days ago was trans ferred to Piedmont , * South Dakota. Miss Gokey is well known here as a modes ! , beautiful j-oung lady , a model > ( neatness and good behavior , of pleas ant. mann rs and high character. Miss Gokey is a niece of Mr..Dunu's and has made her home with the family during the past few years. The Democrat ex tends congratulations to this young uupleund though Duracquainance with the Groom is limited his position with he R. Company should be a suitable recommendation as worthy of the young lady ' who has accepted his hand. DISTRICT C < HJRT Court is in sessjon this week with Judge W. II Westover on the bench ind J. D. Scott of jRnshville as court reporter. There is a large docket and jourt may last longer than this week is there ara some cases which may last wo or three days each. Those attract- ng most attention are a murder case therein Antoine Ladeauxan Indian joliceman. shot and killed a fellowman n Valentine last spring , the case igainst James Spratt , shooting with ntent to kill and the Bothwell case. Our town is crowded with people a- ain and nearly every bed in the town occupied though there is plemy of ed clothes and cots which can be used n cases of necessity. Besides our able lore of resident attorneys Merrissey , 'lark , Tuck' r and Walcott there are > , large number of attorneys from a- Pi i road. Among those we have met are Pi i 3apt. Allen Gr. lisher , of Chadron , Fudge F. G. Earner of Kearney , Hon. N. W. Wood and Judge A W. Crites f Rushville. Others whom we under itand are expected here are M. F. larrington of O'Neill , H. M. Utley. Hanburg & Williams and Clark & fowls. The petit jurors are : F. Swain J. G , Cooley . V. Varney J. A. Gee , L. Ellis Wm. Stiller . H. G. Bixler Wm , Wilson . Mclntire " J. P. Heelan A. Adarason C. H. Jackobson . M. 8egr L. p. Tice . T. Keeley H. B. Ballard , H. Pruden G. W. Burge . H. Hornby Frank L. Lacliear . fohn Bonnan Albert Tranlow r-B. Wallliigford Andrew r. oies'uu ft -8 NEXCJVEEK : 43 4 ? 1 * 49 4 49 ? WE'LL TELL YOU ftfr 49 * & > ABOUT 49 49 CHRISTMAS GOODS 2 * 49 49 - 49 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER J * 49 49 General Merchau ts. 49 ftfr We are opening up our line of Holiday Goods Better dropln and make an early selection while the stock is * complete ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE WE CARRY A'COMPLBTE LINE OF GeneralMerchandis Merchandis AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL THE DONOHE Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-GLASS MODERN" In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample. KoOms VALENTINE - NEBRASKA U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska