THE VALENTINE UEMOCRA1 I. M RICE EDITOR Per I > r in Advance rUBUbllBP BVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the rost-offlre at Valentine , Cherr. county. Nebraska. as Second-class matter. Educational Department , fi BY IETA STETTER , jj. "Would I be voting again ? Ah no ! That wpre to rash once more into the fraj Unarmed inid tale how many a grevious blov Which cannot ii"Wnco. \ \ . anrt-Iack-a-clay It were to learn again how youth c in g. . ; That traitor whom no bribe nor p ayer cat btay. " We received our report cards ; for the * . proceeding term , Monday , Come early' to Cornell hall Friday ( evening so ) OJ may get a seat. Prof. Watson has on s several recent mornings given us talks on psychologi cal topics and the relation of literature totlife. M llemeraber the entertainment on the evening of tlie-Gth. Admission 10 cents for pupils aud 15 cents for all others. The race among the seniors was rath er hard-pressed this term ; the first av erage being one-sixth percent hiahet than the second , and the 'second one per cent higher lhan the third. The 10th grade has come to the con clusion that most triangles are either A BC or DEF affairs and a more mysteri the "XYZ" ous and complicated than affair that the llth grade history class talk so much sbout. The seniors have one cbnsolation oui of ah their tribulations , - a great ma ny homely people become presidents and they are sure of this because they mw their pictures ( the presidents' we 11. e in ) in the history book. The "other" " society last Friday be gan to wonder who they were , and called a meeting to ascertain. After much preliminary discussion , micro scopic investigation and philosopical research , they discoveied they were ' Delphi * n " . The Non Pariel program passed oil as expected last Friday evening and was generally conceeded to have fieen a success. The total proceeds of thf evening was exactly $40 00 and after deducting expenses it is found we have S30.00 with whichjo invest in books. If H } ' pupil has in mind any book he would like to have added to the library he is invited to mention it to some ineniberof tLe committee , Irwin Qne- -ry , VJoseuh Growdon or Leta Stetter Down the River. ' " Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bishop a big baby boy. .John Fostei has been pretty poorb for some weeks. Grant Spain and family moved'to the Snake last week. * F. Ashburn shipped a car load of cat tle to Omaha Thursday. Mr. Kuskie went to Valentine Wed nesday with a load of corn. , Homer Briatol was ill a few days last week but is better at prrsent. . liad colds are the pests raging in thii. part of'ihe country at present. Corn * buskers nre atill in demand around Sparks. Lots of com ont 3 et W. / . Allen took a load of Logs to Vale'utiie last Saturday at $4:50 : a hun dred. dred.Mrs. Mrs. Wolf and Mrs. W. Foster were visitors a I the Kewanee school , Wed nesday. Miss Noy Asliburn left the Valentine school on account of her mother not be ing well. / Mr. Hancock , successor to Anderson . and llonnds has cattle to put out for the winter. J. H. Sears is building a storm door to his htore , and Jas. George has en larged his barn room. Sparks is improving quite a little lately. Wbillans and Calbn Co. are builning a nice little dwelling and i small barn. A birthday party was given. by E. Bristol and wife to their daughter / r g Pern Nov. 21. A nice crowd was there and they had a good time. Thore was a shooting match of turk- nysai Sp'aiks last Saturday the 23id # iv * n by A.V. . Grooms. The crowd was small and late so there were turk- . . ' & .c-is.lcft. - Litlltf Leroy-liristol a son of Joe Bris- 'tol was * ( juiio hick a few days last weeK ' /Mr. McFarlaud brought his brother home a few ays ago very sick. His had beon riding after fctock. ' Frank Swarenger was a guasf at Jno S. Grooms. John Groom * took a load of corn u town Friday. Mrs. Effie Bowers was ssick a fev days last week. M. Koby aud family spent Sundaj at F. Ashburna. Frank Grooms went to Valentin * Friday with a load of corn. Miss Martha Grooms and Jim Hutch ison spent Thnksgiving at A. W Grooms. John Bowers has been having a'ter rible time the last two weeks with i felon on his finger. A nephew of Mr. Bishop arrivec from Arizona Thanksgiving. His name We have not learned. Miss Nettie Eagehoff and Harvej Johnson spent Saturday and Sunday week ago with friends at Norden. Grandma Ashburn is visiting at hei son's F. Abhburu. Iier home is * al Riverton Nebraska and she is eighty years old. A dance and corn husking bee was given at Newt Glooms'on Thanksgiv ing. There wa.a larye crowd at tie dance but only one or two came to husk co'-n- Fire ! Fire ! Italmost seemed as if the world was on fire Saturday to look north. The fire burned Jquite a lot of hay and range but no other damage was done that we know of. A Thanksgiving entertainment was given by the Kewanee school Wednes day evening. Taught by Mrs. Joe Bristol a nice crowd was there and Mr. Beatem had his property assessed in spite of himself. YOUNGSTER. We publish the following article in poetry from the pen of our old , uncle , Martin Rice who is now past 87 years Of age and still able to cut his own fire wood and build his fires. The "article was first published m tuff1 Independ- , ence ( Mo } Sentinel m response to the report that the old poet was dying. The editor hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of his "Rural Rhymes and Talks and Tales of Olden Times" with the compliments of the author and a long , interesting and much appreciated letter which he remembered his name sake with on thanksgiving day. May be continue to live and be an inspira tion to and brighten the pathway of his fellow men , is the wish of his hum ble nephew. The Last Poem of the Bard of Lone Jack Writ ten by Martin Rice after read , ing in the Case County , ( Mo. ) JUemo crat that the poet laureate of Jackson county was dying at his old home near Lone Jack : 'Tis saieJ that I am t/iing , In the paper It is said And there is no den ) leg The truth of what I've read. The flickering of the taper , Is a warning true no doubt That as stilted in the paper The light will soon go out. That candle h s been hunting For seven aud eighty years. While to oust have been returning The early pioneers. The oldest of the number Of my living late compeers Who here in toll or alumucr Have passed eight and b'ixty years , Has seen the country flourish , And it's wealth and power expand , And a family to nouiisli. Has toiled with head aud hand 1 am waiting for the boatman Patiently i w iir , The bugle of the boa'man bounding at the gate. / Prepare to meet the master And render thy account ; His steps ? re marching faster , - llow last I cannot count. . . ' - The weakening of the senses ; j- Th many sinking spehs In spite of all pretensvs An eatly death foretells. The little I've accomplished The milch that's left undone , Alay soon be known and pub tailed "When I am dead and gone My house Is set in order And if heaven trills it so That I shall cross the border I am n sidy now logo. And If f.iiih is not illusion ' If the grave is not the end I bo.c at life's conclusion ' A Joi ger life to speed. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac , Anrone sending a sketch and description mny quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention la probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conQdentlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing j > atent8. Patents taken through Wunn & Co. receive special notice , without charge , In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr- culatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms , | 3 a rear ; four months , fL , Sold by all newsdealers. Branch Office. G26 F fit , Washington. D. C. All who know themselves indebted i ) us are asked to call and settle before be * first of the * year. * "We want all ac- ounta settled by January 1st. This 3 the last call , Orabb and Co. 49 " tSrff ii1 Charles H. Faulhaner Brownlee Breeder of IlHii'st'd Hereford' o Hyain , No. 74.53 ! at bead of herd. Young bulls from to is months old for sale. Good Hard ROCK . . . For Sale . xxy Q-u.eu3.ti.t3r PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. DELIVERY WAGON NO. I To Any Part of the City. M. 8 : WELCH Soft Harness You can tanke your har ness us soft as a glovo and 03 tough as wire by using EUREKA Har- noDS Oil. You can lengthpn Its life make it lust twlco as long M It ordinarily would. Harness Oil makes a poor looking har ness like new. Mudo of pure , heavy bodied , oil , es pecially prepared to With stand tho weather. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes. Made tj STANDARD OIL CO. D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo 01 Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded , or left side as on cut ; also lt > on left side with iz on left kip ol some cattle ; also S on right side Horse brand , rake and It on left shoulder 01 hipHome Home ranch on Dewev i ke. Range on Niobrara River , east ol Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. OAT. Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Creek and Loup BAKBEE SHOP FIKST CLASS and UP To DATIC. Keat and Attractive , Every ntCus- tom r has a Clean < . Towel. W. KIMBELL STATE BAVK Notice Probate of Notice Probate of \ \ ill. Ajjusta W. sscliulz de ceased. In county court Cherry county. Ne braska. 1 he state of Nebraska to the heirs and ! iext of kin of the said Augusta W. Bchlilze , de * leased. Take notice that upon filing of a wnlfpn in- tf mment inirporting to be the lat will and test * mien t of AiiL'tiu ta W. chnlze for probate and illowance , it is ordered that said matter be set 'or hearing ; the 30th day of November A , D. ISO ! > efore said county court at the hour of ' 3 o'c'ock i. m at which time any person interested may ippeur and contest the same : and nonce of this iroceedlng is ( treered published three treeks Kiccessively in the V.ALENTJNK DKIMOCBAT a teekly newspaper published In this state In testimony whereof , l.haVe hereunto set ftry - - - liana and the * eal of the county court at Valentine this 13th day of November A. D. 1901. w. R. TOWNE. Cuuntr Judge . Estra yed from my place about Sept. ! 5 ? one gray horse , weight about 100Q Dounds ; head and neck flee bitten specks , wire cut on left hind leg be * ow the knee ; branded JD H on , left 1 oulder , ent may be blotched JD Uso one buckskin pony mare about 50 po'unds , mane about 6 inches long , > randed TO on left flank. Reason- ible reward for information leading o their recovery. T. J. NELSON , 38-tf ' Woodlake , Nebr Ranch far Sale or'Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay rater and timber. Will run 300 head f Stock.For information address , box o. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , ralentine , Nebr. 42 tf Notice i ? hereby given that on Sa urdaj , .Tan- aiy 4th , 1002 at } he residence of C. M. Vim in Tableprfcinct In rberry ronnry N - raska at 2 o'elwk p. rn. of ssiid day f will nffor ir sale to the highest bidder for cash one ste-r irer two years old branded o o said steer Uo s sold as an estray. Dated Dec. 3'd 1COI. 46-5t * \V. R. TOWNE CouLty Judge served in ell Located on Cherry St. 2nd doo : south of Smyser's livery , furnishe excellent board and lodging. Meal same old price 25 cents. A heart welcome to all. MRS- HARRIS BARBER Go to CLAUDE JONES for Hai : Cut , Shave , Shampoo and Ho 'orC'old Baths. i Second door south ot The Donoher J O. DWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE . . . . NEBRASKA A. N. COMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SURG-EON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights At The Donoher Hotel. F M. WALCOTT ' ATTORNY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. H. Land Office. Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor M. MOBRISSET ATTORNEY IT LAW VALENTINE. NKH Tou want a TUBULAR IF WtLL or an .ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN PORATH Or write him at Biege , Nebraska Henry Augnston , ItROWKLEE , - NEBRASKA , Does General Blacksmithing fiard tlmcprlcca for cavfi. pITT DELIVERY \ S * call JOHN D. EATON haul your NKS PACKAGES , VALISES lOc MILL PRICES FOR FEED , 3ran , bulk , . . . 85c per cwt $16.00 ton Shorts bulk . . . .95c per cwt $18 00 too Screenings 40c " $7.00" ZbopFeed 1.10 " $21.00 3orn 95c " $1800" 3hopcorn 1.00 " $19.00" , , . .1.40 " ' $27.00 " Taken Up Taken up by the subscriber ! n German pre- ilnct. Clierrv county Nebraska , on the 2nd day rf October 1P01 , one black mare about 8 yeaus rid and clt. . Mare branded J.I nith bar hrotuh if on feftahonlder : 9-A on left thigh and me tliree yeai old mare branded J with bar hronfililt and9-A nn left thigh aud one three ear old black stallion no brands or marks. 42-5t JOHN A. ADAMSOX Just received a new'line of children's chool shoes at Pettycrew's. 33tf All kinds of heavy hardware and ragon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Ranch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for ngaging in the stock business. This 3 a chance for some man who has about SOflO to invest. Qall on I. M. Rice or irrite vs. ( Having recently purchased one of be 'Newcomb flyshuttle rap carpet I am. , now prepared to do all rinds of rajr carpet weaving1 on shor otice. MRS : ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr , tGo fo Collins for oysters. 42-tf ( KOUND : Bunch of keys. Owner can ave same lby proving property and i'ying for this jiot'ce. J. B. Lord Simoon Neb Stock brandei same as cut back o right shoulder am on right hip Range on th Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cutleft side Some ou left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebr Left side ; 8 I left shoulder. Merdmarkrdev lap.wanpe wanpe Rung ! 36 and 37 , be tween Niobran and the Snake. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on leftside Range , Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb Like cut on either left side or hipalsc left side. Here same as cut on left hip. , 8250.0O RE- IWAKO for con- ronvictlon of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Range Lake Qreek , S. Dakota. PS BOUSCHE . PoBtofflce address ' Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horsea branded same on left bip.Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKorAVorO'VL pro or FZ. Also the'following , the first one being on side and hip . * R. Vandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. Same a on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka M _ _ battle is on cutSome branded W Z dl eft side or hip 3ange < - Gordon 3reek Heck f Julius mar L . Vfllee Kebr Eanpe south of BfoWniee Sawyer Eros. Postofflce address Oasis. Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge 01 these Battle ; horses Dson [ eft shoulder ; some stock brand'v'X ' * my where on EL. Range , Snake C F COOPSB Poatofflce address Oasis , Nsor Brand registered 2095 Catt'e branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle branded ; Eanpe South and west of Haokberry id DIIPIC Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left 1e and thigh. irmark , squar6 ou nght ear H orscs have me brand on [ t thigh. Range on Gor- n and Snake eeks 1 ttetrard of $25O will be paid to any rson for information leading to the arrest and al conviction of any person or perrons steal. * ttl * wfth ftbor brand D. B. STOXEB & SON. X Newton , Nebr. Brand registered No. 411. Cattle branded same as cut on left side or loft hip. Horses same on leit shoulder. Range South of Gordon Creek. , Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Nebr Cattle branded-oc left side same ai cut. cut.Horses on left shoulder. Rango , the Gordon and iSnko. Louis F. Richards Merrlman Neb Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on rat tle. Horses on left shoulder. BancoNorth Eli. ' SWEENEY BKOS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed Si See block flange Stever and Stephenaon Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any p r on for 'in- formation leading to the arrent and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with tu above Brand. C. Evenaon Codv , Nebr. On left side and thlRh ; horses the same on left aide. KangBetween Nlobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Gordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nebr. / Cattle branded same as cut * Q leftside. Horsei same on left shoulder. A Also on J / \ left aide DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Battle branded on eft side as on cut ; ilso V leltneckandjj eft hip : some V lelt leek. V left shoulder ind Z left bin-horses VZ left hip. Range Inake River,81,32,33. J A SAULT8 Cattle on lip. Horses on left houlder. Some stock et bearing my ormer brand as hown be'ow. ' Postofflce address Gregory , Net On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder BanReArkansas VaJey and Snake JULIUS PETERSON ostofflce address Gregory , randed as on cut Range two miles orth of Gregory WILLIA3I BEAMEB Gordon , Nebr. Cattle braided same u cut on left she. Horses j branded ! on left shoulder. , south oUrwin. D. Stinard. ilentlne , Nebr. ate Brand re- f tered 1554. ittle and horses anded same as t on left hip. Range-2 mifes st of JFt.'Kio- ara. P9J ? * l Ir SS Crsokatou Nebr On. Mlnue * diadnza 5 ? t