i THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M..RICE , EDITO Mutual comnanipH pay loHBewin full ' ' diHoouut I. M. RICE , Ayent SjPr "Pi Valentine .odge No. 6. . Cx > JLx. Meets every second and fourth Wednesday fven- ne of etch month at Hornby's Hall. A cordial nvitation is extended to all visiting members. O.V. . MOREY , President. MAUD V. MOKGAREID GE.Sec'y Gra ) Thedford Neb Same as cut on left liipor AOon right bip or side Ron ge Lo p and Dismal J. W. Burleigh Valentine Neb Cattle and hordes branded same a cut on left side Range between Gordon an Snake creeks and on the Niobrara DAN "WEBSTER Postofflce address r Harlan , Nebraska On left side or hip ; homes branded samo eft shoulder Range between Nio oraraand Snake riv" 2rs , south of Merri man A Rr.icarrt oflOO will be paid to an > person for information leading to the arrestau f final conviction of any person or persons stewi ng cattle or noises with above brand. F W.J-rsig Ya o n n Sebi rands as follows Left hip 69 Left side , loin or * hip \ I.elt > l.culdcr Left to left rank thigh V rpftiaw lV eft , side left hip Left Shouldi. i'H Lelt shoulder , side or hip [ .eft or either fcidc 1 randed Left sholdcr or left thigh between the Gojdn and fc'n.-il. itu'h of the Niubrara river E E AND H E WOODRUFF Postolllce address Hyannis , N < i On lefthip and let side. Also stool bninded on left side and reversed S on right shoulder ; also rip I hip and left side Range-Mot he * L W E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGJ3 Postcftice address RyaunisNeb. OnH hip anc left eld Also uu ft hip indleft side tjBores same Brands on hnulders. Range 23-miles J L ROSKBERKY Tostofflcc address Pullman , Noi Branded on left hip ; horses sam e erd- mark-double dew-lap Range south aup east of Brush Hi C S "WILLIAMS postoffico address Gahop , Nebraska On left side ; also \v I left side ; also Jlelthipalso IV on side and Son hip ; horses son left Jaw Kange-EIght miles south of Gallop GENTRY , ABBOTT & MONAHAN Postofflce address Hyannis. Net I on nnie stock hi-lnrted C left slioul 5 left hip ; also Si N N anywhere jeJ side ; also slleMiddle LoiiP This is to certify that I have taken up at m\ place two nnd one half miles north-east o Crookston. Nebraska. November 16 , 190 ! , on bay horse , six yesirs old , weight abont no- pounds. branded triaflgle on left shoulder and lazv Z F with ! bar half diamond under It 01 ritibi shoulder. One bay mareabout six yean old weight about 1150 pounds branded HL con nected on left .shoulder and heart with bar und er it on right shoulder. Ou buckskin vom about 4 jears old. weight < abotit 750 pound ? b-amled SAT on Jelt shoulder and E on right shoulder aud 15 on lei t thigh. AVEBS. l i'- . . H A BUCK Postofflce addreab 9 Hyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen mile * north of Hvanni ? Henrr Younj ; . Cody , Nebraska Horse brand MY on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Range , Little White river. S. D. W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch aud German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore Land ar > 0 Te c i } ( < . iartlett Rie-hards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : torses same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R. R. and iyaunis on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern N'ebraska. Address. BABTLETT RIRHABDB llsworth. Nebraska C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same an cut ; also C.J BEJ on right hip. Kange on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading -detection of rustlers of stock aringany of these brands. Morey & Hewett. Cordon , Nebr. Brand registered i292. On left hip f cattle. Horses ame left should- r ; also 94O V ft side iauge South ol take 35 miles f' Cordon WILLIAM WILSON PosTofflce address Kilgore Nebi wo half circles on left hip and left side I of neck Horses I same on left shouldr 1 Some cattle branded icaper hook on lef hip ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Hor-j ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb HERBERT O. BISONETTE. MAWAOKR. Postofflce address Pine Ridge. S. D Cattle branded as on cut. HOB on left side ; Bome either side ; Some on left aide ; som older stock , .anywhere on animal. Horses E B on left hi i Some anywhere on miles north- Of Range-Seven - rich * side cut of Pine midge. In iQBi Bhaonoa C * John Gresh. Merjiman.Neb. On both sides ; some on right side and hip. Horses same with out bar , left thiph Range.Lake Creek and Little White River. Sandy Williams -lerriman. Nebr. Mostly on left ide. Some on right side. Horses same.on ' ft shoulder. Range Lake Oreek , S. D. Charles C. Tackett RosebudS. D. Range head of An ; lope near 5t , Marvs nlssion Horses branded M left thigh Vm Bordeaux. P.O. Address , Rosebud. S.D Brand Same as cut on both sides f cattle. Range-Little White ttive D. L. Reed. Cody , Nebr. Same as cut on right side of cat tle. Horses same as cut on right shoulder. MILLS BROS , Merriraan , Nebr. Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand register ed 1091. Range-12 mile } southwest of Merrlman on the NIobrara river. WM ER1CK.SOJ * Postofflce address Kennedy , Neb On left side and hip * ; horses O or A on ettjaw Range two milea rthwest Ken nedy H "V DOWNING Postofticie addrea * Gregory. Neb On lefttide ; also C 0 L E on side Range StevenHon Lake G. W. BEAMER. Gordon. Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside i > i. cut , 6-inch box and 254-inch circle Brand registered 875. box. Registered 87G. Range 6 miles Invin on Niobr-tr.4 rm-1. Morgjireidge & Son Simeon Neb As on cut , or 1J or VI > on lefthip with bole in right ear when under 2 years old ; horse same as cut and 1J Range Gorton creek and Nio brara river Talbot & Seneca Neb Horse.s / v branded HPl on left I * side Range between Middle I.oup and Dismal W.oFarbnd Nalei t'niNebr. ' . Raiu-e : font miles en.st of For Niobrara , north and south of the Berr > bri ge WALT HARDY r fltoffle * ad4res * eneoa. N k Left sldt on ettl i hones , left shoulder : alio Mtettildt some on right M Ranzeoutii iMnldULoup. Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr On both side and hip. Herd mark dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Ranee Lake Creek and Little White River. FRANK MOGLE Postoflic add JOBS Cody. Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ripht ear splithorses ; > randed same on Ieft6h.ui.lder Range on Nio rara a W. Bennett n 3 on Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip al so same as cut Range between St'ordonandSnake creeks and on the Niobrara river Soager Postofflce address Cody , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip aud shoulder ; horses < ame Range , Snake Creek U. G. Criger Merrimau N b. Brand reco-dcd No. 1087. u Brml ; > on leftside left Range 10 miles south of Rlerri- man on the Nio brara. F. T. lirackett Riege. Nebr. Brand Registered o 1490 4 Brand riglit side jr hip Horses same on ight shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of iilgore Itoan Brothers Woodlake Neb , , ] ohn Roan's p : ivte mark , slit 11 left ear W. D McGAA Or eg ton , 8. D. Left or either sid of cattlealso ; Vleft side of neck. Swal low fork right ear , underblt left : right ear nubbed off : derbit lef ear Bom * left Jaw and some wattle kit jaw Other brand * left side or part of animal , aide or any part of animal , iorne branded ut fallowing , left A.Uo some eattle 3earln th follow- itr brands t A left ck > , 1 left si * orse brand * at1 Oft leu li-it leu Icituip thigh thigh thigh , or tnlgh , hip. Anjonesflllng horses or cattle bearing Che ( tore brond.K nul be prosecuted. Information ' r llni : theft liberally rewarded , Banft at - nd Cotton wood. C. E Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywher * on right side J G COOLEY Postoffice address HyannisNeb on rightjsMej hor- essatnTon right shoulder nge six miles northwest of Moth er L i ) C. Geo. Bowius. A. Ray Williams , Manager. ostofflceaddres- rriman. Nebr State orand : Cattle and horse * OM on left side. Some have var ious older brands Kar mark Left ear clipped Ranee from F jE. &M .V R.R. 'south to Leander Creek. C. GEO. BO WLUS , Scribner. Nebr. N. S. Kowley Kennedy * - Nebraska. \me a side aud hip , and on left shoulder of hor ses. ANoBjHIfi on left "icliH.tiid i on right hip and 4on leftside. Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. LUQ on left hip of horses. JOHN SHAWOIIAN Pos o ce address Cody , Nebraska ( > n tert Bidi A Ls > . Jeft side Horse.s J S on left shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek JOHN I'ortt office address Allen , S. I ) , On left shoulder and hip : some \ on gp left slx.-ulflr and gJ n left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek CHARLES LONE WOLF Postofflce address Allen 3D On right side and shoulder , horses sameonrightthich Range-Bear Creek Hugh Hovill , Manager Merriman Neb Allonlelt Bide or hip Range north of El Albert Whipple ost-iffl ; e a ddrcss Rosebud. S D. Brnded on 1 eft side some SOS Horses onT eirher \ shou'dI r. Somear e nded on hershoud A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis. NPD side , and hip right Also have stouK uraued * - * e rrrn 'uii right hip s un ( h err Ilenrj Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle Ecoffey & Sons. MerrimanNeb. Cattle branded MV on left side and E on leit jaw. ears clipped Doth ends and JC on right hip and C on right jaw. un- derblt on right ear and . * on [ right arr side. Horses bninded JG on left hip and PK on le shoulder and T on left hip. Range Between Pass Creek anjl southern part of the reservation Lnle. J R Wallingford Kennedy.Nfb. Catt'e sauie as cut : also some br.ttidea Ujon C. H. Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either aide Horses same ou f hip. Also Q > Range-Lake Creek SD J. J. Peck. Cody. Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S. D. Robert Emery Rodebud , S. D. Cattle branded on both sides. Horses on left thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. Vetal Vlandry. Cody , Nebr. Cattle branded -inywhere ; some wi th Under neath the brand. Horse'i on [ eft shoul der. der.Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John DeCory Rosebud. S. D , Some branded ID 417 on left side T JXD I Horses JD on left hip Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Reuben QUICK Rosebud S D Cattle branded same as cut or on hip Range. Blabk Pipe Creek Peter Ylondray Rosebud , S. D. Left side. Left car : ropped. Horses branded VR. VR.Range Range Little White River , at moith of ' ' . 'edarf'reek. Charles Richards Merriman. Neb \ \ m. F. SLn.idt Rosebud S D Same as cut or wit bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped Horses branded same on left hip Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left Bide or hip Range north o Eli D N GOURLEY Poatofflce address Rushville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on left side ; Horses should- Rantre-CedarLake D. Bray RosbJtid 8 D Cattlebranded on left thigh or hip same as cur. Horse brand same on the left shoulder E F DEVINE Postoffice address Merriman , Neb Braiided on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Cieek and the A T DAVIS ostofflce add ret s Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on rfoht side Range 16 miles north of Henry Flineaux SimeonXebr. H ff } ' * Brand Registered No 816. Quarter Circle Club. Cattle branded I EiSi on left hip. Some without circle. quaner . 8u Horses brand ed on left shoul der. R M Faddis& Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kenuo Cattle branded same as cut. Some branded on loft thigh. Some on leftside or hip. JT GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses o right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara Riverl2-miles south west of Cody Frank Livermore. Cody Neb. On both on sides any or El Also L on iiip or shoulder. Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek 8. D. Frank Rothleutner KilgoreXb Cuttle orandeu on GEORGE JESSEN Postoffice address Merriman , Neb On either left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder R nge-East of Cot I tonwood Lake George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered" No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Ciitcomb Lake in Cherry Co CHARLES GART3IDE Postofflce address Cody , Neb Cattle branded on left side ; also CG on left hip of cattle and left shoulder on howes Kuiiire on Niobrara 10 ml scut Invest Cody A T BRACKETT Postofflce address Riego Neb Branded on left side Range-Three miles Southeast of Georgia Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. Alen & Sons Ft Brand re gistee No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 milea east of Valentine James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. * Cattle branded on left side. ' Horses J3 on left jaw. Range Between the Mobrara and Medicine Lake. J. A. Adamson. Valent'ne , Neb On left side or hip A4 left si or hip On left side Rangoon Niobrara Hervey llanch Two miles 'east ! of Crookston , in Cherry , county , Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip. on right hip. and on right side with 3-inch letter Wm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookstou Neb George F Damon Albany. ? .Teb Cattle branded FI > on left ribs or right shoulder ; t& I * on righthip aud-'e 'f ribs ; eon left hip Horses FDor > D right shoulder Ksnjre 7 rl ROI ca1of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur BlacSLeg Vaccine