Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 05, 1901, Image 4

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Official NeicajMiper of Cherri
County , JVebraiska
Subscription $1.00 per year in ad vane * * : 51.
wheL nutpafd in advance , Single copies pe.
4 1 ; > y advertising 1 Inch , 15c per Jsnie ; 5 J
per eo , ifrui byjthe month.
Ix > ca NotJceh. Ollltmrlej ind Lodjje 'Kesdlir
lons-lk inline csyjhteHue. > . i
Brands , IJ nvies $4.00. per ypar In ac
vauCu ; Mddltlnual < iace 3.00per Inch per yeai
en leaved blocks extra , 91.00 each.
Fartlct Hvlnif outs'de Cherry county not pei
soi : ! ir kio\Vn requ-cied to pay m SMJV.-IUC <
10 jW cent a > litltfonal to above r iterf 'It i ovt
6 mouths arrears.
Notice * ol loss of stock free 'Jo brand adve :
y , December 5 IttOJ
Contrress nujt Monday DPC. 2nd am
adjourned for H clny on account of tl-
death of tho'president , then met Hg.'Ui
Tuesday and adjourned for a day 01
account of the" "death of Senator K1
because it was a .custom. We thin !
tbe-c.ustoiu is wrong. There was plent ;
of 'time for mouimng at the time of tin
' *
ttf f *
death and when they are called to dut ;
it is bad" practice to adjourn from da ;
to day for the death of some membe
sixmonths ago. . } Suppose there ha <
been a dozen or more to adjourn fo
who would come first ?
-Jennie ETRoss tells of thewonder
that woman Have performed * in publii
works in Chicago and Honesville
Pennsylvania , and we would ventun
the. suggestion that not one of thi
libmes of these public.spirited womei
6 a pleasure to any man who occupies
it nor the children looked after if in
deed they have any children to can
for. There is a work for woman fa :
mere of benefit to mankind than clean
ing streets , alh-js and buildings , retain
' * - boulevards
'ing---walls , constructing -
bridges , etc. liet the woman's wcrl
be far reaching-and never b <
dimished ny a-few" who strive to exal
themselvPS by doing the work thatth
more becoming to men and slighting
-.their own pf making and keeping i
' J eaiftiful' home , * educating andmak ;
ing-meo.of the bpys in their care' wht
will go out into ths world to work foi
" the best interests Of "humanity aud lei
. .tueir motto be ever with them thai
' "they would rather educate and ptil
? -to work ten men than do the worlc ol
; ten men. There is a higher 'jpplfert
and a licher field than grovelling iu the
* dirt. Howloug , oh-how long-wilLthej
' 'be handicapped by ' stretching fortli
' their hands for that which will soil
themdegrade them , cramp their efforts
: at making the best use of the ialer.ts
t God has giveu them , iu _ building the
immortal 'structure of the soul Qfman"
' ' *
" ' " '
"kind. ' "
Mill prices as given on this page are
correct. . *
. Fred Vincent went out to his claim
' . .last , week. , , , . . , 4 . . - , .
Carl Ire.eman who has been down to
Oakdale , for s ( me time past is back a-
Last--Thursday Turkey and * Greece
formed an alliance for the good of
America. - , - ,
Who knows where Jamas is ? A
little black and win te'dg belonging to
Mrs. Ferdon. ; - , - ' -
* *
Wm. Ferdon and wife and W. Ball
went to Chicago the first of the week
" '
to see tho cattle show. '
There was a Thanksgiving ball last
--Thursday night at the hall which was
enjoyed by some of our joung people.
At Crookston it is reported that a
grand Thanksgiving "ball was given "at
tfie Woodman hall an'd neraly10 CDup-
,1bs were present ; , . . . ' *
: Air. and MrsW.J P. 'Mbr reidge
Tcame down from Merriman last Thnr's-
Alayon business and pleasure. They
returned tto their home Sunday night.
1 O. Sv. Mofey showed us a medal that
'he had made out of silver for the best
marksman at ; the Wbpd Lake shooting
match. * " lVwt a model'of beauty1 and
Vneat design being accurately carved
'aud fine'ly polished.
! * . . W m..K Holey took the train Friday
"niormng for MoviHe-Ia. , in responseito
. 41 letygrnm tllat his mother was very
tick at the home of his sister ind not
oxp cted to live. JJe returned Sunday
i night and s ys tlmt.tlf re is li'.tle hope
* for hci : recover-1 she-is ( inite old . ; md.
It is no credit to a man to sny that
' hov more be--
lie doesn't mid the papers
causu thyre'-d. - nothing , in 'em. The
mint 5alii Wyto kick him3cl some time | \
because he didn't read 'em but no he'd
just be stubborn aboajt it .and say you
stuck the iteui be wanted to know a-
" side hid it a-
'botit.wuy offtd one or
iiiong'a lot of others and he'd just keep I j
, . . ' . w ;
nti . ktrkllifl. T <
' * . '
' .
> - *
; >
7 J * * ? . * . . - Tf
Anui.s ih ni 'ht clark at Hoi
McGeers. ,
/ v
W. n. Wilkinson the 4 musician is i
gain in our midst' . , ; N
JJ n Lo'itltti l Itaking a lay ff foi
a few dajs from the Red F"ont. s
Jos. Reid and C. E. Potts were reg
istered at The Donoher 'from Gordon
Roan Bros , were up from south o
'Woodlake and spent Thanksgiving ii
We hear that a sister in law of X'lrs
Gertrude Brown arrived last night foi
' ' ' " f '
: V
a visit. - > . s\t i , -
' t i
Remember the Uazar December 19
Ladies will find all kinds of dainty
ijif ts for Xinas.
Frankt ? > asenbery of Gordon wal
duwn yesterday looking for a locatioi
to put in a restauiant.
JWm. Epke is now up and able tc
walk around ; though brought very
low by tvphoid pneumonia the past
few weeks.
-You arp invited to tako crazv tea nt
thp old 'co-rthniusp Tuesday evening
Ow.,10. ] 901 nt 0 p. m. Given under
auspices of Ep m-rli Lfague.
Services t Hie EpUcopal chuich nexl
Sunday Dee. 8th. Holy communion
7:30 a. m. Sunday school 10 a m
Morning prayer 11 a.m. Evening
prayer at 7:30 p.m.
/ .
W. C. Shattuck has rented rooms in
ilie bpauionis uwtmiig oi J. E. Tliackery
tUe prebeut cuuuty iruuauier and wiL
aoou move down irom AlemuiHii and
get acquamieU with the duties of 'hit
* * '
l ) . Stinardj' the clothier , does not
believe m being belaud ihe times at
ue has had his store lighted by elec
tricity. Two'arc aud several clu&tert
of , lucaudesceut lights now take tilt
S * /
i * v
place of the old oil lamps. t
II. O. Jelinek and his brother John
* *
\ V.vere up 'from Comptou iu company
with K. J. Jerman and wife and J. K.
fiaker.whb we uuderstaud have beeu
engaged in the ranch business together.
They made a transfer of land' . fro'ui
Mr. " Jerman 'to Mr. Baker and tl'ie
'Jelinek brothers will go in partnership
with 'Mr. Baker in th'4 stockbusiness. .
Special arrangements have been made
'to 'light the Opera Ilouee by electricity
and put in a' ; special wire to run the
wonderful Optograptyand Caelum Eug-
mes b'wned by the lyrtle intbn Co.
Saturday , Dec. 7. A royal comedy
drama will presented and by the
aid of electricity , the finest illustrated
songs ever rendered will be a feature.
13e on.time . and have your seats reserved.
PRICK ; 5.0c. , : ; % =
> % . . ; *
NTotice of Annual Election' Officers.
Estee'raed'Neighbors : Your pres
ence are earnestly requested at our reg
ular meeting on Wednesday evening
the IStn'inst , tliat' being the > date of
our annual election of officers. The
officers of Valentine Camp No. 1751
request the attendance of every mem-
uer to take part iu this election.
> Fraternallyt
* , . \V. E. HALEY f j
" ' ' Cierk Cornp 1751 M. W. A.
J twin- SWtts was down the. first of
the' weekMr. . Stotts is"a 'former TPSI-
3ent of Jackson copnty Mo. and knows
\ great many people a id has a large
number of friends theie yet , manv of
ivhom the1 editor WAS acquainted with
fears ago. . Lately atfriend of Mr Stotts
Drought him a copy of the history of
Facksou county Mo. which perhaps is
nore 'interesting than' a novel to any
me who everlived there. Among oth-
i-'items of intrest in this history is a
> oem fjo i the pen of Martin Rice , an
sirly pioneer , having livad in Jackson
puntysince 1838.
Jo&'Langer writes from Norden en-
losing anothers years subscription in
d.yance. We are thankful for the en-
ouragernent these industrious .upright
icn extend to thepE3iocRAT and we'h
ry to merit their patronag * and though
ame tiuieswe may be wrong it is not
sc : , High regard for
nd arid great men like our
ither gonibefore'us , is a guiding star
) our footsteps. At times we falter as
le liglrugrovrs dim , fromlong1 pursu-
nce dr iis shadows pass ! before us but
10 display of valient deeds or glorious
rvice never fai's ' to ring up a thrill of
tirnirat'iori' for thehero and. adds in-
jiration to do something worthy our
W. D. Ricketanfl E. E/Crane made
pleasant call at the Democrat Office
esterday , "while" in * town" , helping
rove UD on Comfort Starr's home-
; ead , near Merriman 'Mr Rickets
formerly from Northern Missouri
> or GO miles east . of St , , Joe
nil , came westseveral
iarsva' jot''occause the land was > too
; ar for a voung man to get an'equal
iow Those eastern homes are nice
id we like togo back for a visit oc
isionally , but we have to stay vrh'ere
e can do the best Mr. Rickets took
me pictures of bis mothers home a
ort time'ago while he WHS. b'ack on a
sit and"though * hey make the boys
si like there's no place like home they
rhaps realize that we can't all live
lere there's the most pleasant sur-
undmgs. We appreciate the visits
our. friend * and especially those who
m 1 fo'ra atd fe&JnW tfd tdwit
Pihestrline of Suspenders 'at 25
cents in the city.
Also many other bargains in oui
general line.
W. A. PETTYCREW , general Merchandise .
i ' *
Vf-Egg *
. . .A = f-
- ! LV ili
are likely to bo used for glazing
coffee ? If you knew'you wonFd be
suro to demand
Lion Coffee
which is never contaminated with
any glazingof any sort , either eggs
or glue just pure , fresh , strong ,
fragrant coffee.
The sealed ! onl- _ J
form quality and freshnen.
Our line of all toilet articles
have been largely increased in
] J view of the approaching" holiday/
j * season. All the new thinjrs 4n
brushes , hand mirrors , fat\cy
* combs , etc. . as well as an erid-
. less stock of rare perfumes.
* These goods are ready and
.3 , those buyers who realize the ad-
3 vantage of early cho'osiriij. can
'select any time An especially.
] e good time for those to buy wfiio
fc have need of items in these lines
for personal use. ' * *
Quigley & CHapman ,
Druggists , :
Valentine , Neb.
_ ' *
. Now Open
* . ; ' "
, . .
Short .Order
, *
OYSTERS in any style
Everything to'eat the
market affords. * -
Sran , bulk 95c per cwti$1800-toi ]
shorts bulk . . . 105c. per cwt | 20.00 too
Screenings 40c " * 7.00 "
IhopFeed 1.15 | 22.nn
3orn . . . . ' . . .1.00 > $19.00"
3hopcorn : : . ' ' 120.00"
) ats ' . ' . . : . .1:45$2800 - "
Notice For Publication.
L'o . . of the Fanners Mntu
1 Insurance Co. of Lincoln , Nebraska :
You are each hereby notified lhat
he members of said company will hold
lieir annual county meeting December
7th at 2 o'clock P. "M. at the VAJLEN
INK DEMOCRAT building in the town
f Valentine , Nebraska v > persutfit to
le b-la\vs of said cohipauy , fpr tlie *
urpose of electing proxies 'attend
le annual meeting of said company' to
e held at Lincoln , Nebrl January loth
90U at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this
Oday of Nov. 190UKITTIE
Local Weather Record
U. S. Department of Agriculture i
Weather Bureau f
ilentine , Kcbmskiu "week ending Tuesdajr. [
Deceiuher-3 1901
Mean temperature , 39 decrees which is 3 de-
ees above the average , "
Mean temperature for correspondingweek
st year , G degrees.
EJighest temperature , 71 degrees on the 29
Lowest temperature , 1" degrees oh the :5rf" : .
Highest and lowest leniperature.for corres
nding weeklait year , 35 degrees audil ) de
ees respectively. > 5lifc ,
roial snowfall , T inches , which is .O/'lnches
" " * * * '
low the average. j.
ilxniuni velocity of wind 27 mile.s from iiw.
'ercentage of sunshine. 43.
D,0. GKUNOW , '
Observer. Weather Bureau.
i -
A spscial wire will be placeddn the
> era House to run Myrtle Vinton's
> nderful Optograph.- t. , JLec. 7.
itinee aud sight.
& ,
Sparks Items.
Whillans and Callen have.complet
their new building.
Mr. and Mrs. Graddy spent Thaufc
giving at Daye Archers.
Quite a number of stock have be <
dying with the blackleg.
Jonn Grooms has purchased the Mo
ris plxce south east of Sparks.
After quite an absence John Owei
returuad home Thanksgiving
o n
The dance at Newt Giooms Thank
giving uight was well attended.
Much damage has been done by th
prairie fire which recently passe
through these parts.
Mr. Quigley came down from Valer
tine Friday looking alter his sfc ck an
getting ready for winter.
Mi 1ftore Items
J. A.V. . Johnson is fitting up a mej
F. Rothleutuer isgoinp to have a nei
well on his ranch *
Mrs. Dora Hatten we are glad to sa
is on the road to recovery ,
Miss Emma Carlson went to Valeu
tine Saturday morning and returne
duuday uight.
Miss Cena Downing returned las
Monday from. Merrimau where she ha
been 'transacting business.
MA and Mr. J. A. " 5V. Johnson wer
to Valentine last Saturday afternoo
and returned on nnuiber 3.
.Mrs. Via'Kimball returned from Aim
worvh Nebr. Friday where she had bee
visiting friends and relatives. .
Rev. J. A. .Johnson and daughtt
Mabel of Crookston were in Geor i
Surday. Mr. Joduson gave the peopl
a sermon.
Ed Luther returned to-Hooper th
other day. Mi. JLuther has been pul
ting some improvements on his ranc
about five miles north west of hf re.
W. E. Haley was seenon our s m
banks last Wednesday night ? He ha <
just returned from his ranch wliere h
had been helping dehorn his cattle.
Kenuedy Items.
Wm. Enckson went to Valentim
A. C. Ayers went to' Brownlee lasl
Billy Ware tarried in Kennedy a few
hours last Mouday.
Mr' and Mrs. Beekley were Kennedy
callers last Saturday.
Homer Tate is building a large sod
house OP the Snake river.
Mr. and Mrs. Quisenberry of Oasi :
were at jveunedy last week.
Cyle Jones is still playing high lone
some all by himself , batching.
Chas. Latta an 1 Alex MeAlevy are
busy gathering cattle this week.
Glide Kime of Newton was taking
in the sights arouud Kennedy last
Cyrus Wolfpndon arid wife went to
Valentine the first of the week on
The good fall we are having will in
sure plenty of hay fot the balance of
; he winter.
Frank Buinham and wife of Lincoln
ire visiting with relatives and friends
> ver on Snake river.
Billy Ware and ? am Me A levy passed
ihrough Kennedy with a bunch of cat-
le the first of the week.
Notice to Creditors.
li county tfourt within and for "iheny county
el > raskv. in tl/e. matter of the estate of i"red-
nck Shanlcv deceased.
To ihe creditors of s itl estate. You are here-
iy notified that I wilt ait at the coudty court
ooin in Valentine In said county on the 21st
ay of December 1001 at 10 o'clock a. m. to re-
eive and examire all claims against slid estate
, -ith a view to their adjustment and allowance ,
'lie time limited for ilia presentation vf such
hums ap&inst paid estate is seven months Irom
li2oth day of May A. IX 1901 and the time
raited ror the payment of debts Is one year
rom said 20th day-of May 1901.
Witness my hand and the tteal of said couuty
> this 27th day of October 1001. .
43-lt ' " County Judge
Opera House will be lighted by elect-
Lcity during Myrtle Viuton's engage-
lent , Saturday , Dec. 7. Matinee.Ymd
Sheep .fOr Sale.
During the next-two weeks , , owing to
raiiie fire , will offer for sale at Valen
ne , 1.000 picked ewes-and ewe lambs ,
rill sell in small lots if desired. See
e at Valentine House , " ' .
46-lt " J.-A , TAYLOR. !
Accounts of Merchants , Raneiinieri , and Individuals Invite ? +
Money to L'oan on Pirst-elass Cattle Paper
f- ' / and Other Securities ,
Valentine State Bank
( Successors to Cherry County Lank. )
Capital I ? icl Tip igig
" 'RED WHIT/TEMORE / , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden *
tome to the
t *
FOR , Lumber , Builders' Materials
Buggies , Moline WagonsEclipse Windmills ,
Fair bank's Ste el Windmills
J. A. SPARKS , Mgr
The place to get the best windmill
also pumps and tanks.
First door south of the Dcnoher Douse.
. , NERR.
, , w/vi/v . O
4 ? R S DENNIS Oto
4 $ Valentine Nebraska x All work well done to
C. H. CORNELL. President. M. V. NICHOLSOX , Cashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Banking : Business Transacted
* x i
Boys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange3
t CorreMpondente ;
Jhemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb
Fir Ft class lire of Steaks. Err st'
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked
Breakfast Bacon
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
, , .Choicest Wine and Cigars-
. ' "
. - ' >
' " * *
4 >
< J
ioe aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Yarns'Embroidery " * " -
SL'ks , Opera Sbawls , Neckties and potions , Point ' . if-
Laces , Battenburg Lraid , Sofa Pillows , Wooljknifc
t >
lippers and Center Pieces made to order at Prices thatareBIGKr
* * 9
t s