\v. n h THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I * - . THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 5 , 1901 NUMBER 46 i WHAT A BLUFF * | SOME MERCHANTS PUT UP < * * | By telling what they are going toto % to do next ye ar toto | We buy for Cash to Jj Aoid sell for Cash ; $ That is why we don't make ar y Grand Stand Talks. toto toto to toto to Sj Look at our toto ' to Men's Overshoes at $1.25 toto Those Fine Co\v .Boy Boots at 3.50 toto toto The Hest Michigan Salt at 1.90 per bbl toto e outing flannel at 10c , per j'd toto ? This i S our way of doing business. FRONT § SUITS $5 TO $20 Ladies , Misses and Children's Jackets , Capes * Collarettes , Muffs and Fur poats. Our Stock is Complete"and Prices the Lowest. Tailoring in ALL Branches. D. STINARD , Clothter DON'T SIT UP NIGHTS Worrying about Xmas Gifts for your Friends but stop in and see our line of Watches , Broaches , Chains , Rings , Bracelets , Sterling Novelties , Aluminum and Celluloid Goods and other numerous' things that you could select from. New goods arriving every day. All kinds of repairing given prompt attention , O. W. MORE Y , Old Reliable Jeweler , VALENTINE NEBR : * The Political Campaign is Over. . * V . * * > \ JUST i OURS BEGUN V-1 h With a Full Stock of all kinds HARDWARE , \ * - Wind mills , Pumps.Iron X\\beds , Mattresses , Charter e''Oak Stoves and Ranges. Leave your orders for all kinds of COAL. ANDERSON & FISCHER VALENTINE - NEBB. GET nrmvTTTA.TAT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * We Can Satiifr You in Oualitv Price and Vorkoanthip v -Rates Reasonable Give He a Trial Scliatetliauer , Propr , h - If- ' l - * . - ? - ? , I. * - - > i i - xruvii f . TALK OF THE TOWN John Stetter spent a fer days with his family this week. Lets all attend court in the new court house next week. G. H. Folsom of Merriman was down on business last Saturday. Mrs. T. C. Hornby and sister Mrs. C. Sparks are at Chadron this week visiting. Fred Folks1 visited in town last week while down from-Cbadron for a , few days. Fred Whittemore , president of the Valentine State Bank was here dur ing the past. week. Numerous foot ball games were played Thanksgiving in different parts of our native land. The rummage sale last Thanksgiv ing wass well patronized and the sup. per was relished by many. Wm. P. Conley has moved his fam ily into the house occupied by Elmer Cole and are keeping house. Gus Carlson has finished bis shop on north main street and has a very nice building now with the front fin ished for a sales room or stock room and the back part for a work room. The man who is continually kick * ing because you don't print any more news than you do might kick some more if we gleaned news items more closely. Dean Efner and newly wedded bride came down from Chadron Friday and visited with'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Efner 'till Sunday night. Dean went out to his homestead during their vis it. Some of the real stuff must have been in the oyster soup Wednesday night of last week from the effect it seemed to have on some of the dear ones. And it didn't come out in the wash either. But then once a year is not bad for some people to go on a tear. D. A. Hancock of Blackburn , rviis- ouri took a couple of his friends from Kansas City , Missouri , but hunt ing with him and spent Thanksgiving on his. ranch near Simeon that he lately purchased from Major Ander son. They enjoyed a , good time and returned Saturday. The proceeds from Hons Von Smash were nearly 40 dollars. The play was very good for amateurs and the peo ple showed appreciation. The select reading should not be permitted. It's too easyIf the children would speak louder those in the back part of the room could hear. There was a little friendly scrap between Tommy Watkins and Dr : Goodrich Saturday evening of last week. There happened to be some body close enough to part them so there was no harm done but ii they get together again' we're thinking that there'll be hair a flyin' in the air. air.A. A. D. Brown the affable druggist at Elliott's drugstore resigned his'posi- . tion last Saturday morning and took a trip down east. jtfr. Brown did not ! eave any definite directions as to where we would send h'is paper and the past account remaining unsettled , we will drop hip name froffl the list. But that doesn't settle it. A man who will pull out without paying up his subscription would do meaner .things f given an opportunity. We would advise people to look out for him. W. L. Yancy and Miss Marie Reid were married last Friday at tbe M. E. parsonage , Rev A. F Cumbow of ficiating .and Al Yoijug and Miss Ollie Dewey acted as attendants , Mr. Yancy is a fine looking young man and has a large circle of friends at his former home , Cody. Miss Reid is a sister of F. L. Reid and is a talent > ed and accomplished young lady of ! ody and none can but rejoice with . this young couple. THE VALENTINE . DEMOCRAT extends greetings' and aest wishes to them. The prairie fire which started last Friday afternoon near Georgia ex tended eastward 50 miles and 20 miles north burning up thousands of acres of winter range worth from $5,000 to $10,000. Many lost hay with the range and those who escaped are for tunate. Cattle will have to be taken to other grazing grounds or i liay during the winter. Such calam ities are getting too numerous. Eve ry year there is trouble from prairie * fires somewhere. Yet it may have been an accident this time as before. More fire guards kept open should be the endeavor of every ranchman who an winter range , Court in session at the new court house next Monday , Wm. Erickaon of Kennedy was in town the first of the week. ' Wm. Baird was transacting busi- nes is in our city last Tue sday. JE. . Thackrey , Co. treasurer , went to Gordon Sunday night and made final proof on his homestead north of Irwfn and Tuesday attended the cat- tle4ale a't Gordon. ; 'parl Sender , a brother-in-law ol Andrew Schatzthauer , will come here from Cheyenne , Wyoming , as soon as he can get a house to live in. He wilj'probably help Mr. S in the liv ery business. Al. Young retired from the Kanga- rod restaurant last week and Mr. Cidler is now jthe proprietor. No- ti { e the change in the ad which now reads , Tom Candler. Mr. C will do a good business as he appears to be gen tlemanly , quiet and attentive to bus iness. Meals will oe served at any time you're hungry and you'll receive courteous treatment. improvements are being made at the DEMOCRAT office continually and now re have things more convenient- lytatranged than before. Call on us when in town and say , hello , and how about your sudscription. It's money a makes things go and if you have a coupleof dollars to spare it will help us to continue to improve and will pay what you owe on subscript ion and some in advance no doubt. LastrFriday a fire started some dis tance north-west of Georgia. The wind being in the south-west drove it upon * the icservation and it burned east down the.Jhie for a long distance. Those who live near the reservation line trusted to the wind to keep it.in . the same direction but the wind turn ed and blew from the north-west. Tniis it burned off the range of Spratt Hobaon , Harper. J. E. Pettycrew , Perkins and all that were in it's path. ne man wasburned entirevjout but a is sod house , well and tank. J . E. Pettycrew got the're just in time to back-fire away from hia hay stacks which contained nearly two hundred tons of hay. His son who had been staying there wintering the cat tle , luckily , had the cattle in the cor ral , thus preventing the fire from in- iuriog them. Farmers , keep a good wide fire guard around your property. It pays , as you see. WEDDING BELLS One of the prettiest weddings of the Autumn , took place , Nov. 25 , at ifgh noon at the residence of Mr and Mrs. N.C. Riggs , five miles southwest of Woodlake. The principalswere Miss Emma Louisa Biggs , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.N. C Riggs , and Adolph Scheult- er json of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheul ter. The Rev. Richard Whitehouse officiated. The attendants ere Miss Anna Belle Riggs , sister of the bride , and Herman Scheulter , brother of groom , ] Miss Hattie Scheulter , sister of the groom and George Clark. The bride wore a costume of light bl ue , cashmere , trimmed with an a bundaflce of dainty lace , white rib bon and flowers. The fflaid of honor , Miss Anna Belle Riggs , wore a cos tume of light purple and lace and flow ers. ers.Toe Toe bridesmaid' Miss Hatie Scheul ter , was attired in pink cashmere , S lace and flowers. The bridal party entered the par lor .to the strains of Weddinc Bells March , beautifully rendered by Miss Lola Leach , organist. Mr. Riggs , father of the bride , gave her away. After congratulations were . over , all repared to the spacious dining room and > partook of the bount iful repast prepared for the occasion by the genial host and hostess. 8 The table containing the presents , groaned under the weight of useful and ornamental gifts from the friends of the young couple. Photos were taken on the home grounds : first of the bridal party , next of bridal party , attendants and invited guests , by Mr. Alien of St. Louis who is teaching in the Sch eult- er'District. The weather was not only fine but perfect. There were present forty guests , thirty of whom were relatives of the contracting parties. Just as the sun was setting the invited guests departed for their various homes , leaving kinu wishes for the future happiness of the Bride and Groom. A GvTfiST , - - - - . v v . w v v w iv v ow in V * * VW"W PN * WW" " W 1 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNw All parties who are indebted to us whose accounts have been running for two years and more will please call and settle , We Mean * the parties Jj who can pay but wont. There Jj are some who would pay but can't. J Now to the former class we want to. / C say that if accounts are not settled by jj 49 January lf 1902 we will publish a list * 4 ? of their names and amount due in each * of the County Papers for a period of 4 ? 60 days and sell same accounts .for what they will bring. DAVENPORT & THACHER 4 ? General Merchants. to We are opening up our line of Holiday Goods Better drop in and make an early selection while the stock is complete ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise Groceries MAX E. < VIERTEL CRQOKSTOK XEBttASKA. THEDONOHER Is the Best Equipped , moat Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Booms - HEBEASKA U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS . " . * - i T " OF THE , CHOICEST BRANDS ! Valentine - - > Nebraska . i ; - ? fV