Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 28, 1901, Image 8
Sv s * f _ A THE VALENTINE DEMOGRA1 . * ec -c . I. M RICE EDTOF $1.OO Per Yenr in Advanct PUBLIbllEI ) EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at tbe Post-office at Valentine. Gherr eoantv. Nebraika. a Second ilass matter. r Educational BY LETA STETTER , "Thanks be to God for winter time , \Vhich tor tlie Mayflower up , To pour amid New Kn 'atid ' snows , The toeasineofit' ciip. " Bayard Taylor Miss Segar of the Oth ? rade has beei absent for some time. Remamber "Ice. on Parole , Fran cais , " Dec. 6 at Cornell hall. Recesshas been abolished and w are now dismissed at 11:45 and 3:4-1 : The latest 'linguistic aoheivmniit < the class of ' 02 is''sechords" by Mis Ayers. Mis Lucilla Slinard entertained th 10th grade very pleasantly at her hom < last Thursday evening. The Dutch with the French name the French with the Dutch name ; the say it's a poor rule that wont worl both WHAS. Mr. Growden had charge of Mis ; Ensoni's classes in mathematics Moii dav morning , Miss Ea&ora having leei suddenly taken ill. P.-of. Crabtree , s'ale inspector of ac credited schools , was with us Wednes day. .He expressed himself as being well satisfied with the school. Miss Bess finds that some of the H S. students aie nt-t even as providen as the old ficotchiimu who wrote a bool and at the end put a page of punctu atiou marks saying that , folk could sal and pepper it as they liked. TheH. S. , Grammar-room and sev eral visitors , Thursday afternoon , en joyed talks by Mrs. L-iw and Prof , Greeloy of S. D. University. The foi- mer bpoke on Domestic Science , deal ing especially with the rt of cooking , the latter gave us a pleas-ant little mis cellaneous talk ou subjects pertaining to education. A graduate of "one of those antique classes which date back into the lOtli century , was recently heard to remark with refei ene to the class of ' 03 that fl new generation had "sprung up" . II weliave rightly construed tbe language of thase ancients , we presume that thin one meant to insinuate that the class oi ; 02 is of the mush-room variet } * . which show how little hhey know about it. Last Friday morning Prof. Watson was vaguely troubled by the unusual disturbance in the II. S. room and said BO. exhorting the pupils to studying and quietness. Now it appears that all the disturbance was due entirely to the class colors of the illustnons clash of ' 03 which they wore that morning for tun first time and which ( being apple green aii'l salmon pink ) are so loud as to be heard even out in the hall. ' We are like a flock of pigeons with snow white feathers which were mad todecend and fight each other'and ever } thing amid soot and wire for a poor living in a dirty world. If a feather gets broken , broken it stays ; if one gets blackened nothing will clean it Perhaps we shall all fly home at last , nnd when the hand of the unseen fancier in streetched forth to receive us Iio\r cun he possibly smite any one of us , tho' we come back to him besnandg- ed and bedraggled past all recognit ion. " From A Kentucky Cardinal. Teachers"meeting to be held io the high school building ( in Valentine at 1:30 p. 111. , Dec. 14 , 1901. What do you understand by the ration- nl method of teaching primary read ing ? Miss Moses Discussion" - Prof. Watson What do jou nnderstard by the word and sentence method of teaching pri mary reading ? , ' / Mrs. Cramer Discussion Glen Doenig What do you understand by tbe syn- Jthetic method of teaching-primary ' reading ? Miss Thackrey Discussion j " ' ' ' Miss Morgareidpe Why do I believe my methad of teacb- S ing spelling gives the best pract'cel : results ? Ira Ilallingswort li Discussion , . Each Member ! \ OiaptwrsJVI , yiJ , Vill and JX oft > * * t ' . -V . - S ! \ _ M'i'u ' > iiiiiin < M K > l MK Hinsdale's Art of Study. Prof , atson Chapters I , II , HI and IV , Bailey * Agriculture ' Miss 13ro\vn Bailey Brief * Guess-Who-I-Am was in Merrimai t recently. Churn ranch is building a new ban ' G0by24feet. . ' ' \ Arthur Ileath is going to school ii the Barley urect. Daisy Goodinis visiting relative south of Valentine. Ira Gooden and II. Sellers wer branding recently. Jno. Stqry has moved into his nev soddie and dedicated it. Cbas Deave'r has located on the rive He invested in 460 acres of land. Ed Weede sold 10 head of short lion bulls to W. L. Mills for $46.00 a head James Goodfellow drove three car * of steers lo the B. and M II. II. to shij to Iowa for feeders. \ The same employees are as busy sell ing goods as ever for Mr. Davis thi successor to b1 L * Mills. Several parties anticipate going t < Alberta Canada in the spring from ihi ; corner to get free homes. Strayed one shote near Bailey , rtgh ear cut offany one hearing of the pi < will please inform VV.Ei. Sellers. GtfESS-WflO 1-A3I. Penbrook Quills. A small anow last week. Thanksgiving is here at last. Corn husking is about over for this year. C. L. Munn of Cody Nebr. is sojourn ing in these parts uowdaya. A spelling match and a basket sup per is announced at the Graddy schoo house Friday night. Martha Grooms. Alice Jones , Ton : Brown and Arthur tlughea were ftu rolled at district 28 this week. K. C. Congor of .Norden Jsebr. sus tained severe injuries last week by be ing thrown from a load of hay ! School is progressing very nicely a 1 the Pleasant Valley school house un der the instructions of Miss Jessen. A sack of Elkh'orn flour was senl down to Sparks Saturday to be raffled off free for everybody. Compliments of the Valentine mill. Won by W. J. Ogle. L'OBCVHKE. A quiet Yet beautiful wedding took place at the residence of Rev. White- house ou Thursday eve Nov. 21,1901. The contracting parties were Mrs. Clara Kicharda of Valentine and Ser- geutVm. . L. Cole of the 10th infantry of Ft. Niobrara , Nebraska. The bride is a wealthy young widow of high standing in this community. She rep resents the true type of the western woman and is highly refined and re spected by all , Sergt. Cole is one ot the true blue St. Louis boy's who step ped to the front when our Hag w s H sailed by the treacherous Spaniards , and stood firmly and staunchly by the cause till peace spread her wings over our fair land again. By strict atten tion to duty and examplary and pa triotic conduct he attained the rank of sergeant in his regiment where he leaves many firm friends who regret to see him leave the old command. Sergent Cole has always been a man of the highest respectability and his character is above reproach. His kindness and entlemanly conduct in tbe army has won for him a host of friends that will always remember him kindly wherever bis lot may be cast. Quartermaster Sergeant James L. Green and Miss Florence-Thompson were io attendance ind performed tbe duties of brides- groom and brnlesmaid , After the cer emony was jn-j formed and Rev. White- liouse had nride a beautiful talk to fhe lewly married couplfl the crowd repair ed to find supper where all enjo3ed , hernselv s splendidly till 11 p. m. Sergeant Cole and bride leave.for an ex- ; ended trip to the east where they will ipend a month in Chicago , New 1 ork md other cities daring their honey moon ifter which they will go into bnainesss n St. Louis. It is hoped by alh fiends that the angel of peace may ipread her wings'over them and guide h'm in the and straight perfectway ind when the great drama of life draws o aclose like a mighty curtain and oath has flown and old age steals up- m them stealthily'it is to be hoped hat the beautiful lines of the immortal K > et may still ring in their eirs as wtfetly and serenely as it did amid the lour of their youthful courtship. Let hose lines reverberate from the hill sps of their youth to tne silent declivit- PS of old age and be their motto along tie turbulent stream of life. Two souls w ith bm a single thought. Tno hearts that beat as one. i oDtMvlio was present. ' . ' - " , > w . S S &A * ' * * ' " . " ' * ' * " " * " " " ' * VJ. " - "iXT' 't * * ! * > f H. Faulha'ber Brownlee Breeder'of Reu'st'd Hereford1 ° Hyaitf Xo. 74.TO at bead of herd. Young bud * fnun to 18 months old for sale. Good Hard ROOK . . . For Sale" . PAT HETT , Valentpe , Neb. \ \ \ Ralu and sweat have no effect on harness treated with Eureka Har ness Oil. It re sist ! the damp , keeps the leath er soft and pli able. Stitches do not break. \ \ \ > % i No rough sur- \ \ \\fjj face to chafe . \ and cut. The harness not only keeps looking like new , but wears twice as longby the use of Eureka Harnes * Oil. Sold everyw hero In cans A ell sires. Made by Standard Oil Company D. A. Hancock Blackburn. Mo o Simeon. Nebrask Cattle branded 01 left side as on cut ; also .16 on left sid with on left feip n some cattle ; also Si on right side Hors brand , rake and 1 on Mt shoulder o Jiip Home ranch-on Dewey 1 Ake. Ranee on Niobrara River , east o Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska O.J. Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Creek and Loup XOMK PMtOfflM AttnM BoMbnA. JD OMtle knit * * Q Irft fid * tut a D n left bl KMch * too * &n4Aat U > p0 BARBER SHOP FIRST CLASS and tfr To DATK , v Neat and Attractive , Every Cus tomer has a Clean Towel. W. KIMBELL STATE BANK BUILDING Notice Probate of Will. , Notice Probate of will. Agusta W. Sclmlz de reiijii'il. Iti county court Cherry county. Me- > r. kii. 'I lie suite of Nebraska to the heirs and ie\t ol kiu of the said Augusta W. Schitlze , de ceased. Take notice that upon filing of a AVIUHI In strument purporting to be the last , will and test ament of Aiiiuiusta W. Mchuize for probate and allowance , it is ordeied that said matter be set for hearhin the SOihftay/nf November A. 1) . 1901 t > efore said county court ; it the hour of 10 u'c'ock a. m at which time any person interested .may appear and contest the same ; and notice of this proceeding is oreered published three weeks successively in the VAKKNTJNK DKMOCJIAT a weekly newspaper published in this state In testimony whereof , 1 have hereunto set my banil and the seal of the county court SKAI , at Valentine this 13th day of November v- A. D. 1901. W. R. TOWNE. . Cuuntv Judge. line of 26c suspenders , the best , value yon have seen , at Pettycrew's , 37-tf. Eatrayed from my place about Sept , 15 , one gray horae , weight abo-Jt 1000 pounds ; head and. "neck flee bitten specks , wire cut on left hind leg1 be- owthe knee ? branded JD H on left boulder , vent may b e blotched J D A.lso one buckskin pony mare about 350 pounds , mane about'6 inches long , jrandedTO on left flank. Reason- ible reward for information leading : o their recovery. T. J. NELSON , 38-tf Woodlake , Nebr Ranch for Sale or Lease' ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay rater and timber. Will run 300 head if stock. For information address , box io. IS'I Gordon Nebr. or L M. RICE , 'alentine , Nebr. 42-tf % PAH persons knowing themselves to > e indebted , to Crabb & Co.'will lease call and settle before Dec 1 90L 44 2t CRABB & Co. Science and art combined to ufao loving trains at full speed on can- as with 800 candle power electrical pparatus. The assassination of resident McKinleh , Galveston flood nd famous battles of the late war in luba shown in moving pictures at taell Hall Saturdaynight. . * . , * * ' BARBER to CLAUDE JONES for Hai tGo _ Cut , Shave , Shampoo and Ho Jjl or Cold Baths. Second door south ot The Donohei TTiKTXOSiT . Has been movedrilie luillding'on South Cherr street formerly known as the Mussencaie hous < and here we are prepared to give customer better servioe'tban ever before. iccscecccoooccoscceccsssc Drs. Caldwell & Hutchinscn RENTIQT9. Over Hotnbys Grocery , O 3 O < C C C OO O OOP OS 30 O S C O. DWYER 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOf All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. V1ALENTINE . . . . NEBRASKA A. N. COMPTOW . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office At ' Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights-At The Donoher Hotel. C M. WALCOTT r ATTORNY /V M D A-BQtPB/VPfPPC r\nU r\DD \\r\Li I I Qr\ Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and TJ. 8. Lan < Office. Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor M. MORBISSET ATTORNEY VALENTINE. NE"H Yon want a TUBULAR F -WELL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN POEATH # , Or write him at Riege , Nebraska Henry Anguston , RROWNE.EE , - XEBRASKA , Does General Blocksmithing ; 2&t ftarct time prlcew for ITT DELIVERY Call JOHN D. EATON haul your I UN1CS PACKAGES , VALISES lOc MILL PRICES FOR FEED. Sran , bulk 85c per cwt | 10 00 ton Shorts bulk 95c per cwt | 18 00 ton Taken Dp rn lip by tbe $ ubs ribeT in German pre- ; . Clierncounty Nebraska , on the 2nd dnv 'A ' October 1001 , one l > lick mare about a yeaj's jld and cult. Mare branded JJ wit i bar ihroitih II on left. ybould : .o A on left thluh and me three yeat old mare branded J with bar ! lirouuliit and > A on left thitili ntiil one three rear old black stallion no brands or marks. JOHN A. ADAMSOX Just received a new line of children's ichool shoes at Pettycrew's. 33tf The High School entertainment is eported fine. "All kinds of heavy hardware and vagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Bunch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete for ngaging in the stock business. This 3 a chance for some man who has about ; 50 0 to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or prite us. 'Having recently purchased one of he Newcomb fly-shuttle rag carpet ome I am now prepared to do all : inds of rag caipet ueaying on shor otice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine , Nebr. Nebr.I See our bargain counter of ladies' nd children's shoes. , ffitf ' - W. A. ik J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock brande same us cut back < right shoulder an oil right hip Range on th Niobrara D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Xebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Sbadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebi Left side ; 8 1 left shoulder. llerdmarkdei lap.Kange Kange Rang 36 and 37 , b < tween Niobrar Stotts & Stetter. Cody.yebraska Branded on left side Range , Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownlee , Nel Like cut on eitbe : > orhipals ( llet side. Hore . Isameascu on left hip S25O.OO RE WARD for con conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattlt in these brands. William Shangran. Cody , Nebr. On left side. Horses same. Hange-pLake Oreek , S. Dakota. PS ROUSCHE Poatofflce address Brownlee , Net On left side or anj part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hip.Alst has stock branded B on side or shoulder or JKorWorO'Vi ' joro or FZ. Also the-following , the first one being on side and hip E. E. Vandegrift. Brownlee. Neb. v8ame a on cut. Range Between Goose Creek and North Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka ' Cattle branded T'Tdl as on cutSome eft side or hip Range Go : ' Dree'k Julius Heckman Heckmant t . vnieie ftebr Range south of Browulee Sawyer Bros. Fostofflce address Oasis , Aebraeka Robert Quiesenbery have charge 01 these attle ; horses Dson left shoulder ; some stock brand ny where on EL Range , Snake live * C F COOPER 1'ostoffire address Oasis , NsDr Brand registered 2095 Jattle branded on left side same as cut dorses branded on left hip. AKnaome c.itUe branded ; Ranfe South and west of Haokberry id DUCK J > ake. Metzger Bros. , Gregory 2feb Cherry Co Branded on left 1e and thigh. irmark , squar0 ou right ear Horses have me brand on : t thigh. Flange on Gor- n aud Suake eeka , 1 Heteard of S25O will be paid to any rson for Information leading to the arrest aud al conviction of any person or persona steal. " ' ' " - store r ntf D. B. 8IOK B & BOX. Newton , Jfcbr. Brand registered Ko. 411. Cattle branded same as cut on left .side or left hip. Horses same on lelt shoulder. Rainje South of Gordon Creek. Teeter ? Bros. Newton. Nebr Cattle branded oc left side tame ft * cut. cut.Horses on left shoulder. Kanjr- tn - Gordon Snku Louis F. Richard- Mcirimatt Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on .cat- tie. < v Horses on left ahonlder. RanaeNorth Eli. .1 8WEKNEY BROS. Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S See block Range Steverj and Stephen BOD Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any person for in formation leading to the arreHt and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. C. Evenson Codv , Nebr. On left side snd thigh ; horses the same on left side. RanRe Between Niobrara and the Snake. GEORGE N DAVIS Simeon. Nebr. Catrtle branded on leftside. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Gordon Creek. P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , . Cattle branded same as , cut on left sidei "Horsei same on ' " left' shoulder. shoulder.Also Also on left side DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address ChesterfieW. Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; also V leltneckandZ left hip : some v left neck. V left shoulder and Z left bin ; horses VZ left hip. Range Snake River.81,32,33. Cattle on let1 ilp. Horses on left jhoiilder. Some stock ret bearing my rormer brand as ihown below. Postofflce address Gregory , We ) On left aide or hip horses flame on left shoulder Range-Arkansas VaJey and Snake JULIUS PETERSON 'ostofflce address Gregory. Neb > randed as on cut * Range two miles orth of Gregory WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , ffebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left si-'e. Horses i branded ] on left shoulder. aouthollrwln. -D. Stinard. Jlentine , Nebr. ; - ate Brand reT- " l tered 1554. , ittle and horses anded same as t on left hip. Range-2 miles st of Ft. ara , PIKEBRoy 2& n > *