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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1901)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT M. RICE EDITOR Official Xeicnpnper of Cherry Comity * yebraIt i TERMS . in advance ; Sl.GC S-ibscnplIon-Sl.00 per year whet not paid tu advance , binglc copies uc. , l > js , lay advertisingInch , I5c per issue ; ? 10 per co iron by the month. loca Notices , obltiiarlei aud.todse.Kesolut - ions-St .per HIMach Issue. Brands , li im-nes $4.00 per year In ad- vance ; HUdlttoi-nf space S3.00 per inch per year ; engraved blocks extra , $1.00 each. Tartlet Ihimr outs de Clierry county not per- soiiilyjuiowu are h | iieei l to pay in advance. 10 | wr cent to above rales if over Olnontbs HI arrears. Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver tisers. Thursday , November 211901 i ADDITIONAL LOCAL ' .Wm. E.Swnby of Feaiby Bros , of ( ' 'loc'kston was ill townjast week on W. A. Denny came in from his ranch Tuesday and left Vednesday morning for Omaha. , We hear that E. J. McLaughlin and Geo. Van Huron were arrested and be ing detained on a charge of horse steal- , i g- g.Dr. .Dr. Shock ley the post doctor was up lost night to meet his mother who had been down to Omaha for a couple of weeks .JJ. i'.Felch , an old time resident of Cherry County , departed yesterday morning for his present home in Chi cago , affer attending to some business matters here. We chronicle ihe event of the mar riage of Adolph Schlueter to-vMiss Em ma Louisa Kiggs of Wood * LakeVNby. 251 byKev. . Jt. Whifehouse. ' 'Full ac- . count of the wedding will be giyen next week. The Democrat ; . ' Building now .has water works connection and a fence a- round the back yard which is another improvement and as time goes on we'll endeavor to improve in seveial ways. We are waiting to have the building painted and papered now , aud the paint er , R. S , Dennis can begin as soon as lie has time to do the , work. Word conies to us this morning that Howard L-iyport an-i Miss Florence Ilaniar , were married last nightx . ars are on tap" at Elliott's drug store- This is a worthy young couple amPtjSI' ' DioioG'itAT extends . congratulations. We don't know any of' theparticulars as no one came around , to tell ns about it but we guess it's a fact. . . . M. J. Jordan and M. P. 'Flemmtng reinovad the remains of the founds daughter aud the latters rnoifhtr "from ' an inteiinent near Springview to the cemetery south east of this city yester day. The bodies had lain for 13 and 15 years respectively in the ground and the casket of one and the outside box of the otherjwere badly decayed and were 1 erielosed in new boxes before "rejuvv ing. Miss Van Jjuskirk and Hutchinson have decided to givo up dress-making ; for the present and yesterdny rnornin g , departed for their homes ; Miss Elutch- iuson to Nora Springs , Iowa and TMiss Vim Buskirk to Gordon , Nebr. These young ladies have been engaged in dressmaking here for several months a L and are estimable and praiseworthy 1 \oung'ladies who will be missed by the ; 1 wide circle of friends they have made 1c here. Many of our people regret their v departure and hope they will return 1 after a pleasant "visit at , home for 1i 1tl Thanksgiving. tl liobert Quisenberry returned from a pleasant visit with his folks in Kansas City Monday JiigLA Mr. Quisenberry tad shipped some stock to the Omaha C ( inarket-and went from there to his former home which he finds to bo a tcb tcfl 'Inisyplace , a jostling crowd of people fl thronging the streets of Kansas City \v.lth fakes-and fakirs luuumeraoH lie speaks of having seen'the man who was w buried 6 feet under ground for , five days li and'mghts , having gone into a * trance. Mr. Quisenberry is manager of Sawyer Bros , ranch and stock near Oasis and f owns some fiijahhy land.Notice their 'P ' * stock brand S i in-another part ofthis in paper , lii te Notice For Publication. . di To the members of the Farmers Mutu al Insurance Co. of Lincoln. Nebraska : Qi ot You are each .hereby notiQed that re the members of said company will hold th their annual county meeting December kr 17th at 2 o'clock P. M. at the VALEN bt TINK DEMOCRATbuilding' in the town al of Valentine , Nebraska ' persuant to the by-laws of said company , for the purpose of electing proxies to attend the annual meeting of said company' to of be held at Lincoln , Nebr. January .loth an Yl at10 r o'clock a. .in. iDated this \ - . U > 1J. ' * . > * * ' " * -"i ' * _ , ' * * l.i . ' * " * < j ' - f < r ' * ' - / - - r-i ' , . - " ' > DECEMBER At my farm four miles i 4 north of Crookston ; , . . at 10 ' o'clock sharp the following described property. 50 head of horses , consisting 35 .head cattle consisting of of geldings .weighing from 1200 14"cowsn , some fresh and to 1500 pounds , niares Irom some wijU be fresh in a short 1200 to 1300 Ibs. , good sad- - time , yearling steers , yearl- die ponies , 2 year old colts "ing'b eifers and spring calves/ yearling colts , sucking colts , 3 lumber Dragons , nearly new , on < * Norman stallion , weight 131-2 jEbtur inoh tire , 1 3 1-4 about 1650. , . . . " four inch tire , 13l-4threei * * > - * f inch tire. 4o tons millet hay. * ' " * v ' < . * v - " / V , " ' ' < " % - 4 sets double harness and 10 head shotes. ' farming implements. T.3RMS : Ten mbnths time on all sums ftver $10 will be giv- , en'with approved security , without interest if paid when due If n6t paid when dufe 10 per cent interest irom date of notes. A discount of 5 per cent for cash. All sums under $10 cash and all property to be settled for before removed. ' . ; . . . - . UH. OVERMAN G. E TRACEWELL ; , . . . | / . .eg\feE ; | , HALEY . Auctioneer , : / " - , " x ' " ! \ Clerk John Haeber was in from Hie ranch near Oasis , yesterda } * , getting supplies. C.P. Jordon passed through Valen tine on his way toattend a masonic meeting in South Dakota. J. F. Broad was a Valentine visitor yesterday. Mr. Broad is getting a nice start in stock near Britt and says his cattle aredoing well. . . . , . * _ . . t. * M. Appel of the FrankJin Cattle O : mth headquarters at'Rapid City S/ & . is in .town this week lookitfg. after their stock intrests in this locality. Miss Donnfgan went out to her home near Arabia last week ami 'with Miss Jordon .kept bach an enjoyed hern- selves as much in being liouie as if 'twere a holiday/ ' . . Ben Roberts aud wife and sister Miss Larson spent a few days in to\vn the fore , part of the week. Mr. Roberts awns a fine ranch near Merriinan and plenty of good cattle that are.well . ? ared for. , Robert Robinson drove down from the 'Boarding Suhopl this week si ml j kindly 'remembered the editor with hanks for some extra copies of ex shanges ' which he never . , received. , f some people are most appreciative , but we'll go you one better bro. Bob Somebody went hunting last sunday , ud iu returning their horses got tang ed in a wire gate.and proceeded/to kick oosewhich . .they did , but. broke the ioubletree .of'tije : buggy and the boys r alked hcniet which was not very iar i " * ' lowever , addvhen they jcothomeie nembered they'had left their game in lie buggy and went back after it. C , P.Joidan the Rosebud merchant utuiiud Jrffrt night frc man eastern trip lr Jordan administered the thirty se / and degree in masonry at Y'aiikton > a number of masons which is tue ighest 1 ei. i ee iu masonry excepting lie elective and is called tbecDiiijstoiy [ r. Jonluu went to St. Louis where he lade Hcrangements t. ) enter a wild est show during the exposition there ' a 1903. . .I ; t ' - \ . Jno. Shelburn and ilr. Black called or a visit with the editor during the ist week apd complained of stock d-- tg in the"stalkj fields. ; Ttq.editor . ed in a country that was best adap id to stud ying the so. called corn stalk * ' * * , r * " ' ,3 ' isease from whichcattle ! die. Any ic wishing to know full particulars of ir investigations we will cheerfully spond. This is what to'do to'-avoid e corn stalk disease. It's the best we . * ' i > * J low of.Be careful to water stock ' jfore turning in stalk field , see that 1 have"a , good "opportunity to drink v rd if they must stay in the Afield'all } ly drive .them out at noon for water.f se plenty" of salt twice a vreek or teiiQr not rock salt use barrel .salt ! id they can get a mouth fultor more. | : rrtler againrat\night. Ifyou nbtice ' ' iV'Uot drinking , 'freelyryou sh'ould' led ' ' " -rfP * ? * ' . ' . . ' - - < i- r I .v. 'Ji u The Masquerade I3aU given by the Valentine Dancing Club was a grand success t / E. J. PeBell andife and Chas. Bredeson and wife JJwere down from Rosebud the first of the week , Last Saturday a game . of" .foot ball was played on the grounds north of the . . .Valentine school building by the sold ier bqys of the Fort. We had an an nouncement written for the game' for last""week's paper but thtough some oversight unaccounted for byfthe edit or it failed to arjpear in the paper. The game however yfas none the less attractive and Dr. ' Shockley , Lieut. Turner , II. Steward C. M. Hunterand Sei j. S. A" . JRawls together with near- , ly a score of stout'and active young meneleven on a side , boosted each oth er heels over head and piled up in a promiscuous manner until we wondered if they knew how to find themselves One side was winner and cheered lust ily over the result. The ball was egg , shaped a.nd about 7x10 inches in diatii4 : * 'ter. There was a large crowd out to . t > ee ihe game and when there is' pros- ' pe.ct of another game we are going , to i tell you so you can.go and see for your : 'selves. There is considerable talk of izinff a militia company here it been giving out that one would be ac cepted from this neck of the woods ' The company willcontain from 40 to' ' 100 men and all who care to join should enroll their names with CH. . Cornell. Officers will be elected by the members of the company. A large number have signified their willingness to join and be come a . .roughrider or cow boy "soldier or something inspiring. We believe'a band of our boys would be willing to attack anything from a prairie chicken1 to a mad steer on San Juan hill or any other hill and would go through any fence in Cherry county or .Cuba , like a" prairie-fire in the sand hills and' ho corporals guard could stop them. ? Come boys. ; rally around 'the flag and get your names down as a soldier and show what kind of nerve you liave We long for the time to come when we can shout for our boys a'ho never faint nor fall back \ \ hen there is a call uto arms" Let thenam.9' Val entine signify fi brave soldiery in times of war and a peaceful quiet town in times of peace. Notice to Creditors. In county court wiililn and for.Ihpr.y countv Nebraska. In tin ; matter of the estate of i'retl- irick Hlianley deceased. To the creditors of SHid estate. You are here by notified tlwt 1 will sit at the coudty court ooin in. Valentine in said county on theMst lay of December J001 at 10 o'clock a. in. , to n : reive and examire.all Haivis aguinst.tairt estate vilh a viento their adjustment and allowance. Hie time limited for ilia jiresentation wf such ilaunsa ' j&insr. said estate is seven months Iroini h -'sutli day of May A. I ) . 1901 and the tiiiKf imited fertile payment of ( lebts Is blie year rom said 20th day of May 1901. Witness my hand and the seal of said comity ! - - this'Tlh day of October iaoi. { SKA I. > V. B.TOVVNK v ' 45-lt f County - Judje . ; < * . , Wthl Maier has been : bnildmg an ml- liton for"Max Viertel the , ' * Crooksto"n In a 1Glass of Water. .Put a handful olglazed coffee'in a glass ofvater , [ , wash off the coating , look at it ; smell it ! Is it fit to drink ? Give LION COFFEE the samq.test. It leaves the water brighFand clear , because M'sjuit ufe coffee. * ' \ Tlio sealed package insures uniform i ' , quality and freshness. Let the weather do it's worst Violet Cream is a preparation that heals faster than winds can puyhen. If neglected , fa.qe and * o hands can hardly , keep from x roughening in cold raw weather SjThey can't keep from being-J I * smooth if you rely on' Violet J $ Cream. It heals quickly becau it's entirely absorbed. For t 2 % same reason there's no grease or % 09 ' K nifakjjiess" to annoy. Daintily \ * perfumed. Price 25 cents. t ' . ' , / * ' ' * - Ouigley & Chapman , > . : ; , -Valentine , ' ; Neb. KANGAROO Now Open DAY ! . . . . ' ' . . , . and ; ---"f'J- ' NIGHT , . Short Order RESTAURANT f , 3YST-ERS in style i. i. . _ any Everything to eat the j arket affords. CANDLER & YOUNG _ P. JEE. JBanmgartl transacted business j our city Alwiday , ' " , , . ' W * " / . . - ' ' : l. f , ' * Accounts oP-Merchants , Ranetyrteri , and Individuals Money to Loan on Pirsfc-elass Cattle Paper Other Securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Carpi till I nicl Tip s S" ' . ' ' , . , - JHISECTOJIS - -A FRED WIIITTEMORE , President . J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden " * ' CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON . Come to.the ' D , S , LUDWIG LUMBER YARD f FOR Lumber , - Builders' Materials Buggies Moline WagonsEclipse Windmills , Fair bank's Steel Windmills J , A. SPAKKS , Mgr FOUND. NOT LOST. place to. get tlie "best windmill also pumps and tanks. * First do.or south of the Donolier House. S. MOON VALENTINE , . , NERR. 49PAINTING 49 49 PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING. R S. DENNIS. - 49 Valentine Nebraska All work well done C. H. COliNJGIJL. President. M. V. NICHOLSONCashier gANKOF VALENTNE. * - - _ _ . _ _ ValentineNebraska , > - * - A General Banking Business Transacted * Bays and Sells Bomestic and Foreign Exchange'rrs/il v Chemical National * Bank , New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank. Omaha Neb A CITIZENS-MEAT-MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks , Roas t Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon T. A. YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES B. HULL " " " " " " i Sf Sole Agents for HERALD PUFE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUGS BEER Choicest Wine and Cigars , yv VALENTINE X 'NEBRASKA MH fM ° YOU CAN BU Y ' \ * * Fine aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery Handkerchiefs , . .YarnsEmbrmdery' ' * ; - SL'ks , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , Point"i' ' * V Laces'Battenburg Lraid , Sofa Pillows , WooljKnit " * " " " ' ' * ' > * Clippers and Center Pieces made to order at Prices that are EIGHT' ' ' * ' * SHOES - AT COST PRICE " - . Fin e Masquerade Suits For Rent Masks For Sale' . ER SISTERS , -V ' j " ' i' x'v , < - - ; . j. . . -.H'w . . , ss * * * * j"1 * * " * * ' * .s " * - * > J" " jr / 5j .j. j -I