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$2.00 Per F rJl.M-A < ftJ Mc
/ T
, v
' ' -f
I ; :
Entered at t to e Postofflce at Valentine. Cherry
, Ai " .
. i eountv. Nebraska'as Second-class matter.
'k Nov , 13 Bout d met a per adjourn
' * meqt ; member , ajl present.
Be it ordained by "the boafdpf count } '
/ „ commissioners of-Cherry county , Ne-
L. - braska that in pursuance of ttieauthor-
ity granted to said buard by 'sectiou 5 ,
artici'i 7 , chapter 55 of the compiled
/ ' s fv .es of Nebraska for the yem * 1901.
; * ' J There shall be established in the
' . copntyJbf Cherry , state pf Nebraska , a
\ 'board to be stled the County Board of
" 'shall consist of
K 'Health. Said board
- -three metnbrs one of whom shall be a
- / pra ? icing physician. Tins said board
, of health sha I be appointed by the
-board of coun'y commi.s oners of said
CQunty , and shall hold said office for the
term of one year from and after their
appointment , aud until their successors
have been duly appointed by said board
of county commissiouens The mem
bers so appointed shall within thirty
days after their appointment file ao ac
ceptance of Said trust with the county
clerk. Said bo ird shall receive as com
pensation for their services the sum of
two dollars a day for the time actually
employed and shall be allowed out of
th-i general fund of the county their
actual aud necessary expenses incurred
in the porform ince of their duties as
members of said boird of health.
-2 Any practicing physician who
. shaUjdiscover a case of diptheria , small
pox or other contageous or infectious
disease withm the limits of said county
and not within the limits of any incor
porated town or village therein shall at
once report the same to some member
of said board of health. Any physician
ftiilingjio do so shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof before any justice of the peace
1 or magistrate of said count } shall be
filled in anv sum not le < ? s than Qve do 1-
lars nor more than fifty dollars.
3 When any case of contagious or
infectious disease bhall be reported to
said board of health , within the limits
' < * < of tinid county and not withiu the limits
of any incorporated village therein , it
shall be the duy of wiid board of health
to at once acertain as to the correctness
thereof , wh'ch bt-ing established it
shall be the duty of said board to take
* such steps and adopt such measures as
said board may deem necessary to pre.
l | vent the spread of said disease , and
they are hereby empowered to establish
a quarantine upon the premises where
said disease is located by displaying a
red flag ; after which it shall be unlaw
ful for any person to go to or from said
premises without the permission of said
board of health , or its agent , until said
quarantine is raised by said board of
health. Any person violating the pro
visions of this section shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con
viction thereof before any justice of the
peace or other magistrate within said
county shall be fined in any sum not
less than five dollars nor more than
fifty dollars.
. 4 That said board of health is em
powered to adopt any rules it may
deem necessary to prevent the spread
of any contagious or infectious disease ,
establish pest houses , employ physic
ians , nurses and guards and to do any
anc all things necessary for the proper
enforcement of its rules ; provided , that
where expense incurred in carrying
out the provisions of this section can
not be collected from said quarantined
person , or persons , it shall be paid out
of the general fund of said county.
Provided further that bnch items of ex
1 * - pense shall be certified to by said board
of health and filed with the county
clerk of said county within sixty days
after the same has been incurred.
Any perhon violating any provision of
this section shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor and upon conviction
thereof before any justice of the peace1
or magistrate of the county shall be
fined in any sum not less than five dol-
* lars nor more than fifty dollars. In
pursuance of above W. K. Haley , JDr.
L A'i N. Complou and L. N. L yporfc
"were appointed as said board. Board
spent the day testing heating plant in
court house and adjourned to Nov. 14.
.Nov. 14 1901 Board met as per ad
journment ; members all present. Aft
er a thorough examination the board
accepted the court-house and made fall
eUloment yiib.contractor William
.Maier. AiriUnuixed account of buttlo-
inutit will be published Ut Jan. meet
ing for thtijuforination of the tax pay-
, er5 of the eounty. . Ou motion the jan
ijlor was made the custodian of the-
" -ccnirthousej'grounds and fixtures. On
'motion-affidavit of M. Christensen-jFor
oflaiVg was rejected. Onmol
i K i ,4t -41
' '
' '
L3&j& ' : ' 'y
- , & - , . ;
A - * * - * rt ? * a9 c fc "
' * ' - / jfi * , - i-
* * f
tton clerk , was iustructed tovrite ( . n
ton Bridge Co. that ' "unless workon
bridges for the erection * of . .yrluch tliey
* * < 'i i
have taken contractsba commence
4 . v iJ t
by-Dea . 1 ptmtracfrwjH' . , . be deClardd/for-
* * * * f * * * + j * ' -'Jr " * p * -r * -r
feited and suit 'will be commenced
against their bond. ' On motion T. C.
Hornby was awarded contract for win
dow shades for court bouse for $46.00.
On motion application oj Odtll Peter
son 'for admission to soldiers. Home was
X ' * f '
approved. On motion the following ,
claims were/allowed and warrants oiv
dered drawnWcounty general funl :
E Ureuklandcr llx nres lor courthouse 44 no
J K That-krey freight on furniture 25 43
L N taypurt ( milts for jail 7 50
IT Carl'oniwpt erection of court hoase20000
Alex Burr com fees , - ; ' . - ' 38& )
L r-'iufer * * 2000
* ' "
WK Haley " " - . 4350
Win Maler bal due on court house 223199
* * *
of this claim Sl&O were paid from building fund
win ! w-irrant.ordered drawn on general fund for
8914 99.
On ' Road. Jb und
A Ihprt Mpfzeer nil vert on Gordon 15 oo
C1) Aitihlle repairing bridge 3 00
On requi st ot E Rreuklander f his
claim of $44 was applied upon "tij's real
estate ax. Onjnotion "bond of couhty
clerk was fixed at $5.000 and that of
c innty treasurer at $75,000. Where
upon the board abjourned to Jan. 8 ,
1902.Attest '
Attest J , W. DANIELS
Countv Clerk.
57285 Eroin Cascade by Compton to
Purdiim * 12.50 miles annl back three
times a week ; leave Cascade Tiiesrt'a <
Thursdav and. Saturday at'8 n. m ar
rive at Purdurn by 11:80 'a , in. leave
Purdum Tuesrlay , Thursday , and Sat
urday at 12 30 p m ; arrive at Cascade
by 4 p in. Uond required with bid $ .iOO.
Present contract pay. $109.95 ; subcon
tract bay , $60 for 4.50 miles three times
a week.
57286 From Elsmere , by Giles , to
Purdum , 10 miles and back , six times
a week. Leave Elsmere daily , except
Sunday , at 6.45 a m ; arrive at Purbum ,
by 11.45 a m , leave Purdum dailv ez
cept Sunday at 12:45 : p. m. arrive at
Elsmere.by 5:45 p. m. Bond required
with bid $1,100 ; present contract pay
57,287. From .Riege to Kilgore. 10
miles and back twice a week. Leave
Riege Tuesday and Saturday at 12:15 :
p. m. arrive at Kilgore by 2:45 p. m
Leave Kilgore Tuesday and Saturday
at 3lo ; p. m. arrive at lliege by 5i5 p
m. Bond required with bid 5300 ;
present contract pay $01.74 ; subcon
tract pay $91.75.
57288 ; From Merriman to Bailey 24
miles and back three times a week.
Leave Merriman Tuesday , Thursday
and Saturday at 6 a. m. arrive at Bail
ev by 12 m. Leave Bailey Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday at 1 p. m. ar
rive at Merriman by 7pm' Bond re
quired with bid $1,000 ; present con
tract pay $344.75 ; subcontract pay $300
57589 : From McCann to Kilgore 11
miles and back twice a week. Leave
McCann Tuesday and Saturday at 8:30 :
a. in. arrive at Kilgore by 12 m leave
KiJgore Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p.
m. arrive at McCann by 430 ; p. m.
Bond required with bid. $300 ; present
contract pay $150.
57290 Faom Whiteman to Pullman.
30 miles and back , six times Leave
Whitman daily , except Sunday , at S 45
am ; arrive at Pullman by 5 4.5 p m :
leave Pullman dailv , except Sunday ,
at 8 a m ; arrive at Whitman by 5 p ui.
Bond required with bid , $1,900' Pres
ent contract pay , § 598.
57291 From Thedford , by Brownlee
to Kennedy' 52,50 miles and back , six
times a weekteave Thedford daily ,
excebt Sunday , at 7 am ; arrive at
Kennedy by 8 40 p m ; leave Kennedy
daily , except Sunday , at 7 a m ; arrive
at Thedford by 8.40 p m. Bond re
quired with bid , $3,200. Present con
tract. $887.50 ; subcontract pay , $840.
Ranch for Sale or Lease ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , bay
water and timber. Will run 300 head
of stock. For information address , box
no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr. 42 tf
Having recently purchased one of
the Newcomb fly-shuttle rap carpet
looms I am now prepared to" do all
kinds of rsp caipet vea irg en sbor
"Valentine , Nebr.
Ranch for Sale Cheap.
Stock and implements complete for
engaging in the stock business. This
is a chance for some man who has about
15000 to invest. , Call on I. M. Rice or
write us. - -
See our bargain counter of ladies'
and children's shoes.
AUa irids of-heavy Jiardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Brcuklanders.
' Owing to the high price of feed I
willch.arge 7 cents per-quart .for milk
en and after November 16
: rThe High School. entertainment is
Charles H..Ftaqlhaber
rtn vn CO .fS
Kest t'd Herelords.
< i/ " * r-o-
. . . . / ? roNo. . 74.KJV
at bead of herd :
_ nuifg Imilfl from C
* tc is nibnlhsold ,
; ' f lo )
G-ood Hard ' "
* .
r yvA \ g -t
. . . For f aj
A sood looking . - ,
horse nnd poor lookv2U
Inghurness is tho . 3 = :
worst kind of a com-
- / , ,
not only makrs the harness ndjthft' . .
liorse luck better , but makes'tli
leatlier soft and pliable , putrf It n con- , -
ditionto last twice as long'
. as it ordinarily would. < '
Sold evcrvwhere in cans
ires , ilaie by K ]
/ '
Your 'ii '
Horse a.
Chance !
D. A. Hancockk
Blackburn. Mo or
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ; '
also 16 on left side
with on left Vip of
some cattle ; also S16
on right side Horse
brand , rake and 16
on Im-shbulder or
hip ' -
Home . .ranchou
Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of
Fort Niobrara ; all In Cherry County. Nebraska.
O.J. Kellar
Brownlee Nebr
Range between
Goose Creek
and Loup
BoMbud , D
O ttl
n left tide
Notice to Creditors. L
In county court within and for Cherry county.
Nebraska ,
in thn matter of the estate of Jacob l.udwig
To the creditors of said estato-.Yoii are here
by notified that I will sitat the county court
room in Valeuune in said count ) on the 23rd
day of November 1001. at 10 o'cIocK a m. to re
ceive and examine all claims against snM estate ,
with a view to their adjustment anU allowance.
The time limited for the presentation ot claims
against said es" : te is thn3rd day qf Nmemher
A.I ) . 1901 and the time limited for payment ol
debts is one year from said 20th day of January
1901. i
Witness my hand and seal of said county
" court this 28th day of October 1901
i-v 41-4t County Judge
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To Margai ft Younc and The Sho walter Mort
4Tr onrpaiiy , a corporation , non-resident tle-
Ltill'Ullt. * * ' - '
You and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 26 h day of octobe119ol Gt'orue 'Monier ,
as plamtilf. filed in the district court of Chnrry
county. Nebraska his petition against you as
defendants , the object and prayer ofvhicb IB to
ba\e an accounting 01 the amount une upon ,
aud to foreclose a Uix sale certificate duly issued
by the treasurer of Cherry county , Nebraska to
the plaintiff and dated March 23. 1901 , for the
following real estate , to-witlotb 3 and 4 and eis
uw4 ot section 19. township 35. range 20. 'u said
county and state , for the state , county and.
school district taxeatsessed and levied there
on for the years 1893,1894.1895 , 1890 , 1897 , 1898
and 1899 : to have the amount/found due fixed
and established as a valid and subsisting lieu
upon Mild real estate ; txxhave said taxed prom
ises sold Ir the mnnner provided by tyw for the
payment and satisfaction of th amount found
due , ith costs of suit nd costs of sale ; to bar.
loreclose and exclude the defend ants out of all
right , title , lien or f qnlty of redemption in and
to the said real estate , and for general relief.
You are further notified to answei ; auid petit
ion on or before the 9th dsy of December. 1901-
Attorney iorlTiaintiff.
Notice ' robate of Will.
Notice Probate of will. Agusta W. * ychtilz de
ceased. In county cmirt Cherry enmity , Ne
braska. 1 he state of Nebraska to thelieirs and
next of kiu of the said Augusta \ \ . Jj'chulze , de
ceased. ,
Take notice that upon filing of a J\nlt-n in
strument purporting to be the last ill and test
ament of Amnm > taV. . Schulze lor probate and
allowance , it is ordered that said matter be set
for hearing the SOlli dny of November A. I ) . 1001
before said count } court at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m at which time any person interested may
appear and contest the same : and notice of tills
proceeding is oreered published threeveeKs
successively in the VALKNTINK DIOIOCUAT a
weekly newspaper published in this state
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set my
hand aud the .seal of the county court
SKAt , at Valentine this 13th day of November
, A. D. 1901.
43-yt W. R. TOWNE.
New line of 25c suspenders , the bpst
value you have seen , at Pettycrew's ,
J 37-tf.
Estrayed from my place about Sept.
25 , one grav horse , weight about 1000
pounds : head and neck flee bitten
specks , wire cut on left hind leg ; be-
ow the knee ; branded JD 1 on left
houlder , vent may be blotched J D
Also one buckskin pony mare about
- .
CoO pounds , mane about 6 inches long ; ,
brandrd TO on left flanlv Reason
able reward for information leading
to their recovery. T. J. NELSON ,
3S-tf .Wdodlake , Nebr
f. Go to CLAUDE JONES for Hair
"M Cut , Shave , Shampoo and Hot
JjL or Cold Baths.
Second door south , ot The Donoher.
Has been inovciithc luillding'on South Cherry
street formerly known as the Mas > eneaie houso.
and here we sire prepared to give customers
better , service than ever before.
" *
All Kinds of Surgical Operations
v Successfully Performed.
" : AND
; Office At
Quigley& Chapman's Drugstore.
.Nights-At The Donoher 'Hotel.
Valzritin , Nebpaaka
Practices in District Conrt and D. a. Land
Office. Heal Estate and Kanch Property
bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor
O 9r O
"ou want a TUBULAR
Or write him at
Riege , Nebraska
Heinry Anguston ,
Does General Blacksmithing
fiard time prices for casti.
- call JOHN D. EATON
To haul your
Bran , bulk. . . . 85c per cwt $16.00 ton
Shorts bulk . . . .95c per cwt $18 00 r r >
Screenings 40c " J7.00 "
Chop Feed 1.10 j21.W !
Corn ! .95c " $1800 "
' 'hop corn l.Of ; $1900"
1.40 $2700 "
Taken Up
Taken up by the subseriber in Gorman pre
cinct. Cherry county Nebraska , on the 2nd day
of October 1901 , one black mare about ; g jeaj's
old : md Ci-lt. Mare branded J.I \ \ \ Vbar
through it on left holllder ; C-A on left thiuh and
one tinee year old mare branded J with bar
through it .ind J-A on left thiuh and one three
year old blauk htalhon no brands , or marks.
42-5t Jonx A. ADAMSOX
Notice to Non-Kfsidrnt Defendant
To Frederick L. Ivoepke and Mrs. Kcepke
first and real name unknown , wife of Frederick
L. Korpke , non-i evident defendants.
You aud euch t you are hereby notified that
on the 26th day of October. 1901. Georce Mcnicr
as plalntiif. filed in the district court of 'herr >
county. Nebniska. his petition azainst you at
defendants , the object and prayer ot wliich to
have nn accounting of the amount due upon and
toforeclOiH a tax sale certificate duly issued by
the treasurer of Cherry cdunty , Nebraska , to
the plamtitf aiul dated Manlv XI 1901. for the
following real estate to-wit lots 1 and 2 and eji
nwL4 of section 31 , township .15 , range 20. i. . said '
countv and state , for the state , county ami
school district taxes awvjeil and lc\ied there
on for the years 1S ! > 3. Ii9t5 ! , 1897. INK and 1391) : to
have the amount tuiinu due fixed and establish
ed asvatid and vul istiPir lien upon said real
estate : to have said taxed premises sold in thu
manner provided by law for the payment and
i-ati.sfact ion of the amount found due. with co.-ts
ofsuitond costs ol sale : to bar , foreclose 'and
exclude the defendants out of all right , title lien
or equity of redemption in and to tlie s > aid real
estate , and fnr general relief.
You arc furtlie. notified to answer said pe
tition on or before thu Oth day of December
Dol- *
Attome > for Phiinliff.
Just received a ue\y line of children's
school shoes at Pettj-crew's. 33tf
Come to ihe Rummage Sale before
- # * & * s & 3 $
, . ' - f
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
tame as cut back of
right shoulder and
ou right hip
Range on the
D.-M. Sears.
Kennedy , Xcbr.
Cattle branded
as on cutloft Mtlo
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Shadbolt & Fleishman.
Bailey , Nebr.
Left side ; B P
left shoulder.
lap ,
itange Range
36 and 37 , be
tween Ninbrara
and the fin ke.
Stotts & Stetter.
Branded on leftside
Ranee , Tin Can Lake
and Morgan Flats
PostofflCK address
_ _ Brownleo , Neb
Like cut on - itber
lefrslo " or hipralsii
left slue.
same as out
'on ' left hi p.
S250.OO RE-
_ WARD tor con-
conviction of anyone unlawfully handling cattle
in these brands.
William Shangnin.
Cody , Nebr.
, On left side.
Horses same.
Range Lake
Greek , S. Dakota.
Postofflce address
Brownlee , Neb
OD left side or any
part of animal. Ear
mark right ear cut
olF ; horses branded
same on left hip.Also
has stock branded B
ou side or shoulder ,
or JKorWorO'Vt
loro or FZ. Also
the-following , tlie first one being on side and hip
E. E. Yandegrift.
Brownlee. Neb.
Same a on cut.
Range Between
Goose Creek and
Nonh Loup.
Frank T Lee.
Brownlee , Neb.
Cattle on left
side ; horses same
on left shoulder
Range Four
miles northeast of
C-rorsnch Bros.
Newton , Nebraka
Cattle branded
as on cut i
eft side orhipj
Range * -
fulius Heckman
E . Nebr
Range south of
Sawyer Bros.
Postoffice address
Oasis , Nebraska
Robert Quieseubery
have charge or these
attle ; horses DM on
left shoulder ; some
stock branrMY
. Snake
Tostolncc address
Oasis , Xeor
rjniil registered 2093
attle branded on
eft side same as cut
iorses branded on
* ft hip.
AKn some cattle
UrauUeU ;
Range South and west of Backberrv
and DUCK i > ake.
Metzger Bros. ,
Gregory Neb
Cherry Co
Branded on left
side and thigh.
Earmark , squar6
croo right ear
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gor
don aud Snake
Creeks ,
A Heicarft of 4 50 will be paid to any
person for information leading to the arrest and
Qnal conviction o any person or persons steal-
aUoriB P
- ' ,
< > , * . i >
% & > 3' < J8t& : * * * & < . I t
f , * - + * f- .
I , & ? ' 1U
D. B. 8IXWEK &
Newton , Nebr.
Brand registered
JS'O. 411.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left sldo or left
hip. Horses same
on lelt shoulder.
Range South
of Gordon Creek
Teeter ? Bros
Rewton ,
Cat tie branded or
leftside same as
cut.Horses on left
the Gordon and
Louis F. Kicharda
Garner Brothers ,
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere en cat-
Horses on 'leff
Postofflce address
Pullman , Is'ci'
Cattle branded as ou
cut ; horses branded
same as < attle except
reversed St
See block
! Range 'Stever
and Stephenaon
takes and South
$300 reward will be paid to any person for in.
formation leading to the arrest and conviction
cattle with th *
of any person or persons stealing
above Brand.
C. Evenson
Codv , Nebr.
On left side 2nd
thigh ; horses the
same on left side ,
llange Bet-ween
NInbrara and the
Simeon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
on leftside.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Gordon
P. A. Cooper.
Chesterfield ,
Cattle branded
same as cut ou
left side. Ilorsei
same on left
A Also on
J fleft side
Postofflce address
Chesterfield. Neb
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ;
also VleltneckandZ
left hip : some Vleft
neck. V left shoulder
and Zlefthiojliorses
VZ left hip. Knnge
Snake River,81,32,33.
Cattle on let
Horses on left , , ,
Some stock
yet bearing my
former brand as
shown below.
Postoffice address
Gregory , Net
On left aide or hip
horses same on left
Vaiev and Snake
'Oftofflce address
Gregory. Neb
Branded as on cut
Range two miles
north of Gregory
m . #
Gettion , Nebr.
Cattle branded
' as cut on
left si 'e.
branded ;
on left
, Range 6 mile ?
south of Irwin.
D. Sf.ihard
Valentine , Nebr
State Brand reg
istered 15.M.
Uattle and horses
> randpd same as
: ut on left .hip.
: ast of 'Ft. Nio-
) rara.
Po ; tofHc - address
Crsokston Nebr
Branded ( on either
side 01 animal
' "RangeOn Mln.e-
'east-of Crgukstou
& ? * - - t2 * * - ,
S * ' I * < % i ?