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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1901)
HALF SICK PEOPLE , , Just sick enough to feel heavy heeled , lazy and listless , to have no appe tite , to sleep badly , to have what you eat feel like lead on your stomach , but not slckvenough to call a doctor just sick enough not to know what to do. TAKE DR , TYLER'S PEPSIN STOMACH POWDERS , / They will sharpen your appetite and put new "go" In your nerves and muscles. Send today and commence ta king them right away. Price 25c , or 5 for $1. Circulars an d testimonials free. Ask your druggist for It , or send direct to H. F. Hastings , 3143 Monroe St. , Toledo , O. Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers. PORTABLE GASOLINE ENGINE Illl Specially adapted for operating corn huskerc , jrlnders , etc. , and for general farm service. Write for catalogue and further information. S FAIRBANKS , MORSE & GO , , Omaha , Nebraska , Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers. Q < XXXXKXXXXXKX > O < XXXXKXXXXXXXXXXXHXHXK > < X > O < XXX > < XXXXXX > O $5,000 CASH and Premium Awards FREE. * J These 14 letters will spell three different States when properly arranged. Each line represents one State. What are they ? We intend to divide $200.00 in cash and distribute $4,800.00 worth of premiums , consisting of Solid Gold Genuinev Diamond Rings , Beautiful Silverware , etc , among those who6 send in correct answers. This contest is tree. An answer on a postal will do. We reply by6 return mail. All can secure an award if they wish without any expense whatever. AnswerQ to-day. It costs nothing to try and you may be fortunate enough to secure a handsome a ward , o OOOOOOOHOME SUPPLY COMPANY , DETROIT , MICH.OOOOOOOO Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers. Our 45 Day Offer i l l BBMM HBi B BMaBf .Send name and address end we will tend you Inspection to any person who will recom * thlf magnificently engraved double hunting Grade mend and show ft to their friends. We want cue , "American Standard" watch for to advertise our watches and conrince you free Inspection. Cue U made of the newly of their superior quality , before you pay one discovered gold alloy with extra cent. Send us > our name , post office and ex * heavy plate of H karat Solid press office , state if you want ladies or gents Gold , and even exports cannot tlio , and we will send you atonoe i tell It from a CO dollar watch. our watch for free inspection. After 5 2 5 * High-f rademorcmectful ! ) jew you haio convinced yourself to - ? * - - eled , duplex escapement , patent your own. satisfaction , that the pinion , quick train , stem- watch is equal to any that would wind and set , with absolute cost 15 dollars in your onrn town * = ? j" ? and the greatest bargain you ever The American Standard U the aw , then pay our SPECIAL handsomest and best time keep- FACTORY PRICE OF$4.85 83j5 inr watch ever offend for the and express charges.otherwise not ifii price. Watch dealer ! buy them to one cent. Many write us they ( old the preference to other makes , costing IS to watch samo day with ten dollar * profit 20 dollar * . We hire received during tha last 3 Anyone can sell several of these tratche * every months over 10,000 duplicate order * and thous week without devotinc any extra tlmo or effort , I and * of testimonial * from all over tha world. and make a profit of 6 to 10 dollar * on every Cfl- ° * lHil Our regular factory price la $6000 per dozen , watch. Order at once at our ipeeUl factory price Ilfl but In order to extend our trade.we will for the as this offer U limited. Catalogue free. Addrtt * , next 45 day * only , ( end a ( ample watch for free EAQIE WATCH MFQ. CB.ipsLeeiBld ; . ' , CHICAW. TMfflrm 1 * thnmiitj'ilii rrlinble. KUtar. " " The Names and Memory of Three Great "OUR MARTYRS" est and Grandest Men of the Age Will Live Forever LINCOLN , GARFIELD AND M'KINLEY assassinated while serving their country. The lives of these men should be a guide and inspiration for every man , woman and child. We have finished at a great expense a beautiful picture , size 16x20 , giving perfect likeness and correct biography of each , which includes the last words uttered. The artist who designed and grouped this beautiful work of art has every reason to feel gratified at the splendid results achieved. The picture will touch a responsive chord in the heart of everyone who sees It. We want you to act as our representative in your territory. The sales will be enormous ; the profits large. Ast at once ; tomorrow may be too late. Re mit in stamps if more convenient. Sample copy , postage prepaid $ .23 Three copies , postage prepaid r 50 COMMONSENSE BOOK CONCERN , Publishers' Building. Omaha , Neb. Please mention this paper when writing to advertisers. The Chicago Limited MILWAUKEE Chicag * f i Electric - Lighted Train Ticket Office.1504 FamaroSLOroaBa Patrons of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. will find in Omaha , Chicago and all other important depots the officials of the road present at the departure and arrival of all trains , whose special business it is to be of service in every way possible to our patrons. COUNTRY PUBLISHERS CO. , OMAHA , Vol. 4 No. 47-1901 CURED PILES Absolutely Cured Never To Return. A boon to sufferers. Acts like magic. In reach of everybody. A home treat ment that can be handled to perfec tion in the most humble home. Why suffer so long when you can find out how to be cured at home by address- Ing Loudon Pile Cure Co.Cordova , 12th & Penn , Kansas City .Mo. Please mention this paper. FOR MEN ONLY. c0 Rook * "We will send our elegant 80 r * ? * * . WJ * f pare book to any one who is afflicted and in need on request of informa tion Our book is the finest book of the kind ever published and is of great value to any one whether in need of medical treatment or not. We send the book in plain envelope scaled. Write for it today by postal card or letter Address DRS. FELLOWS 4 FELLOWS , p < 321 W. Walnut St. , Des Molnes , la. L- HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. On November 5th and 19th and De cember 3d and 17th , the Missouri Pa cific Railway will sell tickets to cer tain points in the South , Southeast and Southwest , at the rate of one fare for the round trip , plus $2.00. Final return limit , 21 days from date of sale. For further information or land pamphlets , address W. C. Barnes , T. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. H. C. TOWNSEND , G. P. & T. A. , St. Louis , Mo. C. E. STYLES , A. G. P. & T. A. , Kansas City , Mo. DR. McQREW. 81'ECIAL.ISr i Treats all forms of Diseases and Disorders of ) Men Only. , t : 26 years experincc. 1i 115 years in Omaha. 1e Charges low. e Cures guaranteed \ cases cured of norvous f /UiUUU on nnn debility , loss of vitality ft fa and all unnatural weaknesses of men. ' t Kidney and Blader Disease atid all Blood Diseases cured for Jife. VAKICOCELKcured a in lus than 10 days Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 766. Office e over 215 South 14th St. , between Farnam aud Douglas Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. J o > A GREAT COUNTRY F t ; The eyes of all America are turned toward North Dakota's magnificent r crops , just harvested. Over 80,000,000 T bushels of wheat and 19,000,000 bushels of flax , good corn and abundant E grasses. Thousands of farmers raised li liii 14 to 18 bushels of flax per acre on new ii breaking , now bringing them $1.25 a iif iin bushel. Think of your getting free government land and realizing $25 per f acre for the first breaking ! t : There is plenty of good government b land left , but it is being taken up fast. Also excellent chances to gt > into any bo business In new towns on the "Soo" o Line. If you want free land , or are t looking for good business locations , write D. W. Casseday , Land Agent , V ' 'Soo" Line , Minneagolis , Minn. d SAN FRANCISCO'S NEW MAYOR , San Francisco , Cal. ( Special. ) The election of Eugene E. Schmitz , leader of the orchestra at the Columbia The ater , as mayor , has been ofter one of the most sensational three-cornered fights that has ever taken place In this city. Schmitz's election is a triumph of the wage earners over the employ ers. He was nominated on the union labor ticket and forthree weeks waged an aggressive campaign for the recog nition of the trades union element. The organization of the party and the nomination of Schmitz was the outgrowth of the strike of machinists , teamsters and longshoremen. A full ticket was put in the field against the democrats and republicans. Schmitz won by 3,000 plurality over Wells , re publican , and carried three supervisors into office with him. In spite of the cries of the business men , Mr. Schmitz is the very reverse of inflammatory. His voice is all for peace. His projects are peaceable pro jects. The entire bent of his mind is toward cementing and upbuilding.rath- er than disrupting and tearing down. IS TALL , AND MUSCULAR. In the first place , the man is what Is called a "fine animal. " He towers six feet one inch in his stockings and weighs 205 pounds. He stands as straight as an Indian and walks with a free and muscular stride. There is no show of fat on him. His clear eye tells that he digests his food weel that there is no indigestion to make him cranky. Three years ago Schmitz had a steamer venture on the upper Yukon. In those days that hard land was no place for weaklings. It hit some strong men very hard. Schmitz came out of it In better condition than he went in. A five weeks' campaign with five talks a night has not frazzled him. { Another trait that is going to help Schmitz is his ready laugh. He has the sense of good humor , which is a saving grace. Good-natured men with good health are not magazines of dan ger. ger.Mr. Mr. Schmitz was born on the soil. His father was a pioneer of 1849 the man who built the first brick house in San Francisco. All the pride of a native son tends to make the future Mayor mindful of what is best for the city's growth and prosperity. A man who has lived thirty-seven years in. San Francisco without trying to harm it is not expected to break out as a disruptionist now. The new mayor obtained his educa tion in the public schools here. It is not a finished education , but many a man has made good mayor or good governorwho started with far less. Tn an executive position book learning is not nearly so essential as a clear head and an honest heart. The musical education of Mr.Schmitz was obtained from his father , Joseph L. Schmitz , well remembered as an' orchestra leader , and his uncle , Chris topher Schmitz. From them he learn ed the drums , the violin and the piano. He began his work as a drummer boy in the old Standard theater on Bush street .under his father's baton. From that he worked his way up to leader ship of the California Theater orches tra , which position he accepted in 1895. He has been a leader of orchestras i j ever since .his outside ventures con- ; sisting of the Alaskan steamer enter- | prise and his connection with the j Economist Gas Engine company. ; There is still a stronger pledge that he will work for the best interests of < the city. He married a California \ girl , Miss Julia A. Driscoll , of Watson- ! ] - - - - * * * - * * * - - - - - vllle. In his comfortable home he has three children two girls and a boy. His home life is the best guarantee that he will work for the betterment of the conditions surrounding all the home life of the city. Those who have a fancy for the stu dy of heredity will be Interested in knowing that the father of Mr.Schmitz was a German , while his mother.Char- lotte Hogan , was born in County Clare , Ireland , and came to this country a baby. Presumably it was the trick of the togue he got from his mother that made him such a good campaigner. He never made a speech in public before never had addressed an audience of any size. Yet he was able to express himself forcefully and even eloquently when the demand came for talking to thousands. He had never been In politics before , beyond taking the average Interest of the mna who discusses candidates and platforms and tries to cast his vote for the best man and the most mer itorious , measures. But from the be ginning of the campaign he showed a knowledge of local conditions and mu- nicipa laffairs that comes to none but those who feel a keen interest in the citys well being. In national politics he is a republican. Mr. Schmitz has been connected with union labor for sixteen years. For four years he was secretary of the Musi cians' union and was a delegate to the old labor council. He was president of the Musical Fund society , a charitable organization in existence since 1863 , of which his father was one of the found ers. He is now president of the Mu sicians' union. In religion he is a Catholic. Neither a teetotaler nor a hard drinj ker , he declares that in all things he is a moderate religion , politics and personal habits. He likes the open countrq , has a fondness for a rifle or a fowling piece , and frequently goes on hunting and camping expeditions in search of birds or hig game. "My life has not been eventful , " he says. "I have not been given to acci dents or notable enterprises. As I tell you , moderation has been the con trolling tone of my career. " Such is an outline of the man who is to be the next mayor of San Fran cisco. There seems to be nothing in his life to indicate a tendency toward revolutionary tactics. He will proceed slowly and cautiously. He will have many conferences with leading citizens and public officials before he makes a move. He intends to familiarize himself very thoroughly with the city's governmental machinery before he ; takes hold of the lever. He promises that nothing will be done in heat or temper. As to the general trend of his belief and his policy , Mr. Schmitz said with emphasis and feeling : "I want co see more friendly rela tions between the employer and the employed. I want peace , peace , peace. I believe that in a peaceful union and in the general diffusion of education lie the hope of advancing civilization and the certainty of a national prosperity. I believe in fair consideration for in vested capital as correlative to similar consideration for organized labor. I am in favor of peaceful measures at all hazards in every relation between the employer and the employe and thoroughly deplore any resort to vio lence in the settlement of differences. " That is not the talk of a firebrand ! or a disturber. Anyone who will talk to Mr. Schmitz will be convinced that he means what he says. - - * - - - - * f THE TERRIBLE GILA MONSTER , The terrible Gila monster has t-pread his sinister fame afar. This so-called monster is a small lizard about eighteen inches long. It Is more hideous than dangerous , and from its repulsiveness gets much of its "monster" qualities. It is covered with black scales ; the head is broad , flat ind black ; the mouth Isabout three Inches across ; the teeth are grooved and as sharp as a needle , and the tongue is black and forked , and when thrust out in anger emits a somewhat poisonous saliva. The reptile has four squatty legs , apon which it sluggishly moves with a i swinging gait , using the fore and ilnd feet of alternates sides , and keep ing the head almost on the ground. On ; ach foot are five toes , and on each toe s a sharp-pointed claw. The "monster" will not attack any- hing except the other reptiles that it Ives upon. If a tourist , while study- .ng natural life , should step upon one , is it lies half embedded in the sand , It yill spit out Its greenish saliva a few lew inches. It then raises its head ( .gain and thrusts out its forked black s ongue > In a defiant manner , and strikes it the traveler. Its grip , when it selz- js anything , Is like that of a vise. j Indians of the desert unloose the j aws by cutting the reptile's mouth pen with a knife. In some instances he bite of the monster has really > roved fatal , and In others not. Another curious reptile of the Colo- ado desert Is the "horned toadi i i vhlch , Indeed , has no horns , but a ilight protruberance over the head , ike a hood. It is not as dangerous as t looks to be , and soon becomes do- nesticated. Women tourists buy them or pets from the desert Indians at he stations , ; who pack the toads in , oxes partly filled with sand. | The buyer is told to feed the toad ! | tn red ants , flies and beetles , and as | lie tourist is not generally supplied i | vith these , the pet is soon starved to | [ ieath. _ _ i i The head is flat , and covered with sharp spine's about half an inch long , and the back is covered with shorter ones , extending to the pointed and sharp tail , the edge of which has two rows of spines , or teeth , like a two- edged saw. "Chehwalla" is the Indian name of a reptile of the lizard species which the desert Indians use for food. It is skinned and roasted on hot rocks. It is not poisonous. j The members of the Daughters of the American Revolution in New Tork , state are 'more active than others of , the society , or so it seems. They ap pear to be always dedicating memo rials of patriotic deeds. One of the latest is their celebrating the 125th an- niverysary of the battle of Pell's Point , an engagement in which Colonel Glover with 550 Americans held back a. I I few thousand troops under General Howe , who was hoping to cut off Gen- , eral Washington's retreat to White Plains. The chapter unveiled a hand some bronze tablet on Glover's Rock , a huge boulder in Pelham Bay park. Deputy Sheriff Miller of Marion , Ind. , I balked an elopement by arresting Mr. John McMahon , aged 20 years , son of a wealthy wholesale grocer of Elwood , Ind. , and Ruth Lehring , who was also dressed in male attire. The girl had donned man's garb to escape the scru tiny of the officers pursuing the cou- pie , who had expected to be married ' [ at Marion. The girl broke'down and j confessed when placed in jail. She gave the name of Vandlne , but a card in her clothing bore the name of Ruth Lrehring. She said her home was in Zanesville , O. Arrangements are being made In Scotland to fittingly celebrate the cen- tenary of the birth of Hugh Miller , ge- ologlst , author and journalist , on Oc- tober 2 next year. - - . . . - - FACTS FROM EVERYWHERE. Even the lazy man is somebody's idol. idol.The The broom manufacturer makes ' sweeping charges when he renders his 1 bills. . | The first electric street railway In Greece has just been completed at Pa- . tras. j Some people only know by hearsay that It Is more blessed to give than to receive. I The man who wants the earth often has to be content with a little dust in his eyes. | The highest receipts ever taken in for the use of the Suez canal in one year wr $16,461,800. i Narly 2,000 farmers within 30 miles of Chicago have had their houses fur nished with telephones. | The fellow who agrees with every body son finds that he has acquired a reputation for being level headed. j Potatoes are so high that the short crop will probably return more money to the farmer than ever before. | The farm products of the United States are worth $400,000,000 more this year than last. One way and another , General Dan iel E. Sickles has drawn about $300,000 salary from the government. Baron Ludivor Moncheur , the new Belgian minister , is expected In Wash ington soon. His marriage to Miss Clayton , daughter of the United States ambassador to Mexico , will take place in December in the city of Mexico. In spite of his devotion to politics , Herbert Gladstone gives much , time to outdoor exercises and is president of the National Physical Recreation soci- ety. Be is , besides , enthusiastic on music , and has often assisted the Ky- rie society as a vocalist. Deafness Cannot Be Cured. by local applications , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness , and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you havp a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing , and wnen it Is entirely closed deafness is the result , and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition , hearing will be de stroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh , which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , Oa. Sold by Druggists , 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A bachelor can sew on buttons more readily than he can mend his ways. Lame back causes a young man to feel old ; Hamlin's Wizard Oil makes an old man feel young. See your druggist. Beauty sometimes isn't even skin deep , when it comes to the rub. Rheumatism and Neuralgia will not live under the same roof with Ham lin's Wizard Oil. 50c a bottle. NEW EDITION Webster's International , Dictionary 25,000 NEW WORDS. ETC. Prepared under the direct supervision ofV.T. . HARRIS , PH.D. , LL.D. , United states Com- m isioncr of Education , assisted by a large corps of competent specialists and editors. New Plates Throughout. Rich Binding * . 2364 Pages. 5000 Illustrations. f3T"The International'wasfirstissuedin iSca. tvccttdingtke "UttairUgrd" Tht Nna Edition of the International wot itiutd in Ottoler , iqoo. Get latttt and tttt. Abo Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Specimen pages , etc. , of bothWCTKKAW _ books sent on application. _ G. r. C. Merriam Co. . Springfield , Mass. THE IMPROVED KIMBALL BROS. CO. , Mfgs. 1051 9th St. - - - Council Bluffs , la. Oinaha Office , - - - 1010 llth St. When writing ; mention this paper. OH , MAMA , Something is Biting Me- " It is not itching piles that alls you or your child. It is the pin or seat worm that causes you or your child to have rectal trouble. Soon after retiringfor the night the worm appears. It bites and stings and causes scratching and aching. Mothers know what it means when the child cries out : "Ma , Ma , something is biting me. " And suro enough , upon examining her child , she finds the naughty , white , sharp pointed at both ends , the troublesome pin , worm , embedded In the child's rectum. This worm causes more nervousness la young or old persons than any other disease. And the Itching is not piles but pin worm. The only sure and ; harmless remedy Is Steketee's Pin Worm Destroyer. Ask your druggist for Steketee's Pin Worm Destroyer , or send me 26c postage. Will send by re turn mall. Address GEO. G. STEKETEE , ; Grand Rapids , Mich. Please mention this paper. GOOD LANDS CHEAP. The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. R. have announced low rate excursions for homeseekers to the farming and grazing country along their lines for October , November and December , 1901. Rate : One fare plus J2.00 for the round trip. Minimum round trip rate , $9.00. Dates Sale , : October 15th , November 5th and 19th , December 3d and 17th. Limit : Twenty-one days from date of sale. Stopover : On going trip at any point west of Pllger , Leigh , Surprise or Cor dova. Continuous passage on retura trip.The The Fremont , Elkhorn * & Missouri Valley R. R. traverses the best farm ing portions of Nebraska and the most extensive hay and grazing lands In Nebraska , Wyoming and the Black Hills portion of South Dakota ! Ask any North-Western Line agent for further particulars and write for maps , folders , pamphlets giving pop ulation of counties , cities and towns and other detailed information. J. G. Gable , Traveling Passenger Agent , F. E. & M. V. R. R. , Denison , la. , or to J. R. Buchanan , General Passenger Agent , Omaha. Neb. Cleveland Plain Dealer : "What's the trouble between you and Miss Flitey ? " "It's all my stupidity. I told her sh was an angel so many times that she actually believes it , and now I canjt , get her within 100 yards of the earth/ * ASTHMA CURE FREE ! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL WRITE YOUR ffAA\E AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. There is nothing like Asthmalene. ' CHAINED It brings instant relief , even in the FOR TEN fails. worst ' cases. It cures when all ela j YEARS The Rev. 0. P. WELLS , of Villa Bidge. I1L , - says : "Yourtrial bottle of Asthmalene re ceived infgood condition. I cannot tell yos. how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave , chained with putrid sor throat and Asthma for ten years. I despaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertise ment for the cure of this dreadful and tor-1 menting disease , Asthma , and thought JOEL had overspoken yourselves , but resolved' to give it a trial. To my astonishment the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-size bot. tie. " Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsier Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. New York , Jan. 3,190L Drs. Taft Bros. ' 3Iedicine Co , Gentlemen : Your Asthmalene Is an excel , BRINGS lent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever , an its composition alleviates all troubles which RELIEF. combine with Asthma. Its success is aston ishing and wonderful. Alter Having it carefully analyzed , we can state that Asthmalene contains no opiuji morphine , chloroform or ether. Very truly yours , REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLE3. _ . _ . . _ , _ _ , , , _ Avon Springs , N. Y. , Feb. 1 , 1801. Dr. Taft Bros. Medicine Co- Gentlemen : I write this testimonial from a sense of duty , having tested the wonderfe effect of jrour Asthmalene , for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been afflicted with spas modic asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 120th street. New York , I at once obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. I very soon noticed a radical Improvement After using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she Is entirely free from all symptoms. I feel that I can consistently recommend tht medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully , O. D. PHELPS , M. D. Df. Taft Bros Medicine Co. Feb. 5 , 1961. Gentlemen : I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous remedies ! but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottl * . foui d relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle , and I am evergrateful have family df four children , and for six yeass was unable to work. I am now hi the be * of health and am doing business every day. This testimony you can make such use f fou see fit. S. RAPHAEL. 67 East 129th St , City. Home address , * 235 Rivington str Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal. Do not delay. Write at once , addressing DR. TAFT BEOS. ' MEDIG05E CO. , 79 East 130th St , N. Y. City. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PleaSa mention this paper when writing to advertiser * . ' * '