VAI1ENTINE DFMOCRfl ; 'I ' M. RICE EDITO Mutual companies pay Jonsesin , full. No discount I. M. KiCE , A ent. ADDITIONAL LOCAL - Ovsti'rs served in : i 11 ntlesat Collins1 - : School land auctionvas well at- tended today. ' . ' > W ; A. Kinibcll has hought the bar- .ber sbop of Obe Church. * Thanksgiving Supper and Rummage Sale on Main streetThursday , Nov. .28 i ; Farmers [ institute was a special at traction for UiOfeG engaged in that line " yesterday and today FOUND : Bunch of k 'vs. Owner can ' .have Mime by proving property and paving for this notice. A wreck five miles west of Cody TufiNday noon piled .up eight cars of freight no 26 and tore np 5J')0 ' ) 'toot of track , Caused by the il.ii : > ; > > < > f a car ' wbnil ! IT { 'akin ; ? off in r nnding a ctjrve. .No one was hurt L fl Overnirn will have a public auction at hi * home , four mile * north of Crookston and will move to C.tnokston where he has purchased the livery stab le and hole ! of A. J. Folks. JVe hi ? sale bill pVinied in this paper and be on 'iiahd'at the sale , Saturday. Lec. ) 7 , at * 10 o.clock. * Ih the District Court of Cherry County . ' - ' Nebraska In t".c matter of the estate of James C. Quig ley a minor. Tliis cause coming on for hearing upon the petition of James II. Qmsley , guardian of Jame.s 0 , Quiglev , a minor , praying for license to st-li tlie leal estate ef said minor , situate in Cherry county. -braska , towitthe east ot section IK town half of the north-east quarter ship 35 range : tl , for ih mainte.uanco and td- ucaiiouot the sant minor , the income ot the es tate 01 said niiii'T notbemgsumcient therefor. . It is therfoie ordered ihat all persons inter ested in said estate appear beJore me at Court Itooni in tlin village \ileutinu. . enraska , on the 9th day of December. 1001. at 10 o'clock a. -in. t < i fehuw ouise why a license should not he granted to said guardian to sell said real estate. An-i it is further ordered that a copy ot this notice be pub lisheu tin ee suecc-sive weeks in TIIK VAUCNTINK DKMI.CKAT , a newspaper ot general eirenlation in Cherry count ) . Nebraska. D < .ne at Chambers , in the village of Unshvillc , Nebrasua , this : : ist day of Oct ber I'.iOl \V. II.M' > ToVKU 4 * ; ; t Judge 01 the District C"urt ,0 n TT ) . .Valentine Lodge No. G. Q. QLJ. . JL Meets even second and t fourth Wednesdaj even- neofet-.cli month at Hornby's Hall. A cordial " "mutation is extended to all visiting members O. \ \ Ml/ltliY , President. MAUD \ aiORGARKlDGE.See' } F , AV Jrsig Valentine. Nebr. hnuuis as f il C723 ! M B ' .eft , side V Hj'l > ' ' ! > K' J " ' " 0i - VX.Left eide , loin or hii ' , ' \ LiH frhoulder Left * - to left Jlank thigh \ V Left jaw 1 V eft side Lefl Should. Left shoulder , side or hip AN Left or either side ses branded" fl , Left sliolder JW or left Ihigli Kaige : between the Pojdtn and Snake south ol the Niobmni river Geo. H. Ilil' Gallo ] ) Range 10 miles Merriman F F AND H \VOOU1U FF On ! > ft hip nnd left -ide. Also stock branded on left side and reversed * on right _ shoulder ; also _ hip and left .side Range-'Motlie ol.ak W E STANSlilEAND DO KAUGI1 , I yaimisN ( Milt li p niirlelt " on fr l 1 .uidleft s oit brands on euotilder. . llarge 23-niiles J L UOSEUEllliY Jffr Tostoflice address Pullman , Neb ' Branded on left hin ; horses same e d- mark-double dew-hip Kange Bbuth aun east of Brueh Hi II A' BUCK Hyannis'Neb Uranded on loll Bide Ij&nge eighteen niiles north of llvaunis TIenry Yon rip. Cody , Nebraska , HorstDrand II on left shoulder Cattle split , right ear H Y Range , Little White river , S. D. U . K. Hal < \ Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts vG miles south of Kflgore Xel JUM : J t in i l f ] i ( l j t i * Mrilott KichanPros Will ( J Com.stock \ P i * Cattle branded on any part of animal : also the following brands : Corses branded same Range between Gordon o : . the F.E. &M. V.,11.11. ami Jyannlson B , &M.R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address. BARTI KTT llsworth C P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same us cut : also C. ) UKJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Morey & HewPtt. Gordon. Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 94O left side. Range - nouth oi Snake 35 miles se. of Cordon W1LLIA31 WTLSON 1'ostotllee address Kihiore Nebi l'wo half t'ircl s on left hip and left sid < of neck Horses same on left shtnvdr Some cattle branded rtMper l 01 lei hi ) O. BISONETTE. MANAGER. Postofifice address Pine Ridge , S. D. Cattle branded as on cut , MOB on left side ; some BULL on either side ; Some on left aide ; soma older stock .any where on animal. Horses B K borne on left hip miles north on tat of Pln aldue , in .John Gresh. On both sides some on right sidi and liip. Horses same with out bar , left t.Jiitl > * Range.Lake Crfe'- ' . - * "v , ' VtW and Littlehit - . ' . : , ; , l . J : * ii.i33 River. Sandy Williams. Merriman. Nebr. MosMy 01 left ide. S ) ine on right side. Horses same on eft shoulder R-Mige Lake : reek , S. D. C. Kosel > nil. % I ) Range head ol An . ioi'e nv r st. Mur - mission lWses brai1 - ' StSsszssHj \ \ m Bordeaux. P.O. Address , Ro.seliud..S-.I ) P.nind Same a. cut on both idcL > f catttts WB Range-Little \VhitM Rtv.- D. L..Reed Cody , Nubr. Same as nut on right side of cat- tie. Horses same as cut on righi shoulder. Merriman , Nebr. * Cattle and hor- nes branded on left side or shoul der. der.Hrand Hrand register ed 1091. Range isnule ? southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara river. WAI ERICK.SON Post offi > > - address Kennedy , Neb On lelt side and hip ; horses O or A ° " i'it jaw Range two milea rthwest Ktn- nerty II V DOWNING Postofliee addreas Gregory , Neb On Irft side ; also COL E.OII side Ranee Stevenson Lake ( f. W JJEXMFR , NI hr rattle bmnded on leftside .1 cut. iMnch bo and 21inch - - cln e Brand registen- < 875. box Registered 8'iC. Rangemiles -cuith Irwiu on Niobr Morgarenige & Son Simeon Neb As on out , or I.I or VI > on iefthip with hole in right ear when under 2 years old ; horse same as cut and I.I ange Gordon JL"reek and Nio- rabrara river Talbot & Gallop Seneca Neb iiorses branded ou left side Range between Middle l.oii ] > and Dismal ( J.V. . iicFarland Nulei.tine , N Uange : fou miles east ot" Fort Niobram , nortli n < l siuiih of the -i bii. ge HARDIT Poatofllce tddrosi Seneoa. Nob Left sldo on cuttle ; horse * . Uft I shoulder ; al n | on left side < on rllit ; htp Kance , < oiito LI.UP Scth Gary. Merriinan , Nei-r On both side an < i hip. Herd mark dewlap. Horses same on lett shoulder. < 'reek and Litfe River. FRANK Cody. N On fither de cattle hi-rd mark left ear clippfd and riL'ht ear plit ; horsf.s randed same on lelt sh Ide.r Range on Nio ar.-i ( in i Ato'lK'in.I'nnv . \V " a on Kto 1 : branded witli Ton U-ti hip ! il RO Mime as ent .Range betiveen V.-'ordonajiriSnake creeks and on the Siobrara river I'ostotHce address Codv , Neorask i Cattle branded as on utonleft side , hip md shoulder ; horses < ame e. Snake Creek \J \ .Merriman N b. ( ' rand reco'deil * ' ' N" . 10 7. < Ms Range 10 miles south of Mer man on the N > ui P. T. Urackett Riege. Inind Registered < o l too Hrand right side ir hip Horses same on . iuht shoulder Range , Niobrara miles south of \ilgore lloan Bro .Voodlake Neb Roan's p ivt - mark , sl\t \ n left ear W. D McGAA Creston , S. D. Left or either side of cattlealso Vleft side of neck. Swal low fork right ear , dnderbit left ; right ear nubbcd off ; nn- derbltlff car Borne on left jaw and some wattle Itfit Jaw VIKother brands lelt VIK- * : aide or ny part of animal. jft side or any part of animal , branded e ol lowing , lelt * wine cattle trmx the follow i brands : A left k. X left side or shouiderV hip or leu it u ietiluitnip thigh thigh thigh , or thigh , hip. Anyone selling horses or cattle bearing the ve brands will be prosecuted. Information j.rdng ) theft liberally rewarded , Range at r nny .sorjugx and Cotton wood. f. E Wright - S -6si Va'cnt'nc Nebr. registered No. 374. . Brand anywhere on rtehi side , J G COOLE\ address flyannis. Neb on right sHe : hor es same on right shoulder . nge"six miles uortliwest of Jloth- er ] t , C. Geo. Ijowlus. A. Ray Williams , Manager. ostoflice address rriman. Nebr Stare nrand : Battle and horses OM on left side. Some have var ious o'der brands. Kar mark Left ear clipped Range from F Creek. C. GliO. UONVLUS , Seribner. Nebr. ! N. S. Eowley Kennedy , Saine as cut on left , side ; eud hip. and on left shoulder of hor ses. AlsoSBS&l < > n left f-idi hip. jt j : i on\righMiip \ and F-f-oiii left side. ; on p ou left jaw and left shoulder of horses. tU \ . Q o leu , hip of horses. \ JOHN SHAKG-UAN Po o ce Address -Cody.Vt ' ) ten sido\ | o * ' eft SK'U. nilder . -It ! ! ' . I I' . > lluJ oil un left side. Kar markleft ear crop'd Jaifii--liear { ; Creek Postofliee address Allen S U On right side and shoulder , horse * same on right this ! ) Range-Rear1' ' ! reek lino ; ! ! Hovill , Mana.rt - All Allliip Rau e north of K ) Alber Pivt .fTlfp address R sehiii | . s J ) iiranded on lelt side bOlllO S ( > S Hordes on ? eitlier - shoirdi _ : ? % & T. sjn Jtre L Si ' " nded on K Ifjl liersli ou d A J PLUMER Postoffice address Hyanni ? . .Von side and Mipright Also have stocTTbradea o rr o un right hip Rang' ' fouthwes tin i h & ° Dcnry Fratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on eft shoulder Duerhorn clip on nine cuttle t7Ec6JTey & " fZZZ& . - . erriiOan.Neb. :3 : * * > jp y * - " - 'bitllo branded M-V on left Fide ami Kpn left jaw. MV ears clipped noih . end and .TC i n ! nglst hip .atid C ! on right jaw nn- . derbit oti right _ earaid . ' _ on Bright rJL - - < i < lt . lorse.s branded JC on left hip and FR ou le .hoiilderimd'T . on left hU > . Uanire Between . 'ass CreeK aiyl southern part of tDti reservatioc . md WaUpine Lake. i- J R Wallinford Kenaedy.Ncb. Cattle- same as cut ; also some b . , ( - , U I ° < ef t h C. H. Little. llerrlinan , Xefor. Oo'eithorSide Horses same on hip. Also > Itange-f ke Creek SD J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CO on AGO left thigh. Ilange Head I'ass Creek ; S. I ) . WESSk Kobert Emerv Uodebud.S. D. Cattle .branded on both sides. Horses on left thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. ! -3i:5 : § Vetal Vlandrv. Cody , Nebr Cattle branded anywhere ; some wi th under neath the brand. Horses on left shoul der. der.Range Little While River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John DeCory llosebud. S. D , Some branded 11) 417 on left side Horses JD on left hipRange Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek Heuben QUICK Beiu Rosebud S D Cattle branded sameas cut or on hip flange. IJlabk Pipe Creek Fetor Vlorirlniv f'osebnd-S. I ) 4-H side Leti /k ' { , mte I.iltfci < iSiuivr at Ftiot U < f irloF RicharrJF N r > \ \ ni 1Hnidt x Rosebud S D Same as cut or wit bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapptd . . . uorses branded VS same on lelt hip Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north o Eli D N GOURLEY Postoffice address Kushville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on Mt side ; left er. Hamre-Codar Lake D. Bray S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip . > ame as cut i Horse brand same on the left , Hhoutder ! E F DEVIXE I'ostoffice address .Merriman. Neb Jrat dcd on left .side ; horses sme ou It-it shoulder Range between lit-ar Tr-el ; and the rn.i ma A T DAVIS ost < fll e : 'ddre.s llyannls. Neb On right side l.orsrs ou left sin ii'iier also rattl" 01 ri ht side ' Riisge18 mile * north of H > annu IIcnrjFlinianx , 'Simeon , Xebraskn , Brand Iteglstered No sifi Quarter Circle Club. Cattle branded on left hip. home without quarter circle. Horses rrnnd- ed on left shoul der. R SI Faddist Co. Postofliee address Valentine or ICenno Cattle branded same : w cut. Some branded on lelt thigh. Some on leftside or hip. fc ! J r GARDINER Fostofllce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses o right arm Itango , north and south of Niobrara Illverl2-mi > s south west of Cody Frank Livermore. Cody Neh. On both sides any or EJ on Also L on hi ] ) or Sjhoulder. Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek ti. D. Frank llothleutner Postolllceai'ress KilgoreNb Cattle branded On side as on rut same o bin VA GEORGE JESSEN rostofllce addresx Merriman.Neh On jiUier left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder R nge-East of Cot I tomvood Lake George Heyne Cody , Neb IJrand registered No iftrr Horses branded on left shoulder Ramre north and south of Cntcomb I ike in Cherry Co OHAKLES GARTalDE F'ostofllce address CoiyXeb I Cattle branded on I'ft side ; also C G or 1 ft hip of cattle r < if irh' ' ) 'der ' on jrpfh 1. , > ii Siobrani - iithvvestCody A T BRACKETT I'ostofDce address * Riege Neb Branded on left side Hange-Three miles Southeast of Georgia Pat Peiper S'meon-Nebr. I - Wm. J. Alien Ft Niobrara , IJrand re gutre S'o S70 Horses branded ) n left hip Range. Niobrara iver 12 miles east af Valentine James Goodfellow. Cody. Xebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses' on left jaw. Range Retween Mie Niobrara and ' Odiciue I-ike. J. A. Adamson. In left side or hip left si or Lip 3n left side Niobrara liervey Hanch Two miles'east ! ot Crookston , in Cherry county , Nebraska Cattle branded O.C on left hip. on right liip , and on right side with 3-inch letter % Vm Cavanauyh Mgr Crookstou Neb George.F Damon Albanv. Neh ' Cattle'branued Fl > on left/ribs or nl'3. hon tslt hip ITo- * ns lagpT nil. north eas ol aclirafiy Neb easA Sasteur Black Vaccine