Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 21, 1901, Image 4
THtVAUN.IINt UtKiuuttAT . M. RICE , ' . EDITORJ Official Newspaper of Cherry t oinitij , " ' iKHcriutlor § 1.00 per jenr In advance : § 1.50 in advance , Single copies 5is. \\lici. uut paid * I > r f lay fe advertising 1 ! ncbr15c per Issue ; ? 10 . per co. iinn by Hie inontli. OlvHuiriei and Lodge Resolut I.oc ; i Votlpj t ion , i pei * llueach issue. ; Rramls. 1H nches $4.00 per yenr in ad- 'Aunce ; Hilditlm . l ppaceSa.OO per inch per year : . tfiipraveU blocho extra , 81.00 each. , ' td ry- re \ , . < -tf ' ' 211001 -Thursday , November Prr.cee'dingB. " : Valeiit i oNebraska , Nov. 7 , M01 . I'oard of county commissioners met ; iursuatit to 'adjournment. Piesent , 'chairman L. 1 aufer and W. E. L'aley- Cn motion board ad ourned to ov. 8. November 8 , 3001 Board mot as per ' adjournment ; " members all present. On.motion . bids for furnishing coal for county were opened and found to be as follows. .On motion board decide.1 to use Glen Hock lump. J w. Yeast Glcnrockjunp : $5 53 ' per ton . C II Hornby 3 00 ' aim contract awarJed to J. W. Yeast for ou - car of aine at 5.50 per ton On motion application of William Story for admission to soldiers' home . was approved uy tbe board. On ino- . . . iijiu report ot Co. Supt. of institute ex penses and receipts was approved. On * motion Charles Iloyt was granted a re v' fund of $9l30-reason double assessment. , , On motion tin boarddecided , tovdeny i all applioitio s for refunds'unless slime is accompanii d by aflidavit as provided . in sec. 144 , cl ap. 77 , art. 1 , page 1002 , compiled statutes of Nebraska. Whereupon the board adjourned to November 9. * Nov. 9 , 15)01 ) Board met as per ad journment , present L , Laufer and Ales 13urr. On motion ne. } 28 , 33 , 40 was ordered stricken f rrin tax list for years 1893 to 1899 same having been govern ment land for those years. On motion road petition of I. N. Garner et al ask ing for road along rail road on south side of track frufn Cody toEli was granted and road along north side of track was ordered vacated. On motion Nelson S. Rowley , adm. , was grarited permission to sell senw swne n'esw nw- se of section 15 , tp. 29 ; range1 31 ; ' On motion the following claims were al- ' lowed and warrants drdeied drawn on county general fund. J A. Hooton judge election ' Henrv Graham E D Clarke . A M Sherman clerk J W Burleigh J A Saults judge ' T W Murphy . . .Joseph Sweeney . . . ; David Macouiber . . BFTcis-ter Richards & Cometo k use of house J ; S M Woodward clerk elecf" Frauk Breoe Deunie Hathorn judge ' - . \vm Boyles Christ Hoist John Waddill use of house Victor Mnrtin clerk el ( It-o G'ISrien A V Coble judge . . ( 'oas Fauihaber . . Christ Peterson . . . F T Lee use of house A r Madson clerk WFHankins . . V W Beck judge Ira. John eon . . ' Ed Valentine School Eist 19 use of lu use Kd Satteelee clerk eli ( Frank Hoffman . . . Peter Hoffman judge Albert Ruuzil A M Birchard school Disr. 47 use of house 1V Pniden judge e" Fran Vanish Daniel Aldsr Wm While clerk G U Folsom Ed Collins use of house llsnry Porath clerk CJeo VanBuron Win Epke judge Herman Riege HenrvBrano Francis McDermot' . clet , J R Feo F II Batimgartl judge A B Overman Wm Beed * School District 1C A ( i Ward clerk J It Parks Manley Wyman judge WLlflingman . . . , IVinUulick t. ' * of houso- ' ; AV lloney use - Wm Hook judge Kl Heath Jacob Mogle , K. < 5 Cole clerk . - \ > J.\E stuart' . . > ' , Howard Jayoox. judge JKVettvcmv Wir Hooper . . . T W Cramer clerk Audalmon .scJioolJJJst icp.lJ - " Oscjir Buechle clerk * K U Higgiu ' , Win Ueelan judge 4 Of ] . . 4X ) J hn Oniiesherr. t\\'m Gutter : . . 400 SchooriJistrict 6 use of house 20t ( - K Shadbolt clerk - Rollin PolanU . . trip fcr ballots 7 oc KdSWeed judge Geo Seayer and jetumiuaj . . J K Bennsrtarfer School District us of 1 o iss 2 IK J A W Johnson judge - and reurn ; 82U Frank lu' ( . . r - 40C ' Davis- ' ' - . " 4,0(1 , W A Wilson clerk 4 ( KJ Herman Sliull/ . . 400 hchool District use of house 20(1 ( Hugh Buyer jutgc and.return . b osu J V Boytr Knoch Anders 400 Jl DMiui'hy clerk , . 40(1 " .lose nil ISafemau * cleaning house 2 0j ( * ' ,4 OU SljSsaiu - ahdrel15 Oil 41X1 W H Kennedy . ; ' , 40(1 SEMcAlei'y judge G W Burge . / ' 4 OC 40(1 ( DM Sean Catherine * it adman 20(1 ' K.I Grooms ' . , . ' . ' and returns sou , ' , ' 4 OH Jam'es Hfidson l. . ; 40(1 ( * K Kuskie - , ' ' ' James H Sears cjerk 40C J v > . DECEMBER At my farm four miles north of Crookston at 10 o'clock sharp the following described property. 50 head of horsesconsisting 35 head cattle consisting of j 'of geldings weighing from 1200 14. cows , some fresh , and i to 1500 pounds/mares Irom some will be fresh in a short 1200 to 1300 Ibs. , good sad time , yearling steers , yearl dle-ponies , 2 year old colts , ing heifers and spring calve ; , yearling colts , sucking colts , 3 lumber wagons , nearly new , on "Norman stallion-weight 1 3 1-2 four inch tire , l 3 1-4 . about 1650. " four inch tire , 1 3 1-4 three " ' . * inch tire- 4o tons millet hay. . ' . " ' 4 sets double harness and / -v 10 head .shotes. * : farming implements. 4 T 3RMS : Ten months time oa an &ums over $10 will be giv en with approved securityitlioxit interest if paid when due If not paid when due 10 per cent interest from date of notes. A discount . of 5 pier cent for . cash. JU1 sums under $10 cash and all propertyto be settled for before removed. L H. OVERMAN , . : ! ; ; . G. E TRACEWEll W , E , HALEY Auctioneer , ' ' . ' . ' " ' * Clerk School District 71 use of hou"e 2 00 H F GalHspie judge and ret & use of house 18 oo J "M Kime . . election 400 , ERBarues . . . . -I00i Daniel Adamson clerk . . 4 oo ! GK Russell . . - . . 400 C A Austin ju-'ne . . and ret 10 oo \V D Morgareioge . . . : 400 J H Baker . . . . 400 tt W Bennett clerk . . 400 SS Ellis . . . . . 400 School District 20 use of house 2 oo ChasRiekett . . - and returns 14 oo Chas Dennison . . . . 400 Garner juge - . 4 oo i N , - jj A wjc .iiioiu ] w , - . , - . . ; 4 00 ASteele " . : ' . . 4 on School District 49 use of house 2 00 OJKellar . . . . and ret 1 W ) Wm McCain . . . . .403 . . - ' 00 Geo Roan - , clerk . . ' 400 John Colby ; , Win Roan , . . : . < \ . " ; 400 Wiving - * use . 200 AOColeman 'Judge . . . ' . - tfhd rt 1100 J W Thomas . . . . . * > Daviu lienitershnt. . - . . 4uO . -"use 01'house r. Ot 11 F Barnesclerk L'Citalloway ' . . ' - . 400 Chas Lower ami returns j 770 John Mieluourn . . . . ' ,400 Felix Nolette judge - 400 KarneotBowden . ' . : . . . 400 John Foster * . . - - . / ' - . ScnoolDistrict4 useofhouse 200 WECady . . . . . and returns 17 50 Pit Giles . . . . .400 i has Keoaston . . . . , -J oo MBTrussell cle.k . . 4 o UK Varney . . ' . . .400 School District 35 UBC of house 2 oo H A Danitls . . . . and ret 1150 EltStilwell . . . . , 40j David Ilannajudge . . 400 S.IHutchinson . . . . 4i-0 CFCoOper . . .400 wf house 2 00 D A Hancock ; ' use : ' Eugena Frye clerk . . -and'ret 27 tO Thomas stalisbie ' > * " use of hovse 00 ' DOBaugh judge . . } -l'K ) . . : -to. HA Buck , - JGCooley . . . . 400 J W Combs clerk . . . and ret 22 oo Sherman Wright . . . . . . 400 judge , 400 JAYaryau : , HA Watt . . . . V - 400 JLRoseberry " ' . " ' < f 4 on JohnForter ' useofhouse 00 On County Roud Fund road overseer c 00 A J Short " 27-00 Johns Grooms , " ao oo H C Bowring " a 00 H E Dewey " 250 ( > Othle Loveletl " 2-1 00 A W Grooms KECrane " . , - - \ 21500 " ' 25 00 i O D Carey - - Joseph Stasch " ' 21 Oo. 000 JohnBornitu road Work " 3 K ) Robert AI"M" ° ' ' ' 00 M G House * * 9550 CC riiunipson " 4 00 Henry Query On motion claim of A. Smith for $70 for damages was rejected. On niotisn the following amounts were deducted from theaucve allowed claims and ap plied upjn lelmquent personal taxes : Julius Brfut-r ' S 400 C 18 A G Wjrd 1003 AOCpViiiiin WHKenn dy i 400 - 4 00 iilcntuer Frank Itui A M miYard 400 BFJVi.v-cr ' , 515 . ' . 4'00 CW Bennett , ' lt-F Ulihisple- * - . " " . * , . -1800 Frank'Brese J/j' , r i . 400 ' ( * UTiereu poii'the 'board'adjourned to Nov. 11. "Nov. 1901 Board .met as per ad ( journment. Pres'ent L. Lanfer and Alex Burr. On motion the , following claims were and warrants ord ered drawn ou county general fund : Fremont. Trihnne supplies $162 L Laufer trip to Omaha for furniture ' 24 4S ana mileaue insane 'ease fees net meeting : tJ 00 T , Laufer com ' delivering ballots 33 00 II K Dtwey ' firieht on furniture i' * > 47 . .I E Thaekrey " ' ! tt 30 All-x Uurr com fees ' i , Fremont'Tribune supplies - . . . S3 00 110 45 " eleciion supylies - E D'Clarke fees Insane case ' oo - J W Daniels moking tax list laoi SC40 1)V Hilsinger e Mi tJiblK election day 4 Oo & supplies poor .3 55 Jacks < n Brayton G Carlson Furniture 11775 HlraiiilConiell ivnt Lept and Oct itj : " 4 A Lewis fees , iiisaini case . , 22 w 1 / OnCo nty'T&aa Estate luml'er . . J i AJU * > l Hy * J * VX > v > n ( | Jay Cunningham work Darr bridge 4 5" Estate D.C Kelson lumber , 4 25 J 82 Ks tab rook surveying road 11.00 A V " flagman . . 4 00 James "Wellford chainmau . t ' . jt . -4-00 .Win Suiter f - . : \ vV l W Ou motion $ 80 was deducted ifroui " " , I " . ' 1- . - . . . - r f . ' " ' : > . AKivV - H ; i -.v claim of II. E. , Dewev and appl'ed ' up on his delinquent personal tax. A\rhereupon the board adjourned to Nov. 12. Nov. 12 1901 Board met as per ad journment. Members all present. On motion the following were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on couuu road fund : Enoch Flowers road work 400 Johriiwn Bros lumber -.124s isr Chi istensen painting , bridges ol ! 25 James Lansing making culveits 10 00 On County General Fund I M IMce.printing delinquent tax list 439 & ' Shernmn & 1 less ir livery - 750 L L BBiveiiS KI' Oct 51 95 M ninstenseit oiling counters clerksimcu 1-J20 . On motion road petition of Artbui Bo wring et al was' laid < over without i action : reason no deposit. On motion petition of C. P. llamar et al to have Brewer bridge repaired was granted ami Com. Haley was authorized lobave same repaired. On.motion , petition < Barnes & l/hildprs to sell liquor ! itMi riman was panted. Ct/m. . -.1 - . . . Liiuftr < ii- senting and their bond for Mime up proved. On motion 'the following amotmts were deducted from the-abovc i allowed claims ; aud applied upon de Hnquent personal taxas ; , . . Kno ( ! > Flowers , 4 On M Chrbtenseh -5 2 Whereupou the boaid 'adjourned tu Nov 13 v . ( Continued on last page * " ) Notice to Non-Kesident Defendants. . T i. Cannon , firstname 'unknown , andVn \ \ fred Cannon his wife , non resident defentlants. will take notice : That on > he. of September. 1P01 , Felix Volett , plaintilf , herein , filed his petition in the district court of cherry countv , Nebniska. against you impljaded with others. The object 'and prayer ot which are to foreclose a certain tax lien for the payment of. delinquent t.vxes for the years 1894,1 )5. ) lf-90,1897.1898. and 1899 , up on the n iek : ind njii wH section 34. town ship :55. : range 2 . Cherry count y. Nebraskaor taxes assessed and levied thereon for said years lor state , county or school purpose . for which .said lands were sold to this plaint ill for the sum of § 73.83' To have an accounting of the am < unt due thereon together wiUi interest mi 73 2 thereof at 10 per cent Praying that said' laiiit l > - sold to satisfy said amounttiiii that ' defend ants be foreclosed of all equity of rede'mption. You are required answer * aipetitimi \ \ on or before .Monday the 9th day of December 19ol DatedXictoler'24tli. ttOl. Felix Volett. plain tiff IM. . Wulcott.hi.s attorney. 4t-4t JTI the District Court of Cherry Couut Nebraska. In ihe matter of the estate of Andrpw Mark , a mental incompetent. This causf coiiiiui : on for hearing up n the pet tion of Nelson S. Rowley , guardian of An- dre\v MarK. a mental incompetent , praving for license to snll Hie real estiite of said ward , sit uated in ' "lierrv county. Nebraska to-wit : senw swne nes > w and I.AVSP of rectlon 15. township 29 , ramre 31 , for the payment ottlie debt ot the. said ward , and to maintain the said ward and his family , the income of the estate of the said ward not being sufficient thereior. It Is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear i ef < ire me at the court room iu Valentine. Nebniska , on the 9th day of December , 1901 at 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said guardian to sell said real estate. . * nd it. is iurther ordered th t a Topy of this notice be published three siicceSNive weeks in TUB v A r.KVTi * K DKMOUUAT. npv = r of gfeeral circuUtioa in Cherry c uiity. Nel r , . ' . Done at Oliamiers , in the. village * n Ri suvilie Nebraska , this third ' .ay of OHO i W. 1. WESTCT 42-3t ' Judge of the JUisUici Court BARBEE SHOP . . . * * . . * - " - ' - FiiVsV CLASS and Ur To DATE ; .Neat.aiid Attractive , Every Cits- ; tomor lias a Clean Towel. ' ' : . : . . - ' . . . . . . 1 W" A KIMBELL VALKjJTiNK STATE BAVS BUILUIMJ na - . . > . > - u. with stale eggs , glue and other things are not fit to drink. is pure , unconteu coffee fresh , strong , 1 well flavored. } Tlie sealed i > ackape in sures arid freshness. uniform quality . . . iLet I the weather ? ? do it's worst i * Violet Cream it * a preparation _ that heals faster than winds cai- | f * . 'Oti hen. If neylectcd , face'ai.1 jj fa h ands can hardly keep fron , * o j-'ouybeninj ! in cold raw weather ) i hey can't keep from bein , _ . * j < J rnooth it 3 ou rely on Violet ( 'ream. It heals quickly hecaust it's entirel3r ahsorbed. For tht ' * same reason there's no grease or /tickiness to annoj" . Daintih perfumed. , Price 25 cents. , Cuigley & Chajman , ) 9 Valentine , Neb. KANGAROO Now Open DAY . * t. ' and NIGHT \ Short Order RESTAURANT. OYSTERS in any style Everything .to eat tlie market affords. CANDLER & YOUNG T&nrsdayNov. . 28 will be the Rum to L > oan on first-class 'rCafckfe Paper and Obher Securities. , - . Valentine State Bank * V'- " ( SuccTssors to ( . 'hi-rry County Batik. > ' : V- " VA.JL.J2jV "liNJW , JN JfiJLSJRASSICA. FUED VHITTEMORE , President J. Vvr. STETTER , Vice Fresiden ( . IIAKLES SPARKS , Cashier T c. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON Come to the YABO FOR Lumber , Builders' Materials Buggies , Moliiie WagonsEclipse Windmills. Fair bank's Steel Windmills J. A. Tlie place to get the best windmill a ] so piimps and First door smith of the PonoluT House. VALENTI N E , \ NERR. 15 , A A A A i& 8 & ; * J& J * Jj | * 5 * * * * * jfe * * > ? * PAPER HANGING | CALCIMINING.- 4 ? R S. DENNIS , _ j Valentine Nebraska - All work well done & > _ _ D cycyrv f ? * " 5V 1 El JI. V. \ 4 F VALENTNE. Valentine , Nebraska. V < ; v - * NitiouirBauk. : ; Now York [ -First National Hank. Omaha NVb FMO ' lJt : , f | .3 - Cs VlLH-i J. W. STETTER , PROP F8ESH FRUIT AND GAMF ° Zr to / ? . Wv * ; . ' * 8r $ ! < \ , * ' i . _ r V i'S fe 5-rrT ' * c-i'-JicfiV-iL'a'il-vl ! ' < ' ! ' IN THEIR > crAo < T SEASON First class line of Steaks , Rousts , = W Dry Salt 'Meats , Smoked iyJ Breakfast Bacon T- YEARNSHAW JAMES B. HULL Cf O C V V V Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER f Choicest Wine and Cigars , VALENTINE NEBRASKA YOU CAN BUY , Fine ami Fancy Underwear , Hosieiy , Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Embroidery Silks , Opera Shawls , Neckties and Notions , Point- Laces , Battenburg Lraitl , Sofa Pillows , tt ooliKcit - Slippers and Center Pieces made ( o order at Prices 4bat are PJGHT * * OT ' Uo ! Fine. Masquerade Suits For Masks For Sale. ' < rm7m f 8TE V I L. : ' . O.