Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 21, 1901, Image 1
* > DEMOCRAT THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME xvi VALENTINE , NEBRASKA NOVEMBER 21,1901. NUMBER 44 * ? The Advent of \JW 49 49 49 49 Many New Goods i 49 Will oe celebrated for the next thir 49 ty days with advance display. . The dress goods stock is the nearest completion * You will find all the new waist fab rics , the new waist flannels , the dainty flannelettes. & & A yery complete assortment of 49 black and colored silks and satins , a nice lipe of tapestry , lace and other cur 49 tains , Carpets and upholstering goods. 49 49 Special sale on men's all wool cloth 49 49 ing to close out to make room for oth er stock. 49 49 49 49 49 RED pRONT1 SUITS $5 TO $20 Ladies , Misses and Children's Jackets. Capes. Collarettes , Muffs and Fur Coats. \ Our Stock is Complete aud Prices the Lowest. Tailoring iu ALL Branches. D STINARD , Clothier , ' . . % NEW Instruments and Methods to Fit Spectacles and Eye- Glasses , Finest quality of lenses. A fit guaranteed , For near and far sight glasses accurately adjusted. Astigmatism cleared up. TESTING EYES FREE OF CHARGE. Good stock of Watchss , Clocks and Jewel ry. Holiday goods just arriving. Largest and best display in town. Good work at LOWESI PRICES. O. W. MOREY , Old Reliable Jeweler , VALENTINE . NEBR : The Political Campaign is Over JUST OURS BEGUN With a Full Stock of all kinds HARDWARE , Windmills , Pumps , Iron beds , Mattresses , Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges. Leave jour orders for all kinds of COAL. I ( INDERSON & FISCHER VALENNTET AT THIS OFFICE * You in Qualtt * ' Price Workvianehic . * - : : : & TALK OF THE TOWN Friday-Nov..29 ! What ? Come and see. see.Dr. Dr. Goodrich goes to Rosebud next week to do dental work for his pa trons. John Neisa. was in from the reserva tion tast week getting supplies for his ranch. * Jay Cunningham was in from his ranch at the mouth of the Gordon yesterday for supplies. A good supper on Thanksgiving will be given for 25c at the Rummage Sale. Children , reduced rates. W. H. Kennedy came in from Ken nedy to get ranch supplies and visit his friencs in town this week. F. W. Jersig , wife and little 4gtrl and Wm. Ferdon and wife are making their homes at The Donoher now. There are no vacant houses to rent. Notice our advertising columns. They ars loaded with bargains for the purchaser. Never could you get as much for your money as now. Come and see. L. H. Overman one of the old pio neers of the west came down yester day to transact business in our city and made a pleasant call at the DEM- . OCRAT office. Jude Towne has been suffering from a severe cold the past two weefcs and was confined to his home most ol the time but is now up and looking almost as well as usual. . Dr. Hutchinson , a'young man of ris ing ability , made a trip to Brownlee this week to look after dental work for the people in that vicinity , thus saving them a trip to town. All persons knowing themselves .to be indebted to Crabb & Co. will please call and settle before Dec. 1 , 1901. 44 2t CRABB & Co. A-.JE Xhadier writes from Phila- d lp h ia7"that most beautiful of all towns , that he had been over .in New York and after returning found Phil adelphia too slow for him and was going back to New York. 9 Services in the Episcopal church , Nov. 24. Sunday school 10 a. m. ConOrmation , sermon and holy com munion an 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m. Bishop Graves will preach both morning and even ing. Ladle's Guild will hold a hand kerchief sale about Dec. 14. Serj. Wm. L. Cole , foitnerly of St Louis , Missouri , having Ferved his three years in the service of his coun try was honorably discharged yester day morning from Co. H , 10th infan try at Ft. Niobrara and after visiting friends for a while will return to his old home in St Louis. * The last Sabbath in November hav- iug been designated br the Christian churches aa Temperance day. the ser- viceH in the M E. Church November 24 will be conducted bv the Valentine Temperance Alliance no 20. All arc- invited to be present , service to com mence at 7:30 : p. m. , w w. THOMPSON , Sec. ' Wm. Epke came down from his ranch south of Crookaton week ago Saturday suffering from lung fever. Geo. Weisfiog mindful of the good- services rendered him by Mr. Epke when his arm was amputated came along to assist in securing a com fort- able place and attendants for Mr. Epke until his family could move 'Oivn Monday the family came d.r.wn and rented the building next to the DEMOCRAT office where they will live during the winter. Mr. Epke is im proving and we hope will soon be up. THE VALENTINE DEMRCRAT is not clubbing with any other paper this v -ar but will endeavor to give you the ne vsandat the low price of $100 vear You can do without , but 3rou hould not. Send your dollar by mail or anv other old way. Ask your neighbor to subscribe and when you know of anything the public would appreciate just write it down and * t > nd it to the VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. ; i'e don't print everything that is --MI us , but don't mind that. Some times the article reaches us ttoo late for that week and find ? the paper fulj of ue\vs and no more important than what you send. It is often too old for the next week No barm was meant- e leave out from one to ten pages f our own composition nearly every week that we have no room for and * e feel like kicking some but we don't * now where to kick unless we practice tcking with our hindieet like a mule. Article should reach us Mon- Go fo Collins for oysters. 42-tf Call and see whether you buy or not our goods at the Rummage Sale. It will only cost 15 cents to have a good , time and see Hans Von Smash. if 1 on will find anythibg from a live chicken to an ambulance , at the Rum mage Sale. Smallpox in Longpine , Johnstown , andVoodlake. . The Gordon Journal alstrreports numerous cases in Chad- ro'n of tbe genuine black smallpox. Joe Leader Is in town from his ranch j > nearWoodlake and informs ns tuat he is building a house and invites us to call on him which we cheerfully accept and 'bide the time. H'ord comes Irom Rosebud that J. W. Ward had been hurt by a wagon tipping over and falling upon him yes terday. A message was sent for his wife to come to him. Wo hope Mr. Ward is not seriously hurt. * ' . Department. BY LETA STETTER. fr closes the first three months of this school year. -.The llth grade has finished its study of Macbeth. Do not be shocked if you hear some Hay that the seniors have died of heart failure. Mrs' .lohu Stedifor was a welcome visitor in the II. S. and Grammar room Wednesday afternoon. The Freshman are getting BO very fresh that we are thinking of sending them to the seashore that they may re ceive the benefit of the salt air. 1 { behooves us all to "reveiw" for we know that examination "is no respecter of persons" but ' 'faileth alike upon the studious and the ubstudious ; thewise and the unwise. " COME and SEE how Allans" makes "Frientship" and" Pantemonium" . Nov. 29th. at Cornell Hall The pro gram begins at eight sharp ; admission lOc for pupils , lOcforall others. Tick ets on sale at the door. On the evening of Nov. 29 you will have the pleasure of witnessing the program of the "Dutch" society with the French name. A. week later an op portunity will be given to hear the French with the Dutch name. The other morn ing we observed the president of the society enter ing tbe school room with a smile which j covered his face "even as the waters j cover the ppa" . We later learned tne cause of this to be that his societv had nmcnrpd a mime but the < iame has not divulged. The 9th grade sing from their alge- br s. the 1fH.1i grade from their litera tures and the llth grade from their ge- ometrys during morning exorcises. We expect every morning to hear some absorbed senior sing out in clarion tones that "tne straight lino is the shortest distance between two points. ' The seniors last week hadthe pleas ure of reading a letter from Clyde Dav to Prof Watson- " " enport Watson"Scipip" brightened visibly at this communicat ion from "Ilio" and if we should be so fortunate as to hear from "Doo" in Jtfie near doubt not that "Scipio" would immediately begin to write an oration on ' 'The Third Triumvirate. " Teachers association of the West ern Division will meet at Merriman Nov. 23 at 1:30 : p. m. PROGRAM Music * Paper , The Boy of Fourteen Clara Dunham Primary Class Drill in Phonics. Mrs Morgar eidge Mothers Complaint that We Can Not Spell. Fanuie Roberts Music Review of Chapters IV , V and VI of Hinsdnle's Art of Study. NY. FTMorgarcidgc Seeing Eyes and Hearing Ears. Prof. Clart Mtistc We'waiit every educator and those interested iu education to feel that this is your meeting and you are urg ed to use every means to make it pro ductive of good results. . * " . * . * " ' " J ' * v * % * > < * _ * ' - * > * 49 49 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 49 * 49 All parties who are indebted to us 49 4 ? whose recounts have beem running for 49 two years and more will please call w n and settle We Mean the parties * who can and pay but wont. There 49 49 are some who would pay but can't. 49 49 Now to the former class we want to say that if accounts are not settled by January 1 , 1902 we will publish a list 49 49 of their names and amount due in each It 49 of the County Papers for a period of ww 49 ft 60 days and sell same accounts for 49 S 49 what they will bring. l 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 49 General Merchac ts. 49 ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE CARRIES c A full line of standard fflad" late copyright booksjuveniles , periodicals , fine-and medium grade stationery. Exclusive agents in Valentine for BaldufPs unrivalled..chocolates . und bonbons. - ' * - .Palmer's exquisite perfumns , soaps and toilet articles. Our stock of HOLIDAY GOODS is beginning to/arrive and we will soon be in a position to show the largest aud meet varied stock ever placed on this market. ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LNE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CROK-STOX XEBKASKA THE ' DONOHER * Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars a-Day FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL , . * - - - f fc In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms' YALEHTIHE' - HBBRASKA U. G McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA 3 HEADQUARTEp'0 BR ? WINES , LIQUQRSi&fD QIGARS-I OF THE CHOJGESl ! ; BRANDS Valentine } \