Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 14, 1901, Image 9
THE VAL3NTINE DEMOCRAT SUPPLEMENT November 14. 1901. SUPFUBJNLRXT The Maier tSisters will sell Men's , Wom en's and Children's Shoes of all kincte for the next 10 days below manufacturers eosl. Buy shoes for your family this winter for half of what you have ever bought before. Look for the lafge sign on Main Street. MAIER SISTERS John Bntt paid this office a fr endly visit and a dollar. "We appreciate both. lions Von Smash by the H. S. so ciety at the hall Friday eyening , Nov ember 29. W. G. Ballard and son Wm. Ballard Jr. were in town this week and took out enough material to finish the house they are building on the ranch- John Shaughnessy returned Satur day morning from a three weeks visit to his brother Mike Shaughnessy and his family of Tchildren , 4 girls and 3- boys all married and doing weil near Axtell , Kansas. Mr. Shaughnessy is looking better and claims to have had a splendid visit with his relatives and is highly pleased with the country in which i hey live. In fact he says every body is doing well there.