Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 14, 1901, Image 7

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Turkey Yields To All Her Demands For
Settlement of Dispute ,
Belief That Other Nations Will See A
Precedent In the Success
of Force.
Paris , Nov. 11. France has scored a
complete triumph in the Turkish dis
pute. The foreign office has received
advices announcing that the sultan has
yielded to the entire demands formu
lated by the French government , and
onl ythe question of form regarding
the execution of the engagements re
mains to be settled.
An official note was Issued to the ef
fect that the porte had decided to
yield all the demands of France , and
that as 'soon as the sultan has issued
an trade ratifying the decision the
French squadron under Admiral Call-
lard will relinquish the occupatio nof
the island of Mitylene.
The Temps prints a dispatch from
-Constantinople , which says that tho
ultan , In accepting the French de
mands , authorizes the working of the
French schools , hitherto unrecognized ;
recognizes officially the existence of
the religious and hospitable institu
tions already founded , and accords to
"them customs Immunity and exemption
from certain taxes , and authorizes the
reconstruction of the schools and hos
pitable Institutions destroyed at the
time of the Armenian troubles , of
V which a detailed list is attached to
the Frenchnote. .
* Tewfik Pasha , the Turkish foreign
minister , has announced that the rec
ognition of the Chaldean patriarch ,
demanded by France , already has been
Washington , D. C. , Nov. 11. Turkey's
hands will frequently be in her pocket
.as a result of the success of the naval
demonstration France has made. Tur
key is in the debt of every nation of
the continent , and in view of the tri
umph of the French method it would
not be surprising to officials here
should Russia and other nations ob
serve it in the collection of claims
which they have for years been press
Turks are inclined to hold the Unit
ed States responsible for the attitude
of France. One of the main reasons
why Turkey was disinclined to settle
the American missionary claims was
that the powers of Europe would in
sist upon the satisfaction of their bills
as a result of the American precedent.
So far as the state department is ad
vised none of the governments to
which France communicated hei ; pur
poses in connection with the seizure of
Mitylene island has responded unfa
vorably. Secretary Hay's reply to the
French representation was this : "The
United States is not concerned with
the action of France , but should the
American interests be endangered it
will , of course , be necessary to pro
vide them with protection. "
Vienna , Nov. 11. The Neue Freie
Presse publishes the contents of a cir
cular note addressed by the Ottoman
foreign minister , Tewfik Pasha , to the
representatives of Turkey abroad , an
nouncing that the porte has satisfied
all the French demands and express
ing a hope that France will appreciate
the conciliatory spirit thus displayed
and resume the relations so unfortun
ately interrupted.
Omaha , Neb. , Nov. 12. James Calla-
han , charged with the kidnaping of
Eddie Cudahy and subsequently with
perjury in connection with his defense ,
has been finally set free. The jury
in the perjury case brought in a ver
dict of not guilty after being out for
thirty-three hours.
The delay was due to debate on the
subject of Callahan's mustache , which
the prisoner swore had been shaved
off before the date of the kidnaping ,
but which other witnesses distinctly
remembered subsequent to that event.
Callahan has been in jail nine months.
There is now little to prevent Pat
Crowe from returning to Omaha , The
evidence on which Callahan has been
tried would probably prevail in the
case of Crowe.
1 '
Philadelphia , Pa. , Nov. 12. The Phil
adelphia North American says : A new
$50,000,000 steel corporation is being
formed for the purpose of consolidat
ing in one powerful combine the plate
mills of the country. Ten or more
plants , including Pennsylvania compa
nies that are now doing a large busi
ness , are to be absorbed by the new
concern. Four of the properties are
east of the Alleghenles. These are the
Lukens Iron Works of Coatesville.Pa. ;
the Tidewater Steel company , Chtster ;
the Central Steel company , Harris-
burg , and the Worth Bros. ' mills. The
four represent an active estimated cap
italization of about $10,000,000.
Morgan May Own Star Line.
London , Nov. 12. The Sunday Spe
cial , on the authority of its New York
correspondent , announces that J. Pier-
pont Morgan has acquired the White
Star line and tnat he has secured a
contract to purchase the Dominion.
Boston-Nov. 12. C. P. Jameson , gen
eral manager of the Dominion line ,
stated that he had no official knowl
edge that J. Pierpont Morgan has re
ceived a contract to purchase the Do
minion line , * . .
Constantinople , Nov. 11. The sultan' *
yielding to the French demands brings
out the full gravity of the possibilities
of the effect of the French seizure of
Mltylene upon the putrid and crum
bling edifice of Turkish despotism.
These cannot be exaggerated. The
whole of European Turkey is seething
in disorder. In Armenia the annual
butcheries have been in full swing for
the past three months , and In the rest
of the empire exist the perennial vio
lence , corruption , waste and lawless
From the army down to the magis
tracy every part of the machinery of
the government is in hopeless condi
tion. The correspondent knows that
in the opinion of the diplomatic body
here any attempt at patching things
up will be merely futile effort and the
sooner the civilized world does its duty
In the matter the less blood and ruin
will follow.
The intelligence of the French in
tervention was suppressed for three
days , but the fact that the sultan's
cabinet was in constant session showed
that a seripus crisis had arisen * The
sultan himself has been in a condition
of epileptic fury , and his ministers ,
who live in perpetual terror , of their
lives at his hands , were helpless and
afraid to do or'suggest anything.
Russia is behind France in this busi
ness and it is felt here that the pres
ent trouble is inevitably destined to
lead to opportunities in the eastern
question in which England ! will be
powerless to make hec influence felt.
Washington , * D. C. , NovY 12. On the
recommendation of General Chaffee ,
commanding the division of the Phil
ippines , the secretary of war has is
sued an order for the reorganization
of that division. Up to this time the
division has comprised four military
departments as follows : Department
of Northern Luzon , commanded by
Major General Lloyd Wheaton ; De
partment of Southern Luzon , com
manded by Brigadier General J. S.
Wade ; Department of Visayas , com
manded by Brigadier General R. P.
Hughes ; Department of Mindanao and
Jolo , commanded by Brigadier General
J. W. Davis.
In accordance with the action of the
War department the division will be
divided into only two military depart
ments , to include within their limits *
the entire Philippine archipelago. They
will be known as the Departments of
North and South Philippines. The
northern department will be com
manded by Major General Wheaton
and will include the large islands of
Luzon , ' Mlndora and Masbate , and all
the intervening territory.
The southern department , which'will
be commanded by Brigadier General
Wade , will embrace the remainder of
the archipelago and include the islands
of Samar , Panay , Mindanao and the
Visayas and Jolo.
It is understood that large bodies of
troops are to be concentrated in the
districts where outbreaks have occur
red , underthe command of officers of
high rank , with the full purpose of
promptly stamping out the spirit of
insurrection. It is said , furthermore , '
that the reduction in the number of
the departments , in addition to mak- j
ing the military forces more compact
and efficient , will result in a reduction
of expenses.
Pittsburg , Nov. 12. A number of the
heads of departments of the Home
stead Steel works were made glad to
day , when .they received notice that
they , too , were included in the distri
bution of the stocks and bonds of the
United States steel corporation , which
was begun at the older wo'rks of the
Carnegie Steeel company , the Edgar
Thompson Steel works at Braddock on
Monday last , where a number of the
"old timers" were made independently
Today James Reese , superintendent
of the second and third open hearth
mills ; George Forester and U. S. Ken
nedy , both superintendents in-other de
partments , and I. L. Irwin , chief clerk ,
each had $50,000 placed to their indi
vidual credit.
A number of other old employes who
have grown from boyhood in the ser
vice of the company will receive tokens
in like amounts from the company at
an early date.
London , Nov. 12. Maria Eastwick ,
the Philadelphia girl who has been
found guilty of swindling here , faces. ,
a terrible punishment.
She pleaded guilty to the charge of
forging railroad certificates to the
value of $500,000. The English police
now say this is her third offense. Pre
vious frauds were compromised by rel
atives , who plead a weak mind in ex
tenuation of her crime.
The fate which stares her in the face
is either imprisonment in the female
penitentiary at Aylesbury , where Mrs.
Maybrick is working out her sentence ;
if she is pronounced mentally unsound
it will be confinement "during the
king's pleasure" in the gloomy and ter
rible asylum for the criminal insane at
Broad Moor.
May Shut Out Consumptives.
Mentone , France , Nov. 12. A move
ment has been started among the hotel
proprietors here to refuse to receive
consumptives owing to the belief that
their presence keeps away other vis
itorswho refuse to live in proximity
to tuberculosis patients. Two indiffer
ent seasons have alarmed the hotel
proprietors along the Riviera , who fear
the popularity'of their resorts will be
damaged by the now universal scare
about the infectiousness of tubercu
losis diseases. „ -
Great Chinese Statesman Concludes a Long
'Life of Activity , "
After Only alBrief Illness the Greatest
Chinaman of the Age Sudden
ly Passes Away.
Pekin. ( Special. ) Li Hung Chang
died at 11 o'clock last Thursday morn
ing.The physicians Vho visited Li Hung
Chang at night found him in good spir
its , but extremely weak , as a result of
sitting up and working in defiance of
their instructions. When they called
in the morning they found him uncon
scious and sinking rapidly. It was an
npunced at noon that LI Hung Chang
could hardly live three hours longer.
The burial clothes have already been
put on. The courtyard of the yamen
is filled with life-size paper horses anc
chairs , with coolie bearers , which hlb
friends are sending to be buried with
Li Hung Chang , In order to carry hli
soul to heaven. Several of the minis'
ters of the powers have called to ex
press sympathy.
The Chinese officials are somewha
uneasy concerning the effect his death
wil lhave on the populace.and to guar <
against a possible anti-foreign demon
stration the Chinese generals have dis
posed of their troops about the city In
such a way as to command the situ
ation. Trouble , however , is extremely
The wife of Earl Li and his two sons
and daughter are with him. They are
greatly distressed.
Chinese officials throng the yamen
Telegrams have been sent summoning
Prince Ching , who is now on his way
to meet the court , and Chou Fu , pro
vincial treasurer , from Pao TingFu
The former will assume. the genera
charge of governmental affairs and
the latter will act as governor of Ch
Li until Li HungChang's successor in
that office , who will probablly be Yuan
Shi Kai , is appointed. /
Robert Coltman , an American , who
is one of the physicians attending Ear
Li , told the press that when he was
called he found the patient very weak
from a severe hemorrhage , due to ul-
ceration of the stomach.
The hemorrhage was readily con
trolled , said Dr. Coltman , but , owing
to the underlying condition of chronic
' gastritis only the mildest liquid food
could be taken. Wednesday he was
cheerful and without pain , but at 2
o'clock Thursday morning he became
unconscious and was no longer able to
get rid of the collection of mucous
which he had been freely expectorat
ing. Death was expected shortly , ow
ing to symptoms supervening upon ac-
tial gradual carbonic acid poisoning.
Throughout the evening digitalis was
frequently administered. Earl Li's per-
sistent refusals to refrain from attend
ing to government business aggravat
ed his malady , while the refusal of the
family to permit certain measures cus-
tomar yin western medical practice for
relieving the stomach contributed to
bring his end near.
Washington , D. C. The death of thil
distinguished Chinaman will not , it is
believed here , affect the 'execution 6f
the undertakings imposed upon China
in the protocol. Certainly the United
States' interests will not be involved
directly , for all that remains to be done
at Pekin In which our government is
interested is the preparation of trade
and commercial treaties and their lines
have been so clearly marked that the
work to be done is almost mechanical
and not likely to be retarded by Li
Hung Chang's death.
A change in the Manchurian situa
tion is likely on the death of Li Hung
Chang and the United States hasa
-very considerable interest in the out
come of that matter. Li Hung Chang
is regarded here as strongly pro-Rus
sian and it is possible that his death
and the coming into power in China ,
as the director of foreign affairs , of
another prince , less friendly to' Rus
sia , might hasten the day when' Russia
must relax its hold upon Manchuria
and allow the country to be opened up
to the commerce of the world.
Cannot Oust Standard Oil.
Lincoln , Neb. ( Special. ) The Stand
ard Oil company scored a victory in
Nebraska today , when the referees ap
pointed by the supreme court to take
testimony submitted their findings to
the court , declaring in favor of the
company and against the state in the
suit brought to oust it under the anti
trust laws. The suit was originally
brought by former Attorney General
Smyth and has been pending nearly
three years. The referees declare the
allegations in the state petition are
not sustained by the evidence. The
court at an early date will pass upon
the report , and if the usual custom is
folowed it will be accepted.
High Price Paid For Cow.
Chicago , 111. ( Special. ) Cicely , a
Shorthorn cow , recently of the Queen
Victoria herd in England , was sold
here today to J. J. Robbins & Sons of
Horace , Ind. , for $5,000. The animal
cost Queeen Victoria $4,000 a few years
ago. Twenty other cows and bulls
realized an average price of $1,320.
These are record figures for Shorthorn
cattle for the last twenty-five years.
The sales were made at Dexter Park
amphitheater by W. D. Flatt of Ham
ilton. Ont
Pekln. ( Special. ) The end of LI
Hung Chang was quiet. His vitality
slowly ebbed. For a time he lost con
sciousness , but he showed great te
nacity , rallied at midnight , became
semi-conscious , partook of nourish
ment and appeared to recognize his
The foreign doctors left him early
yesterday , saying nothing more could
be done. His personal physician , Dr.
Watt , then took charge. The contro
versy between . .the foreign and Chinese
doctors had no effect on the patient ,
.because he was already beyond hope
of recovery.
The Sames of the procession of pa
per effigies , chairs and horses burned
in the courtyard of the yamen to carry
his spirit to heaven told the crowd of
officials who were gathered in the nar
row street outside of the yamen that
the end had come. Soon afterward a
procession appeared , bearing a costly
coffin of teakwood beautifully lacquer
ed. This coffin Li Hung Chang took
on his trip around the world and he
brought it from Canton when he came
to Pekln to settle the Boxer troubles.
Since that time it has been kept in
a temple here.
The body will be placed In the coffin
tomorrow with the customary rites. On
Sunday there will be a ceremonial cor
responding to a lying in st ate , and all
the Chinese officials will pay their re
spects. A separate day will be desig
nated for the ministers of the po\yers.
The interment will be at the birth-
.place of the deceased statesman , a
little village in the province of An Hui.
The time has not yet been decided on.
A memorial was telegraphed to the
court announcing his death and a cir
cular letter sent to "the ministers of
the powers. It is expected that when
the court received the news an edict
was issued bestowing posthumous hon
ors upon the deceased and probably
advancing him to the ranks of a mar
quis , which title will descend on his
eldest son. ' .
Leavenworth , Kan. ( Special. ) Ob-
erlin M. Carter , ex-captain of regulars
in the army , now confined in the fed
eral penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth ,
has been notified of the granting of a
civil trial in the United States circuit
court in Chicago in connection with
the suit instituted there by the gov
ernment to take his property. Colonel
L. D . Carter , I. Carter and Horace ,
were in consultation with the prisoner ,
gathering information for the ap
proaching trial. The purpose is to try
at this trial to introduce evidence that ,
Captain Carter states , was excluded at
the court-martial and so , he alleges ,
would have established his innocence.
Colonel Carter was asked about the
trial just * before he started for Chicago ,
and saidr "Captain Carter and his j !
friends are much pleased over the
prospects of * a hearing in a court of .
justice , at last. All the evidence in
his favor was excluded at the court-
mortial , and now it can be introduced.
My nephew has offered to turn over
all his property to the government ,
pending a fail trial. " *
Washington , D. C. ( Special. ) Sen
ator Dietrich through his secretary
brought to the attention of the com
missioner of Indian affairs the possi
bility of an epidehiic of smallpox in
Homer , Thurston county , a village just
north of the Winnebago Indian reser
vation , unless imperative action is
taken by the authorities. The senator
urged immediate action on the part
of the government in view of the seri-
'ousness o'f the case and asked that
something be done to prevent the
spread of the disease. As the Indians
are citizens of Nebraska , it was de
cided that the question of quarantine
rests solely with the Thurston county
authorities , and it devolves upon them
to move in the matter.
Commissioner Jones , when the mat
ter was brought to his attention , dis
patched a vigorous teelgram to Agent
C. PJ Matthews , calling his attention
to the condition of affairs and instruct
ing him to use all the means possible
to stamp out and isolate all cases of
smallpox and guard against the spread
of the contagion.
"We are fearful of an epidemic of
smallpox on the Indian reservation , "
said Commissioner Jones. "The Indi
ans have been free from the disease
for several years , but our physicians
have warned us to take the utmost
precaution ,
El Paso , Tex. ( Special. ) Secret ser
vice operatives sent here a month ago
by Chief Wilkie today arrested J. M.
Lemon , alotcal photographer , and
captured aflarge number of p'hoto-
graphic plates bearing imprints of § 5
silver certificates , $10 national bank
notes , $10 note issues of the Deseret
National bank of Salt Lake City , Ne
vada bank of San Francisco , Banco
del Londres of Mexico and Banco Mi-
nero of Chihuahua , Mexico ; also a
large number of unfinished bills. It
is alleged Lemon is implicated in float
ing bogus $5 silver certificates which
made their appearance a year ago in
northern cities. ,
Reduction In Government Cable Tolls.
Washington , D. C. ( Special. ) Gen-
2ral A. W. Greeley , chief signal officer ,
returned to Washington today after an
absence of five months spent in the
Philippines in completing the cable anj
telegraph service of the islands. Gen
eral Greeley returned to the United
States by way of Europ'e. He had an
important conference in London with
the officers of the cable and telegraph
ompanies , which resulted in an agree
ment to reduce the tolls to and frow
Manila on overnment busihes *
Nebraska Republicans Carry the State By a
Majorlty'of 9,000 ,
A. B. Cummins Wins His Governorship
By a 90.0OO Majority In Iowa ; The
Election in Other Places.
Justice Supreme Court '
Regents of University
Lincoln , N b. ( Special. ) Based on
returns from every section of the state ,
republicans are jubilant over the elec
tion of S. H. Sedgwick for justice of
the supreme court by 10,000 majority.
The figures seem to justify their claims
and indicate a larger plurality for him
than was given Dietrich for governor
a year ago , and that , too , on a greatly
reduced total vote.
The gains appear to have been made
In fusion communities. Saunderscoun
ty , for instance , heertofore one of the
strong fusion strongholds , which two
years ago gave Holcomb ( fusion ) 900
over Reeese ( republican ) gives a fusion
majority of less than 400. Fillmore
county , heretofore closely or slightly
fusion , has gone republican. In reli
able republican counties the gain is
not so marked , and in one or two in
stances there is a slight loss , due , how
ever , to the decreased total vote rather
than to fusion gains.
The v'ote in the city of Lincoln is a
surprise , inasmuch as with a. falling off
of 30 per cent In the total vote Mr.
Sedgwick makes a gain of nearly six
to the precinct over a year ago.
The election of two republican re
gents of the university by nearly the
same plurality as Mr. Sedgwick has
probably received does not seem to be
an unreasonable claim.
Des Moines , la. ( Special. ) A. B.
Cummins , republican , was elected gov
ernor by over 90,000 plurality , the larg
est ever given a candidate on the state
ticket. The republican vote will fall
about 15,000 short of the vote two years
ago , but the plurality will be 35,000
more. The prohibitionists have polled
a heavy vote and in many precincts
have beaten the democrats. The re
publicans make gains in the legislar
ture also. *
The result in Iowa Is remarkable.
With a marked falling off in the vote
throughout the state the loss in some
precincts being 40 and 50 per cent In
the total vote and the average loss
for the state being one-fifth of the
total vote and the average loss for
the state being one-fifth of the total
of two years ago. A. B. Cummins , the
republican candidate , has been elected
by the largest plurality ever given a
governor in this state. The entire re
publican state ticket is elected by
similar pluralities and some extraordi
nary gains have been made .
The republicans claim that In the
legislative contests they have gained
three or four members to add to their
majority in the senate , while in "the
house their now great majority will be
increased by seven or eight.
Mr. Cummins said" : "The percentage
of majority for the republican party
Is as large as any the party has ever
had.It could not well be any larger. "
The prohibitionists claim a large gain
in their former vote and are much
gratified , but have not sufficient re
turns to give out any figures.
Des Moines , la. ( Special. ) Chairman
Spence of the republican state com
mittee expresses himself as well satis
fied with the election in Iowa , and
after a few days of closing up busi
ness will return to his' home in Mt.
Ayr. No effort was made to secure
returns on the state offices .other than
governor , but the returns which have
teen received indicate that the ticket
runs pretty close to the record made
by the head. The pluralities for Her-
riottj Barrett , Weaver and Brown will
be almost as large as the plurality for
In only a few places in the state
was there are decided falling off
shown. In Clinton county and a few
Daniel E. Conway , progressive demo-
cut because of the bitter opposition of
{ he liquor interests , and in the north
ern part he lost soipe by the opposi
tion of the prohibitionists. In this
county he ran far ahead of his ticket
as a personal compliment to him. Re-
> orts show that Herrlott , for lieutenant
governor , also had a large vote all
through the central and northern part
of the state.
Harrfsburg , Pa. The election returns
Indicate that Frank Harris , , republican ,
has been elected state treasurer over
Elisha Corey by over 50,000 plurality.
The vote was light.
Denver , Colo. The democratic state
ticket is elected by majorities rang
ing from 2,500 to 5,000. Scratching was
heavy , but all democratic candidates
have been elected. Pueblo , Colorado
Springs and Leadville all gave repub
lican pluralities.
Thurston'Ghooses A Kansan.
St. Louis , Mo. ( Special. ) Ex-Sena
tor John M. Thurston of Nebraska , a
member of the "World's Fair National
commission , haff'notified Secretary Jo
seph Flory of the commission that he
had nominated Mrs. Belle Everist of
Atchison , Kan. , on the recommenda
tion of the Kansas senate and house
of representatives , as a member of the
board of woman managers of the fair.
Thenomination will be confirmed at
the next meeting of the commission.
New York. ( Special. ) After one of
the most exciting campaigns In the his
tory of the city , Seth Low , citizens
candidate for mayor of Greater New ;
York , was elected over Edward M.
Shepard , thfr Tammany candidate , by
a plurality of about 40,000.
In conceding Low's election , Richard
Croker said that it was undoubtedly
due to the fact that the people wanted
a change. Tammany hud been in power
for seventeen years , and for one party (
to remain In control too long would *
tend to perpetuate a monarchy.
Mr. Low expressed his 'gratification
at the result , which he attributed
largely to the support given him by
the newspapers. Tammany had beea
rebuked by the people , and It was safe
to s"ay that government for private
gain would not be seen In the city for
many a year.
Mr. Low received hundreds of con
gratulatory telegrams , two being from-
President Roosevelt and Senator For-
aker of Ohio. Mr. Shepard also wired
his congratulations.
Nearly as much interest centered la
the contest between W. T. Jerome and
Robert Van "Wyck for justice of the ?
supreme court , in which the former
was successful.
Returns from the state indicate the
republicans 'will retain control of the
lower house. The republicans carried
Albany and Buffalo , while in Troy.
Daniel E. Conway .progressive demo
cratic-republican , was elected.
Philadelphia , Po. The returns indi
cate that the proposed amendments to
the constitution providing for personal
registration and the use of voting ma
chines both carried.
New York. In President Roosevelt's
district at Oyster Bay , L. L. , the re
publican candidate for assemblyman
won by majority , while the democrat
ic candidate for district attorney re
ceived 94 majority.
Boston , Mass. W. Murray Crane , re
publican , has been re-elected to serve
a third term as 'governor of this state.
His majority is over 70,000. Joslah ,
Qulncy , his democratic opponent and
mayor of this city , carried Boston by
more than 7,000. The total vote stands
Crane , 185,500 ; Quincy , 115,350.
Richmond , Va. All indications point
to a democratic majority of 25,000 in
the state and the legislature by a safe
Louisville , Ky. The election in Ken
tucky resulted in material gains for
the democrats. The legislature , which
will elect a successor to Senator De-
Boe , will be democratic by a large ma-
Newark , N. J. The election of Mur
phy , republican , for governor , is now
a matter of pluralities. At present his
plurality exceeds 7,000 votes. This is a
larger majority than Voorhees had
three years ago.
Sioux Falls , S. D. The indications
are that the republicans have elected
all of the eight district judges in South
Dakota. Returns are coming in slowly.
Providence , R. I. The republican ,
state ticket will be elected by a plu
rality of 6,000. This will give , them
control of both branches of the legis
lature. Democratic mayoralty candi
dates have been elected in Providence ,
Pawtucket , Woonsocket and Newport.
Baltimore , Md. Late advices indi
cate that the state , outside of Balti
more , will give a democratic legisla
ture , insuring the return to power of
Arthur P. Gorman. The democratic
ticket in the city is badly beaten.
Norfolk , Va. Montague , governor ,
and the entire democratic ticket was
elected by 35,000 majority. The leg
islature remains strongly democratic.
Jackson , Miss. The indications are
that George Carlisle has been elected
state treasurer and Joseph Power sec
retary of state. Both are the present
incumbents. All the candidates were
democrats , and little interest was man
ifested. Full returns will not be given
for a week.
Columbus , O. The latest revised re
turns show that the-republicans have
elected twenty members of .the senate
and the democrats thirteen. In the
house the republicans have sixty and
democats forty-two , a democratic gatn
of four senators and a republican gala
of three representatives over two years
ago. The republican majority on Joint
ballot will be about thirty. The Nash ,
plurality will hardly drop below 60.COO.
Catbalogan , Samar. ( Special. ) The
few Filipinos who are surrendering say
that the provisions of the insurgent
leader , Lukban , are exhausted and that
lie and his men are living on a scanty
supply of sweet potatoes. Lukban is
being strongly urged to surrender. He
is weakening and it is believed he will
yield by November 10 , owing to the
blockade making it impossible for him.
to secure more food. The insurgents
are described as being in great fear of
the soldiers.
The insurgents are becoming more
active in the island of Leyte. The town
of Matalon was attacked. At Inopacan.
the insurgents cut the telegraph line.
While a detachment of American
troops were repairing it they were fired
upon by a band of Insurgents. After
a brief skirmish the rebels were
Prefers Death To Arrest.
Poplar Bluff , Mo. ( Special. ) Frank ,
Reed- notorious character along the
Missouri-Arkansas boundary line , kill
ed himself to avoid capture , after "he
had forced a sheriff's posse to retreat
and after he had been-shot twice , once
in the head and once through the
body. In his battle with the officers
near Mprak , Ark. , Reed had the assist
ance of a woman , whose name is given
as Renster. She was captured by the
officers when they came upon Reed's
dead body. He had cut his tnroatv