-85- - - * , 4 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT < 3F - * - * ? v I. M. SlJfe PEOlTLtJR * * - ! > , . , tfetippaper o County , V -TJEJMIS ; . In advanc- * : § 1.50 ' ) iS-)8cripn wlfgnfforpaldHn advance. Single copies 5c. Dfispliiy aayertlKlng l inchjScspeii Issue { . $10 " , ' ' " ; 'V " . - * - ptr column "by tHti mouth. * -Tbcal { Notice. MJiituarle * and . J odfie 'Resolute . , . * . Hue men is-sue , ions5c per Brands , 154 ii "es $4.00 per year fn ad- additional HaeeS3.00 per Inch per yoar ; e vui : ; blocks extra , Sl.oo each. Parties HvSnp utsl lp Clirrry county not ppr- known are requested lo pay in advance. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 mouths in arrears. Notices of loss of stock free to brand adver tisers. Thursday , Xoveinbcr 141901 ADDITIONAL LOCAL Shoes at a big discount if vou buy of Wuicr Sinters. ' Tsora Iiackler returned Monday nighi from the hospital at Omaha. Mrs. .1. A. Sparks returned last night fiom her visit with relatives in St. J'oo. ' A. II. Metzger , Egbert 13onnen and Geo. Sims are in town today on land ofiice business. ' A shoe sale calls the attention of the public to the Maier Sisters who show an enterprising spirit in launching into the mercantile world. ' Quigley and Bravton building , with the lodge-room over-htdd , is nearing completion on the outside work. This will mate two ol the finest buildr ings in town and will be lighted with electiiicity fromtop to bottom. Ben Pays of Woodlake was in town , Monday and ordered the Democrat sent to a friend out in Washington. Mr. Pays informs us that he with his wife and her father will visit in Miss- . ouri and other eastern states where thev have relatives and friends and \\illthengo to'.Roslyn , Washington , to make theLrfuture home * Mr. Pays is a good citizen and will be missed from the vicinity in * which he lives. THE DEMOCRAT wishes them a pleas ant Journey. . , , The postoffice departmentwill re ceive proposals * for. 'carrying mail on star routes in Nebraska until Dec. 3. Contracts will be awarded on or before February flrst to the lov est responsible-bidder to go in to effect July l ? > t , 1902 and be contin ued for a period'of four years. The contractor will be required to "live on or near his loute andbe. . immediate ] ) responsible for any service.Persons who live distant from the routes for which tha ) bid must agree to uiove to the icute in the event of. the 'contract being awarded them. The new service includes free delivery of mail to people iving on or near a route wlio will place a box convenieut'so lhat the carrier will not have to get out of his vehicle , or drive out of his way to deliver it. Persons wishing to place 'bids can get proposal blanks with full instructions at. the postoffices on the different routes . . rrorby writing tne Second Assistant Postmaster General , Washington , D. C. Routes in Cherry County : 57279 From Gregory to Pullman , 18 miles and back twice a week. Leave Gregory Tuesday and Fridry at 10 a m : arrive at Pullman by 4 p. m. ; leavf Pullman Tuesday and Friday after ar rival of mail from Whitman but not later than 5:30 p. m. Arrive at Greg ory in 5 hours. 13ond required with bid § 400 : present contract pay $120. 57280 From Penbrook to Norden 11 50 miles and back , three times a - \ week. "Leave Fenbrook , Tuesday , * Thursday and Saturday at 9:30 a. m. Arrive at Norden by 1 p. m. Leave v. Korden Tuesday Thursday and Satur day atl:30p m. Arrive at renbrook 5 p. m. Bond required with bid S400 ; present contract pay $78 ; subcon- tractpay $95 for twice a week service 57281.From . Valeutine to Ft. Niobra- ra 4 33miles and back , fourteen times a week. Leave Valentine daily ; t 7 a. in. anil 5 p. m..arrive at Jt. ? JKiobrara by fi a. m. 6 p. in. ; leave Ft. Niobrara daily at 8:30 a. in. and 930 p. ui. ar . rive at Valentme-by 9:30 : a. m. and 7:30 with bid S&UO p. ni. Bond required present contract pay § 200 ! subcontract * " . - pay $250. . . 57282 From Sparks to Valentine 18 miles uad back three times a week. Leave Sparks Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday at 6:30 a. m. arrive at Valen tine by 12 in. leave Valentine Tuesday , .Thursday and Saturday at 1 p. m ar rive at Sparks by 0.30 p. m. I3ond re quired with bid 000 ; present contract . jmy $ ' 213. UO. 572S3 From Valentine , by Simeon . Oasis , and Kennedy , to Chesterfield 52. 23.miles and back six times a week. Leave Valentine daily except Sunday at 6 a. m. arrive at Chesterfield by 7:30 : ' , p..io. leave Chesterfield daily except u m. arrive , -Valentine' . -v , f 5 ,5 ? ' - ' . : --i t-- " 1T B T AK DEMO OR A TX 4s 'b tfe ? i . . . . ; ? rr ; i'rT ' 7l < ' 'j rrYri - * dollaT a year. 'Seiidfiir7 - - ' name and address. We will print your name , address and your stock brand on 500 sheets , pa per , 500 envelopes and 500 cards foi § 52.50 each 500 01 1000 each at $3.50. by 7:30 : p. in. Eond required with bid $3/200 ; present contract pay § 925 57284-From Chesterfield to Newton 1 0 miles and back six times a week. Leave Chesterfield daiiy except Sunday at 8:15 : a. m. arrive at Newton by 11 a m. leave Newton daily except Sunday at 12 m. arrive at Chesterfield by 2:45 p. m. Bond required with bid $600 ; present contract.pay $101 25 for three times a week service. service.The Grocer v who neither sands , his sugar nor waters his milk who believes in the best , and is particular to please his patrons. ' That's the grocer who. recom mends and sells Lion Coffee Coffee that is coffee unglazed unadulterated. Valentine'v : GOLDS i CAN BE STOPPED Colds , directly or indirectlv. have killed more people than wars or pestilence. A cold low ers vitality , thus making it eas\ foi other diseases to attack- Stopping a cold is an achieve ment worth while , ? .nd our I GUARANTEED COLD CURE fc the remedv to use. We guar antee it to cure rolds if taken in tirnp Ta > p it when vou notice the firpt pvmptoms of attack and you are certain to a vert the cold. If you Dcgin taking it after the * cold is fully developed , itwill / al ii wa s lessen the attack and speed tne cure. Price 25 cents. ' * . > " Quigley > & Chapman , > Druggists , I Valentine , Neb.J KANGAROO DAY Now and Open NIGHT 4 " Short Order RESTAURANT OYSTERS in any style Everything to eat the market affords. . CANLtR & YOUNG Oysterd served in all attee at Collins1 ; . f * OFFICIAL COUNT OF THE VOTE CAST IN CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA , It is a business transaction to have your Letter-Heads and Envelopes printed with your name and address. It costs but little and saves you time makes you money pleases your friends. We handle the best grade of envelopes and paper , Latest-styles and up to YOU CAN BUY Fine aud Fancy Underwear , Hosiery , Handkerchiefs , Yarns , Embroidery , Silks , Opera Shawls , Neckjiies and Notions , Point. Laces , Battenburg Ijraitl , Sofa Pillows , ooljEnit * " * " * Slippers and Center Pieces made to order at Prices that are EIGHT of MISS HATTIE MAIER HE OWLSALOON T. YEARNSHAW T .JAMFS BHUL ! M ? . Sole Agents for ' " ' . HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY g Ale and-Porter . , " Arid * FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wine and Cigars. * ' VALENTINE " X ' , NEBRASKA- CITIZENS- J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND IN THEIR SEASON First clasp line of Steaks , Roui Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon * n tbe District Court of Cherry Count Nebraska. In .ihe matter of the estate of Andrpw Mark''a ' mental incompetent. " This caiis coiiiiuir on for hearing upon tbe petition -Nelson S. ] iowle.y. guardian of An drew MarK. a nienlaHncoinpftent. prating for license to sell tlie rVal estatfi of said ward , sit tiated in-Hierry county , Nebraskate-wit : senxv swne nesw and mvso of tection 15 , ttnvuship 29 , ranee 31 , lor the payment of the deltt ot the siicl ward , and to maintain the said ward and his tamily , tne income of the estate of the suid ward uot being sufficient therelnr. It Is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said state appear Defore me nt the court room in Valentine. Nebraska , on the lh riay of December. 1801 at 10 o'clock a. in. to .show cause why a license should not be Kraiiteu to suid guardian to sell said real estate. \nd it. is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published three successive weeks in THK VALKNTI > BDKMOCUAT.a news.saper rf % i era 1 circulation in Cherry county. Nct > ra.ska. . , Done at Chambers , in the village of itushvilie Nebraska , tliib third * ! ay of Octooer. loot. W. H. WE8TOVKR 42-3t Judge of the District Court Notice 1 robate of Will. . K Notice Probate of will. AgustaV. . Scluilz de ceased. In county court. Cherry coin iy. J e- braska. 'J he slate of Ni-bra > ka to'the heirs nd next of kib of the said Augusta \ \ . Sctiiuze , de ceased. Take notice that upon filing of a wiltni in strument iiurportuif : to be ttie la t will and tesi- anieut of AiiL-utifta NV. chulze l ir probate and allowance , it is ordeicd that j-aid mailer he set for hearing the SOih day ni Nov mber A. D. 1S01 Before saM county court at the hour of 10 o'c'ock a m at which lime a > y person , interested may appear aud contest the same : ami nuiice of this proceeding i oreered published three weeKs .successively in UieALKNTI.NK ! ) KMOCKAT a weekly newspaper published in this state In testimony whereof , 1 have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the county cour.t SKAL at Valentine this'lSth day of November A. D 1W. ! 4331 W. K.TOWNE. Coiiutv Judge. Go 4o Collins for oysters. 42-tf Notice the date of tlie farmers' in stitute November 20 and 21 and don't forget to come. Quigley & Brayton's building with theModge room overhead is neaiing completion of the 'outside work. This will make two Jof the finest buildings in town and will be lighted with elec tricity from top to bottom. Taken Up Taken up by tlie subscriber in German" pre cinct. Cherry county Nebraska , on the 2nd day of October 1001 , one black mare about 9 yeaas old and c"lt. Mare branded JJ with bar ihroush if. on left .shoulder ; 9A on left thich and one three year old mare branded J with bar throuuh it and 9A on left thigh and one three year old blacck stallion no hranbs or marks. 42-5t JOHX.A. ADA3ISOX t Notice to Noil-Resident Defendants. TCannon ! , first name unknown , and "Wini Cannon his wife , turn resident d i 'iidai t . will ake notice : That m h3rd day of September. lOOl : Ftlix oletr , plaintiff , herein , filed his petition in ihe district court of 'lierry county , Nebraska , against you implJaded with others. The object and praver of which are.to foreclose a cpnain ta-x lien for the payment of delinquent r. xes for ihe years 1K > 4. 1S95. l. OC. tsar. 1808. and 1S99 , up on th ' n } iiuU and n i.wh section 34 town ship 35 , range 2G. Cherryounty. . Nebraskaor taxes assessed and levifed thereon for .said > ars for state , county or school purpopo . for which said lands were sold to this pontiff for the sum of ? 73.83 To have an accounting of the am urn due thereon together with interest on 57382 thereof at 10 per cem Praying thatr said land I ) so'd to sat isfv said amount and that t'efv-ml- ants be foreclosed of all equity of redemption Yon are required in answer said petition on or before Monday the 9th day of December I9ol Dated urinberSinh. 1901 Felix Nolett. i l in Jiff F M. Walcott. his attorney 4l-4t In ihe District Court of Cherry ' 'ouniy Nebraska In t' e matter oj the estate of Jamed C. Quig l y a .minor , , . This cause comiivjrou for hearing upon tlie petition of James H. Quigley , guardian of James r , Quiuley. a minor , praying' for license tost-ll the ical estate ef , ild minor , situate in Cherry county. Nebraska , towitthe east balf of the north-east..quarter ot section 25 town ship 35 Rinire 3i. for th maintenance and ad- urcitionot the said mjnor. the income of the es tate oi s : 'rf nnn r not beingsutt'cient therefor. It Is therffore ordered that all persons inter ested in snul estate appear before me at Court Itoom in the village of valentine. Nebraska , on the 9th day of December. 1901 , at 10 o'clock a. m. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said guardian to sell said real e.state. Ann" it is further ordered that a copy ot this notice be published three successive weeks in THE VALKJfTiNK DKMI.CKAT. a newspaper of general circulation lu Cherry county. Nebraska. Done at Chambers , in the village of Kushvilte , Nebraska , this 31st day of Octder 1901. \V. H.VE > TVEB Judge of the District C-urt ( .tome to the farmers' institute two da > s November 20 and 21. " r . Accounts of Merchants , Rancrjrriert. and Individuals Money to Loan on Pirst-clafis Cattle Paper and Other Securities , Valentine State Bank ' ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital 3nid Tip gg. FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice President % CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON Home to" the D. LUDWIC LUMBER . , YARD FOR Lumber , Builders' Materials ; Buggies , Moline WagonsEclipse Windmills , Fair bank's S t e el Windmills J. A. SPARKS , Mgr FOUND. NOT LOST. The place to get the best windmill also pumps and tanks. First door south of the Do'ioher Eonse. S. MOON , VALENrElR. W J I * lNTING PAPER HANGING 49 CALCIMIN1NG. 49 49 R S. DENNIS. . 49 Valentine Nebraska All work well done 49 C. H. COKXEML. President. H. V. tf ANK OF VALENT NE. Valentine. Nebraska. i. ' v * - - - J'2 'A 4 eiieral Banking Buriiii' i Tr n a * ted Buy * * and S * ll I > omeMtir and For ign K Jhemical National Bank. New york. First National Bank. Omaha Neb HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine . - e--