Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 14, 1901, Image 1
THE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA . OT * VOLUME XVI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBakv "mi NTTMBEB 43 The Advent of 4 49 49 ? Many New Goods &fr & . * 49 i > 49 Will oe celebrated for the next thir & 49 fi 49 ty days with advance display. 49 49 The dress goods stock is the nearest completion. You will find all the new waist fab j * 49 rics , the new waist flannels , the dainty flannelettes. . g A very complete assortment of 49 black and colored silks and satins , a & nice line of tapestry , lace and other curJ | 49 tains , Carpets and upholstering goods , j * 49 Special sale on men's all wool cloth- ing to close out to make , room for oth- & Jj er stock. * * or o FBONJ- V SUITS $5 TO $20 Ladies , Misses and Children's Jackets , Capes , Collarettes , Muffs and Fin * Coats. Our Stock is Complete aud Prices the Lowest. Tailoring inALL Branches. , STINARD , Clothier NEW Instruments and Methods to Fit Spectacles and Eye- Glasses , Finest quality of lenses. A fit guaranteed , For near and far sight glasses accurately adjusted. Astigmatism cleared up. TESTING EYES FKEE OF CHAKGE. Good stock of Watchss , Clocks and Jewel ry. Holiday goods just arriving. Largest and best display in town. Good work at LOWEST PRICES. V * , ' O. W. MOREY , Old ' Reliable Jeweler/ t- VALENTINE - - - - " - NEBR : The Political Campaign is Over. JUST OURS BEGUN With a Full Stock of all kinds HARDWARE , Windmills. Pumps , Iron \ beds , Mattresses , Charter w\ \ i , U Oak Stoves and Eangcs. X Leave vour oiders for all kinds of COAL. * . i * H * - ANDERSON & FISCHER VALENTINE NEBR. GET TvnTIVTTTMAT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICES : Can Satisfy Yoti in Oitalihr Price and Worluaansb.ip Bates Reasonable Give Me a Trial * j Propr . , ; - - > ' " > 1 TALk OF THE TOWN J. E. Cochran'wPs a Valentine vis itor this week. N te the date of the farmers Insti tute , Nov. 20-21 and don't forget to come. Come to the Farmers Institute. Two days , Nov. 20-21. Everyone who is in terested in stock and farming should come. Jas. Qulgley has been very busy dur ing the past two months looking after his stock interests and has been on the go all the time buying , selling , and branding'cattle. .Mark Cyphers has just returned from a visit to his parents in New Jersey and brought his nephew Mark Stewart back with him , who will make his future home with Mr. Cyph ers. ers.The The only company playing Uncle Tom's Cabin that does not depend on a street parade to draw a house is'the one owned by Rusco & Holland. These managers advertise that they give fheir performance on the stage and not on the street. They carry a full dramatic company , a carload of tpedial scenery , pack " "of man-eating blood-hounds , trick donke } ' ! and also the Original Nashville"Students , a company of colored singers , dancers and fun makers. The jpress every where speak of them in * the highest terms , and on Saturday. Nov. 10 , at Valentine Opera Housej people can judge of their merits. ; Will Parsons passed through here from Gordon Sunday , bound for Vol- ney , Va. Mrs. Parsons accompanied trim this , far and will remain here till lie returns. Last Friday 'nignt Mr. Parsons recieved a telegram from ' Volney which read."Arthur has kill ed father. Can you come ? " 'The Ar thur mentioned is Will's half brother Arthur Gore , formerly station agent at Wood lake and well known here , who went back to Virginia a few months since to live. There was no further information , and whether the [ tilling was accidental or otherwise , cannot be told , although no one who knows Arthur can believe but what it must have resulted accidentally , as Mr. Gore was an exemplary young man , and counted his , , friends by the number of acquaintances he made. Ainsworth Star Journal. At no time in its history has the Farmers'Institute been so well organ ized as now. It is desired to hold 100 Institutes in Nebraska this year. This is a large undertakingbut Sup erintendent Burnett is detemined to push the matter , and there is"no doubt but that he will succeed. Much use ful information will be imported at these Institutes. No Efarmer stock raiser , or business man can afford to absent himself from these meeting ? . The question , "Does it pay5is prop erly asked in this day when the battle for bread is a real conflict.No farm- t r knows so much about his own busi ness but that he may learn more * We ask every reader who can possi bly attend the Insnitute to do so and bring your neighbor. The University is brought to your door * Take advan tage of the oppurtunity and learn what is done with the money approp riated for this purpose. Every sub ject of interest to the farmer and stockman will be discussed , Bring vour pencil and paper. Something will be said that you'will wlnh/tri re- mem oer. If it were announced bv the proper authorities that a "Bankers' Confer ence" would convene on a certain date ar a certain place , all the rep resentative bankers wonld no doubt be present Of course they would It. would he to their interest to be present If a conclave of ' 'Organized Labor" was announced , railroads would make 'rates , ' hotel services would be extended , and men , women , and children would come from every part of the land to consider questions interest to themselve Now unor ganized labor will have its fete day. A Farmers' Institute will be held in out city on Wednesday and Thursday Nov. 20 and 21. No farmer or stock raiser. can afford to absent himself from these meetings. Lay aside your prejudice against the "book farmer' for he is long dead. The practical man is the only one who can win in this day and be is the only one allow ed on the institute platform. . Do yob doubt this , then come , to the Insti- tute filled with practical questions , and thup puzzle the "Theorist" ofi whom you may have dreamed. Why j should the farmer be the only man to conrf to ( card as' well as tcacE , I deny himself the pleasure as well as the privilege of meeting with those of similar occupation. He cannot af ford to do so. Your neighbor may learn something from your exper ience and you may 'learn something from his. While you are putting aside some of your prejudice , dispense with some of that conceit also , and Educational Department. BY LETA STETTER , "What rKht ? have we to pry into the affairs o othees ? True or false the tale that is babbled to us , what concern is it of ours ? Lytton "lions Von Smash" will appear in unprecedented glory on tlie evening of the 29th. There are still a few absent on ac count of vaccination or rather , lack of vaccination. In marching the high school adheres strictly to the commandment "Let not ; hy left foot know what thy right foot doeth. " It is to be hoped that the "patriot- soa" of the people will be liberal on the evening of Nov. 29 at Cornell hall Remember the place and date. Poetical Senior : ( exuberantly ) There's skating in the air ! Practical ; henior ( gruffl } ' ) Well , I wish it'dJiurry up and get on the pond. Walter Flowers of the class of ' 00 visited in the high school room Friday afternoon. It had been some time since we last seen Walter and we , were glad to receive this visit. Miss Edith Pettycrew and her moth er spent Saturday with Prof , and Mis. iVutson. Miss Edith is contemplating aking a course in vocal music in the state university conservatory ofmusic. . It is a true saying and worthy- all acceptation that ' 'To those whom the mmortal Gods wish to punish they first allow an interval of prosperity and mpunity of days. " Therefore let all El. S. republicans not "glory too in solently in the victory. " The class of ' 02 begins to think that it is a revelation to itself. It can coin wordsprocure copyrights on originals , construct eloquent geometrical figures , turu trapizoids up side down and shake them ; in fact we are almost beginning to regard those prospective orations with something like resignation. i We went into raptures over that scene In Shakespeare ; we felt that it was glorious and that Shakespeare was ndeed paragon of writers. We wanted to elevate him above mankind on account of it. We had come to the * * conclusion that he was more than hu man ; we turned to th § notes in the back o > thr book. Alas ! What causeth us to say "Ugh1 ? " Why tikn ; we up our ps- ometrys and throw downjour Macbeths ? This is why ; thtit note in the back of the book informed us that "this whole scene was taken bodily from Holm- shed " As the seniors filed into the school room last Wednesday their oyes were startled by a strange and unusual sight ; on Miss Cumbow's desk secured by means of a pin reposed something wbicn they did not recognize. It had an antique air and it's mien was dis tinctly fossiJiferous. It seemed to the wondering seniors that it was sadly in need of cremation Viewed in one re spect it .Deemed to resemble an exceed ingly Bedraggled specimen of the sun flower family from last years crop ; from other points of view it seemed to partake of the characteristics of an equilateral triangle topped by a multi- angular polygonThe seniors vaguely- felt that there was something familiar obout this object ; something in its im probable aspect seemed dimly to ap peal to them like memories of the long past and half forgotten days wnen they were freshmen They sat silent remiscensinfj aud conjecturing almost fearing that this was the ghost of some murdered geometry proposition which had risen up to leer at them even as the ghost of Bangno at Macbeth. Then Miss ( Jumbow entered the room and suddenly aud simultaneously a great lisihfc burst in upon the seniors. That which they saw before them was none other than a rosette of the class colors which had been assumed by the class of ' 01 long ago , when those illustrious ones had been 10th graders themselves in the obscure and remote state of WE BENEFIT OURSELVES MOST | 49 49 49 WHEN WE SERVE YOU BEST I 49 49 * I OUR LOW PRICES ARE OUR BEST ARGUMENT 49 49 49 wv Dry Goods , Clothing * ftfc fc > Boots and Shoes fcfcfr 4 49 49 * . Groceriesand a"Full 49 49 General Line at jj 49 Lowest Prices. 49 49 49 49 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 General Merchants. 49 49 ELLIOTT'S DRUG STORE CARRIES A full line of standard and late copyright books , juveniles , Deriodicals , fine and medium grade stationery. Exclusive agents in Valentine for Balduff's unrivalled chocolates and bonbons. Palmer's exquisite perfumns , soaps and toilet articles. Our fctock of HOLIDAY GOODS are beginning to arrive and wo will soon l e in a position co show the largest aud most varied stock ever Dlaced on this market. ELLIOTT'S ' DRUG STORE WE CARRY A COMPLETE LNE OF GeneralMerchandise * ' " ' ' ; A'XD Groceries VIERTEL CR OKSTOX MAX E. NEBRASKA THE DONOHER Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day FTSST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot aud Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms VALE'HTIKE' - HEBRASKA a ass : 8 U. G McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA \ Cherry County Stone Co v - f Cbntractbrs and Builders in General * . . . .Composition and graveljtoofs , slate roofs. Urick. . and cement sidewalks. Native lime and .imported * ornamental- * stone. Brick for sale. . VALENTINES - /