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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1901)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT : M. RICE EDITOR $1.OO .Per Year in Advancr PUBLIBliED BVF.KY THURSDAY. Entered at the Posfc-oiilce at Valentine , Cherrj countv. Nehrs lie * , as Second-rlass matter. Plain and iancy DRESS-MAKING MRS. W. A : KIMB'ELL First door cast IT. E. Church. i ( i Complete List of Final Proof Con test and Land Notices at the " * Valentine Land Office Oct. 29 , 1901 , Nov. 1 , Louis L Young , nw , S4-29-22 Nov. 2 , Robert A. Eose , ne 80-29-18 34 28 24 Nor 4 William D Bachelo"r , s ne'nnd 22 ne 25 30 29 Nov. 5 , Wylie E. Easlnn8on sl-2 nw free. 14 and el-2 ne 15-31-32 Xuv. U , Henry'H. Morgan , ei ne t&w uehtc. 34 n\V 35-23 32 Nov. G. XelliB F. Sears , n , 7-31 26 and ne 1227 Xov. 7 Joseph A. Boyer , sw 22 27 33 Xov. 7 John H. Day , ' ' ' ' 24 31 26 Xov. fl Jolin U.iviKB& < B S--C 26 uwnwne \ So 28 24 Xov. ir'lielttU : ; " > V , : 342821 * ' - - " Nov. II , contest James A. Pearson , e sw , h\v , sw se ' - 283237 ; Nov. 12. Hi ron U. Swett , n.Jsw : ! " \ 353i-28 * Xov. 12. William M. J3ciml ejsenwse and swne ' " /Tr- " , 5229-27 Xov. 14 , George E. Sims , ne sV and lots 3and 4 - ' \ ' \ - . . " - 302935 " ( se se / - ' * 25 29 36 Xov. 14 , John T. ITerran , n ue fJ-'wi 23 30 29 " Xov. 15. Edmund H. Cramp town2 MV * > " ' . 28-34 19 X > v. 15 , Oiau Britton nene sec and ni ? \i ' 12-3127 > Tov. 16 , E. Olson lots 5 ahd 5 senw SHC 6 tp27 , r 18 1 26 19 Xov. 19 Frank Jtckon n sw sec 26 nes s4ue $ % 27 29 26 X > vv20 Lawrence 1. Sandsll lots i and2 sine 4-30-18 X' v 20 Hetbeft X. Ilogrrs ne 13 30-28 Xov. 21 Uerta lleece agt for Frank Rece lots 3 and 4 se.c2&iots ( 3&4 80-b3 28 Nnv 22 Aiice S. Chamberlain slse seV32 tp 27 r 27 and lot 1 serie , 5 26-27 X 'V. 23 Lewis Oanow nne sec 10 and s\vse 33031 Nov. 23 Florence Huronf se 1829-32 Xov 28 Jennie E. Tail sesw and s se sec 20 and sw 21 27 29 X"V 23 Dan Dailv sjsw 12730 NOV. 23 Martin W. . ( 'usiie n ne wisw 24 32 29 Xov. 23 Mi5)liae. * IL Aiggiiis nine D IIW 28 27-29 Nov. 23 .Murray fc > . Starr none - - ' . , - " 13-28 22 NOV. 20 ( harles Linebrink n e sec 31 ' - Jsvv 32 30-32 Nov. 27 Phillip Ehihuuy sw 2-29-20 Oct. 28 John AT. Colber , sinw and n2sw 20-29-18 ' James E. 33 ninw 34-25-39 DSC. a . Tliackrey nine sec Dec. 3 Cyrus K. KOlfender sin ne 9-24-30 Dec 4 Comfort Starr nese sec 23 wjsw andses r 24-34-36 Dec. 12 Daniel L. Aidridge n2ne , sesw , swnw. sei- 18-27-33 Dec. 13 Catherine M'Donald e2ne and nesvv 19-32-27 Dec. 14 illiam A. Kichardson e2nw , nel-2 , nwso 8-29-27 Notico to Creditors. In coui.ty court v ithin and for Cherry county. . . . . , Inthf matter of the estate of Jacob i.udwiR defeated. TothecrertJtnraofsalrt estJiteAou sire here by notified that I will sit. at the county court room ju Valentine In said county on ttle 23rd day of November 1901. at 10 o'clooK a.m. to re ceive ami examine all claims ajrainst salrt estate , with a view to their adjustment nnd allowance. Tbe time limited for the nrehentatton of clsiims airaiust Raid es'.ate is thu S3rd day of N - \ ember A. I ) . 1001 and the time limited for pajment o : < ipbs is one year from said : ! 9tu day of Jaunarj Witness my hand and seal of said county court this Sth day of October 1901 . 8E.xi > W. B.TUWKE. , Jl-4t L'ounty Judge In the District Court of Cherry County. In the matter of the application of F. M. AVal- cott. administrator of the estate of William O. J'iil > | K r deceased , to sell real estate. - And now on this 19th day of October , 1901 , this cause came on tor Iiearlni : before W. H "Westover , one of the dis'rict jndges-- Oherry county. Nebn' ka. at Ooambers in the town ol Kushville. Kvbni > ka. upon iho petlluion of K \\alcott.adniinistratorof airt estate , pray ing lor license to sell the following described real estate. , to-w it : mvJiaec. 23 tp.S-1. r. 25 for the payment of debts against taid estjito. It is'ther'fore , Hered that-11 persons inter- i-ste ed in said estate appear belore * he district c urt in Valentine. Nebraska , on the. 9 h dav of Jjecemher 1901. at ten o'clock a. in. to show cause why .such license should not be granted. And It is ordered that a copy of thu nolie be ubUshed four sucwicesBive. weeks ii the VAi.Ejm > K DEMOUKATin Valentine , Ne braska. Dated this 19th day of October. 1901 at Hush vilie , Nebraska. W.D.WESTOVFB 40-41 Judge. Notice to Nou-Besident Defendants. To AIargaf t Y onnc and The Shnwaltf r Mort { rne Company , a corporation , uou-rei ident dt- Icndant. You and each of 3'on are hereby notified that on the 2Gih day of or.'ober IDol George Monier , as plajutilf. filed in the district court of rhnrn < -ountv. Nebraska his petition against jou as dnfeiidau's. the object and prayer oi which is to have an accounting 01 the amount Une npon. and ro foreclose a fax sale certificate only issued by tint treasurer of ( 'nrrrv county , N liranko , to tbe plaintiff and dared Marches. 1901. for the following real estate. to-Avitlotstt and 4 and ej nw > 4 of Motion 19. townsbip 35. range 2ft. 'n bain county and state , for the state , county and pchool district taxes a-sessed and levied there on for the years 18'M. 1894.1803 , 1 9G , 1 )7 ) , 1898 ai.d isvjto have the amount found due fixed and eatanlishrd as a valid and subsisting Hen upon 'Hid real estate : to have wild taxed prem ises sold ii the manner provided i < y law for the payment and satisfaction of tin amount found due. with costs of unit nd costs of sale ; to bar. lorerlose nnd exclude the defend nuts out of all rmht. title , 1 en or equity of redemption in and to the said real estate , ami for general < elief. You are further notified to aiiMvar suld ppi ion on or before the 9th dsy of December. 1901 41-4t A. M. MOHBISSI'-Y Attoruty lor Plaintiff. Notice to Non-IJjp'f'ii t J To TredericK- . Koepkn and 3Ir.s. Koepke * fiMt and real iiame unkimwn , wife of Frederick J. . Korpke , non-resident defendants. You and ech f you are hereby noli fled that on the 'JGth day of October. HtOJ , George Mcnier as plaintiff. Illed in the district court of Therr. coimty.iSt'bni&ka. his petition acaiiibt you an defendants , tin-object ami jiRi.xer ot which r have an uruon-tiitg ot ihe amount due npoii anil tofoieclosc a tax sale ccrtthcate dulv issued by the treasurer of Cherry county , Kehnuka. to 1 he plaintiff aud dated Slaivli S3 iwi. for the luilun ing real estate to-wit lots 1 and-j and el jnvU of swtion 31 , township ; { 5 , ranfeX , i SJiht county and state , lur tlie siate , county a id .M-ho < I district taxes assessed nnd levied Jliere- ni for Hie years lsy. . isoc , isiiT , 18)8 ! ) and 1SS9 ; to have the Amount louiui due fixed and establish ed us' valid and vutalsting lion upon said real ' te : to have sjid taxed premises sold in the ui inter riuviikil by law for thu payment and .H .iclli > u ol ti-t' amount found dun. with eo.-ti i. ! * uiDMiid costs ot sain : to bar , loreclOMi and i -ludu the. defendants out of ait rigit. title lien orcqiiityorrudmi'utluuinanUto the said leal enr ie , and fur general relief. You are furllici notlliect to answer said pe tition 011 or uelorc the iith day of December A. iM. MOKKIS KY ' -Altwuej fwr Pl * I _ ! , % > Baving recently purchased one of the Newcomb fly-shuttle rajr carpet loomf I am now prepared to do all kinds of rap carpet weaving on short notice. MRS. ADA HOLSCLAVV , Valentine , Nebr. See our bargain counter of ladies' i and children's shoes. 33tf W. A. PETTI CKEW. Knnch for Sale Cheap. Stock and implements complete Tor engaging in the stock business. This is a chance for some man who has about 15000 to invest. Call on I. M. Rice or write us. Dr. Palmeter , V. S. D : , will be in Vulfntine for one week commencing " with JNovember 36. and will bp pre" pared to treat all diseases of domestic Animals. Call.and see him. Dental work a specialty. Satisfaction guar anteed on all woik.Office at Simser's barn. 3 ours to please 41-2t Dr. Palmeter Doivii I lie River Rev. Campbell i * still preaching at theKewauee school house every two waeks. John Bowers has finished the addit ion to his residence and built a nice lit tle barn thirty-two feet long. Mrs. Joe Bristol is teaching a six months term of school in the Ivewanee district. She is an old hand at the bus iness. Albert Halej has taken seventy-five head of calves to winter lor JudgeVal - cott. Billy Allen has taken the same number to feed for C.II. . Cornell. About eighteen head of calves 'and yearlings have died with the black-leg along the Hat toulhof the Berry bridge in the past four weeks. Lately n.oat of the young stock have bet n vaccinat ed and the dying has cease 1. Davis Bros , have moved their st-re from the Berry bridg tc their , claims about twelve miles southwestrof Wood- IakThey sold 260 bushels of corn they raised this year on the river place to Air. McFarland at thirty-five cents per bushel. Rev. John Foster , fiom near Spring- view , passed .through this neighbor hood last week. He is agent lor the Stockmen's and Farmer's Guarantee Co. , of Fairfield , Nebraska. They in sure against blite , known as corn stalk disease , black leg and snake bites. Ttie bonnet parade and social at Sparks last week was totally delicious , ut least some of tho boys thought they were buying something considering the prices paui for baskets at supper time Dial's just right , boys , don't be bluffed ut. Money is what makes the mare L'O. Twenty dollars is a nice little make-up ihe preacher through ihs wiutcr. . * * Charles n.PauIliaber Bro\vnlee llerelords Ilyam , No. 74.538 ; ut head of herd. Ymmg bulk from G 10 18 mouths old lor sale. G-ood Hard ROCK For Sale PAT HETT , Valentine , Neb. JXT Has been moved the building on South < berry street formerly known as the Masseuuale lions * * , and here we are piepared to give customers better j > erviie thiia ever before. BARBER Go to CLAUDE JONES for Hair t Cut , Shave , Sbatnpoo and Hot or Cold Baths. Second door south of The Donober. Ing harness Is theZ worst kind of a com bination. Eureka " 1 Harness Oil I } not only makes the harness nr.d tho I horse loci : better , but mabea tho . leather soft ami pliable , puts It In con dition to last twice f.3 : tus it ordinarilyvouil. ! . cvcrr-yre ia cans 11 EJ. U&dc by J STANDARD OIL CO. Give Your Horse SL Chance ! D. A. Hancock i Blackburn , Mo or . Nebra ? > kH Cittle branded on left side as on cut ; also 10 on left side with"on left fcipof some * cat tie ; aiso S16 on right side Horse brand , rake and iG on le.ft shoulder or hip _ llome ranchon Dewey Jake. Kange on Niobrara Kiver. cast of Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. O.J Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Greek And Loup Notice to Land Owners To whom it may concern. The rrmmissioppr appointsd to locate a road ef-mmenciiiir' at the south end of th Hansen bri < lje and crossing section 19. tdwnihlp.TJ. range 27 and sections 2-4 , 25,2fi. 35and 35. township 33. ranuc 28 a lsn section 3 , township : 2. r .iiKe U8. has reported in favor of the establishment of said road and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's otlice on or before noon of the 3Ist day of Petvmber , lWt ! or such road will be established without reference ( hereto , J. W. DANIELS , 3Wt ! tomitj Cielk Dated this ICUi day of Oclober IflOl. td ircm tortDt. Iiqnne ; o E. G. BRISTOL. 35 tf New line of 2oc suspenders , the brst value you Lave seen , at Pettycrew's , 37-tf. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at El Breuklanders. : > o-tf * A - , WANTED : 100 Lead . 'of shotes at once tit C 75 per cwt M P. BKOSIUS 37-2C Talentine. Nebr Estrayed from my place about Sept. 25 , one gray Lorse , weight about 10CO pounds ; head and neck flee bitten specks , wire cut on left hind lejj be- .ow the knee ; branded JD H on left houlder , vent may be blotched J D Also one buckskin ponj' mare about 650 pounds , mane about G , branded TO on left flank. Reason able reward for information ! cadin to their recovery. T. J. N\ELSON , 38-tf , - Woodlake , lSTebr Just received a new line of children's scliool shoes at Pettycrew's. 33tf . Grand Masquerade Ball will Le given by the three jokers at Cornell Judl on Thursday evening , October 31. 1901. Prizes will be givrn lo the best mask also the , most comical. Everybody come. Masks must be raised at the " " door. . 38 , AVin Styles In Jpwnlery. A't-w n ival ofVat 'lies. A > r Patterns in Uliip < . A'eiv I jit of Ki.shinjcTacUlc. Xfii' rHuslc.-il Instninn'j.ts. A'fir vnivn of d injr b All at the old stand Good work. and prompt attention. Ifnn want i ; > od wi rk , nut yoir ' Kaine and Post Olnce siddtess on a ! Tatraud semi to me. r j I iriii hem ! f stiniuttM o'f work on re- , c * ijt ; of watch t ( trough mail . , { iu your \ \ atch. - Valentine , / Nebraska. Drs , CalcJweH & Hutcbinscn -Over Hornbys Grocery , | | J O. DW.YER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All Kinds of Surgical Operations Successfully Performed. VALENTINE NEBRASKA A. N. OOMPTOW PHYSICIAN . AND SURGEON Office At Quigley & Chapman's Drugstore. Nishts At The Donoher HotH. R1 ADTK'T & ff I E \L 9 nil I 10 I Hair cutting and shaving. . HOT AND GOLD BATHS , M. WALCJOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTI ACTBR Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and TI. S. J vno Office. Iteal Estale and Kauch Property boutrht and sold. Honded Alistrtct r \ M. MOKK1SSEY ATTOKNEY VT. LAW- VALENTINE. NKH You want a TUBULAR WtLL or an ECLIPSE WIND MILL , WELLS GUARANTEED. JOHN POBATH Or write him at Riege , Nebraska Henry Auguston , KBOWM > EE , - KJBBKA KA , D-ies General Blacksmithing harcj time prices for cask , ITT DELIVERS Call JOJLUf D. EATON To haul your HUNKS d PACKAGES , VALISES lOc MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk. . . . 85c per cwt $10.00 ton Shorts bulk 95c per cwt $18 00 ton Screenings ,40c " $7.00 " Chop Peed 1.10 " j2t.OO " Corn Hoc $1800 " .Chop corn , 1. OQ v $19.00 " Oats 1.40 . . " $2700" { > IPv TD Valentine Lod 'e No. c. S . ( jo _ LJL Alet-th every secoud and fourth Wednesday even- nsr of each month at < Ioruby\s Hall. A cordial uvitution is extended lo all vi.sitintr members. - O.V. . IMoKKY. I'rrsideur. M.-.UD V. MOKGARKiD GE.Sec'y 0. P. Jordan. S * SB * JIospbiid.SD Horses and cattle same a * cut ; C.I BISJ on right lii p. c on Oak and litate creeks. A liberal reward for information Icsidingtu dctci'tiuu of nibllcrs of atock bearing any of these brands. JMorey & Ilewett. LJordou , Nebr. Brand registered J292. .On left hip ; if cattle. U6rse3 same left should- > r ; also OAQ eft side. ilange riouth of taake .35 miles e of Gordon. J. B. Lord Neb ioctt branded in rlylit hip Ilnnge on tin- N'Jobnira D. M. Sf.irs. Kennedy , Nebr. as on tait.left .side Homuoti lot chip. JTors ? suno : on lelt &uouder. ! Iiange Square Lilco. Sluulbolt & F Hailey , Nebr Left sfde : S F left shoulder. lterdmarkiew lap.itangft itangft Uiiii e tweeii Niobrara Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded ot Mt side Range. Tin Can I ake and Morgan Flats WILLIAM FEKDON. Tostofflce address Brownleo , Xeb h Sfe ? * * ' i ; " ' > & ? ! S55h Like cut on 'Itlier &S $ & ' ! 3S0S . Mt s'rV ' or hlpals . ; ( . ESEsEW-s' T'rfiK'.vKiyi iii ! in r : : .i side , "ore same as cut ou letc hip. S250.OO RB- A 11 O tor cnn- convtction r anyone utlawlully handling cutl : In tli - e bnuula. , Willutni hmirran. ( Jorty , Nebr. Onleftsiclo. Horst's same. ' lake .IS. Dakota. I' S IllJUSCIIB PostofflfeaiMress J4 ? "Z ttW " :11U8 " Itift 1 IP.Also a/j * v . . v jfJ5 lias stock liratuifd H V.V1" a ou wl ? or shoulder. / vJor J C or U' r > rO 'A'l ' K 32SSaa jr o or FZ. Also Ihe-tollowftif. , tlit' f.rit one home ; on s'do atidhir 3 wJjta ) ! P F2 . r ' " * At j i sL P" * Er1 * ? > i & 2S1 & iyffl ; lt s 3 E. PL Vandegrift Brownlee. Neb. Same a on rut. Eanjre Berxvocn Goose CreeR and Norih Loup. Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on left side ; horses s > aine on teft shoulder Range Four miles northca-t ol Hrownlce. Gorsuch Bros. Xewtoru Cattlti branded as on cut cutSome Some eft side or hi ) . Ranee < * > Julius Jlecbman L _ Nebr Uange south ol Brownlee x Sawyer Bros. Postofllce addresi Jsp J sSRT-WS1 wiwss.-aeurasKa mmi iii ® Hoberr lii i > l iSC S'V3 ; 3 'iHVcrhai-i-oi { | ) ' ; > * W < " - ' " J on - 'biSa . , flC fft .Hhnillclcr ; some stock brands V n > r.hereoni. i , Snake C F COOPER Hrautt regH&-re 2f53 'atlle bmniled or , si 1tsjime acct brautied on l lilp. Also some cattle iith uud west of Hackberrv ind i.alcn. Alctzgcr Bros. , ( Jre ory Nt-1) Pi OherrjCo P.mndt'd o" > left iide and thigh. earmark , squar1' : rou nglii 9 r ' Hordes liave me brand ou eft Hugh. Jt-.nge o/i Ion and 'recks. ' reeks.Iseirartt Iseirartt of S.V5Ovi l lie paid to any I . crson for infiinuation Itiadiug to tin * arrest auil' \ nal conviction of auy person or persons steal. ul/ovebiaud D. B. STONEtt & SON' ' 'wt n , . Nebr Millie as cut' on Ml Mile or left lilp. . Horses same on Ift I shoulder. 'UitKc South of Gordon Creek' " Teeter ? Uros. Newton , .Nebr Tattle branded or left .H1 < J . ' Hatlle U ? cut. cut.Morses on left shoulder tcj ; liimion and Louis F. Rio.hurdf Merrfniau Nell Garner Brothers. Cody , Xebr. Anywhere on cat- tie. Hordes on * left shoiilderv Kan"eNorth Kit S\V'Ki NEUliOS. . Postofilct } address Pullman , Nob Cuttle branded us oii cut ; horses brande'i wnio as attle except reversed S , See block Range Stevw tnd Stephen son and South . reward will be paid to any person for in formation 1 - u'.i IK to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. C. Evensoo & ? e Coclv , Nebr. # * T- . On left side sid & m tlil li ; hoists the * i * * * & & a < * ; tinu on left aide. ZjSruaJi Jlanne Uelween i Mobrani and the cl .Snake. GEOKGE N DAVIS' Simeon , Nebr. . J > > > * jwSi' . Cattle branded &J& & on It-ft side. Horses samp on left Uanfe Gordon Creek. . , P. A. Cooper. Chesterfield , JSebr. Cuttle branded same as ut on leftside. Hordes same on lefl shoulder. i j\ Also on i A left side -1 DAWSON & BALL Postoffioe address Ciiesti-rlieK S Cattle branded ou lett yid as on cut ; dlso V Icltneukn'iidZ left hii > : some V ] eft neck. left shoulder and X loft hiojhorses VZ left hip. Kantte Snake lliver.31,32,33. J A S A TILTS CaUlcon l hip Horses on left bhonlder. Home stock yet bearinjj my tonner brand as shown below. Postofflce address Gregory , Net 'i On left aide or hip horses same on left shoulder Itange-Arkansas VaJejaid Snake JULIUS PETERSON 'ostofflce address Gregory.S'eb Branded as on Range two north ofGrejrory cirjl'i Cattle branded as - cut on left si e. s ? : * & branded & gH on lefl / & & & shoulder.SLZ * , IJane b. mile * south of Irwin. D. Stinard. "alenJine , Nebr. 'ate FSrand rej- Nlen-d 15.11. attle and horses randed stintts ut ju left nip. JJanfre-i miles cirjl fcl of Ft. Nio- . , . , c ' <