Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 31, 1901, Image 4

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Officitrl tfetrxptiper of CJicrnj
-riSl oow.v \ jear In advancSI n <
when not , iu < ! Ill advance. biii u copies 3 .
Display advertNliiir l Inch , I5c periasno ; Sl <
per colitinn by the iii''ntli.
Local XoMi-HH. i Mill i trie * and Lod e 1'esohit-
lous- per Hue eachsue , *
Brands.1J4 Inrhf * ? 4.00 per year In : ui
vane * * : additional - | ees. < rt per inch per j par
engraved blocks 'xtta , Sl.oo eaeli.
Parties living niitxlde Clierryrnunty not P'-I
sonaily known nnicque.sted 10 pay in
inperceut ad < 4ltt > iKil ro above rates if
6 nioatliB in arrears.
Noricen of loss of stock free to brand advet
Thnrxthiy , OrtoUer 31 ii > 01
It's H hwl dose to jxhout and yell f
Goold ami ihcn have to set back m
take.anotber fellow because of Goold.
L ad re/'onl. Hadn't \ve betler vote fo
the Jji'inocrat nomne"S for Kegeni
and w-"t the Republicans are stm
of whom tliey want.
We acKn nvledge receipt of Uu
Nexvspaper Jiluo Book for 1901-2 pub
lished by Theodore Weise , of ( Jhicago
whose reputation has reached the stagi
of the "Napoleon of the press clipping
business" and who is now the proprie
tor and manager of the United State
Press Clipping Bureau of Chicago
Mr. Wuise's Newspaper Blue Book u
said to contain a , select list of the bes
newspapers iu the United States a-
judged by clippings from each papei
during the year.
The plan of the bosses of the Ilennb
hcan party seems to be to get back int
otlice control of th state so that thf\
might bettor conceal the f cts coueein
ing the Uirtli ni tter. The party IIH-
gone wrong and in order to defray i-x and pay political debts , the
dumped the state treasury. Nown
the honest republicans who had n <
liand in * this matter , continue tonphol <
these bold .schemes and. thus become :
partv to them ? Will thecontinue i
vote Vr straight lu'cuu-e one of tht
schemers said'Come along , let's no
hack dawn noand leave our fellow ,
in the a > up" . Think it over. Uoi :
you know that some people are mo
th it ! ordinarily interested. It won't
any harm lo do a little thinking too
It is quite common to men , of , weal '
to predict that the young men growing
np will not amount to as much as th-
young men of their own time. Horn
are said to be too anxious to share t
the profits of their e n ploers bujsMif-
without having earned , a place in n
* * .
while other ; * are contented iu fttrujrir
along only half learning a business an
making only a me gre living , carint
only for what they can eat and
today and giving no thought to the fu
tnre. It costs one man 8200 a yean
live and if his income is3l)0 ) pere ;
he is making $100per year It is pei
haps a lamentable .fact that few >
these men realize that they would l >
doing twice as well if they could cut u
pom * of their expensive habits so tha
their living cost them $100 per 3'enr m
that they increase their earningi t
$100 per year instead. It is the know
ledge oi ones business or work and nut
nral'ability that decides a , man's earn
ing power and makes him worth hi ;
wages and more , that his employer can
afford to pay.
My fatnons contemporary-\\hoclaims
to have lived down twenty three demo
crats asks the question "Why does int
rusion press defend some defaulting re
publican officers whom the republican
party condemns ? ' ' . \Vhy.
bless 3ou , the republican press , all o-
ver the state commended the action of
Governor Savage in parolling Bartle\
until the Fusion p'ref-s made it so warm
that when the republicans held theii
convention , they said it wouldn > * t do.
IWiIev must go back to the pe It
vras not the republican press tnat taught ,
them it wouldn't do. It was the Fusi
on press that taught them it wouldn't
< lo. And when the World Herald dis
covered that one of their candidates
had some of the stolen monev for
which Hartley was serving time. WHO
taught them it wouldn't do to let Goold
stay in the tir-KetV Wasit the liopub-
liean party ? ? NO ! Jt was the Fus
ion press. They feared the righteous
indignation of the people republicans
and all , and when they were c night
thev would carefully very carefully
prep 'i'e u statement to the people , but
their candidate must withdraw. When
people tell the truth or do not seek to
conceal something , do they need to
"prepare n careful stu'enfeut" ? Vot
ers , I lo-iv < it with 3-011.
In these days a great deal is being
gaid about suppressing the press or op-
fice sjittth which would alfc'd
Some Coffees
are Glazed
with a cjieap coating.
If glazing helps coffee
why aren't the high-
priced Mochas and Javas
Hazed also ?
is not glazed. It is per
fectly pure and has a
"ollcious flavor.
Tho setlert package Itunrci uni
form quality Bad freshness.
& &
will war on complexions for
several months no'v. To many
the fall and winter months are
nicnthsof constant discomfort
thiouifh chapping and rou hen-
iiit > of thekin. . You can defy
the wind by
It wi'l be a daily source of de- *
li lh'ful-conilort. Daintilv per-
fun ed. q nek to relieve perfect- ®
Iv harml-ss Use it when tht , ,
skin is r ) Ujih , reddened or jn-
flamed from any cause. No ®
yre Tse or stickiness ; nothinjj but 0
Price 25 cents
Quigley d Chapman ,
Druggists , '
Valentine , Neb.
mean a curt tiling of the liberties en
joyed and appreciated by tlie Amen-
, can people. Tho Alien and Sedition
laws of Adam's time wero not popular
nor will thev be now. Few of our peo
ple wish to drop back to the early 11 j
theories that implicit faiih in our ll.ilers
is necessary to goo'd government
While it might be best for anarchists
to be dealt with in that manner it
would be a galling yoke breeding in se
cret a disorder that would in lime over
throw the government. It is not out
-tpoken enemies that are so much feared
as those who squelch all language and
n secret , plan to destroy their enemies.
If there is a grievance real or iinngin
iry in the minds of the peoplo it will
' at/Hated by galling chains or boun.i
ry lines to free thought and wepres *
njui A kettle of water over a fire will
lo no damage with a free escape of th -
-team and it is a guide post to public
entiment which is better heeded at the
nst approach in the best interests of a
i-ee. liberty loving people , thin kept
own by intimidation. Lawlessness
no" dixmier is notcommon to imij > ri
e > in tiovernment atfaiis and minor
IH > t'bnsisting of lai je , number * , slioul-i
.ive .some fepre.sentatiou an'd coiisi lei-
ition but lawlessness and disord-
must be put down by suitable punish
uient for crimes. ,
Goold. for Regent on 'he Republics
ticket , was compelled to with draw by
the Eteinyl Chairman , Lindsay , who
imagines the "Republican party must
change horses in the middle of the
stream. Is the man that the 'State
Committee placed upon the ticket any
better ? They sent Bartly back to
the pen and nominated the man who
helped him to steal the money WHY
did they do this ?
WHY did they send Hartley back to
the pen ? Because he was exposed ?
Ami thewanted to do something for
effect ? To pretend honest * to our hon
est voters ? If not then WHY did thev
nominate another rascal ? because he
was not yet exposed ?
Can we have anv confidence in n par
ty controlled bj such men as these ?
One man in the pen serving a twen
tv } ears sentence. The Governer pn-
roled him only to be returned by con
demnation vote of the party. Hartley
squeals on them and says one of the'
nominees has pare of the money
for which he is doing a twenty yea
sentence. They say the deal was al
right but they haven't time to explain it
so the people will understand it. and
that was why they thought it was better
for H. L Goold to withdraw from the
republican ticket. But Goold was
honest Uiey say , too bad the World
Herald springs this story and canseJ
them so much worry and trouble. I > nt
look here voters , what do you think of
the story of Hartley's Mine in Idaho
Springs , ColoradoV Don't you think it
is a scheme to distract the mindsof the
people from the true location of the Bar-
tley funds'The - Nebraska Independent
sails it a Cook und. nil story. Now
3on'tyou tliink tint some republic ins
liave taken an active.part in ( Mending
Hartley nnd the whole matter } } Don't
things l"ok a little suspicious ? Onlv
sne tlionsanOh ar i 'from. There's 749
Jeilcnvg tft hfciir from jf tiiy-
got fi thousand n piece. Don't you re'
call now that Hartley said when he got
out of that , he hadn't raised the white
fl.ig yet. That mu t have been consol
ing to many of his former friends.
Now There's a dirtplot liid.len in
tho archives of the Republican pirty ;
and Hartlnv knows all about it. WhV
" * f
not put him in the pen. the same as any [
other thief and ke p him there. He is
guilty of stealing th money or withhold
nil ; the. information that 'Aill convict
| the guilty parties A nrin that , will if i
.conceal the information nece > sary to f I
convict TiJ.OOO j itr LIMVJ ! < i ; i
criminal Uuit many tinier us rrre.u MS any
one of them. A twenty years sentence j
is much too short for his crime.
Wt have talked toou through the
columns of the PK.MOCUAT during the
past few weeks , of our candidates" .
Thev sire worthy of all th.-jt Ins been
said and do ie for them. In th j'
place Alex Uurr is a man who become
your friend whenou nrike his ac
q'luintance and that fr5end > hip inc.reas"
es as you lea in more of Jinn. He is
popular because ot his honest } ' " and
fair dealing and is worthv of our most
hearty support.
J F Yonng will make tho most
popular county treasurer and will be a
useful man .n our town as will Mr.
Judge Towne will be the unanimous
choice for county judge.
Mr. Kief the fusion candidate foi
pounty sheriff , is a popular candidate
because of his fitness for the position.
He is a successful business man , an
honest old timer having lived on his
ranch near Arabia for twelve years
courteous and obliging and one who
pays attention strictly to his' business ,
he is well qualified anil worthv , neither
fear nor partiality will urevent him
'from performing his duty
The fusioni.sts are to be. congratulated
for their excellent , choice for county
superintendent. Mi.s.s Morgareidjre is
not only well educated and expereienc-
ed. but is also very energetic. She will
give new life and create new interest
in educational matters throughout the
whole county. In presenting Miss
Morgareidg"s > qualifications we do not
-ay anything against her opponent ,
who has been conntv superintendent
for two terms. In all candor that ,
seem-i long enough , especially when the
new candidate is fullv as competent in
n-erv respect. It , is neither eus-u/marv
nor irnnd policy to l > oM the sim ' ' tli < M
three terms in "Succession.
J.e * . Estubrook and lr f'oinpton
are too well known and popu'ar ' to be
turned down.
W. Butler and < 'npt Laiifervom
didtnes for county commissioner of the
3rd district an1 both runningveil -m-l
too bad we can't have th "n both
Some feel th it Mr IJ'itW * \ \ < - > i\ \ I ! > . '
given the preference. t ,
Before the paper agaH rraehes y
election will behald anl : our counti
ollicers will be electe ; ! for another two
years. Our voters should # et , out and
vote earlv in the day and pncourA re
your neighbors'to do so Get every
vote in t and elect/the men of \ our choice
Uc careful in marking your ballot so
t at your vote will count asoi : intend
it should. "Do not vote in a hurry. "
Take time and vote right L'.iv no
attention to last day circulars.
On the 7th daof Jieptember last
there appeared inthe evening edition
of the Washington ( D n. ) Siar i copy
righted article purporting to give a
scientific explanation of the cause of
the hot wave which did so much dam-
ge to crops during the season just end
ed It is well known that the fanners
throughout the greater p.irt of the
country west of the Mississippi river
are obliged to depend aJmust whoJy
upon irrigation for the water necessary
o successful crop raising. This is , of
course , owing to the marked scarcity in
the minfall either during the entire
year or , as iu Nebraska , during that
portion of the year when it is most
needed. It is to irrigation that the
author of the above mentioned article
assigns the cause of hot waves. With
out quoting bis article entire , i will be
sufficient , to say that he reasons some
-wlmtas follows : the areas of low bar
ouietric pressure , which traverse"the
country fro n west te east , depend for
iieir motive power almost wholly
the moisture indrawn from tho atmos
mere overly in. ; the co mtrv over which
they p.iss. In passing over the and re-
; ton , where th yimount of moisture in
he air is relatively small , tho irrigated
corals famish siitnci ut in nsttue to
vartn an area oflow , pressure. " but rot \ t |
enough to give it motion Heicje , it > - ' g
remains stationary for a variable pertl
iod-J sort of stationarv atmospheric n
whirlpool nto which th warm air of H ;
the surrounding cyuntrx ( lows becom
ing warmed by compression. This ! w
state of thinglasts ; until the area 'of * p
low atmosphere dissipates or drifts off { )
breaking up as it goes Unfortunately \ } (
ftxr fchebuccess of tiiis tiiuor hotwtrvrs' / ' tt <
are not confined to the arid west The *
o'-cur where moisture is plentiful und
where it is scarce. Ic is needless to bay
thftt shou'.d such a theory gain current' }
to the extent ; of mil ienciui ; congresi to
cut oil th" UiUdl uppropations for ir
riguung , incalculable harm
would LHJ done to- thearming intere.sUv
o ! the arid west Tun chief of the Unit
ed t teWeather Uurc.-iu has. there
fore , directed Weather Liureau ( liicial
in all'iiarts of the country to inform
ihe public , tniotigh the JIM--.S "tliut. he
entire sirh-htifiu stall'ot theeather
Uureau condoms the fheo'o sut forth , its
being absurd "
The diuari Ledger , published by
JIi&j. Jiosa iludsiietii who hah hboivu"
considerable geuiuutUb a unterand is a
coiniuou senhe woman , voices the sen
timent of people u bo would iirek-r to
bask in the smiles of love and tieniality
forgiving in spirit ami ol uenenms dis *
i , than tnrougli fancied und pic-
turetl tmaginations , give way to jeal
ou.Vy in adnimihtering rebuke. U'e
' "quote from her pen the following : ;
Tlie puets to the contrary. L uottld
raiher ve u woiiiaiivho had err d be
c iuae of a lieari too lull of anVciioii
than io be a CIO s grained , peel ed-nos
ed , feiH'ii eyed , tutu-lipped , cold-heart
e.l lemaietio is forever sucking her
torktid tongue into tne reput.itiuii of
innocent women.
0 > e. Church , our barber went up to
Merrinirin Sunday.
Alex Burr , candidate for county
clerK , waa in Vnleutiue Wednesday.
Cz > ! golaZ was electrocuted Tuesday
morning at 7:12 : at Auburn prison X.
Masqueradeeosiu mes and masks for
rent Miss Ildttie Maier , next door to
Win. Maier returned from Omaha
Sunday ni ht wherehe hid been on
Dave Ale. XichoK of 0" NeiU' , a bro
ther ot Ais. . W.E. Ilaluy came up Mon
day and went to his cUtm in German
\lt-s \ E McDonald had a new com
position nuf pat , on her brick .store
thisweek byVm. . Maier the court
house contractor.
.vlrs. Gus Carlson returned Satur-
day nigJit from Bradford , Pennsyl
vania , wheres she has oeen viitiu
her relatives for the past three
Il was rep < itcu'that then * will be 181) )
men mmiriJ at Hort Niobaru tor target
practicedine time next week , ihe
Uiejiitintions ale being mad" for their
ai r.\al.
J L. Ijntton. a brot.ier in ia.v of d.
Moon , who owned a piuje of Jaiul on
tin * north table an < l lived in Miirsha- !
to.xn. lo va. ilieil' iioiih'uii Oitofer
.Joh iV i TJ
Ui llu uJ 3iuirouvviv tii.tarted ; .t
lumic i > ! ii - tuuif"- . par.cnIM ii > t
jug at 8 ox-iouk Furijier-p.ui
next week'
David N. Gourley , a prominent ,
stockman of Ilushvile , came down j
Tuesday on business and no doubt no-
ticed some change in our citsince
iiis last visit.
Married : In tins city at the residence
of.Judge Waldott on October 30 , 19)1 ) !
by the Rev J. A. AluL-'aii. J , hiV : |
VanUuren to Mt Lilliaii MilUbaw both
jl Kiigoie. Nebraska.
A hobo > tole Fred Uumbow's watch
Monday exening aud was caught while
Lrjing to board a train. Be started to
run when Sheriff Lay port attempted to
irrest him aud the sheriff took a shot at
lim.v'hile running the fellow drop
ped the watch or threw it down in sand
> ii purpose but iu turning a corner came
ipou Dr. ivoodrich who held him u tj.
\.lineof § du will keep him busv for
L while "V
Len Hivens his finished work in the
reasurerVolBeo and takes Joha M-ith-
'ison's place at Davenport & Thacher's.
iir Uiveiis worked theie four years
n *
igo and quit to start the Valentine
jtteain laundry with Mr. Zelian
.I-iay of his friends will r jotcd to
; n w that he l aagain resumed work
or the oldrm and we congratulate
) oth Mr I5iven * md the fi m believing
that ih j wili be mutually beneficial
j each other. ' -
Jqlin Mathieson" the popular yonng
lerk who has woiked th past threo
ears for Davenport & Thncher resigned
atur.lay night to accept a position as i
lauagT of a btore at Glen Rock Wyoin- '
ig for Mr. Hiijijins John has made muv ;
y friends here and will be missed among
ie boys and especially in jthe danciug
iub as he was considered- be one o.f
ie be3t. The Valentine Democrat will
; > to him once a week rs a reminder uf
ie town where he spent happy days
id tell him of the best , people in the
ate . . i"
IJasmus AmJer.-on , our popular'hard- .
arn ti'ce-i _ | ? i a n-i tiier ,
rank Fischer , who is Mo well known .n
u on p-i ' [ jle. to nee.l an intro luctioa
MV Air. Kis her luiMtian * friendsasid a (
who iH fctHiit > ttu hoiiw
Renovate , Renovate , * Renovate
White Leadj Oil Turpentine Putty ,
Paint Whitewash , and KalsomxneBrushes
Apr iTQ QD The Cclrbrated Lincoln Ready Mixed Paints ,
mC .HUi iO iUu Varnishes and Stouns There is none other so Good
We Keep in Stock at ail times a lar e assortment of Wall paper in
pr ces raispjiiitj from lOcts to oOi'ts for a double roll.
J And it is as cold as Greenland's Icy Mountains.
'is , ' n I inTT'
- Llllui i
v : - .
i oP Mepefiaftfcs.Ranetyriert and individuals Invited
Money to Jjoan orTPipsfc-elass Cattle Paper
and Other Secupittes.
r L ' ' *
. Valentine State Bank ;
L ( Successors to Cherry roinitj' Dank. ) > ? v
Capital l siltl Up S.3 ,
FUD "WK1TTEHOT7E , President J. W. STETTEK , Vice President
0 P %
Eclipse Windmills , Builders' Materials , \ , ;
Fair bank's Steel Windmills. J *
Buggies , Moline Wagons , Lumber ,
Hates Reasonable Give Me a Trial
A. Scliatztliauer , Propr.
Tlie place to get the best windmill
also pumps and tanks.
I-'iist door south of ihe JJouh < .r House.
of a store lies not in the vest
amount of advertising-
Miav do but in the accuracy
with which it fulfills its adver
tised promises. And ju t so
the secret
Of True Ecoiicmy
lies in dealingwith a house in
whose.word you can place iib-
aolute confidence the house
that has no string tied to Its
offerings. Test even * store
Tirilh this rule. We wii-j
lingto standor fall upo : : thi-
merits and the low jinci's ,
Trhich indicate the g <
character of our steel : .
You can trade with us through our Llail Order Eepartuient wIJl ;
perfect satisfaction. If you havii't a Catalogsend for one.
? st conscientious man like thev know
Mr. Fischer to be and will bo glad to
make such purchases Of thefrm of
Anderson & Fischer as th y may need
in t'ie hard ware line consisting of stoves
wind-mills , pumps , pipes and all kinds
tf shelf h-ir.1 ware , tinware , guns am
munition.iron beds and mattresses
Call and visit the new firm when you
fire in town and inspect their increased
stock and everything new.
Ed Richards w'as trading at Kennedy
ilonday. .
( /has. Carter was a Kennedy visitor
; i t Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Dunham were Kennedy ;
isitors last Sunday. "
J N. Stea.lman put dovn h-well for !
QPpjiu last ? aturdav. j
J. II. Bache"or is buying all the "nay
e can get at good prices
A. .5. Wallingford" -Kennedy
iller the first of the week.
S. S. Heekley is down on Sn ke river
ettin out wood , this
, -
A'/B" AJeAlPvv was swappinir yarns
i Kenned the fir-tof the week.
Uncle "xlex Ay r.s went to Vii
' * er u loud of lumbe'r thij G'r r ( jf the
Oyle-Jones was at Oasis getting some
black-smith work done , the flrst of tho
Lost ; A Double brown wool shawl
last Friday between town and D.S.
Bristol's. Finder please retum to Mrs.
Bristol or at tin's office. 40 tf
Uiotiw-of i > i solution
Notice is hereby given that we
have this dny dissolved the partner
ship hereto/ore
existing between us
asBurlei ih& Bull is , VV. T. Bullfd
continuing in the buslnsss andJ. . W.
Burleijrh retiringAll accounts due
the firm are due and payable to W.
T. Bulliri who assumes all indebted
ness of the firm.
Signed i j. w. BURLEIGH.
1 W. T. liULLis. -
Xntire. to jNon Kesident Defendants.
'rt"C -in on. first name unknown am ] AVinl
JSli'.S'e1 ' . r ! fcttlle- " " " rt"Itt"t * * * * * * " .
Hint t u h-rd dav > f Sf-pr mfoer. 1IH)1 Ftllx
o ! ir. | iinMT ! ! , her : n. filed his petition 'in the
oi-lncl rijiirt of i Jierrv cunntv , Nebniisfcn
: i .iiii-j you { HipHuli'il ith others. The object
"ni pnijerot u-Jui-hrfre to foreclose a certain
tmc lien i r iLe pi > n eiitof ciHiini'i 'iitt..xes for * *
uif yarb lht . ifc 5. ISO ; . is < i7. isi > i , and lS9i ) , ui > . : iiii n * ± Mv4 ! section } toi\n-
Miip 3. ranjrf s. Cherry ounty. JTebntska.or
tttxes : > etl : md levied tuereon for said years
r r satiioiwty or-whiol | iiiri > nfe.s. for ulueii
- : > ! lamls wen- > olil t tbis pi ilntiji f r ihe sum
rjf 573 . To hartan .ttvouotin rof rhe aiimiuit
due tlieieoQ t etlier with interest mi .573 g-
thereof Ht lo iicrccui. fraying tii.i t said laud
bsold to snsC .said am inn&au.l that defrud-
r.nt.s ut * ji.rrHosMt of allouitof redt-mption.
! > efor& Moml iy tl < t ! Uh 1 y oV Hit einlii'r IfioT
cjl U.oIer Mi. ifOI . Fcliv . > ofctt. I'laiui
" -
r. ii.