n 'HE VALENTINE JL DEMOCRAT THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF .OHERBY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVI VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , OCTOBER 81.1901. NUMBER 41 ft * ? The Advent of / IA 1 Many New Goods ! 6 * ; < - Will oe celebrated for the next thir- . < 9 ty days with advance display. The dress goods stock is the nearest & completion. , - j * You will find all the new waist fab rics , the new waist flannels , the dainty flannelettes. | j A very complete assortment of black and colored silks and satins , a nice line of tapestry , lace and other cur { J tains , Carpets and upholstering goods. j Special sale on men's all wool cloth * ing to close out to make room for. oth er stock. ' THE RED CLOSING OUT SALE. See OurCut Price Shoe Counter. Clothing , Boots and Shoes , G-ents Furnish ings , Ladies' Skirts Capes and Jackets. Tailoring in All Branches. D. STINARD , Clothier I' . IS. Ijl , . President. 31. V. NICHOLSON , C < & liiei' KOF VALENTNE. 5 * : Valentine , Nebraska. - A Itniikiiig Tra unnoted BSu.v and Seils f onte tic and Foreign " 1 , jhemital National Bank. New York. C'orrewpondem : First National Bank , Omaha Neb HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska 4 4 ? ? PAINTING PAPER HANGING | < ? CALCIMINING. 4 ? . $ | j R S. DENNIS , W Valentine Nebraska x Al work well done 2 * _ X &fr 0 T'Cf'C Cf'Cf'Cf'Cf'Of'CfCyCfyCfOfC Cf'CfCfCfCft arwwvwipvwwwvvwv T. YEARNSHAW I SALOON JAMES BHULL . v Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , , And FRED KRUG'S BEER hoicestWine and Cigars. VALENTINE X NEBRASKA GET AT THIS PRINTING Wl YOUR OFFICE * * W ? Can Satisfy Yo i in Qualitv Price and Vwkoan tup TALK OF THE TOWN * * Henry Sanner of Britt was on our streets ! a t Saturday. * MaxE VMeite ! the Crookston , mer chant was doing businessiouour citv Mondav. F. H Baurngart ! of Crookstoncame down to our city last Friday-on business matters. D. A. Melton was a pleasant caller' last week and made his record good I in advance with the Democrat office. James Kay had a large crowd at his sale and knows how to appreciate liberal advertising.It pays to adver tise. Geo. Weisflog and familv , drove in Vrnday to have Dr. Corapton dress Hisarm , and do some trading with our nicrchancs. Wm. Ballard was hauling lumber from our townthe latter part of last week and the first of this for improv ements on his ranch * Some people think because their name does not appear in the paj er that there is nothing worth reading. See our advertising rates. W. S Marr , travelling salesman for the .National Bbcuit Company , spent Sunday in our City. Mr. Marr isone of the best known of our traveling salesman along this line. * J. F. Young , candidate for County Treasurer spent a couple of days in town , last week. Mr. Young is a pleasant man to meet and one enjoys a conversation with him. Capt. Laufer of Irw in precint brought down Dora Thayer from south of Irwin Monday of this week to be examined as to her story the girl's mind has been affected for some time. Chas. Busic and Sherman Strong * * from down on Goose Creek were in * town on business last Monday. They formerly were up near the Enlow Ranch nnd Mr. Busic was employed as foreman for Richards and Coujjtockv E. W. flarney formerly of Valentine and lately of Butte City , Montana , is , now missing. Some of our readers no doubt remember that he was elected judge up in Butte and last August ren dered a decision in favor of a mining company in which he was accused of accepting a bribe. M. P. Brosius brought a fine lat of steers 2 and 3 year old last week from Quigley & Anderson There were about 2 car loads of tham and Mr.Bro sius will feed them corn iid will pro bably ship out the first 2 cars of com ted steers from tiiis place. Mr. Brosi us has plenty ot corn. J. W. Smyser fell from the barn loft of his livery stable last Friday eve ning and lit on his back nearly , crusix * ingnim for aa nour ha lay in the stable before he was able to be remov ed when he began to recover from the concussion and severe shock. Dr. Compton was called and the next diy John was walking around , lame. Geoge Weisflog the young farmer and stockman of German precinct who bad his arm amputated some time ago on account of an accidental dis charge of his shotgun which he was carrying with him while raking hay , is now at home and doing well. Mr. Weisflog was In bed only a few days and nine days after his arm was am putated , he was out on the street , He speaks praises for the attending phy sicians. James Pickrem , the foreman for Mr. Maier the contractor , has been here among us several months 'aitd peside being a good worniuan has shown him sell to be a wortly man and agen tleman. Mr. Pickrem has hap com. plete charge of the carpenter work of our Court House and has done credit to himself and his employer. Mr. Pickrem will retnrn to O.naha 'this week where his family lives. The good will and wishes of our Valentine people who have made his acquaintance will go with nirn. This week the Cherry County Court house is completed and ready for acc eptance by the commissonerd Wm * > laier , the contractor has done his part well and will be an appreciated I j i citizen among , us as he has rented the building between the Owl Saloon and I Stinard's clothing store and has it fit ted up for an elf and a part of the building will be us'ed by his daughters for a coufetionerv store. Mr. Maier moved his family J up from Omaha last spring aud has been making Valentine nis home. ' Our people will be glad to have him remain with us and we believe that thi s is a food opening for a man of his ability. He will b"e needed and [ should find plenty of worK in his line tfp1 awl < 4owq th/e li'fK fruw thie to wo. { Educational Department , , BY LETA STETTER. ffr T-.WFSP3Vr , ot in the clamor of tli ciuwded street ; Not in the shouts and plaudits of the ttrong But in ourselves are triumph and defeat. Longfellow ' Miss Ayers was among the absentees , last week. Miss Flowers was absent the greater part of the week. Miss Maude Jeffers visited the II , S. lost Monday afternoon. . /Miss Segar of the Oth grade was ab sent the greater part of the week. Miss Emma Carlsou of the class of 1001 , visited among old schoolmates Thursday afternoon. ' Tears , tears , idle tears' ' , Alia doesn't know what they mean aud Ceasar neg lected to explain it. The Oth grade is engaged in dissect ing eyes , while the llth grade is occu pied in bibucting angles. Mr. Quigley revels in the fact tliat if the President of nis literary society is assassinated he will decome Pieaideut. Miss Hess , ( in physiology ) What is essential for one to taste ? Freshman , ( triumphantly ) Something to taste of. The llth grade have been emanci pated from the thraldom of tieouietry note books ; all aluuiuae will understand what that means. , Miss Anna Ladley who was deterred from entering school the lirst of the year by the illuess of her aunt , expects to be with us during Ihe last teuiester. Iiarry Tucker visisted the II. 8. Tues day afternoon. In its outhusiaui over certain acheiv- tneuts of the class of * 02 this column last week spoke of "solving" a theorem. But even the class o * 0J hasn't achiev ed anything beyond the demonstration of u theorem that is at the present writing. The literary socities of II. S. last fuesday elected their officers uiid com- uiitties and me "Nou-Pareib" have al ready proceeded to busmess. Tne -Xoii-Pareils" will the first - give , pro gram on November 20 in Cornell hall aud the program it will be u noii-pa- reil too of course. Tne Gordon Journal his started an enterprising school column fro.u rhich we take the liberty of n'tutiu the fol ioviug ; Wittch this column to see whether your boy or girl has been absent or tar dy during the preceeilmg week. ' Which item uo doubt will increase the attendance in the Gordon schools. Services at tne Episcopal church Sunday November 3 : Sunday school at 10 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon at 11 a. m. Eeening prayer and sermon at 7oO : p. m. , F. P , .Hills of the firm of Mills Bros , pi Gordon was doing business in our city last Saturday. Mills Bros , are doing a large mercantile ousineea in Gordon and formerly owned the store on the south side of the track at Mer- rimii ) now owned bvMr. Davis. Mill Bros , are also owners of a fine ranch property which they dedignate as the Star Ranch and also have their wrap ping paper for the store marked with a large star. These brothers are workers and are succeeding in busi ness. The men they Keep in their employ have been with them for years * and they also are doing well. They have a nice class of trade and their customers are doing well. We cannot but wish them all an increaed business and success. Teacher' Meeting To be held at the high school build ing , November 10,1UJ1 : Expression in reading , Miss Isabelle Williams Discussion , Miss Downing Kindergarten work in rural schools , Miss Winnie Crowe D iscussion , Miss Tacy Collett Myths'for the primary , Miss Muchmore" Discussion , Mrs. Nellie Urislol Chapters IV , V and VI , Hinsdale's Art of Study , Prof. Watson Chapters I and II , Bailey's Princi- 'ples of Agriculture , , Supt. Etta Brown- 49 WE BENEFIT OURSELVES MOST ! 49 WHEN WE SERVE YOU BEST I 49 it- 49 OUR LOW PRICES ARE OUR BEST ARGUMENT 49 49 49 49 Dry Goods , Clothing 49 49 Boots and Shoes 49 49 49 49 G-roceriesIand .a Full 49 49 General Line at 49 49 Lowest Prices. 49 49 49 49 .49 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 49 General Merchan ts. 49 49 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CKOOKSTOX XEBHASKA , Gil IZEN8-MEAT-MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meat ? , Smoked Breakfast Bacon THE DONOHER _ _ _ V. Ts the Boat Equipped , moat Comfortable , Largest and Beat Two-Dollars aDay FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL. 4 In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms YA.LEHTIHE - HEBRASKA U. G McBRIDE aB CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER | CARPENTER IN GENERAL fc | VALENTINE NEBRASKA Cherry County . St one Co Contractors and Builders in General. Composition aud gravel roofs , slate root's. Brick and cement sidewalks. Native lime and imported ornamental cut stone. Brick for sale. VALENTINE , \ .